It’s nearly half-past-midnight. Ri-chan is late if he’s coming. I heard a light thud on the windowsill. How unusual – Ri-chan doesn’t make so much noise... And, more importantly... it’s not an ETHER night... I heard a gentle rapping on the window, and rushed to see what was wrong. I nearly fell backwards in surprise. Sinistra and Dextera were on the windowsill, both logged in. I had to open the window for them – unlike Ri-chan, who lets himself in... As soon as I had opened the window, I was snatched by Dextera... I was thrown into the backseat of a white Lotus and was sped off...
“Ugh... what... why?” Sinistra turned around to face me, who had just righted myself. Not with it...
“We’re sorry. It’s to do with Alex...”
“Wha happen?” Dextera grimaced.
“You’re the only one that can help.”
“Okay, this is sounding cheesy. And, it doesn’t explain what happened.” Sinistra smirked.
“Sorry. Ri-chan ran off at some bad news...”
“Sam, just tell her.”
“Fine, Sam.” She sighed. “I’m sorry... HaKura was killed.” My eyes widened... HaKura... gone?
“Where... where is Ri-chan?” Ri-chan must be in so much pain... he loved his Mother. HaKura was killed? Who’d be able to...
“We don’t know. That’s why...”
“...we need you to find him and...”
“How is Tsu-chan?”
“She’s fine... she took it better than he did.”
“Ah...” There was a long pause. “How are you two holding up?”
“We’re fine...”
“Dark blue and black says otherwise.” I could feel Dextera take his foot from the gas in surprise. “Dextera... something’s weighing on your mind... purple makes me think that it was something said to you...” I sighed. “Sinistra, something lays weight on your mind, too. The almost grey colour suggests you are bottling.” I yawned, getting sleepy again. “Lucky me and my parents were up late... it seems as if this’ll be a tad longer than usual.” I yawned again, falling asleep in the quiet of the drive... the next thing I heard was the soft sobbing of someone... Tsu-chan? I instantly awoke – I’ve always been sensitive to the sound of crying. I was in EA, and was being carried by Dextera. He was cold to the touch... Tsu-chan was in front of me, being comforted by Libra. Libra was pretty shaken, too. Light was standing in the corner, looking glum. Libra noticed our entrance and gestured to the login rooms. I nodded, falling out of Dextera’s arms and hit the ground running. Within minutes I was logged in and back into the room. Libra blinked.
We don’t know where he’s gone... My tracking power’s being disabled somehow...
So, you were hoping I could find him? Well... I’ll- I was hit by a terrible headache, and stumbled backwards. I held my hands to my ears though it did no good.
“What’s wrong? Master Dark?”
“Ugh... Headache... Can’t... Ri-chan... oh!” I saw a flash of a room or, at least a familiar floor...
“What’s-” I phased, almost instinctively. I didn’t know where to until I felt the cold floor beneath me. I tried to get up, but a cold weight was put on top of me suddenly. It pushed me back down to the floor, and I couldn’t move. There was a light, almost silent breathing in the background. I stretched my neck around, trying to see the source, but in the inky black I could only make out the floor and the wall.
“Why are you here?” A voice hissed. “How did you find me?” I knew the hissing – I could smell Ri-chan’s scent...
“Ri-chan... I came to find you...”
“Leave me alone!”
“No... Ri-chan...” The weight pressed down on me before I got another headache... this time I could deduce why I was getting them. A hissing noise full of venom. Made by Ri-chan’s grieving mind...
“No!” The pressure increased, as did the headache.
“You can’t see me like this.” I whimpered. I can’t phase anywhere like this. There were hints of desperation in his voice. “I HATE you Mirari!”
