Angie cursed, as she walked along the main road. Keeping her fairy-ness a secret was hard, especially with people staring. She turned to the left, glanced quickly in all directions and suddenly sped up. She was less than a blur. You could not see her, only a flick of her blonde curls, and if you’re lucky, maybe the slight flicker of a smile and pure white teeth glinting. But that was all.
Fairies had existed for hundreds of years, and had always been mortal. They had had to move 2 centuries ago, since their secret had been let out. Now, they sent down the fairies who would never be good ones, so they could live a human life. They did not, however, ignore them.
Angie yanked her coat off her slim body, and jerked her fingers out of her gloves. The cold air hit her body, but had no affect.
‘Jesus... It’s hot in here...’ she ran to the windows, and slammed the bottom half up. Cold air rushed into the house. Any normal person would’ve found the room cold. But to Angie, it was practically summer.
Angie had lived by herself since she was 3. Fairies matured quicker than humans, and she had already taught herself to live like an adult. She worked, went to school, cooked all her meals, paid all the bills, cleaned the house, did her homework and even managed to squeeze community work in. To everyone else, Angie seemed the perfect girl. A role model.
Angie flittered to the fridge, and began taking all sorts of ingredients out. Tying back her hair, she glared out the stove to light it. Within 15 minutes, Angie had managed to cook a 3 course meal. Soup for starters, sesame noodles and ale (fairies could drink no other liquid) for the main course and mushroom custard for pudding.
After she ate, she turned her attention to a story her class were studying for English.
‘Jest, my fellow friends, for you will gain no pride from doing so.’ She muttered the lines under her breath and smiled. She began skimming, smiled again and began quoting. ‘The wanderer has been lost, cried she.’ Throwing her head back, Angie let out the most musical
laugh ever heard. Back home, in the clouds, she had been teased for her laugh. Oh.. how these humans wrote such simple stories.
School was surprisingly pleasant for once. Instead of the usual lecture on being polite from Mr. Black, Angie found herself the object of affection; she was moved from the back of the room to the favourable position, next to Isaac Daflie. Many of the girls found Isaac their god, their prince. However, none of them spoke to him, nor approached him in any way. But somehow, whenever Angie threw a glance at him, his eyes were always on her. She sighed and flipped her hair in his direction, to make a dark curtain between them.
‘Don’t be so shrewd’ Isaac looked amused.
‘I am not shrewd. Maybe you are mistook?’ Angie replied, playing along with this Shakespearean game, although the sentence did not sound like it made sense..
‘I am rarely mistook, madam’ he spoke with a grin, and bowed with mock solemnity. Angie then realised the class had finished, and everyone was getting up for lunch.
Lunch was a polite affair; Angie didn’t eat, so she rose quickly from the table. She sighed impatiently before walking smartly out the lunch hall without alerting attention. Her stomach rumbled slightly, with the effect of several people noticing, and then sniggering. Sighing again, she glared at them. Fortunately, she managed to control herself, and no one was set on fire.
English again was a bore. Isaac was one of the smartest people in the room, and muttered the answers under his breath. Angie hated it. She couldn’t think without Isaac whispering the answer loud enough that only she could hear. From the corner of her eye, Angie noticed that all the girls were staring at her. Not Isaac, but her. It was bad enough that guys stared at her, but now the girls!
‘How Knavish is he?!’ Mr. Black was acting out the part of Leo with one of the girls. She was giggling hysterically behind her script, but then again, even Sir was cracking a smile and a little snigger between words.
‘Very Knavish’ replied Isaac. Amgoe stared up in amazement. Had Sir and Isaac planned this? He was right on cue too!
‘He can be knavish, but he will always be a better sprite than thee.’ The unfortunate girl picked out from the sea of half dead students was awed, and even stuttered; something a real actor would never do unless he or she was told.
‘Angela!’ Mr. Black was calling out to her. ‘Come and act the part out now.’
Reluctantly, Angie picked up her script, and dragged herself to the front. Instantly the boys were awake. Angie acting was certainly a sight to see.
‘Isaac!’ Mr. Black was calling out to him. ‘Come take my part!’
Isaac, too reluctantly, walked to the front; but sir told him to smarten up and play the part with dignity.
‘Puck has no mirth, why love thee?’ Isaac spoke in just a whisper, but all the students were hanging off their seats. Even sir seemed interested.
