The spring flowers seemed to be in bloom everywhere that one could possibly look; their beauty and fragrance breathed in the very air that he breathed. It was almost as though he was once more in Heaven, in her garden. But he knew that couldn't be anymore true than the seas being small. In his heart Makrua would always know he wasn't there in her garden.
As he the spring flowers seemed to be in bloom everywhere that one could possibly look; their beauty and fragrance breathed in the very air that he breathed. It was almost as though he was once more in Heaven, in her garden. But he knew that couldn't be anymore true than the seas being small. In his heart Makrua would always know he wasn't there in her garden.
As he gazed into the sleepy blue sky above him, he heard the wind sing its happy song as it played with earth's children happily.
"Sweet peace, oh how I miss you." There was a sadness to be heard as he whispered those words aloud. Longing pierced through the tender heart of the small child standing beside him. Her soul earning to aid him, and to take away the pain of a past she knew nothing about. To make it fade away from those beautiful red-gray eyes she loved to gaze into.
"Well I say this is all so very dull, I mean flowers and a temple. Woman stuff." A sneering voice broke into the train of thought she had been on. Glaring at the inconsiderate boy standing behind them, she stuck out her tongue in an insulting manner towards him.
"Soshen you're such a boorish pig with no sense of beauty." Star couldn't help but retort in the defense of the man she loved most. Not even the love of her twin could truly ever compare to what she felt for this man.
"Dear twin sister, you wouldn't know beauty if it bit you on the nose. Twice." He snapped back at her, his cheeks blushing, a deep shade of crimson. She knew that look all to well; he was feeling guilty for making her angry with him. With all the patience of a saint she just nodded her head at him with a knowing look.
"And what would you know, you are a mirror to me in looks. Remember the only way people can tell the difference between us is asking who's male and who's female." Reminding him of that very fact just made his blush turn a much deeper hue than it had been.
"Now children behave yourselves here, for Gods sake this is a sacred place to me. I beg you both to act like loving siblings for the time being." Makrua laughed at the innocence he could sense from them, the embarrassment of being chided glowing around them. Sighing he petted each silver-pearl head affectionately. The very creatures he had been waiting all his immortal life for, and here they were fighting once more with each other.
"Yes, Lord Seeshu." Both whined in unison, their sapphire eyes enlarging to give him an expression of pure mischief. They wanted him to set them free so they could play. He was only able to keep from caving into those eyes for so long.
"Go play, leave me be you waifs." Caving in he went to a near by bench to set and remember the days before all of this. Before the path was laid with cobbles, before the temple before them had ever been dreamed of. Centuries ago when he had had his soul in his own possession. Peace was just a dream that he had longed for, had shed blood and tears to achieve for all his kind. But that was something the gods would never all him to have again. Not even with the beautiful little girl playing with her brother before him.
"Never shall I bow to the likes of you, never shall I give you these creatures of a greater design." His words had been ripped from his bloodied lips with such ferocity nothing could ever match it again. Volcanoes erupting as he fought onward, but in the end he knew that this was the last fight to be fought in Heaven.
"You dare! How dare you argue against me! I am God!" The voice inside of his mind boomed ever louder, but he would not back down. Net ever. This new god on the mountain was destroying all that the Old Ones had worked for. Taking away the lives of races long nurtured for his own filthy human race. His greed for all had even driven him to capture the darkest of the older gods and enslave him. Taking away the one thing he loved with all of his being. The Light of his world. But he would fight, and continue to fight for her. Only to lose her.
"Lord Seeshu, what were you dreaming of?" Hearing the sweet midnight whisper he came awake to see sapphire eyes looking into his own red-gray ones.
"Nothing you should know of yet my little lady, you'd weep from the injustice of the truth." He answered her, smiling a rueful smile as he prepared them to leave this place that had taken so much love of the Light to inspire.
"Why was this place made?" She asked as they stood to leave, as though she was trying to echo his own very thoughts.
