Well as you can see, I am an Angel. Some people would say that I have fallen from Grace, but that is not entirely true. This is my story.
It started when I was around a 170, just a teenager by angel standards. I wanted to come down and see the world the same way that all mortals do, though it was against the rules. I wasn’t one of these people that is good at fallowing rules. Then one day with out the knowledge of the Chief Angel’s and the God’s. I came down to Earth to live. I chose a simple life for a hundred years. I learned and I changed with the times.
of power. As I was handing him the key, which he looked at kind of funny, then smiled malevolence.
When I saw his reaction, I tried to read his soul, or what I thought would be a soul. To my amazement he was no more human then I. ”What…?” I asked while backing away from him. I was scared that I had given my secret away to the wrong man.
Adan answered me “What am I? Well as you can tell I am not human, nor am I an angel…this is my secret.” He growled it out in a low harsh voice.
“I don’t have a soul. I sold it for, well, you must already know by now.” He started shifting closer to me. I kept on moving back towards the wall behind me. I was closer to the wall I started to touch it looking for the door knob.
I realized that I was against the wall and I had no way out he then was on me, I brought my hands up to try and stop him in place with the angelic powers. He grabbed my arms. Before I could do any thing else I was chained to the wall.
Adan then said “I never got what I wanted so I sold my soul to the Devil for it. When I lost all hope of getting my deserved reward, you came along, I knew something was strange about you and I was right.” He then gave an evil smile and thought **Now you can give me what I want, when I want, no questions asked**
After he had said that the only thing I could do was look in astonishment. I could not say or do anything at all. I turned my head and looked away I couldn’t barely looking at that broken man, or what use to be a man. I looked at him once more then I again looked away asking my self what had happened to him. How had he become this way. Then when I had looked at him again he looked different. He had grown horns and was growing a tail. I then quavered, “What…”
“What… what made me this way? I don’t know,” He looked away from me as if he was pondering the subject. “All I know is that I wanted power… no, I wanted the WORLD!” He knew what I was going to say before I said it… he had read my mind. The only beings I knew that where able to read angels minds are Gods, Guardian Angels and… it downed suddenly on me he was he… he was a Demon.
“No, love not a demon, I am the Demon of all demons I am the head Demon. I am THE DEMON. I am what all man kind, God’s and Angel’s fear, the only one who lives for the sins. I am the evil of all evil. I AM…THE DEVIL. Yes! I do have power but I don’t have the power to do what I want and that is why I have you, here with me. ” He had told me every thing; after he was finished talking he walked away from me. He would come back when ever he wanted to tell me what he had done, what he was going to do, and who had sinned and who gave up their soul. He tormented me with the world’s sins.
This was when the Gods found out that I was gone, they sent some Guardian Angels to come and retrieve me. The Guardian Angels couldn’t find me at first because I was clocked from the Gods and Guardian Angels. After a few years of intensive searching, the Guardian Angels did found me.
By the time they had gotten to the wall I was chained too, I had gotten my self free. I was just about ready to return to the heavens again, I wanted to warn them about what had happened. The Guardian Angels had already learned about most of the details about Adan.
What they did not know was that he had challenged Lietic -who those now call Lucifer- the Devil before Adan. On the way back to the heavens I had filled the rest of the Angels in on the complete story. I didn’t very know much about Lietic. What I hadn’t known was that he had the power of conquest. But there was another reason why Adan wanted me, no one else knew why, not even the Gods (and they know every thing.) I needed to know what that reason was.
When I got back to the heaven I went to my cloud to rest. After awhile the Gods had called me in to debrief me, I had filled them in on the information that they where looking for. I then asked to return to Adan so I would me able to ask him why he was in need of me. They where hesitant to let me go, they fear that if I returned to Adan that he would not let me leave so easily. They said “We shall talk it over and call you back with our answer. Have we made our selves clear?”
“Yes, you have made your self clear.” I said walking way and flying back to my cloud. I went for a walk on the clouds, and came back from choir practice. They had called me to the head cloud chamber, to tell me there decision about me going back to see Adan. “You can go back and see him again on one condition.” They said.
“Which is?” I had asked them.
“That you take a couple Guardian Angels with you.” They said.
“No, I want to do this on my own. If you say that I cannot go unless I fallow your commands, I’ll go with out your knowledge again.” I had given the Gods my answer.
“All right, all right, but at least we will watch over you from here in the heavens, in case you need help.” They had said.
“Agreed, as long as I go down alone, right?” They nodded there heads in agreement, then sent me on my way.
I went down and I found Adan. We started talking about some fun we had together, and a few of our dates, talking for hours, laughing about every thing. I finally started to ask questions about his past, when he was mortal. He became angry and walked up close to me and I looked deeply in his eyes.
I then had said “Adan! Well you please just tell me, what happened to Lietic?”
He answered me by telling me “Lietic, took my place among the mortals and I his among the beast and demons. I know what you want to ask; no I am not going to answer it until you ask me it first.”
