Six years pass...
Six years since Miscenco’s vessel fixed the world.
Six years since the price was paid.
Six years since the twins died.
Six years since the end of the Senran-Caragiri War.
It was supposed to be dead and gone.
But the past always comes back to haunt you...
She sat there patiently as I adjusted the lights, her gloriously deep and yet sparkling brown eyes watching me with interest. I wanted to make this photo perfect for her. She had no idea who I was... so I suppose this means it is another random gift to her, from me. Although EA was no more, the Uni gone with it... she still got a place at a Uni elsewhere. She’d taken Physics – something her mind was suited for, and she passed with flying colours. She was even advanced to the Masters and put forward a year or so for the PhD. Now, she was a Doctor of Physics. I smiled at that thought. And I was a Doctor of Medicine, which we had planned together. I sighed. She doesn’t know who I am, now... the plan is irrelevant. I finally got the lights just right, showing the subtle glow of her near flawless olive skin. Her dark brown hair, nearly black, seemed to shimmer too. Her deep, mysterious brown eyes were sparkling. Understated beauty, as always.
“Errm... turn this way a bit... no, left a teeny bit. Ok. Now... look this way, and a little smile...” Click. Photo taken. “Right. Thank you... Congratulations and have a Good Day!”
“Thank you.” She stood up and smiled warmly, and then walked off. Someone was waiting for her – a young man who had just graduated from a medicine degree. I realised, with a little heartache, that it was Matthew Reish. Mi-chan, dating Reish. He saw me, and scowled. I looked away. I suppose that in his eyes, I looked similar to her girlfriend that didn’t show up after Mi-chan’s accident. Anyone would be angry given the story. I turned away. This separation is... painful.
“Alex, you should take a look at this.” I ambled over to the computer where Raphael was sitting. He was on some artistic website where users post photos for others to rate. My jaw dropped at the image. “The user is a male from this country. Hmm, a doctor? Well, that’s unusual...”
“...Yeah. It also says the model’s name...”
“Hmm, yeah. Alex. ...Did you...?” I didn’t really hear what he was saying. I was deep in thought.
“That’s Dexie’s picture. It was taken after... after you took Mi-chan.”
“I don’t... understand...”
“I moped around for a bit in the shower. See? I shattered the camera, but the memory card was unharmed. Perhaps...”
“Perhaps he found the card, thought it looked good, and guessed the name. Coincidence.”
“Maybe you’re right, but... I found another photo, from his sister.” I took over the computer, if only briefly, to show him something else. He gasped. The picture in front of him was very... familiar. One beautiful girl on the left holding the hands of the not-so-pretty girl on the right. Both were very similar, and looked very... intimate.
“I recognise the girls. The one on the left is Miscenco’s form. The one on the right...” He gasped.
“Yeah, Mirari-chama.” I flicked to the next picture – a concept picture for costume designs for ten. “You recognise them?”
“...ETHER... Ren, Athe and me.” I nodded grimly.
“This is no coincidence. Their memories are coming back.”
“Things are resurfacing.”
I sat on the edge of the roof, watching the Club opposite. It was slightly cold, but I didn’t mind. I had to see... I had to know if she was alright – were her memories coming back, too? I had logged in – something I hadn’t done in a while – so that I could drift in the shadows. It was three in the morning, and people were filtering out from the club. It was then I saw her, laughing and joking with her –ugh- boyfriend, Reish. He had his arm around her, and she rested her head on his chest. I was feeling sick at this sight – six years, and my feelings are just as strong. Ren’s sacrifice was useless – I’d rather have died than see this. But... I never knew what Athe’s wish was... My thoughts were suddenly drawn back to the street.
“MAAAAATT!” Some people had grabbed her, taking her down some dark alley whilst Reish had been K’Oed. She was fighting them off pretty well, kneeing one in the groin, kicking another in the chest... ETHER’s training returning, I assume. Reish, to my amusement, had only been punched once and left in the road. I sighed. I can’t just leave him there... I jumped off the roof, landing next to Reish’s form. I unerringly pulled him off the road and then went to help Mi-chan. Even she had become exhausted after fighting off four men. She was breathing heavily, and the last man was reaching for her throat with his large hand.
