Takeo looks at Izumia with a sort of stern look. Izumia asks, “What is going on?” Takeo replies back, “It is the Dream World or as others say the Magical World is trying to call you back.” Izumia gets a shocked look on her face and says, “I have never been there so how can it call me back?” Nakuto walks in and says, “You have been there. It was when you were a child. Your true mother was queen.” Izumia looks at Nakuto, “Wait, my mom is not a queen.” Takeo says, “The one mother you have been living with has been your mother’s sister but she had no clue of the Magical World.” Izumia asked, “The where is my real mother?” Takeo looked down and says, “There was a war of darkness creatures against the whole Magical World to take over it. Your mother put you into this world to protect you. Your mother died trying to protect the Magical World. She sent us to watch over you, but we ran into trouble.” Nakuto looks up, “We did not know where you were.” Takeo got angry, “So, we had to take so many years to find you. It took us about 14 years to find you.” Izumia laughs, “It took you that long to find me.” Takeo looks at Izumia, “Well, there was also a spell your mom put on you so that you could not be found so easily.” Nakuto smiles and says, “Dinner is ready. So, time to put on the blindfolds so that you can be surprise when you eat it.” Izumia and Takeo put on the blindfolds and then Nakuto puts the food in front of them. Izumia tries to eat it but keeps missing her mouth. Izumia laughs, “This is hard to eat.” Takeo laughs as well, “That is the point.” Izumia finally gets it into her mouth and says, “I love this stuff. It is Chocolate Fondant.” Nakuto smiles, “Yes, I decided to do desserts today.” Takeo smiles, “It is delicious.” A few hours go by. Takeo looks over to Izumia, “Now that you know more about this you can now move around the Magical World like you can here. It I like you are going back home. Also your clothes will change. It will change to what they should be.” Izumia replies, “Alright, but is there people that will know me and such since I am uh the Queen, now.” Takeo says, “We do not know what it will be. I will be by the lake waiting for you.” Takeo goes to his room and goes to sleep. Izumia goes to the kitchen and says, “Nakuto you going to bed as well?” Nakuto replies, “Yes, I will be there in a little bit.” Izumia heads up to her room and changes into her pajamas and goes to bed. Izumia is inside the dream and is next to the lake. She yells, “Takeo, you here?” Takeo comes up with a type of blue armor on and says, “I am right here.” Takeo smiles to Izumia. Izumia looks in amazement, “Wow, that armor looks so cool.” Takeo laughs, “Thank you, we should get going.” All of a sudden in reality there is a huge explosion and it wakes everyone up. Izumia screams, “Let me go you freak.” Takeo runs to Izumia’s room and Nakuto behind him. A dragon bursts through the door with Izumia in its claws. Izumia screams, “How can you be human if you transformed into a dragon.” Izumia looked at Takeo as the dragon flies off, “Takeo Help Me!!!” Nakuto says in shock, “Master Takeo your clothes.” Takeo looks at his clothes and says, “The Magical World is fusing with the real world.” Nakuto changes into a dragon as well and says, “It looks like all the ones from the Magical World will change to their true form.” Takeo says, “It is because the rip has opened. Also, Izumia is the only one that can close it.” Nakuto says, “So, we have to awaken the one inside her.” Takeo replies, “Yes.” Takeo gets on Nakuto’s back and they fly after the other dragon.
End of Chapter 5
Magical World Chapter 5
Chapter 5
What the characters look like will be on my account XxUltimate CosplayerxX. I will transfer this one over tomorrow. I have a few people who are going crazy and are begging for the Chapter 5 to come in and I already put in 2 entries T_T. But the characters ooks will be in XxUltimate CosplayerxX Profile About me section under Book Characters.
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