"To honor Life, to honor the Light. So that one day the woman of both ways would come home again to this very garden and temple." That was the only answer fit for the moment, the blood stories would come later when she was ready for her role in it all. When she understood just what she was, and who she was to all demons. And men.
Gazed into the sleepy blue sky above him, he heard the wind sing its happy song as it played with earth's children happily.
"Sweet peace, oh how I miss you." There was a sadness to be heard as he whispered those words aloud. Longing pierced through the tender heart of the small child standing beside him. Her soul earning to aid him, and to take away the pain of a past she knew nothing about. To make it fade away from those beautiful red-gray eyes she loved to gaze into.
"Well I say this is all so very dull, I mean flowers and a temple. Woman stuff." A sneering voice broke into the train of though she had been on. Glaring at the inconsiderate boy standing behind them, she stuck out her tongue in an insulting manner towards him.
"Soshen you're such a boorish pig with no sense of beauty." Star couldn't help but retort in the defense of the man she loved most. Not even the love of her twin could truly ever compare to what she felt for this man.
"Dear twin sister, you wouldn't know beauty if it bit you on the nose. Twice." He snapped back at her, his cheeks turning a deep shade of crimson. She knew that look all to well; he was feeling guilty for making her angry with him. With all the patience of a saint she just nodded her head at him with a knowing look.
"And what would you know, you are a mirror to me in looks. Remember the only way people can tell the difference between us is asking who's male and who's female." Reminding him of that very fact just made his blush turn a much deeper hue than it had been.
"Now children behave yourselves here, for Gods sake this is a sacred place to me. I beg you both to act like loving siblings for the time being." Makrua laughed at the innocence he could sense from them, the embarrassment of being chided glowing around them. Sighing he petted each silver-pearl head affectionately. The very creatures he had been waiting all his immortal life for, and here they were fighting once more with each other.
"Yes, Lord Seeshu." Both whined in unison, their sapphire eyes enlarging to give him an expression of pure mischief. They wanted him to set them free so they could play. He was only able to keep from caving into those eyes for so long. "Go play, leave me be you waifs." Caving in he went to a near by bench to set and remember the days before all of this. Before the path was laid with cobbles, before the temple before them had ever been dreamed of. Centuries ago when he had had his soul in his own possession. Peace was just a dream that he had longed for, had shed blood and tears to achieve for all his kind. But that was something the gods would never all him to have again. Not even with the beautiful little girl playing with her brother before him.
"Never shall I bow to the likes of you, never shall I give you these creatures of a greater design." His words had been ripped from his bloodied lips with such ferocity nothing could ever match it again. Volcanoes erupting as he fought onward, but in the end he knew that this was the last fight to be fought in Heaven.
"You dare! How dare you argue against me! I am God!" The voice inside of his mind boomed ever louder, but he would not back down. Net ever. This new god on the mountain was destroying all that the Old Ones had worked for. Taking away the lives of races long nurtured for his own filthy human race. His greed for all had even driven him to capture the darkest of the older gods and enslave him. Taking away the one thing he loved with all of his being. The Light of his world. But he would fight, and continue to fight for her. Only to lose her.
"Lord Seeshu, what were you dreaming of?" Hearing the sweet midnight whisper he came awake to see sapphire eyes looking into his own red-gray ones.
"Nothing you should know of yet my little lady, you'd weep from the injustice of the truth." He answered her, smiling a rueful smile as he prepared them to leave this place that had taken so much love of the Light to inspire.
"Why was this place made?" She asked as they stood to leave, as though she was trying to echo his own very thoughts.
"To honor Life, to honor the Light. So that one day the woman of both ways would come home again to this very garden and temple." That was the only answer fit for the moment, the blood stories would come later when she was ready for her role in it all. When she understood just what she was, and who she was to all demons. And men.
- by Another Movie Addict |
- Fiction
- | Submitted on 07/14/2009 |
- Skip

- Title: Garden Path at Giverny
- Artist: Another Movie Addict
- Description: This is the prelude to a much longer piece that I'm currently in the process of writing.
- Date: 07/14/2009
- Tags: garden path giverny
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