“NO!” I began to sob. Why does he hate me? “Ri-chan... I won’t leave you.”I balled my fists, tensing up. I then heard his faint crying, too. “Ri-chan... I can’t let you suffer so alone...” I then had an idea. Ri-chan’s emotions came to me in a waveform, like a signal from a TV. So, in theory, I can get his exact location via signal strength and then phase to him. Theoretically. I moved my head, trying to distinguish differences in the intensity of the colour I could feel. It was a tiny, tiny difference, but I hoped it would be enough. The pressure increased a bit more, and I couldn’t breathe. I had to act. I phased. Time seemed to slow down as I made out a curled up figure below me – he wasn’t even looking to see if I was there anymore, he was sobbing into his knees. I crashed into him, putting my arms around his neck. I was instantly pushed – he was trying to push me away, but I had a firm grip around him. In fact, the harder he pushed, the harder I held on. He was leaving bruises, but I didn’t care. A few bones cracked.
“Mirari. Go!”
“No...” I pushed my head into his back. “Ri-chan, I cannot leave you like this!” He tried to push me away again. I kissed the back of his neck where I could reach. “Ri-chan... it hurts me more to let you go on suffering alone...” I held myself closer to him – he was still sobbing, and I joined in.
“You’re the biggest b***h I’ve met. You are so clingy! You can’t even respect the wishes of others! Get off me!”
“Don’t you understand? I won’t let you suffer like this.” He uncurled and spun around, grabbing my shoulders. I could see his tears falling down his cheeks, and was unable to reach his face... He looked so angry...
“******** off!” I shook my head, and it felt like he was crushing my shoulders. He was. I could feel the bones begin to crush... “I hate you, are you too stupid to understand?” I nodded.
“Yep.” He crushed my shoulders harder. I cried out in pain as my shoulder blades fractured and bones powdered. My hands were numb. “I’d touch your face if I could move my arms, Ri-chan. I’d wipe the tears that fall...” The pain was too much as I felt the skin break. “What can I do to show you that I care, Ri-chan? Well, even if you hate me... I can’t care about that. I just want to stop you suffering...” He removed his hands, which hurt more than the actual crushing part. I couldn’t stay awake much longer... “Those colours tell me you lie, Ri-chan... The colours... have yet to lie, unlike you... I hate... you...” ...for doing this to yourself. I blacked out to the sound of louder sobbing. Oh, Ri-chan... I felt warm hands on my face.
“Mi-chan...” The sobbing grew louder. “********, ********, [********]...” I heard a thump on the floor next to me. “Kill me now, someone... please...”
“Alex...” Ri-chan was really in pain now... “Don’t be stupid.”
“Kill ME!” I could feel my hands again. I opened my eyes a crack to see him pleading with Dextera and Libra. He was facing away from me, and was logged in still. I could see tears streaming down his face still. “I’ve become a monster... I should be killed now – I could endanger-”
“You endangered Dark.” Libra looked sadly at him. “There is no evidence to say that you endangered the public. I cannot deliver that punishment.” She smiled wryly. “Punishment is to be delivered by Dark, your first superior.” I opened my eyes wide, slowly sitting up. Ri-chan gasped, turning to face me. More tears welled in his eyes. I took a deep breath, which made my shoulders ache. I am going to ignore Ri-chan for now. He said he hated me, so...
“Dextera, how bad?”
“If you weren’t logged in, you’d have lost your arms.” He smiled. “The tops of your arms were pretty much mush.” Libra giggled.
“You’re really good for a newbie, Mira- Dark.” I smiled at Libra.
“Thank you, Master.” I bowed my head to her. Dextera smirked.
“Ah, it’s getting late, Master Dark.”
“Oh? What time is it?”
“It’s nearly six in the morning.” My eyes widened.
“Oh goodness... I’d better get home...” Libra nodded.
“Yes, yes. Dextera, take her home.”
“Yes Master.” We all phased back to EA, and I quickly logged out. Dextera seemed amused as he drove me home, as I’d blanked Ri-chan. “Are you planning to ignore him for a while?” I nodded.
“He said he hated me, and he crushed my shoulders... So I figure if he wants to suffer alone that badly... let him.”
