"Are we there yet?" I look up at Itachi, nothing. I was hoping for a chance to be closer with him. He didn't even respond when I thank him when he rescue me from my former gaurdian. Maybe we could just be friends. I look at his face, expressionless as always. Pfft! Yeah, right. It looks like he doesn't want to have friends. Stupid of me for even thinking of that!
The lucious groves, peaceful creeks, tall bamboos are way behind us when we pass the border of Kusagakure, now we're walking on a wide dirt road and at the side are vast ricefields. I don't feel like saying goodbye, more like sayonara.
My legs! Augh! It feals like they're made of lead. I almost fell flat on my face, but he caught me. He put me on his back and walked on as if there's no weight on him. "I could still walk, you know," I said in a bored tone.
"I just don't want you to faint," he said. He speak! Its a miracle.
"Ano... I just want to know. Why are you bringing me along with you?"
"All I could say is, your going to have a better place to live in than that slave labor you used to be in."
I gave a half-hearted laugh,"Aren't you going to ask how I wind up there?"
"Curious, yes, but that would be rude of me to ask dark pasts, unless that person want to tell about her past.
"Thats nice of you," I murmured. My eyes felt droopy and I layed my head on his shoulder.
His face lightened. Sigh, he looks like an angel, replacing the white robes. I went to a light sleep.
Dawn & DuskCh1
This is my first post.
Don't worry more there will be more and you'll know her name 'till I found the right one for her. I don't feel like explaining about the story right now. Oh and 'Angel' is the title of this ch.
----------------7/15 edit
I change the title
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