I was left standing there, cold and soaked.
It was a dark stormy night and I was left on the curb.
It was like nobody could see me.
I was hungry and needed shelter.
How had this happened!?!?!
Know that I think about it, I don't remember what I'm doing here...
I don't know who I really am, but I was lost in thought.
All the troubles in life and the crazy people out there...
They're making my head spin.
Where am I, anyways?
All I really remember right now is one word.
Hate. I hate this world.
I hate my life. What the hell is up with it?
A flashback comes to mind.
We were having a happy picnic...
Mom, in a beautiful sundress, was smiling at me.
Dad and his cleanly shaved face was happily eating...
It was all too quick. I saw something coming from the sky.
I ran but my parents didn't notice until their last moments that I was gone.
Oh, I miss them. This was unfair.
Tears ran down my face as I thought about my parents.
They were my only family.
Afterward, I've lived as an orphan.
Until now, however, I've lived with foster parents...
Who had just abandoned me on the streets.
It's okay though, I never needed a fake set of parents.
They never loved me as much as my real ones have.
So I walked for an hour, lost in thought.
This wet and dark road was leading me nowhere.
It would be too dark to see in a matter of minutes.
I needed shelter. I needed food. I need...
A home. My mother and father were my only home.
Wherever I went, they made me feel... At home and safe.
Now, I feel alone...scared...frightened.
The road won't seem to end.
Now, I don't see any sign of civilization.
I can't keep walking forever.
But this trail was built on barren land.
How did they manage when they built this road?
Ah, a city!
It seems worn down, but I guess it will do for tonight.
I went to the closest building from where I came from.
Nobody seemed to be there, so I slept on a couch in the building's lobby.
I wonder if anyone is in this town......
Awaken by the sunlight through a nearby window, I'm wide awake.
As I get up, I notice nobody is around.
I figure they maybe outside.
I step outside of the doors and a flock of birds fly by.
As I thought, it was deserted here.
To Be Continued...
A story about a kid who hates life, hates themselves and has just been stranded on a busy street's curb. They journey for a bit while trying to jog their memory of why they are there. They don't exactly remember who they are and where they are, until everything just started flowing back...
[Can be a guy or girl *whee*]
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