“Very mature.” I smiled, and rubbed my shoulder. “Are you fully healed, Dark?” I shook my head.
“No, not quite. It still hurts...” I sighed. “How bad?”
“Well, I think your bones are in one piece. I think it’s just bruising at the moment.” I smiled.
“I think I can cope with it.” He smirked.
“And what about Alex? What are you going to do?”
“Ignore him as much as I can.” He looked at me.
“Can you really do that?”
“No, probably not.” I smiled. “But I’ll try.”
It’s been a week since my shoulders were crushed. Dextera had said that I’d be bruised, and he was right. I had terrible bruises all over my shoulders, which I had easily covered up. They were fading now, nearly gone. I hadn’t spoken to Ri-chan all the while. I wonder, is he alright? I know I was a little annoyed... but he had said he hated me, and he did try and crush me. The part where he said he hated me cut deep. Real deep, even if I knew... I suppose this silence is my punishment for him – Libra did say that I had to deal out the punishment. I barely spoke to him during the one ETHER night that I had. It was nearly 11.30, and I couldn’t sleep. I had an odd gut feeling.
“Oh, Ri-chan...” I heard a little thud outside my windowsill. Which slightly alarmed me. I made pretend I was asleep, pulling the covers over myself. The window opened, and I heard someone enter. Whoever it was, they were very quiet. I... my wave-forming ability was automatically muted at home, so I only got vague feelings. Whoever it was, they wanted to repent. Then, I could smell the intruder. Ri-chan. His fingers drew closer to my face (or so I could feel), and then withdrew. I then heard him kneel down by my bed.
“Mi-chan...” His voice was so quiet. It sounded almost... broken. “Mi-chan... I don’t hate you... I... tried to say what I had to so you wouldn’t see me that way... but, you’ve broken me.” I could imagine tears falling from his face. I deliberately rolled over to face his way – although I was still pretending to be asleep. He almost gasped... well, I could feel tears welling. “Mi-chan... I hurt you, didn’t I?” I could almost feel his fingers on my skin. “Oh, my Mi-chan... I wish I could make it up to you... I would apologise if you’d listen... I would do anything...” I fought back the urge to kick him. Why say it in the first place? I think my fingers twitched under the covers. I’m asleep...
It was not an ETHER night, but I couldn’t sleep again. Again, I heard a light thud on my windowsill. This is getting silly. I wonder – has Ri-chan came for another night? Every night for a week... seven nights of his apologising. Eight is ridiculous! I angrily stormed to the window, sweeping the curtains open. This time I would give him a piece- Tsu-chan was there, accompanied by Sinistra. They were surprised to see me fling the curtains open and in a rage. I took a deep breath and Tsu-chan opened the window while I cooled off.
“Woah... You look irritated...” I smiled.
“Sorry... for a second I thought it was Ri-chan again...” I sighed. “Every night for a week, sneaking in and begging...”
“You spoke to him?” I shook my head.
“Nope, I pretended to be sleeping.” I smiled a bit. “I know, soooo mature.” Tsu-chan looked concerned.
“Mi-chan... is this... is your punishment on him?” I nodded slowly... The emotions just couldn’t be held back now...
“I... It hurt... when he said he hated me...” I held my closed fist to my chest. “I... I... I-I-I...” I couldn’t say anything more. Tsu-chan put her arms around me.
“It’s okay... Really... We understand.” Sinistra smiled.
“It must hurt after what happened...”
“T-t-the crushed shoulders didn’t hurt as much as what was said...” Tsu-chan rubbed my back.
“I... heard. I heard what was said to you.” She squeezed me. “Maybe... he deserves to suffer a bit. But... he took it hard.” I saw that she was reluctant to say what had sparked it off. Very understandable... HaKura was her Mother, too.
“How is he?”
“He’s... drunk.” Sinistra smiled uneasily.
“That’s why we came... he’s... AWOL again.”
“But nothing, Mirari. He’s blocking Libra again.” Sinistra sighed. “I know... but he’s been gone a week... all we can tell is that he’s drunk...” I nodded.
