Caboose:Church I am coming to oh my gosh its my evil twin brother. (guy hits Caboose)Hancle why!
Doughnut:Hey guys tuckers awake!(Simons and Grif walk up from behind Doughnut)
Simons:Wo take it easy you've been out awhile.
Tucker:Who are you guys?
Doughnut:She has amiasa.Tucker don't worry were the reds.We are you mortal enemies.Wait that didn't sound right.
Tex:Ok screw it.You guys get behind me
Tucker:Bow Chicka Bow Wow
Tex:Never mind tucker's in front
Tucker:It was worth it
Wasington:Caboose tose that spike granade(Caboose toses the granade and lads on the wall directaly in front of them)That was the worst throw ever.Of all time.
Caboose:Not my falt.Someone put a wall in my way
Doughnut:Its not pink its lightish red
Grif:Well guess what they already have a name for lightish red.Wanna know what its called PINK.
Caboose:My name is Michal J. Caboose and I hate babbies.
Church:I was talking to Gary
Tex:the bomb
Church:No thats Andy,Gary's the competer
Tex:I don't even remember most your names half the time
Caboose:Oh I know my!I know my name!You ask me if you forget.
Church:Ok so
Caboose:By the way he's Church
Church:Yes,she knows Caboose
Caboose:He is the mean is the mean one
Church:Thank You
Caboose:See he is mean.Now he'll just stare at me until I stop talking.Then when he thinks I am done talking then he will start talking again
Church:Ok so I was talking to
Caboose:Told you so
Church:god dame it
Caboose:Classic Church
Caboose:Sargent a sleeping person
Sarge:Holy mackerons(runs over to blue guy)He's not sleeping son he's dead.
Caboose:Oh good,because I thought that was me because I am blue and I like to sleep
Tucker:Ok Church is trying to get a translater so that we can talk to eachother
Church:Tucker enormous alien dosen't speak our languge.Speaking slowly is not going to help.
Tucker"What!I'm talking to Caboose.
Caboose:I don't understand.Are you hungry?Tucker are you hungry?Are you cold?
Caboose:Tucker do you want some hotdogs and a blanket?
Tucker biggrin ame it Caboose!I'm not cold.I don't want a hotdog and if you put mustard in my ******** sheets I'm going to kill you.
Church:Caboose get in the tank and give us cover fire.And this time don't shot me.
Caboose:Ok(shots Church)wait what was that first part again.
Tucker:Caboose I need you to do something
Caboose:all right
Tucker:I need you to get the tank to shot at you
Tucker:Caboose thats why I always liked you.Either you don't understand or you just don't care
Caboose:I don't understand
Caboose:Church I am comming to help don't start without me.
Wyoming:It's the idiot take care of him
Gary:right(shots Caboose)
Caboose:Blah I am dead
Caboose:I have an idea.Why don't you posses you own body
Church:You mean my dead body.Lying in the sun,rotting for all eternity
Caboose:Hey look birds!Why are they flying in a circle
Church:I was talking to Gary
Gary:!The Great Destroyer has arived the end is near!The Great Destroyer has arived the end is near!
past Church:Gary hold on if Tex isn't the Great Destroyer then who is.
present Church:And thats when I saw
Caboose:Saw what,saw O'Malley
Church:What!No it wasn't O'Malley
Caboose:What was it then?A helicopter
Church:Stop asking me and I'll tell you
Tucker:Yeah Caboose!Shut up!
Church:Tucker you're interupting too.Everyone just shut up
Tucker:Me I'm just trying to punch up the story line.Watch this(changes to look like Tex)Hey everybody,I'm super horny from all the robot killing.Who wants to help me outa this heavy armor?This breast plate is so itchy.Bow Chicka bow woo..(Tex points gun at him)Story's over
Tex:you're a pig
Tucker:I didn't even get to the part where the saliors show up.
Church sad using voice amp in suit)Reds this is the voice of God give up your evil ways and join the blue team(Wash hits him)
Wash:Stop that
Wash biggrin on't let it get near her.Also don't let her get away.
Church:See that purple girl,she's on our team you should help her.
Caboose:Ok(starts shoting ather and hits her)Um she got in the way when I was trying to cover her
Church:Ok were good
Wash biggrin elta I called command,they wanted to pass along condolensis in South's passing
Delta:I will be sure to document that sentece
Church:What did you tell them?
Wash:I told them Caboose shot her.They have a shortcut on their keyboard for reporting his team kills.I would've told them that you shot her but I wanted it to be bealivable.
Caboose:AI,what does the A stand for
Caboose:Oh.What does I stand for
Caboose:Oh.What was the A again
Doc:Ok I talked to Shella.She does seem a little odd.
Church:So what do ya think
Doc:I think there's something wrong.
Church:That's your diagnois.That's why we sent you down there man because we knew something was wrong.
