~Ranma's P.O.V~
“Dammit.” I swore under my breath. With a grudging sigh I stuffed another change of clothes. A red button up Chinese shirt, with some sweat pants. Same as per usual. Except that Akane was right beside me, begging me not to leave. She wants me to stay after all she did to me. Tears were streaming down her feminine face, her beautiful and delicate face. If I wasn't so pissed, I'd hug her, tell her every thing's going to be alright. But she doesn't deserve that much.
“Please!” She sobbed, “Don't leave, I love you! He meant nothing, I swear!” She was almost hysterical.
We were supposed to be married in a couple of months. I was freaking thrilled! We were picking out things for the wedding, table clothes, silverware, you name it. But now, she's crossed the line. Everything's gone awry.
I looked up harshly at her, and made more tears spill down those perfect cheeks. My dazzling blue eyes held her own brown pools as I glared.
“I'm leaving your sorry a**, go cheat on someone else. Ruin someone else's life.” I growled, storming out my bedroom door.
I know what your thinking right now. Poor Akane, she really loved him. It must've been a mistake, someone must've set her up. Well, how and why would someone set her up for a week and a row?
Every night it's been the same. She got pissed off at something I did wrong, so she goes out to night clubs, gets drunk, and takes a guy to her room. And believe me, I know. After the first night, I got a little weirded out and didn't believe it myself. So I followed her the next few times. The second night, the third night, fourth night... the same thing ensued.
So she deserves no mercy from me. She gave me none.
So I ran out of the house, tears streaming down my own cheeks this time. The more I thought about it, the bigger the lump in my throat grew. I didn't want to end what Akane and I had like this, though it was going to have to happen anyways, I have to admit. I veered around the corner and stopped running, my chest heaving. I could feel a drizzle of rain. Then when I thought it couldn't get any worse, it started pouring rain. My body instantly shrunk, and became more curvy. My perfect and flawless feminine features gracefully appeared, and I was a woman. Again. I sighed and kept walking. Since I have more time on my hands, I'll probably go to China to fix this damn curse.
~Ryouga's P.O.V.~
It was raining outside; there was no way I was going out, in fear that I would turn into a small pig. So here I am, cooped up in my house, nervously pacing the suddenly cramped hallways. It was getting a bit colder too, I would've hated to be out in the rain; lost, cold, and all wet. Plus, I'd be a little bit of a porker. But just when I was going to retire to my room, I saw a red blur through the precipitated windows. I slowly went to the window and wiped the fog from the glass only to see a red headed female through the windows.
My heart quickened its pace. 'Could it really be him?' I thought to myself, running to the door. I opened it, careful not to get wet or stand outside. I could hear my heart pound feverishly through my ears.
“Ranma!” I called to him, waving my hand towards him.
Her head whirred in my direction. She gave me somewhat of a smile. It looked like a grimace, but it must be the rain playing tricks on my eyesight.
“Come inside, damn b*****d, you'll catch a cold!” I said again, inviting my enemy/friend inside. I was grinning like an idiot; even God couldn't wipe it clean off.
With a sigh and a shrug of his/her shoulders, she walked inside my door swiftly, throwing her baggage on the sitting room's floor.
~Yet again, another P.O.V. switch~ ((Ranma this time, if you've been following))
What the hell was Ryouga thinking? For all I know, we're enemies, right? Well whatever, at least I'm away from that crazy b***h. [[AKANE!!!!!]]
“Would you like some warm water?” Ryouga asked. Wow, he's acting really nice... Maybe too nice...
“Ah, that'd be great... pal...” I said, with a little edge on my girlish voice. Ugh, did I hate it.
“Sure!” He eagerly rushed into the living room, to prepare a bronze kettle filled with warm water.
I only sighed and sat on his couch, crossing my thin legs. Since my clothes were wet, they clung to my body. I scowled softly, since that annoyed me. You can't move around so great in wet clothes. Randomly, I took my braid delicately in my fingers, and twisted a couple strands. I only did it when I was nervous, and when I was a girl. I'd never be caught dead doing such a girlish thing while I was a dude.
