I love you, I loved you, and then I lost you. Everywhere I go, your face seems to follow and gradually I become insane because I don't know what to do anymore. I can't stop thinking about you, and the thought of leaving you forever breaks my hurt.
Everytime I see your face, it reminds me what god gave me as a sign, and what I had took for granted. I never meant to hurt you. . . Or myself, but we all seem to move on, and we have to move on.
The world seems to take everything away from me so slowly that I don't realize it. . . Or is everything just going away as the thing of life? My choices, and my ways.
I wonder, and I wish you were by me again. By me, and known as my boyfriend, my love instead of my friend that I could never stay mad at. I wait patiently, and do everything good. I try to be good, to be on my best behavior, but everything still seems to go wrong.
Everytime I think about these days, these days after we're no longer together, it seems to remind me of horrible, and terrible days such as The Great Depression. I know its strange, very strange indeed.
But, I want you, I have to have you, I need you, forever and ever always. No matter what happens, another stupid arguement, another girl coming inside your life, or another guy coming inside my life, the love that i'd always had for you, will be inside my heart, forever and ever on.
I love you, I loved you. . . And then I lost you. . . Silly me, why must I always do this, and still love you?
kim jong iIIest
Omg, i'm like. . . Half-awake, half-sleep. . . Enojy. . . Zzz. {This story is for someone and they know who they are}
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