“I’ll go.” I smiled sadly. “Of course I’d come.” I chuckled. “Lucky my parents are away, huh?”
I was dragged out of the window again, and thrown into the back of Tsu-chan’s Dolly. Not comfortable, but it’s a very practical car. And, as we sped to wherever, I was thrown around as it leaned on the corners... I ended up rolling out as we reached EA, all covered in bruises...
“Padded much?”
“Sorry, Mi-chan... It’s not designed for comfort, but to carry pigs...” I giggled.
“Yeah, thanks for that.” I stood up, checking for any serious damage. “Right. To work.” As we walked to where Libra was waiting, Sinistra and Tsu-chan explained the whole story...
After Dextera took me home, Ri-chan disappeared again. He came back again, and Libra banned him from using the Mod Units. He then used them (How?), vanishing into the night. And so, he’s been gone a week, blocking Libra’s tracking ability with his lack of clear thinking. I didn’t know – he came every night... When we reached Libra, I explained it. She nodded, and told me to log in...
“Master, if you cannot track him...” I stepped closer to Libra after logging in.
“Dark, you did it last time...” I shook my head.
“Yes, but last time he was actively repelling me... This time...”
“He’s gone on a Bender.” I nodded.
“Shall I go and search?” Libra smiled.
“If that’s what you think could help, Dark. We... need to attend to ETHER business tonight.” Libra sighed. “We ideally need both sections, but...” I wasn’t really listening. I had began to feel dizzy...
“Master... the room... it’s spinning...” Dextera, who had been watching from behind, caught me as I fell backward.
“Dark...” He began to examine me a little. “...Yeah, showing signs of heavy alcohol consumption...”
“Ugh... I feel bad...”
“You’ve never been drunk before, have you?”
“No...” I shut my eyes. “I don’t want to... either...” I could see flickers of a space with minimal, soft light... the table seemed familiar... I reeled again, rolling over... “Ri-chan...”
“What about him?”
“He’s completely drunk... and the hangover’s kicked in...” I curled up. “I bet you’re all glad I haven’t got anything in my stomach to bring up...” Someone murmured an agreement... I could see a flash of the area again... I should be looking at a wall and a ceiling, but... I see sky. It all clicked. The rooftop of his house... I had a location, but not the senses to phase... “Is... is there any way to sever the... telepathy between me and him? Ugh...” I opened my eyes, rolling over again.
“No... can you see where he is?”
“I see images... but the... ugh... sickness...” I clutched at the air... “It’s getting... worse...” I lost control as I felt a pull... I phased... landing on a hard, cold surface. This sobered me up. I opened my eyes. Yeah, I was right – the little rooftop escape...
“I lost her... I threw it away... I was a fool... I was stupid...” Ri-chan’s broken voice, muttering things... I sat up. It seemed that I had landed in the one patch of floor not covered in vomit... I looked to the constant muttering. Ri-chan was curled up and rocking back and forth... “Mum would... but... and... I threw it away... Stupid ******** up... I didn’t deserve... if I did this...” I still felt sick... the smell wasn’t helping, nor was his feeling of sickness..."...she hates me... Mi-chan, hating me..." I trawled through the vomit to him. At this stage in time, I couldn’t care less about how I’d get the vomit out later.
“Ri-chan?” I saw a ripple run over his skin. He then put his hands over his ears.
“No... Don’t torment me... Don’t...” I gently touched his hands and he cringed. “I was wrong, I know that... I don’t need reminding...”
“Ri-chan... Look at me...” I lowered my head to look into where his eyes were. He curled up tighter. I moved my hands to touch his cheek. His head snapped up, and his eyes were open as he looked at me. The usually glistening eyes were dull and bloodshot. He looked like he needed sleep real bad. “Ri-chan...” I don’t think he believed what he saw.
“Now I’m seeing things...” At this stage, I was a little annoyed... In a fit of some inspiration or annoyance, I slapped him. This doesn’t feel like me...
