Disclaimer: As you know I do not own Sailor Moon or Yu-Gi-Oh. They belong to their rightful owners ok ^_^.
Characters Name:
Yugi Moto-Yuugi Mutou
Yami Yugi- Yami
Bakura- Ryou Bakura
Yami Bakura- Bakura
Marik Ishtar- Malik Ishtar
Yami Marik- Marik
Joey Wheeler- Katsuya Jounouchi
Tea Gardner- Anzu Mazaki
Tristan Taylor- Hiroto Honda
Duke Devlin- Ryuji Otogi
Serena Tsukino- Usagi Tsukino
Chapter 1
It was a nice sunny morning in Domino City as a very familiar gang walked to school. The gang consisted Yami, Bakura, Marik, Anzu, Honda and Jou. They chatted happily as they strolled on to school even though Bakura and Marik decided to walk behind the group not necessarily feeling fit-in quite yet. Not so far behind them, about a block or so, three lonely hikaris, Malik, Yuugi and Ryou, walked behind this ‘perfect’ group. It’s been a month or two since the darker halves had gotten their own bodies thanks to Isis. Of course the agreement was for them to live an ordinary life and go to school under the aliases of being twins to the hikaris. Marik and Bakura also had to promise not to do anything mischievous such as world domination, sending people to the shadow realm or steal the millennium items, specifically Yami’s puzzle. Though Bakura and Marik hanged with Yami there was still a feuding rivalry between them, usually the two against Yami. Ever since they gotten their bodies it seem like their friends wanted to hang out with them. It seems like they all had forgotten them, except for Jou that is. Being the loyal puppy he is he tries his best to hang with the gang and the three hikaris as much as he capably can. Though it’s difficult Jou tries his best to manage all of his friends because to him they all are equal, none better than the other as one would say.
“I guess this is how it’ll always be…..” Ryou said sighing as he brushed his long snow white hair out of his rather pale skin.
“Yeah…..it seems like they don’t even know we exist. No matter how hard we or Jou try, they only end up inviting us to join them only to ignore us afterwards……I guess were not as great as our other selves after all.” the boy Yuugi said agreeing with albino friend. He was the shortest of the groups with kiddy looks to match.
“Argh! Will you guys quit already! All that gloominess and moping you do…..I see why they rather not hang with us!” the tanned boy, Malik, said only to sigh afterward. Yuugi and Ryou had looked hurt by what was said, so being the more emotionally stronger one of the group he decided to apologize. “Hey, I’m sorry about what I said. I didn’t mean it…..it’s just I hate seeing you guys hurt yourself more by saying such harsh things so don’t say them anymore okay?”
“Okay.” the two hikaris said feeling a little better.
“Besides we don’t need them anyway! We can make our own friends. And at least we still got Jou.” the flaxen haired boy cheered.
“Hey don’t forget Kaiba!” Ryou exclaimed.
“Yeah and Kaiba.” Malik chuckled remembering when Kaiba first started sitting with them. The taller boy insisted that the three were on his ‘level’ and that he rather hang with them then their obnoxious darker halves, especially Yami.
“We better hustle or we’re going to be late for school okay?” Yuugi said looking at the time displayed on his cell phone.
“Hai!” the two yelled as all three of them fasten their pace towards school.
The three boys continued on unaware of the chains of events that was about to take place that was going to change their lives forever. As the trio continued to run to school they came to an unsuspected halt……….KABAM!!!!!!!
The gang from earlier had finally reached school, resuming to their seats as they entered the classroom. The teacher greeted them as she came in then proceeded to do the usual roll call.
“Ryou Bakura, Yuugi Mutou, Malik Ishtar? Have anyone seen them?” the teacher, Ms. Haruna said, knowing that the three boys were never late nor miss a day of school. Before anyone can say anything Ms. Haruna was called to the office.
“Hey you guys where Yuugi, Malik and Ryou is?” Jou asked concerned about his buddies.
“I thought they were behind us.” Yami said getting a little worried,”What if something happened to them?”
“Calm down Pharaoh. I’m sure their okay, plus Malik is too smart to let anything happen to them.” Marik said trying to remain calm.
“Well Ryou need to hurry up and bring himself to this class!” Bakura snorted.
“Hey I’m sure they’ll be here soon. Anyhow…..you guys want to go to the arcade today?” Anzu said as the gang dropped the previous discussion and started on about the arcade, all except Jou who only sighed while shaking his head in disbelief.
“OUCH! Hey watch where you’re going next………..” Malik stopped and just stared at the girl before him.
The girl who had bumped into them was very attractive. She looked to be about Yuugi height or so. She was slender build and had legs that looked like they’ll never end. Her sun blonde hair was wrapped into a huge bun, which looked to be elegantly wrapped. Her skin, which needed not a trace of makeup, looked smooth and perfect. To top it off her perfect face held small cherry lips and a set of the most innocent pair sapphire eyes the three had ever seen, shining through the girl’s pair of glasses. The girl was wearing a uniform similar to Anzu’s uniform, which indicted she must go to their school. Strange they never noticed her before.
