Chapter 1
Chloe looked at me. I could see the tears forming. "Chloe, it is okay." I said gently. Why would you say that! She shouted at me. I looked at her. She had never yelled. She had never been so mad and sad.We were leaving to go to New York City and live with our mom. Our dad was leaving. A year ago some vampires had come to our home looking for us. It wasn't any fun.
They were screaming for us. Dad had hid us and the vampires were destroying the house looking for us. By the time I came out the house was in ruins. That was when my dad decided that we needed our mom. He wanted to protect us and that means leaving him.
Now, we are sitting on the porch staring out into the open. We were packed and ready to leave. My dad was heading to Paris. I had begged him to let me and Chloe go, but he said that we could be found easier together. Chloe was still crying. Our dad walked out the door. He looked at me and Chloe and let a tear fall. "Time to go. "
I didn't want to think that this could be our last time together for a very long time. We climbed in the car. Chloe looked at me. "I am sorry." she said. Then broke into fresh tears. I couldn't cry. If I did she would cry more. We were going to the airport and would soon be seperated for who knows how long. My dad looked at us. He was crying. He tried to hide it, but i knew. Sometimes I feel like Chloe got all the emotion.
The airport air was cold and I felt like it stung my face. Our plane was leaving soon, and as we bought the ticket Chloe stopped crying. She looked at me and dad. Five minutes.
Once we held the tickets we began walking otwards the plane. Our dad hugged us. Kids, I will see you I promise. "I love you" we all said in perfect sync. Then, he burst into tears. Then. chloe and I fought the tears. We let go and boarded the plane. "Love you!" We screamed as we took a step closer to our new home.
Forever Us
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