“You are mine, b***h.” I hesitated – if she sees me... would that cause problems? Meanwhile, he had cut off her skirt, preparing to... I couldn’t finish that thought. He was choking her against the wall with one hand, and removing her underwear with the other. His trousers were down... but before he could do anything, I was within one step behind him. ******** it. She needs saving.
“Get your hands off of her, douche-bag. Or I will make you.” He turned to face me, dropping her. She slumped to the floor.
“You gonna make me, pretty boy? I can’t take a threat seriously from a little girl in a dress like you... What’cha going to do? Plat my hair and make me sing-” He didn’t have chance to finish that sentence – I had thrown him out onto the road, in the path of the police car called to deal with the incident. I took the unconscious Mi-chan up and onto the roof.
“Mi-chan...” I had also grabbed her skirt, fixing it with a thought and putting it on her now slim form. She’s changed physically since the event – very close to her logged in form in terms of size and figure. I took note of her clothing – a black bolero with a black strappy top and a red swing skirt. She wouldn’t have worn that when I knew her... but then again, it wouldn’t really have suited her. I picked her up, and her bolero slipped a bit off of her shoulders. I nearly dropped her with shock. She had tattoos on her shoulders... the Caragiri family symbol... one on each shoulder. “...she might...” She began to stir – I leapt back.
“Wha- Where...? What happen?” She sat up, and looked around, blinking as she thought. She saw me and flinched, curling up – bracing herself for another attack. I hesitated again, waiting for her to make the next move. It was nearly a minute before she lowered her guard slightly. I – rather slowly, I add – approached her. She flinched slightly away from me.
“It’s okay, those men are far away now.” She scurried away from me, towards the edge of the roof. She then noticed where she was, and peered over and down. She watched the police question the men... and watched Reish panic. She kept glancing at me, and then at the scene below. As she prepared to shout down to Reish, I leapt to her, putting my hand over her mouth and my arm around her waist. She struggled hard, but she was still exhausted from the fighting. And she was in pain, clearly. I was trying to be careful...
“I want to know how you’ll explain why you’re up here on this roof with no access.” She stopped, and I let her go, moving away from her again.
“Who... who are you? And why did you-”
“I am The Black Rose.” Her eyes widened in either surprise or disbelief. I drew closer to her again, sat down, and took one of her hands. She had a few cuts and grazes over her hands and legs from the attack, but nothing too serious as far as I could see. I ran my fingers over one of the larger cuts that extended up to her elbow. I was surprised that she’d let me do this quite intimate act – healing some of her larger cuts before her still wide eyes.
“Wha-What a-a-are you...” I put one finger to her lips.
“Ssssh. I’m healing your wounds.”
“Yes... but... m-m-my b-b-boyfriend... police and the...” She was flushing, and having problems speaking. I’d read about this before – I hope – these are the signs of attraction between a girl and a jaw-droppingly perfect guy. Heh. She didn’t do this when we first met... I suppose not knowing me when she was innocent makes her this way. Then again, what I’m doing might have some sort of effect on her behaviour.
“You don’t need to worry about them... those thugs will get what they deserve.”
“But Ma-Matt...He-he-he’s...” I laughed.
“Don’t worry about him for now.” I smoothed the cuts from her skin. Nearly flawless. I can’t heal it fully because... she needs some injury for an alibi... “The most important thing is to get these large cuts sorted out. You won’t want infection from the dirty alley.” I finished on her arm, and gestured for the other... I couldn’t quite muster the words to use, but she understood. Is she using her Waveforming ability? She gave it almost unwillingly... embarrassed a bit by the intimacy.
