Death at Doom's Street Ch. 12
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Chapter 11
tab "Why did you--" I started, but I stopped myself. Anything I said, anything I did, could lead to the death of Sarah Peyton. Apparantly, though, I didn't even have to ask the question, as Charles basically read my mind, saying,
tab "Why did I come here? For a little reinactment. Depending on what you do, we could end up with another death at Doom's Street, and maybe even," he points his gun to me, "two more deaths at Doom's Street." He points the gun back to Sarah's temple, as I just continued to stand here. Helpless. What could I do? What could I do? What could I do?
tab My mind raced to find a solution to the predicament I brought myself in. What an idiot I had been. I had only been thinking of myself...not wondering what might happen, not second guessing anything. I just came here, endangering Sarah, and possibly now even me. I dug my hands into my pockets nervously, and looked down. I couldn't stand watching Sarah tremble in terror because of my stupid decision. Then, fingers brush against something in my pocket.
tab I grasped the object for a few seconds, and then realized it was my cell phone. I looked back up at Sarah. Her life was on the line. I wrapped my hand around my cell phone, and prayed that the mute button was on. I fingered my way through the phone's key pad, and typed in three numbers: 911.
tab I nearly jumped when I heard the mumbled voice of the person on the other end, but it was so quiet that I'm sure Charles couldn't hear it.
tab "911, what's the state of your emergency?" the operator says, but even from where I was standing it was only a faint whisper.
tab "Please don't shoot her!" I suddenly outburst, hopefully loud enough for my phone to pick up. The reply of the phone was,
tab "Is this Chad Gibson?" I wanted to shout "yes", but that would arouse more suspicion than I already had. Charles gave me an inquisitive look, and said,
tab "What was that all about?"
tab "Hello?" the operator droned on. I gulped. Please make them come, I pray silently in my head. Please. Please. Please.
tab "I-I just don't want you to shoot her," I said to Charles.
tab "Yes, I know that!" Charles snapped. "I meant, why did you abruptly shout it?" I opened my mouth to answer, but then the small voice of my cell phone said,
tab "We're coming over to help you." I quickly realized I was eyeing my pocket, and pull my gaze off it. Too late. Before I knew it, Charles was staring at my pocket and asking,
tab "Now, what was that?" I didn't say anything. I just looked down again, hoping that somehow I'd be able to pull through. Hoping that it wasn't going to end here.
tab "What's in your pocket?" Charles then asks. I didn't answer for a few seconds, then I said,
tab "W-what? I mean...nothing." Charles didn't believe me, as he started to walk closer to me, dragging Sarah with him. About two feet away from me, he said in a very demanding voice,
tab "Show me what's in your pocket!" I took a deep breath, and reply,
tab "O-ok..." I pulled out my cell phone. Instantly, Charles went from his cool attitude to totally insane,
tab "I told you! I told you!" He started to dig his gun a little deeper into Sarah's head, Sarah attempting to wriggle her way out of his grasp, but with no success. He continued,
tab "I told you! I'll shoot her! I'll..." A rush of adreneline pumped in my body. Under normal circumstances, I wouldn't even think about doing what I did next. But these weren't normal circumstances. I lunged myself into the air, dropping my phone onto the ground as I wrestled Charles down to the ground. It was probably broken, but I didn't care. I had more things to worry about.
tab He struggled, gritting his teeth, spitting at me, trying to get out of my grasp. I knew I couldn't keep him under me for long. I glanced around. To my right, I saw Sarah, crawling on the ground, taking in deep breaths of air. To my left, I saw Charles' gun. I jumped off Charles, and scrambled over to it. I scooped it up, and pointed it to Charles, who was lying on the ground, helplessly. I could do it, I thought, my cold index finger laid on the trigger. I could end it all here. For a few seconds, we stood there, staring at eachother. Then Charles smiled, and said,
tab "You won't shoot me. You can't." I closed my eyes, and slowly lowered the gun. He was right. I couldn't.
Death at Doom's Street Ch. 12
It was difficult for me to figure out how to get Chad out of his predicament, but I did. So, enjoy!
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