‘Because thee has something worth loving.’ Angie was whispering too, and for some reason her heart was beating over a thousand miles an hour. Isaac moved forward by a few centimetres, so now his face was 1 inch away from hers. She could feel his breath, the aroma of Angie’s favourite toothpaste: Dentiaxle.
‘NEXT!’ Mr. Black’s voice was so loud, that Angie was almost blown away.
The pair hurried off to their desk, neither of them looking at each other or smiling. Both were very shocked at their reactions; it had been something neither of them could explain nor control.
Angie quickly scanned ahead, and read the following passage.
‘The sprite moved away, towards the daring wanderer. Though he had no idea, the gentles were leading him through the bog, making him look like a swaggering fool. No one would be able to see them; they were the invisible killers. As they reached the end of the bog, they started to gambol, scaring the young sprite miserably.’
The lesson was fairly boring after that; the students wearily fell asleep in the class and even Angie was slumped. Only Isaac seemed fully awake. He did not speak to her, except when she was about to fall asleep.
‘Angela!’ he hissed. ‘Wake up, or Sir will kill you’
Angie sat stiffly in her seat, though the winter heat was practically unbearable. How she hated English, with a passion. It was stupid to sit here reading Shakespeare, when she had known Shakespeare, 500 years ago. She watched the clock, silently begging it to move forward. 2 minutes left. But 2 minutes could seem like 400 hours when you were in Sir’s lesson.
BRRRINNNGG! The bell rang, noisily telling students and staff that the day was over; the adolescents were free to hang out and do whatever they pleased. Girl’s rolled up their sleeves and hitched up their skirts. Boys took off their ties and blazers, and walked around with their shirt buttons undone. What a crazy, crazy world this is thought Angie.
For homework, the English students had to read the rest of the passage, and write it out in modern English. So the first thing Angie did when she got home was her homework. Then she had the rest of the day to think about Sir (and Isaac’s) strange behaviour.
‘The night-taper flew in through the window, spreading its golden wings to indicate it’s power and authority. The auditor cried out in panic, and threw his arms around his head; he needed the protection.’
Angie quickly finished, threw down her pen, and lay down. She was stifling hot, and hungry, but no matter how much she tried not to think of Isaac, her thoughts somehow strayed to him. What is this? She asked herself. It couldn’t be love, for Fairies weren’t supposed to fall in love. But if she was honest with herself, which she was; to her self and others, all the signs of love were there. But like before, fairies weren’t supposed to fall in love.
If she was in love with Isaac, what was she supposed to do? Tell him? No way! He’d be freaked out. But in fact, when they had been acting out the scene, there was so much passion in his voice. Was he just a good actor, or was he in love her too? Angie repeated their names in her head, so many times that it soon sounded great together. Angie and Isaac, Angie and Isaac, Angie and Isaac, Angie and Isaac, Angie and Isaac... How perfect did it sound?
After much thought, exactly 48 hours of thought, Angie finally came up with a solution. She would fly (fairies could fly, but only to their land, which was high above the clouds, VERY high above) and ask for advice; but she had to find someone to listen first.
Who was there? Angie had been sent down from the minute she had been born. She had known no one. And no one had known her.
Angie lay in bed, looking up at the stars, trying to come to a decision on what had to be done. It was too early to even think about love. But what was the other explanation? She’d gladly bet all her precious gold hair (the fact that it could grow back within minutes was ignored) for any other description of what was happening. But what was the point. He would never think of her like that. Angie wiped a tear that was sliding down her cheek. Questions ran through her head, until Angie could take it no more. She gripped both sides of her head with force, closed her eyes, and muttered a few bad words. That should’ve calmed her down, but did nothing to stop her thoughts.
How love was so confusing

- Title: Fairy: Cold To Warm
- Artist: iZanib
An exciting tale of a Fairy who falls in love with a human. It's kinda like Twilight; but I was supposed to do an assessment, and used romance. We were supposed to use Shakesperean language, and a fairy creature with all a fairy nature. Mine was honesty.
:) - Date: 03/18/2009
- Tags: fairy cold warm
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Comments (2 Comments)
- Vampires_Deadly_Kiss - 04/01/2009
- It was good, but you should type your numbers out...
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