David were standing outside his appartment in the cold evening air, smoking a cigarette. His hair were as usual covering most of his face, and everything on him looked so peaceful and beautiful, which is possibly why he is one of the most popular guys on the school. His upper body were shirtless, and onlu wore a pair of black jeans so he wouldn't freeze that much.
"Come inside, David..." someone from the inside groaned. It was his room mate, Kevin. They have been best friends since they were little kids, and were in school together. Nothing could pull them apart from eatch other.
David flicked away what's left of the cigarette, and walked inside, closing the door after him. "Sure, sure..." he sighed.
Kevin were laying on the couch with only a towel covering from his waist and down. Apperantly he had just had a shower, since his hair is still wet, and he were kinda cute with that look.
David has allways known that Kevin were bisexual, but never tried anything on him, since he considered himself as strait.
Davuid looked at him with tired eyes and yawned quietly."Why are you still up, Kev?" he asked, walking to the couch Kevin were laying on.
Kevin smiled sheepishly amd wiggled a bit around on the couch. "What's wrong with being awake? Are you afraid that when you go to sleep, I'll come and dry-hump you?" he asked with a playful smirk.
David shrugged a bit and sat down next to Kevin, stretches a bit.
"Of course not, dummy. I'm just wondering since you're having you'r oral exam in geography tomorrow at school..So you should get some sleep." he replied and hit Kevin on the top of his head gently, smiling back to him.
Kevin sat up, and suddenly hugged David.
David's heart started speeding up a bit, and he were totaly clueless about why it happened. He weren't bisexual or gay...Or at least that he know about.
"Hey, you'll do great on the exam.. " he added, smiling and hugging Kevin back. "You are better then most people in the class on the subject., so you'll get an A on it."
Kevin just smiled and had his head on David's chest, breathing calmly. "What's with him today?" David thought to himself, but didn't ask. He only stroked Kevin's hair softly and they were sitting there for a while.
Kevin looked up at David, who had his eyes closed. Kevin smiled a bit to himself, thinking. "Please don't hate me for doing this.."
He leaned up and kissed David on the lips softly before running to his own room.David opened his eyes quickly, blushing a deep shade of red and wiping his lips. He felt like he were gonna pass out from all the blood that went to his head.
"What did you do that for?!" he yelled towards Kevin's bedroom door, slightly angered with what he had done.
" I did what I felt were.. I just..." Kevin sighed and got quiet.
David shock his head and went to his own room, to get some sleep. He locked his bedroom door and get into the bed, closing his eyes. They didn't talk much to eatch other after that.
2 weeks after Kevin's exam, he got his test result back. He really did get an A on it. Kevin were smiling and were happy, skipping around like a little kid when they have gotten what they really wanted. David were walking behind him still thinking about what to do after the night two weeks ago. After what happened, he had been unsude about what he were feeling about Kevin. All he felt when Kevin were around, was butterflies flapping around in his stomach like crazy. For all he knew, it could be something he didn't want...
"Are you allright back there?" Kevin asked him, trying to start a conversation. David just shrugged, having no idea what to say.
"Well, if you have something to say, just say it. " Kevin added while grinning like a idiot and looking at David. He couldn't see where he were skipping/jumping so he ended up in the middle of the street. A car came, and ran over him.
David couldn't belive his own eyes. His best freind in his life just got run over by a car. He screamed on the top of his lungs, and carried Kevin's limp body to the hospital. Kevin were still alive, but just barely.
When Kevin woke up, he looked around only moving his eyes. He were in a hospital bed, and his whole body were hurting. Next to him, he saw a person with his head on the edge of the bed. Apperantly he were sleeping, or he were just resting his head.
Kevin sat up slowly, letting out a small and qiet scream of pain. The person next to him got up fast and looked at Kevin. It were David that were next to him, and have been watching over him.
"Kevin, you're allright!!" he said, small tears running down his cheeks. " I have something to tell you.." he continued and took Kevin's hand softly, trying not to make Kevin hurt any more then he had to. "Kevin, I..." were the only thing he heard. He couldn't hear anything, feel, breathe or see. He fell down onto the bed, not moving at all, and never did after that moment.
A few weeks later on the church yard, David were standing with a bunch of flowers on Kevin's grave.
"How could you just leave me..?" he asked, just staring on the grave stone. David tried to hold back the tears and dropped down onto his knees. His newly bought pants got dirty from the wet dirt on the ground. "I tried to tell you this in the funeral, and when you were on the hospital bed...That kiss you gave me..I never hated you because of it.. I love you."
The wind got a bit stronger, and he could allmost hear his old friend talking back at him, saying "I love you too". David looked around, but no one were there. He smiled a bit to himself, and looked back to the grave."We'll be together, someday...Just wait for me." he said quietly and got up, walking away from the church yard.
The end.
- by Lonesome-Lover-Akkirit |
- Fiction
- | Submitted on 06/25/2009 |
- Skip

Comments (3 Comments)
- Lonesome-Lover-Akkirit - 09/16/2009
- No kidding that it were depressing razz got a few in my class to read it, and one of them ( a girl ) cried a bit.
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- Apocalyptica Moon - 08/09/2009
- That was sort of depressing! sad But really good. smile
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- -Moonlight-Daydr3amer- - 08/06/2009
- aww!! kevin dies!... sad sucky! but it's very well written some grammar issues though.. i shouldn't even talk about that though. x] hehe nice job!
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