“I’m so sorry! I didn’t mean to run you guys over…………I wasn’t paying attention.” the girl said apologetically while offering them a hand.
“It’s okay! We were already late for school anyway.” Yuugi said accepting her hand while smiling to hide his flushed cheeks.
“Thank you……” Ryou said shyly as the beautiful girl proceeded to pick him up.
Then she turned to help Malik up who was still stunned by this girl’s stunning looks, “By the way my name is Usagi Tsukino. What about you?”
“I……I-I’m Malik. Malik Ishtar.” the tanned boy stuttered suddenly becoming shy around this girl.
“Ryou Bakura” the albino one replied.
“I’m Yuugi Mutou. It’s nice to meet you Usagi. Hey I was wondering if you, by any chance, were heading to that school over there?” Yuugi said pointing to the building up ahead.
“Hey actually I was! I’m new to the school and today will be my first day. I guess I got so excited I wasn’t paying attention to anything else around me. Actually I’m glad I bumped into you guys, at least I’ll have some new friends here that attend the same school I go to!” Usagi said merrily.
The trio and their new friend Usagi continued their way to school chatting happily about nothing in particular. Once they gotten inside the building they showed Usagi to the office only to get confronted by their teacher Ms. Haruna. The three boys sweat dropped, not expecting to see their teacher here in the office.
“Well……well what do we have here? You guys better explain why my three studious students are late for class today?” Ms. Haruna said putting her hands on her hips obviously disappointed.
“Haha well you see……uhhh… it’s-“
“It’s my fault Miss. I bumped into this morning causing them to be late, plus the helped me here because I was lost and didn’t know where to go because I’m new here.” Usagi said, cutting Malik off, so the boys wouldn’t get in trouble because of her.
“Fine! You three get to class! Next time I’m going to give you detention,” Ms. Haruna snapped as the three thanked Usagi and ran off to class,”So you’re Usagi Tsukino………..”
Jou turned to see Malik, Ryou and Yuugi vigorously run to their seats, “Hey you guys! Where ya been at?”
“Yeah aibou, we were worried about you guys.” Yami said giving Yuugi a concerning look.
Before Yuugi had the chance to even utter a word the teacher walked in with an unfamiliar girl. “Class we have a new student today. I hope you make her feel welcome.”
“Konnichiwa! I’m Usagi Tsukino.” the girl giggled as she saw the drooling stares of the boys and shocked faces from the girls.
“Usagi I want you to sit next to Mr. Seto Kaiba,” Ms. Haruna pointed towards a brown haired boy, who was deeply involved into some book, next to window near the empty desk on the right,” and Yuugi.”
The happy girl skipped to her seat nearly falling halfway causing the class to giggle. Usagi sweat dropped as she got to her seat and settled down. She turned to Yuugi and gave him a goofy smile obviously still embarrassed. The three boys were lucky to have Usagi in their class and also to have her sit near them. Ryou was sitting in front of her, Malik behind her and of course Yuugi to the right of her.
After a long boring lesson the lunch bell finally rung. The boy Seto Kaiba had finally broke his concentration from his book and put it away. That’s when he actually had noticed the girl next to him. ‘Who is she? I never noticed her before, maybe she’s new……….’ Seto thought observing her, “she sure is….cute’
“Hey Usagi! Come sit with us!” Malik came grabbing Usagi towards Ryou and Yuugi before the others had a chance to ask her to sit with them.
“O-o-okay Malik-kun.” Usagi stuttered, trying to keep up with the energetic boy, causing him to blush for the second time that day.
“Hey wait for me!” Jou yelled deciding to sit with them today instead of the gang. He swiftly ran out the door. Seto soon followed interested in the new person who will be sitting with them for now on.
The gang in the room just stared at the door, still in shock at what just happened, “That’s weird. It seemed like Yuugi, Ryou and Malik already knew this new girl. But I never saw her in class until today.” Honda said still a little confused.
“Yeah……….I don’t know. That girl…..” Marik said only to be cut-off.
“Who cares let’s get to lunch already!” Bakura snorted, hiding his interest in how his hikari knew this beautiful girl by the name of Usagi.
When they finally stopped Usagi seen that they had led her to a table under a huge tree. Usagi notice that it wasn’t just any tree, but a cherry blossom tree. She smiled, “This tree is so beautiful.”
‘Not as beautiful as you are…….’ the three boys thought forgetting to cut off their mind links allowing the yamis to eavesdrop on their conversations. Within minutes Jou and Seto appeared and joined the group at the table.
“Umm hi I’m Usagi.” Usagi said giving them a friendly smile.
“I’m Katsuya Jounouchi, but you can call me Jou though. It’s a pleasure to meet you.” Jou smiled giving her a wink.
“The name is Seto. Please ignore the puppy and his idiotic attempts at charm.” Seto smiled taking pride in embarrassing his friend Jou. Usagi giggled as the two started arguing.