“Okay. You don’t need me I mean; you have the power to get what you want.”
He looked at me and pleaded. “Please, ask your next question.”
I bowed my head and then asked “Why did you want to keep me here? What good did I serve you? You are not in need to use my power.” I had asked him then added. “Please give me a straight answer.”
Adan looked at me with a smile; he looked away saying. “You are right I don’t need you or your power. The reason why I want to keep you here…” he stopped to look at me as if he was waiting for me to answer him “Think about it love. You are of the higher good, from the heavens with the Gods, me the lowest of low. Surrounded by nothing but demons and dammed souls, no one there to share with me. Do you think I like it when humans sin, when children steal? Do you, Huh will DO YOU?” He said while raising his voice, almost ready to yell.
“Please Adan,” Tears where starting to stream down my face as though I was once again human “don’t…” I was cut off as I looked up and l looked into his eyes
“No, I don’t, it in fact I hate it. When some one cheats, steal’s or is just plain greedy, Lietic told me something like this was going to happen” He trailed off looking down while whispering some thing I could not hear, he then looked up and said.
“I cry every time some one sins, as did Lietic why do you think he lost; see I had dared him to get my soul back, he accepted and set the challenge ‘You have to command the demons for a month, if you enjoy the surge of power of commanding them then you take my place here among the demons and I yours among the mortals, if not then I give you get your soul back’ he told me I agreed and so we started. As you can tell I…well I lost.” Adan finished telling me what had happened exactly. The only thing I could do was look at him and just listened to what he was telling me.
“I wanted the world and I got the power to take it. Jea…oh love…I had forgotten what it was like to be human I had taken you; I fell in love with you. Something that I didn’t know I could do. Your thoughts where so pure and then I found out that you where an angel and I…I got carried way.” continued Adan. He looked at me with eyes that would make you cry. I went to sat something but we looked at me and said “All I want to do…all I want to be is my old self, my human self.”
I walk over and hug him; he looked at me and hugged me back. It was as if we where both mortal again and friend instead of enemies.
“Adan I can…” I trailed off knowing that he just needs someone to listen to him
“No! I want him to live his mortal life, like he let me live mine. Yes I want my mortal life back too but I have accepted my fate to spend eternity as I am. It was the deal I made with Lietic. I just miss being human, and having someone to hold and hug, someone to talk to when in need. It was wrong of me to keep you here, though wrong is what I do; it’s what I stand for. I do applaud for the good, I never had before, but then I meet you my angel, my light. Again I am sorry for keeping you here; you must leave here, now. Good-bye Jea, good-bye love.”
I replied to him smiling “Thank you Adan. We shall meet again, I… Good-bye” It was the last thing I had said to him. As I was leaving I waved and looked at him for the last time, tears where in my eye for I knew I could never be able to see him again.
I had arrived back to my home, remembering every thing that had aspired. The Gods called me to there cloud. They asked if what they saw was what actually happened. Or if it was just a lie that Adan had said so they would not worry about me. I had explained my feeling for Adan and told them.
After hearing what I had to say they then offered me a proposition between being an Angel or human. They also told me if I chose to be a human I would not be able to remember knowing about Lietic, Adan or the Gods. If I choose to stay an angel they would alter the memory of Adan and my Earth experience.
“I under stand and I know what I want to be.” I realized I wanted it when I came back for Adan.
“Please, enlighten us with your decision.”
“Human. I choose to be human.”
“What! You would rather be human then an angel?” They where shocked that I, or in that fact any angel would actually choose to become mortal again.
“Yes I would. I don’t want my memory altered as though it happened when I was mortal, but if you have to remove it from my memory then I well dell with that agreement. I do ask for one thing though.”
“That would be?” They had asked me
“All I ask is that I get to have a good mother, memories of having being born, and that I am the age of 17. The age I was when I died, so I can finish my life the way it was meant to be, the way I was meant to be.” I ended my statement there.
They’re only replay was just “As you wish you have but in order to do that we only have moments for you to say good byes, and so we can rewrite your life on how you aspire it to be. Now be gone and gather the objects that you would like to take with you. That is all, is it not?”
“No, one more thing I want to keep my name, my name Jea.”
“Every well then, your name shall be Jea. You have your wish now say your good byes and we shall send you on your way.”
I said my good-bye and went back to the Gods, but on my way there I put my memories in the back of my mind so that I could remember when the time was when I was in need of them. So after I had said my good-byes and put my memories way, I went back to the Gods and they erased my memories they sent me to my Earth home.
It seemed more like a dream then an actual memory maybe it was a dream but all I know is that know I am on Earth, I am not a daemon, I am not an Angel I am just simply a human with memories of my past. My journey might have started when I was 170 but it ended when I was 17. Rap that around your brain
The Beginning
it's about an angel that came to live on earth and fell in love with a human that has his own secret
Thats about it.
Note: it's long so make sure you have time and patience. comment and enjoy ^_^
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