Ryouga was back in mere minutes with kettle in hand. With a nod, I gratefully accepted the kettle, standing up a far distance from the couch to pour it over myself. My body changed shape again, and I was a man. A grin lit up my face. I could see Ryouga fidgeting a bit as I changed. Probably curious as to why I was out in the rain.
“Before you ask,” I started slowly, “I want to thank you. And ask for a towel, probably for a night over too.”
He nodded and bit his lower lip. A nervous habit he obtained from his earlier days. So we both had our quirks and kinks, so what?
I saw all the souvenirs he collected from all the training missions. Old Chinese antiques and toys were on one shelf, while good luck charms were placed on another. While I was stuck, gawking at his nice house, he was getting a towel so I could dry off.
“Y-You could uh...” He stuttered. “There's a Guest bedroom upstairs, next to mine.” He said, fidgeting again. With what? His face was as red as a turnip, what a weirdo.
“Thanks bud.” I said, playfully snatching the towel from his nimble hands.
“Since your being so generous, I'll let ya in on it.” I sat down on his couch and took my shirt off, to dry myself. I set the wet shirt on the floor and started to dry myself with the towel as I explained. I thought he wouldn't mind, since you know, we're both guys. Boy, was I wrong!
The whole time he was staring down embarrassedly. I don't even think he was listening! Well, who could? With my hot, virgin, b-
“Do you have an extra shirt in that bag of yours?” He interrupted me. What a p***k!
“Yeah, keep your pants on.” I grudgingly took the shirt out of my pack and slid it on, then buttoned it up. All the while Ryouga watched me. It kind of weirded me out, but eh, 'whatever turns ya on'.
If I had known how much he liked me, I would've laughed at the irony of the metaphorical phrase.
I then slipped off my pants, and laid the sopping garment next to my shirt. I looked at him as I held the waistband of my boxers.
“Maybe you'd want to...” I said, trailing off on purpose.
“Righty-o.” He said, reaching forward and taking hold of my boxer shorts.
I could feel my face radiate with heat as I shot him a glare. “You idiot, I meant leave the room! Get the hell offa me!” I kicked him away, picking up my wet clothes and my pack.
He blushed even more and twiddled his fingers nervously. Hell yeah he should be doing that, what a goof-ball!
“Sorry.” He mumbled, stealing a glance at me, that only held for a few seconds. I held the gaze until he looked away and probed deep into his eyes, in that mere moment. It was like he was trying to hide something from me. And I don't like secrets very much, so I'm going to find out.
I crawled forward to him, on my hands and knees. “Did you want to take my boxers off?” I asked cunningly, smoothly, and seductively.
He instantly backed up, probably a reflex from our earlier battles. “Now w-why in the hell would I want to do that, Ranma?” He asked incredulously, embarrassedly, and of course a bit threateningly. Like, back off, I'm not ready for this.
But, I thought otherwise.
I smiled and crawled into his lap, clad in only my Chinese shirt and damp boxers. “C'mon, Ryoga, don't be so stingy... play with me!” I was acting like a child, though my mature body and intentions proved otherwise.
The poor sap was flabbergasted. Wasting his breath on trying to talk his way out of this. Well I wouldn't have it! I leaned forward and brushed my lips against his, earning a soft whimper from him. It sent a tingle through my hole body, and I couldn't help but want to do it again, and again, and again.
“W-w-what about A-Akane???” He asked in between the kisses I showered on him.
I glared at him for how stupid and idiotic he was.
Then I ignored his comment and lied him back on the floor, shutting him up for good.
Ranma's Rainy Day!
This is a story I posted on fanfiction.net, and let me tell you, this is my first one. I happen to think it's pretty good, I hope you enjoy it! This is a fanfic of Ranma 1/2 with yaoi in it. If you want the second chapter of it, or more stories, pm me and I'll give you the link.
Plot: Ranma Saotome is fed up with Akane Tendo cheating on him. So, what does he do?
Goes over to Ryouga Hibiki's place.
WARNING! CONTAINS SLIGHT YAOI! If you want lemony goodness, again, pm me for the second chapter.
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