“You guys must be best friends…….” Usagi blurted causing the two to stop fussing and turn their attention to her.
“Me and Katsuya best friends? Ha! Not in a million years.” Seto said folding his arms. Jou who looked a little hurt just pouted.
“Oh come on Seto, you and Jou seem so close at times. Plus you two always try to impress one another.” Ryou said trying to help his blonde haired friend out.
“Hey Ryou is not lying you know. It’s like you two have some type of brotherly rival type of puppy love going on.” Malik grinned knowing what he said will cause some conflict. Yuugi and Usagi laughed as he seen Jou and Seto faces turn like a tomatoes.
“BROTHERLY LOVE? OH PLEASE!” the two flushed boys yelled, hated being put on the spot in front of their new friend. Deciding it was best to end this before it got more serious Usagi decided to ask about the other students she had seen in class.
“If you don’t mind me asking…………..do you three like have twins or something because I know I wasn’t going crazy.”
“Uhhh well actually…we do uhhh…..my twin name is Yami, Ryou’s twin is Bakura and Malik twin is Marik.” Yuugi replied nervously under pressure. The boys sweat dropped nervously as Usagi proceeded to look at them all to see if they were lying.
“Oh okay cool! It must be super to have twins. How come they won’t sit with you?” Usagi asked puzzled on why they weren’t here with them.
Before anyone can answer the bell rang and the gang got up to head back to class. They resume to their seats getting ready for another boring lecture. Jou tried his best to ignore the questioning looks he got from the gang he walked to school with earlier.
‘…Aibou…’ a voice said.
Yuugi stirred at the voice in his head, but soon calmed down, ‘Yes Yami? Is there something wrong?’
‘I heard your conversation at lunch with the others……’
‘You did? Were you eavesdropping on me?’
‘I would never do that aibou….the question the girl asked…..’
‘You mean Usagi? What about it?’ Yugi replied nervously feeling stupid for not shutting off his mind link like he usually doo.
‘I was wondering what you was going to answer that’s all………….’ The darker self started feeling guilty thinking about the question the girl Usagi had asked. ‘……..Aibou?’
Luckily the bell rang saving Yuugi from having to deal with his yami, at least for now. He made sure he shut off his mind link before turning to Usagi, so this time Yami won’t get to intrude on their conversation. “Hey Usagi, do you want to walk home together?”
“Hai! Let’s go!” Usagi exclaimed.
The three hikaris and Usagi had walked to the door until Usagi stopped and ran towards Seto grabbing his hand, “Hey come with us please I’d really appreciate it,” she then turn towards Jou,” You too Jou! Come and walk with us!”
“Sure!” Jou said turning to the group he walked to school with earlier, “I guess I see you guys later”
They left joyfully leaving the group in the class baffled.
“So Usagi, you like the school so far?” Malik piped deciding it was time to step and get over this ridiculous shyness he was experiencing right now.
“Umm I guess its okay. I never was really a big fan of school honestly. But it was great to get cool new friends like you guys. I don’t really have that much friends anymore.” Usagi sighed trying not to think about the past.
“Oh……well....do you know how to get around in Domino City?” Ryou asked deciding to jump off the topic of friends.
“Well, actually, a little bit. I really had been here for about two weeks now.”
“Two weeks? How come we didn’t see you in school before?” Yuugi asked curiously.
“Because………..I wasn’t emotionally ready to go to school.”
The gang decided maybe they shouldn’t question her no more and decided to continue their trip home in silence. Kaiba had called for someone to pick him up at Yuugi house. They soon grew close to a medium sized white house, Usagi stopped and smiled.
“Thank you so much for walking home with me really. Maybe when we get to know each other you can spend the night.”
“Ya welcome. Hey I know how about we all go somewhere tomorrow huh? We can all meet up at Yuugi’s house,” Jou said enthusiastically, then turning to Seto,” That includes you too macho boy!”
“Uhhh yeah….fine whatever. I guess I’ll bring Mokuba along with us,” he turned to Usagi,” If you want I can stop by tomorrow to get you and show you where Yuugi house is.”
“Okay cool! I’ll see you guys tomorrow then!” Usagi said disappearing into her house.
The gang said their goodbye’s as they continued on towards their house once they seen a limousine come picked Kaiba up. Yuugi said bye, so did Jou who decided to stay at Yuugi’s house. Ryou and Malik continued on until Ryou reached his destination. Ryou gave him a big hug, “I see you tomorrow Malik-chan.”
Malik continued on home smiling at the sky, “Thank you Ra! Thank you for giving us Usagi,”
- by Mizz_Latrell |
- Fiction
- | Submitted on 06/02/2009 |
- Skip

- Title: Yugimoon: New Destiny
- Artist: Mizz_Latrell
- Description: This is a sailormoon/yugioh crossover that im working on i have more on http://www.fanfiction.net/secure/story/story_preview.php?storyid=4753175&chapter=1
- Date: 06/02/2009
- Tags: yugimoon destiny fanfic sailormoon yugioh
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