“I suppose... you’re right.” She had almost sighed this in pleasure. I smiled as I quickly healed the other arm. It wasn’t as badly grazed as the other arm... Her usual ETHER style of combat, I noted. I smiled a little as I finished the arm. I hesitated a bit...
“Umm...” And I gestured, somehow, that I wanted to check her legs. “Is that alright?” She went a little pinker, then reluctantly unfurled her legs. I nearly gasped as I saw a deep gash running up her shin on one side and a heavy graze on the other. I gingerly ran my hand up the grazed shin, removing it when I saw her wince. Even the gentlest touch of my fingers caused a little look of pain to cross her face. “You should tell me if it hurts... Don’t just sit there...”
“I’m sorry...”
“No... don’t be.” I lifted her shin up, much to her surprise.
“What th-” I kissed her grazed shin so tenderly, healing it quickly. I looked up to see a bright red face of surprise. She had her mouth wide open – if her jaw was any lower, I’d be digging in Oz for it.
“I’m... sorry... It was just the... gentlest way to-” She blinked twice... If it were the old days, I’d say she was going to faint...
“...I...” I let go of her shin and quickly put my arm around her to hold her up. “Do... do you know... me?” I tried hard to keep a straight face, but it just wasn’t good enough. She reached for my face, touching it gently with her fingertips. I flushed slightly.
“I know you from college. I’m just a little upset you don’t remember me.” There. A bare-faced lie. She recoiled slightly, holding a now curled up hand to her mouth.
“I-I-I’m sorry... I don’t re-re-remember much of college...” I smirked.
“Yeah, I understand... The accident.” She nodded a little glumly. I wordlessly continued with her other leg as she began to think – well, try to remember.
“You’ll have to remind me of your name...”I finished her leg and smiled at her. I’m not falling for that trick, even after all these years.
“I think... you’re all better. Now... shall we get you back down there? I do believe Reish is still down there...” She looked over the edge again, only to blush...
“I-I-I-I forgot about hi-” I laughed.
“No worries. I have that effect on some people...” I swept her off her feet. “Hmm. Hold on!” She buried her head in my shoulder – apparently she still doesn’t like heights... and can tell what’s coming... I ran to the side of the building and jumped off into another dark alleyway. We were actually in the next street over from Reish, but that’s okay.
“Can... can I look now?” I giggled.
“Yes, you can look.” I put her down. “See? You’re on the ground now.” She looked up at me in amazement.
“What are you...? You can heal... you can jump... you stun people... you threw that thug...” I gripped her shoulders and looked into her again wide eyes.
“I am The Black Rose.” I laughed. “Look me up on Wikipedia!” I put my forehead to hers, closing my eyes. “But... please... don’t say anything to anyone...” If she had her eyes open, she would’ve rolled them. I think she did anyway.
“As if anyone would believe me anyway...” I sighed.
“...but if anyone asks, you climbed over this high fence after being chased by the thugs, landed... and dazed yourself. Look, you even have a few cuts and grazes. That’s why you’ve taken a while to stagger out of the alley. I know you’ll be fine.”
“I... thank you. Thank you so much for saving me... Black Rose.” I smiled and she smiled back. “Maybe we should have a drink together sometime... catch up on things.” I chuckled. I was so close... my lips were so close... I cringed internally, warring with what I wanted and what was right.
“Aah, but would you recognise my alter-ego?” I let go of her shoulders and stepped away a bit, opening my eyes. She was blushing, eyes slowly opening. “Well... I think I could get in contact...” I winked at her. “We’ll see. See you later!” I leaped up and into the shadows, phasing back home. I got there and literally slumped on the floor, crying. What have I done? What the ******** have I done? Why couldn’t I have held myself back? Why? What have I let myself in for? I stayed there, sobbing into the floor all night... Mi-chan... Oh, Mi-chan... I’m sorry for the pain I could cause...
