ღ This story is about three young women, who went out camping one night and returned, but they were different. Much different. So different, that they are practically dead. They are casting spells, cursing, controlling people, and even possessing them. They think it is all fun and games, until one night. This is my story, and it begins like this….
On one fairly cold night, three girls decided to go camping. These three girls are LJ, LH, and CJ. These girls had just left the house, when a phone rang. The phone was in the gutter, in front of their house. So LH, being the curious one, went to answer it. When she did, a deep male’s voice said “I am in the campground waiting for you and your two sisters. When are you coming? I am getting hungry.” Little did they know it wasn’t a prank there really was a serial killer out there, but he didn’t want to kill them. He wanted to turn them into his minions. So LH hung up in a hurry, she went back over to her sisters, with the phone still in her hand. LJ asked “Who was it? “ LH answered “I don’t know, but he knows us. How, I really don’t know, and I don’t want to know.” “So are we still going to go camping?” CJ asked, impatiently! “Why not, who knows. It could be dad!” LJ Exclaimed. Just then LJ’s cell phone rang. It was the police officer. They said “There is a killer on the loose, and he is looking for you. LJ quickly put the phone on speaker. “How does he know us? Why does he want us? Who is he?” The girls asked. The officer just said “I don’t know, but...” Dead silence. Then a voice came on the phone, it was the man from earlier, he said “I would watch your back, if I were you. I am closer than you may think. I am at the police department.” “Who are you?” The girls asked frantically. He said “Let’s just say that I am your nightmare come to life. Meet me at the park at 11:00PM, or else.” -Click- The man hung up. The girls screamed and heard laughter in the shadows. They stopped and looked. They walked over to the shadows. There was a man, it was their brother. They sighed in relief. LJ told him the whole story. He said “Well, I can’t say you’re lying, because the one that is trying to kill you is a friend of mine. So…. Sorry to tell you this…. but, I am working with him.” The girls stare and then CJ asks “How could you? You cared for us. You lied to us. To the officers, to... Just stay away from us.” The girls took off running, just then they spotted another young girl. They run toward her. They screamed “Run, Run now! There is a killer loose. He will kill you just as well as he is trying to kill us.” The young girl just stared, stared deep at them. Then she said “Follow me, you will be safe.” So LJ, LH, and CJ followed her into the park. By the time they got to the park it was 10:59 PM, one minute until 11:00 pm. That was the time they were supposed to be at the park. Then they saw a man standing there. Only a few feet from the girls. LH finally asked “Are you the serial killer, looking for us?” With a shiver going down the three girls spine, they quickly turned to were the Goth girl was, but she was no where to be found. That meant that he got her to. “Now it’s your turn.” With out the girls knowing it, he had cursed them. On that same curse, the found out that he was a vamp. After cursing them, He bit them. “Now you are my minions, hope you have fun.” He said.
“Hey, Last night was freaky, wasn’t it?” Asked CJ “Yea, That guy called again last night, and He told me his name, but he told me that we need to meet him tonight at the skating rink at 10:30. And if we don’t show he will kill us” They gulped. In third hour they were called to the office. Over the intercom they said “CJ, LH, and LJ to the office. Some one is here to pick you up for the day.” The girls got a hall pass and left the classroom. Once in the hall, the asked each other “I wonder why we are leaving. Who could be picking us up?” They got to the office and saw who it was. It was the man from the night before. They walked in the office; the secretary said “Where are you three girls going?” They did not answer, they just left.
“Here it is 10:35 and he is still not here, where is he?” Asked LJ Around the corner they heard two voices. It was the man and our brother. They were talking about a ritual or something like that. They mainly talked about turning us into witches, and getting in to witchcraft. Why? They had no idea. The girls called out into the shadows “Who is there?” No one replied, then they heard three voices, all of them were guys. They were grabbed from behind, and gagged. They tried to scream, but nothing came out of our mouths. They had captured They. They took us back to a motel and untied us and commanded us to kill. They refused, so they were threatened by knives, and guns. The girls tried to run, but they were capture again. After the three guts fell asleep, the girls ran for their lives. Little did they know that they were being tracked. The three men awoke from their sleep and followed the girls back to there home. There the girls were changed into the living dead, again. Now the girls are on there rampage to find the three guys. They are not far away from were they hide. After they find them, they will torture them. Just as how they did to the girls. Maybe even curse them to an eternity of pain. Now there is a new death looking for the girls, only this time, it is the gothic girl who is trying to kill them.
To be continued..
Heed this warning.
Lock your children up at night. Hide them in the basement. Don't let them out or your sight unless you want to find their cold and lifeless corpses on the sidewalk infront of your door.
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