My eyes snap open, I'm suddenly aware of a person, a female, screaming my name. I'm laying on the cold hard concrete of a back alley. I don't know why. I sit up and yawn, despite being asleep for who knows how long I'm still tired. Well however long I was asleep the nap was refreshing. I hear my name screamed a second time, my head snaps to the left to look in the direction the scream came from, and there sits the girl I love, we're not dating but I always hoped we may get together someday. Her name is Krissi.
I stand up and walk over to her "Jeez Kris, Why are you screaming at some poor hob--""
The sentence that was in my head falls out when I see the face of the "hobo". The face is mine, it's pale white and it's eyes are cold and lifeless, and right between my eyes is a bullet hole.
I freak out and fall over, crawling away in a panic. When I'm far enough away from my own corpse to be calm again, I call out to Krissi " Hey! What are you doing!" she doesn't even look at me. I manage to stand up and on wobbly legs I walk over to her and I touch her shoulder, my hand goes right through her shoulder.
For the second time in less than two minutes I fall over in a panic and scurry away. I find a secluded corner and I rock myself back and forth, trying to keep myself together. It's not working. I had so many plans in life, including dating Krissi. Now they're all gone.
I hear Kris screaming "Trey, Trey!! Live God dammit!!" I can see that shes performing CPR on my body. Judging by the fact that I'm here and that there's a gunshot to my head, CPR isn't doing any good.
I manage to stand up and walk over to Krissi, I bend over and whisper in her ear "I should have said this years ago, I love you" I didn't expect a response, but I prayed for one
I close my eyes and Krissi breaks down crying, I can barely hold back tears myself. I hear the sounds of sirens in the background. I let sleep wash over me. The last words I hear are "Dammit Trey, I love you!" as she pounds her fist in to my chest. Too late now I think.
I wake up behind Krissi, she's at my funeral and she's placing a rose into the casket, crying her eyes out. Normally I'd find attending one's own funeral to be some-what amusing. Not today.
I feel like someone pushed the fast forward button on life. Things go by at a fast rate. I see Krissi kissing another man, then I see their wedding day, then Time slows down to their honey moon. Their having each other as "pleasurable company" in the bed beside where I am standing, I collapse to my knees as I hear their moans. I cry as I lay across the floor, broken in numerable ways.
The world jumps again I see Krissi and her man, playing with a child in the park, the kid couldn't be more then five years old. The scene flies by me in a rush, I see the kid start school, have birthdays and Kris and her husband watching from the background. After several minutes of this time slows down to a normal pace, and I see the kid walk across the stage and I hear his name "TREY ANDERSON!!!" I freeze, all thoughts stop dead cold as I hear the name. ....well, maybe I'm not forgotten I think.
Time jumps again as I see Kris, her husband and Trey slowly age. I see a casket and time becomes normal again, I hear a pastor give a eulogy of Krissi, and how much good she'd done for the world. I walk over to the casket, Krissi looks just as beautiful as she did all of those years ago.
The world goes black and I wake up on a bed, next to me is a diary. Krissi's if I were to guess. seeing as she's dead now and I no longer exist I opened it:
Dear diary,
I met this awesome boy today, his name is Trey. He's sweet and cute and funny.
Dear diary,
Trey and I have become close friends, but I'm dying to be more. I hope he asks me out soon.
Dear diary,
Trey died in a mugging today, a thief tried to steal my purse and he fought him off, but he was shot and killed as the mugger ran away. Please God, give him back!
Dear diary,
I met someone new, someone who I think can help my pain, his name is Adam. He's hot as hell and I really like him.
Dear diary,
It's been forty years since Trey died and I still miss him. Even though I moved on I always wondered what life would be like if he had never died. I still love him.
After reading that last entry I throw the diary across the room and I cry my eyes out. What little solace I had was that Krissi had been happy, now even that's gone. I crawl into a corner and I rock back and forth biting my hand til it bleeds, until I pass out.
My eyes snap open and I hear a familiar scream. At first I'm not sure from where but then it hits me and I bolt straight up and I look to my left. There sits Krissi over my freshly dead body, in that fateful back alley from an eternity ago.
I groan and scream "No! No! This isn't right! Please God dont make me relive this again!!!" I fall over and I scream out of frustration of having to see all of this again. I crawl into a corner and cry.
The End
Her eyes snap open and she sees a white ceiling she looks around and sees a casket, standing beside it is someone familiar to her, she stumbles over to the casket and she sees her face. Horrified she looks at the person she thought she knew and nearly has a stroke. It's Trey, her long lost love! she screams his name but he doesn't react, she tries to touch him but time jerks forward.
I want to die.....
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