***(Black Roses and Miracles)
I’d spent the early morning explaining my side of the story to the police after I’d staggered out of the alley next to a police car... yeah, I managed to climb a high fence trying to escape the thugs... dazed myself and spent a long time recovering... They released me at around half six in the morning and I was taken to hospital to be checked over. Yeah, nothing but a couple of little cuts and grazes from the bad climbing, a little bump to the head from a dodgy landing and a slight concussion. I was taken home, where my parents fussed over me. At around eleven, my parents had to go to work... so I decided to look up The Black Rose...
“This is interesting...” So, The Black Rose is an urban myth... that a mysterious young person in a black outfit (Yes, that’s right so far...) that is a) a super hacker, capable of getting into any system and getting at any data (I suppose that’s how he’d contact me...), b) appears and disappears into the shadows (Yep) and c) has superhuman powers like healing and super strength. That’s it – the man must’ve been The Black Rose. Hmm... it also says that The Black Rose may also be female, and that The Black Rose has been spotted in multiple places at once, maximum of three. One female, two male. All godly beautiful. I paused. So... that was just one of three Black Roses? The phone rang... I ignored it for a bit. Now I’m just sleepy. After thirteen rings, I picked up the phone. Matt...
“Oh! Are you alright? Are you hurt? Are you... still awake?”
“I’m fine, I’m fine. I’ve been up for nearly thirty hours... so I’m probably not with it...”
“Oh... I’m sorry... Can I come over...?” I made some sort of agreement noise. “I’ll be over as soon as possible!” He laughed. “Please stay awake until you let me in!” I smirked. “Alright then... See you soon!” And he hung up. It took me a while to put the phone down, and much longer to get to the door. By the time I had unlocked the door, Matt was standing there with an unusual package. I opened the door slowly, and yawned. He smiled and came in, putting the brown paper package on the stairs, closing the door and almost carrying me into the living room.
“Thank...” I yawned. “...you...” He smirked and reclined on the sofa, laying me on top of him. He smirked again.
“Are you sure you’re alright?” I nodded, somehow. “Aww... you just want to sleep... Well, that’s fine with me. I don’t start until tomorrow.” I was too far gone to care less, and just slept on his chest.
I was standing in the middle of a black circle seemingly painted into the floor. Although I was aware of eight people standing there, I could only focus on one face – The Black Rose that I had met... just younger. He was standing there with an almost sad look on his face. It was wrong for someone that beautiful to look sad... Then the pain began, spreading from my upper arms, thighs and the back of my neck... I screamed and it all went black. This dream again...
Matt was shaking my shoulders.
“Please wake up... Oh, please wake up...” I was aware of his hands gripping my shoulders, gently shaking them. I opened my eyes. I was still on him, and that was a nightmare.
“Matt...” He put his arms around me, pulling me close to him. “Oh! Oh... I’m sorry for worrying you...” He laughed.
“That’s alright...” He gave me a squeeze. “I’m the one that should be apologising... I’m sorry... I wasn’t there to protect you... I was path-” I put one finger to his lips.
“No worries. We can’t all be athletic miracles.” I laughed uneasily. Yeah... I don’t think I should tell him I was flirting with an urban legend... nor tell him what said urban legend did. I smiled at him as he cupped my face in his hands. Warm-ish... He smirked. There was a long period of silence as we looked into each other’s eyes. Eventually, he smiled again.
“You know... I just can’t get over the fact you don’t like being called by your name. It’s so pretty...” He sighed. “I’m just going to have to call you by a cute nickname...
“Something... intelligent but pretty... and cool.” He sighed.
“It’s going to have to be Latin. That’s interesting.” I rolled my eyes.
“And the cool bit?”
“Hmm. You were nearly unscathed after last night... A miracle.” There was a small pause. He grinned. “Got it. You are now... Mirari!” I blinked twice.
“That sounds cute.” And familiar... I smiled warmly. “I’ll accept that.” He smirked, leaning in to kiss me.
“...Mirari...” A strangely familiar little voice in the back of my head sighed sadly as our lips met.
- by Holy Bacon of Holy |
- Fiction
- | Submitted on 03/01/2009 |
- Skip

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