“And do you think that a dream of yours would slap you?” I stood up and turned away. These next words will kill us both. A feeling I had took over... “You’re pathetic.” Colours began to flow from him, flooding the area in a range of sorrow-filled hues...
“You cope so well... Look at yourself. Drunk, partially hung over and vomit everywhere. A week of little or no sleep and hallucinations... Stupid... Pathetic... Feeble...” I heard him uncurl and stand up. I stepped away, and he grabbed my shoulder. I knocked it off and stepped further away. “Get off me.”
“Mi-chan...” He grabbed my shoulders again, and held them tight.
“Get. Your. Hands. Off. Of. Me.” I quickly spun around, kicking him back. He looked... deeply shocked.
“Mi-chan... please...”
“You were the one that said you hated me, Alex.”
“You said you hated me. You crushed my shoulders into mush...” I nearly snarled at him.
“You didn’t want me to see you like that, and then you plead for me?” I spat out these words. I want to forgive him, but... not like this. He’s being silly. “Very hypocritical.”
“Mi-chan... what can I do to...”
“You need to sort yourself out. You need to stop beating yourself up.” I blinked. “You need to stop drinking and start getting things straight.”
“But...” He looked down. “I... I-i-i-i-I...”
“You have issues with me getting too close? Is that your problem?” I shook my head. “I don’t know, I can’t tell. It’s either hot or ice cold with you. Never so-so.”
“Mi-chan... I...”
“You’re like a self-locked book. I can hold you close, but I can’t read what’s inside unless you open up.” There was a blur, and he was standing in front of me. That was faster movement than I’ve seen before... “Alex...”
“Let me unlock myself, then.” He grabbed my arms, and, despite my struggling... he kept a firm hold. “Mi-chan... I didn’t realise... I didn’t know...”
“Ri-chan...Let me in.” He looked a little flustered.
“You want to know? Fine.” He paused. He’s not going to dawdle... “I killed my Mother.” My reply was instant.
“I don’t believe that for a second.”
“But... it’s true.”
“I still don’t quite believe you.” I sighed. “You make it sound-”
“I had to forcefully remove her Mod Units, destroying her nervous system.”
“Exactly, you had to.” I felt his grip loosen, and I held his face in my hands. “Ergo-”
“I killed my own Mother, Mi-chan!” He gripped my shoulders again. “How can you stand there and take it-”
“Because I know you better than that, idiot!” He looked a little surprised. “You wouldn’t have done it unless it was for her good... I know that, and so do you.” I smiled. “Lemme guess, some Mod Unit experiment gone wrong? Aah, I bet it was something to do with increasing power output... and then-” I was silenced by his lips meeting mine. He put his arms around me, pulling me to him. When he pulled away for air, he replaced his lips with his fingers.
“You’re damn smart, do you know that?” He smiled slightly, removing his fingers.
“See... If it was as bad as I imagine, then... you did the right thing.”
“How can you trust just my word on this?” I flushed.
“Telepathy works in odd ways...” His eyes widened. There was a pause. “Ah well. Perchance, is that why Kat seemed to be more alright than you?” He looked down and away. “She knew.”
“Yes, she was... helping Mum. She saw the whole... I was the only... I had to...” He looked like he was going to cry again. I smiled up at him, and then reached up on my tiptoes so that I could kiss his cheek.
“We’ll get through this, Ri-chan.” He sighed and I kissed the end of his nose. “Together.”
“Too much a**-talk tonight.” I nuzzled his chest. “I’m here, I will be...”
“Yes... together. I won’t hide from you like that again.” There was a long pause.
“Shall we go back?” He shook his head slightly. “No? What are we going to do, then?”
“Is that open?” He suddenly picked me up. “I can certainly think of something... something very, very devious...” He then swept me up in his arms and began running into the house.
“Oh help...” I used a very relaxed, yet sarcastic tone. “...I do think I’m being kidnapped...”
