I would of believed school was only two hours long. I mean school is so boring and it breaks my happy soul. Hi, my name is Lizzie, I am very rich, and I love a freak. I have no idea how or even how I can spell all this on the computer. I always said to my dad that I would never date a freak, speak to a freak, or even breath on a freak. That changed three days ago. My unfreakish life was destroyed. I am having dreams that I will turn into a freak. So, I must not love this freakishly man anymore. That is my goal.
"Hi,"I said while waving,"Are you having a good day at this six hour school day."Hint, hint.
The guy smiled,"A bit specific today Lizzie." He said while waving, with his perfectly white teeth, and beautiful spiked hair. No, this guy just wasn't perfect, perfect. Actually, he was my freakish love.
I put down my hand,"Sorry, wasn't talking to you."
"OK? Either way have a good day."
"I will..." I looked off into a distance, I was in la la land again. Just then I almost fell. I felt two hands grab my shoulders.
"Whoa, Lizzie your out of it today."
"Oh, Jon, thank you for breaking my fall." See this would be a perfect man to love. But I just can't love him. I don't know why I just don't,"You can let me go."
"Are you sure about that, I think you just may fall again."
"Yeah, I am sure." No way, I couldn't believe it, my heel broke, guess what that leaded me to falling, again, and being caught again.
"Next thing you know it I am going to carry you to forth period." He smiled, obviously he loved me.
"No, I'm just, fine!" I got up, and started walking. Heel, toe, heel, toe, heel, toe. Yeah, I won't fall again.
Finally the bell rang. That was last period, I hope. All the freak boys came running to me. And kept on asking me to homecoming, just like every year. Speaking of every year, every year I need to do that little flip of my hair thing. I did, and did the boys do their love sigh? YES.
Then he came up, the freak boy. With three dozens of pink and blue roses.
"Will you oh please go to homecoming with me." I could see a trigger of sweat go down his small side burn.
The words just came out. I couldn't help it,"YES, YES, TOTALLY YES." I jumped up and down taking the roses. And a big section of girls sighed in aw no far. Was this freak job really going to be my soul mate, his name, Justin.
wait till next chapter ty
Attack of the freaks
This is a really dumb yet funny story, watch and learn the dumbness
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