He walked down the cobble steps in a rush. Pulling his collar up against the London rain he couldn't shake the feeling of...of what? Not being able to place it scared him more then anything. The breathe was sucked from his lungs as he rounded the next corner to find the feeling gripped tightly at his chest. Tighter it clenched as his own chestnut eyes rested on her form. One look and it was like the rain wasn't falling, and that time had come to near stand still.
She was just standing there. In the rain. She was facing him but, if she were meeting his eyes he couldn't tell as her face was shrouded in darkness. Sucking in another breathe the man took stock of the women. Brilliant red hair the seemed soft to the touch, even from this distance, framed the dark face. Sitting on her head, a tiara which cast a strange glow even on one of the cloudiest days London had seen all month. Her dress, he mentally laughed, it was hardly a dress. More like a gown. It fit her bodice beautifully, it's layers of red and black cascaded down from her waist covering her legs and miraculously staying dry against the onslaught of water. She was holding an umbrella over her head with delicate looking hands which her encased in expensive looking black gloves.
"Hello." Like velvet her voice caressed his ears. He blinked coming out of his almost trace like observing of her. He felt the water drip down his face and into his eyes from his side swiped hair with the sudden realization that he had been standing there for some time. He looked side ways toward the bar he was meeting his friends at and took a step toward.
"I r-really need to g-go." He stammered uncharacteristically looking between the bar entrance and the women.
"Really?" He could sense the smirk rather then see it as it laced the single word with a tempting poison. He turned back toward the bar before turning back to look at her. He jumped when he found she was inches away from him looking intently at his face. He felt his chest tighten more so when he met her eyes.
"I sh-should really be going." Looking up at the umbrella that now protected them both from the rain he felt a gloved hand grasp his chin. His eyes flickered back to the women seconds before he felt there lips meet. That gentle caress sent his mind spinning out of any form of control or even containment. He moaned softly feeling her soft lips form perfectly against his. Images of complete nothingness projected from her mind to his caused his eyes, which has somehow sunken closed, to struggle against the confines of the lids. It was anything and everything for barely a second that some how left his body want more. Opening his eyes he met hers and a thrill of terror ran down his spine at the look in her eyes.
The bar burst open, a bouncer threw a men out into the rain.
She pushed him away when the door opened with the force to knock him onto the wet ground with a dull thud. His head whipped up. Eye wide he looked around for the women who had vanished. Heart beating wilder then a humming bird he looked toward the interruption to find the man that had been thrown out of the bar rolling about on the ground drunkenly.

- Title: Theatening Perfection
- Artist: Kol Venn
- Description: Images of complete nothingness projected from her mind to his caused his eyes, which has somehow sunken closed, to struggle against the confines of the lids. It was anything and everything for barely a second that some how left his body want more.
- Date: 03/01/2009
- Tags: theatening perfection halloween thrill
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