Doc:I'm a medic what do ya want from me
Church:How bout fixing her
Doc:Well surprisingly my medical traning didn't include internal combustion
Church:What a shitty medical school
Tucker:Yeah where'd you go the university of Jamacia
Doc:Oh please I wouldn't be caught dead on that campus.I went to Jamaica state.We were the state fighting Irish
Church:Thats Noterdame
Doc:Well since were international we don't care about U.S copyright laws so
Church:Never mind.Just go down there and see if you can rebot Shella.
Doc:Rebot her?
Tucker:Yeah dude thats how you fix broken stuff.You turn her off then you turn her back on again.She'll be fine
Doc:I don't think that'll work
Church:Uh pardon but it works great.We already reboted the toster.We reboted the teloporter.
Tucker:Yeah I still don't know if that thing has all the bugs worked out.
Church:We even reboted Caboose's armor once but that took a lot longer to come back online then we thought it would.
Caboose:It was dark and scary and I got to hold my breath.
Sarge:Me then Simons,then back down to me,the you ,then me,then me,then Sinmons,then me,Simons,me,me,you,then me,Simons,you,then me again.
Simons biggrin on't you go twice as much or 10 times as much.
Caboose sad hiding behind rock crying while Grif and Simons are shoting at him)
Grif:Hey whats wrong with you Caboose
Grif:Come on,we've been shoting at you for 20 minutes and you haven't run away screaming once.It's just not like you.
Caboose:I'm sad
Caboose:I know its jut,do you know what today is
Grif:Absolutey no clue,what day comes after yesterday
Caboose:Its Valentine's day
Grif:It is
Simons:Hey whats going on up here
Grif:Caboose is in a depression
Simons:Its called a foxhole you idiot,haven't you learned any militery terms.
Grif:No I mean he's depressed
Caboose sad sigh)
Simons:sad who gives a ******** we're trying to kill him.Let him be sad when he's dead.Hey you stop having feelings.
Grif:Apparranitly its Valentines day.
Simons:It's what
Grif:Valentine's day.The day we celebrat love and romance.You know girls
Simons:Oh yeah.Duh I totally know that day,I celebrat that day all the time with all kinds of ladies
Grif:You don't have to try and impress me
Simons:Oh you just don't know any of that.I don't talk about it cause its not cool.
Grif:Yeah I'm sure.So why didn't you know what Valentine's day was?
Simons:Oh I just didn't understand what you said
Grif:What did you think I said
Simons:Valentine's doy
Grif:Yeah I can see how that wauld throw you off
Caboose sad crying louder)
Grif:Oh come on man
Caboose:I'm all alone now.Church was always my Valentine
Grif:Why don't I believe that
Caboose:Its true we had a tradition
Caboose:Hey Church Happy Valentine's
Church:Get the ******** away from me
Caboose:Church would you be my
Church:Get the ******** away from me
Caboose:Hey Church,agent Washington.Nice weather
Church:Yeah I guess ok
Caboose:Wonderful for fighting evil competer people today
Church:Yeah whatever fine
Caboose:You know because today would be a great day since today is
Church:Get the ******** away from me
-----------------------------------------Falshbacks overr------------------------------------------------------------
Caboose:I miss him so much
Grif:Well you probaly shouldn't
Caboose:He loved me
Simons:Yeah,I have no idea why you think that
Caboose:If he didn't love me then why on every Valentine's day did he give me my very own heart
Grif:That was your heart after he pulled it outa your chest.Don't you remember it took Doc hours to sew it back in
Simons:Man he used to b***h about that so much
Caboose:And now it feels like its being ripped out againand this time symbolicly insted of the other way
Simons:Would you like it if we made fun of you and called you names
Caboose:Would you mind
Simons:Not at all you funking s**t head
Caboose:Thanks guys.Your the best.
Wash:Um...how could a person(gun shot) ******** snifer ger down
Church:Ok that was your one warning shot the ones going right between your eyes.
Wash razz rivate Caboose get down
Caboose:Wait a minute
Church:Alright I warned you.Siranara b***h .(shot a t Caboose and misses) Oh come on what the ********.
Caboose:I know that voice.Church,Church its me your all time best friend.
Church:Caboose.Caboose is that you?
Caboose:Yes Church.It's me.I have missed you so much.(Church starts shoting at Caboose and misses every time) Did you miss me?
******** I missed him
Caboose:I know you did.
- by Xxanime_girl_foxfirexX |
- Fiction
- | Submitted on 05/21/2009 |
- Skip

- Title: Red vs Blue Random Momments
- Artist: Xxanime_girl_foxfirexX
These are just random momments from red vs blue.No I do not own any of this work.All credit
goes to rooster teeth although he dosent deserve it. - Date: 05/21/2009
- Tags: redvsblue random momments
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Comments (2 Comments)
- Masterokings - 10/26/2009
- Report As Spam
- Awesomely Mental - 05/29/2009
Man its been a long time since I watched red vs. blue.
Including Xplay on G4... - Report As Spam