“It’s only kidnap if you’re unwilling, Mi-chan...” We giggled.
“True...” There was another pause. I smiled. “Now... is that your reaction to every trauma, to get drunk?”
“Ooh, are you trying to pry?”
“Are you trying to hide?” We laughed as we reached the living room.
“You’re going to need a lot of time...”
“I have all weekend, Ri-chan. Parents away again...” He sat down, putting me on his lap. “Start from the beginning, Ri-chan...” He sighed, and began... telling me as much as I asked...
We spoke until everyone burst into the living room. This was at around midday, mind... I think everyone was surprised that we were talking again. Well, not when they came in. We were lying in a pool of water after we cleaned each other. Just lying there, enjoying each other’s company.
Night came, as did the next mission. Since Mi-chan’s parents had gone away, if anything else happened, there was time to fix it... We had all been debriefed before login. I was still holding onto Mi-chan’s shoulder after walking out of Debrief. I wasn’t really happy about letting go of her... some odd feeling I had that wouldn’t go away...
“No worries, Ri-chan...”
“Ano, I said that before.” I kissed her on the forehead.
“Yeah, I remember.” I reluctantly let go of her as Dextera pulled me away. Dextera sighed.
“You sense it too, don’t you?” I nodded.
“Yeah... something’s going to happen...” We quickly headed to the Male login rooms, logging in as quickly as we could. We rushed back... we entered in time to see Mi-chan flying into a wall. She was coughing and holding her chest in pain. She was barely conscious... Michelle was standing there looking pleased with herself as Dextera rushed over to her.
“What have you done?”
“A half trained admin is weak...”
“Alex, she’s been hit in the chest mid-transformation...”
“No...” I rushed to Mi-chan’s side. “How bad?”
“I can’t say...” I stood up and turned back to Mich- Light.
“How could you?” I balled my fists up. “How COULD YOU!”
“We can be together, Alex...” Everything went red and I rushed to attack Light. The next thing I remember is being face down on the floor with a weight holding me down. My arms and legs ached.
“Alex, you’ve been a fool. Again.” Dextera’s cold, hard voice. I strained to look around. From what I could see, we were alone. I figured Dextera was the weight holding me down.
“Prob...ably.” I sighed. “Where’s Mi-chan?”
“Mi-chan? You mean Dark.” I murmured an agreement.
“Where is she? Is she alright?”
“She’s unconscious at the moment.” He almost chuckled. “She’s in Intensive.”
“Yeah, but is she alright?”
“She just needs some time. The hit was pretty hard, so she sustained some injury in a vital area. We know she can heal herself, so give it some time. Lucky she was mostly through the login...”
“That’s a relief.”
“But, as I said...” He sighed. “You’ve been a fool.”
“I don’t... What happened?”
“You attacked Light. Kat stepped in to stop you both.”
“Oh...” I hit my head on the floor since I couldn’t reach it with my hands. “Is Kat...?”
“Kat’s fine. She was injured a little by Light, but she healed quickly.”
“And Light?”
“In Intensive, with Dark.”
“They’re both out of it. After Light knocked Kat aside, Libra stepped in. She knocked you out, threw Light aside hard...”
“Master Libra’s going to-”
“I’m not going to do anything, Alex.” I cringed. “Nothing’s going to be done unless Dark says so.”
“But nothing, Alex. Those are the rules.” Libra sighed. “Yeah, I knew you’d object.” I heard her stand up and walk around. She then sat down in my field of vision. “We all know that she’s very forgiving and probably won’t do much. But, that’s Dark for you.” I smiled, muttering an agreement or sorts. Dextera sighed.
“Yeah, she’s a fool too. You’re a pair of fools!” Libra chuckled.
“That was a little harsh, Dextera. Considering she’s technically ETHER’s top prodigy.”
“Do what? She can’t be...”
