- A long, long time ago, there was a legend of a Mysterious Crystal. This mysterious crystal was said to have great powers. It's powers were so great that nobody had any idea of the powers it had with in itself. It was found in the year 2035 by the Euphorian government. There were extensive tests done on it, but nobody could figure out its identity; let alone figure out its capabilities. It was a crystal of many wonders from time travel to energy retrieval. The cities are grand, the land is vast. The winds are always ever so pleasant. The people of Euphoria are very kind; always willing to help someone in need. The crystal was discovered off the coast of Trinity square. After further research on the Mysterious Crystal, scientists had come to the conclusion that the crystal was roughly ten thousand years old. Also, that it used to be the sole power source of an old midieval kingdom called Aidos. Apparently, it used to power the city; giving it life. Without the crystal, life could not exist within the city of Aidos. Scientists had went back to check their data banks to learn more about this ancient city that used to be where Euphoria stands today. It was ruled over by four different kings throughout the years; the years being: 1125,1129,1133, and 1157. Now the scientists sat and thought for awhile. If the seating term is slated to be every four years then, what happened during the last term. Just as scientists were finally getting to the bottom of the crystal, there was an emergency breach. *beep beep beep" "Attention all personnel! There has been a breach in Sector 7." Ajacks one of the merceneries part of United Euphorian Forces responded to the call. Ajacks was a very interesting individual his muscles were very defined and his height was that of 6 foot 2 inches. His strength could not be matched by anybody. He was his own man. A very outgoing individual with fists the size of mere cinder blocks. *Ajacks runs down a big gray hallway and shouts "Alright everybody, lets rock this joint!. He breaks down the door and sees that the crystal has been taken. All of the wires that were attached to the crystal were just dangling there like sleeping snakes on a branch. *Ajacks said some words into his arm as if to radio back up* "Sarge your right the crystal is gone. I will file a report by the end of the day." said Ajacks. And from that point on, the mystery and the search for the Mysterious Crystal had begun.

- Title: The Mysterious Crystal
- Artist: Torranus
- Description: This is a story i have been working on please comment and tell me what you guys think of it if you guys like it i will continue with the story line because there is a lot more to come
- Date: 03/09/2009
- Tags: mysterious crystal
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Comments (3 Comments)
- b00_2 - 03/13/2009
- And a lot of your sentences don't flow, like you go from "It's[this should actually be its] powers were so great that nobody had any idea of the powers it had with in itself." to "It was found in the year 2035 by the Euphorian government." The sentences have nothing to do with eachother.
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- b00_2 - 03/13/2009
- In the first sentence, it should be the Mysterious Crystal, instead of a mysterious crystal, because Mysterious Crystal is a proper noun.
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- anna_tekken - 03/12/2009
- a good one
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