As the age of three it was rough my mom and dad did drugs and stole some to and had to pay them back in ways i can't explain, my mom got jumped and had fights she won and lost and i did to. It all started when i was in New york where i was born in the Bronx my dad had came back from work and said he was tired from it he took a shower and my mom heard a glass break probably the mirror so then the tub fuddled and he came out of the tube naked his eye's where pure black like a Demon from hell he had looked at me and chased me i ran for my life as he screamed come over here i slid under my bed where he couldn't reach me he then turned and saw my mom and approached her and started choking her i then got up from under the bed and let him chased me i went behind a door witch he then didn't fine me after words the police had arrived and took him to the crazy house like i witch to call it.
Then the crazy house had called and told my mom that if he should be released and she said no she didn't what anything to happen to me. After three years i moved to Florida a place where nothing was really bad besides gangs. My dad was in jail so he didn't work or couldn't a house i was poor out in the streets sad with no food there was a shower one day heavy rain and i choked from the rain so did my mom but god was with us and we found shelter that gave us a roof over own shoulders. After a two years we moved to an apartment complex it was nice and all but the kids where horrible on marther Luther king day a kid said i called him the N' word and i got into a fight with him he broke my finger but i ran when i got to my house he pushed me in and started punching me i had to defeated my self so i punched him in the noise breaking it he had cried and the parents had came.
After two years later there was are next door neighbor they was nice but then there was a couple of kids who where messing with his truck so i heard screaming outside i saw my dad out there (he had came out of jail) and my next door neighbor i ran down stares and they all knew me, all of them there where all gang members all crips to be on point. My neighbor's brother and his friend came from the back of the gang and started fighting them and it became a braw i fought with my dad pertecting him and he had pertected me aftet the fight the cops came and some gang members got away.
Now a three years later i became a gang member. MAJK S.D the satin disciples if you wish to call them i spray paint all the time but when i have to they all call me sado cause i have no problem doing anything.While i was spray painting i got a call...from my dad saying my mom died. I cryed but not for long im not a quite person now living on a life of a gang member and hoping for god to drive me to the right path.
hard life-1
Ryu Genja
As i grow up as a normal Puerto Rican kid i have my differences in life i went through a lot, basically my up's and down's im surprised im doing good in life but im glad people are there for me. Don't put rude comments to put me down but only good one's to put me up if you don't like it just rate by number thank you
By: Josue Torres
this isn't but some are. the pain full ones...:(
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