“She is. And, she seems to be better at using ETHAware than all of us. ETHA’s core seems to have taken a shine to her.” Dextera stood up, and the weight was lifted. I wriggled, just wanting to get the circulation back.
“And Mi-chan’s in Intensive, right?” Libra furrowed her brows.
“Who? If you mean Dark, then... No.”
“Huh?” Libra smiled as I stood up.
“She’s in the Infirmary. Sinistra’s just moved her...” Too late, I was out of there. I ran as quickly as I could, slowing as I reached the Infirmary. I peered in. Sinistra was leaning over Mi-chan, tending to a large graze on her arm. I entered slowly.
“... You’re healing up well. Did you not know you were able to do this?” Mi-chan shook her head.
“I suppose I never noticed, Sinistra.” Mi-chan smiled. “I suppose that explains a lot, though. I mean... I’d go and show people cuts, and they were never there.” Mi-chan giggled. “That explains it!” Sinistra laughed.
“Ah, that’s the sort of thing you’d do.” Just then, Sinistra saw me. “Here’s your hero.” Mi-chan turned to face me.
“Ri-chan! Are you alright?” I came and stood next to Mi-chan.
“Heh. That’s what I was going to ask you.” I held her hand. “I’m fine. Are you doing alright?” Sinistra smiled.
“Well, I’ll go and check on Light.” Sinistra exited, leaving me and Mi-chan alone. I leaned in and kissed her on the cheek, making her flush.
“I’m fine.” She reached up and stroked my face gently. “Are you hurt anywhere?”
“No, I haven’t been in the Infirmary tonight.” I smiled, putting my arms around her carefully.
“I see...” She smiled, flushing slightly. “Ri-chan, what exactly happened?”
“I... I don’t exactly know.”
“It sort of... went red after I saw you hurt, and the last thing I remember was attacking Light.”
“Oh!” She put her arms around me. I figure I’d better not tell her about Kat, otherwise she’d worry needlessly. “Thank you...” I squeezed her and held her close.
“Aww, Mi-chan...” I kissed her on the forehead. “It’s okay, you know. I would do anything for you...” She flushed again. Aww, she’s cute, she really is. She then went crimson. I think it sunk in how serious I was about that last bit. I could almost feel that she was too embarrassed to speak, so I gently held her head to my chest. “Mi-chan... My only.” I heard a hiss from the door, but by the time I glanced, there was no one there. Even Mi-chan didn’t see who it was, but I think she knew – because she began sobbing into my chest.
“Wh-wh-why d-does she h-hate me?”
“Light. Why? All I get from her are angry reds and blacks...” I squeezed her closer, kissing her cheek before moving to whisper in her ear.
“She’s madly jealous, Mi-chan. She wants me to be hers... but, you are my only. Always.” I kissed her lips. She was still pink, and a few tears still fell. She smiled a little before going red again. I couldn’t resist but to kiss her lips again... but this time, going by instinct, I gently parted her lips with my tongue. At this stage... we’d never done this before, and we were hesitant to do anything with our tongues. I began to tickle her tongue, us wrestling before I withdrew to catch breath. She was still flushed as I looked into her eyes. Deeply warm brown with a mischievous glint.
“I-I-I-I th-think I need m-m-more pra-practice...” I chuckled.
“Is that an invitation?” I took her face in my hands, leaning in again. “I’d be happy if we, erm, regularly practiced...” She smiled really cutely, going red again.
“So would I...” We both giggled. Yeah, we both enjoyed that – I can see it in her eyes.
“Indeed.” I stroked her cheeks with my thumbs. We stayed like that a while. And I had to ruin the moment... “Mi-chan, why do you relate things to colours? More importantly... how do you know how people are feeling?”
“Huh? Oh... I can’t really explain it... When I look at people, I experience their feelings as colour...” She smiled. “You always seem to be red, pink and purple...”
“Is... is that-” She rubbed her face against my hands.
“Very blissful indeed, Ri-chan...” She looked into my eyes. “Loving you is euphoria indeed...” I blushed as I peered into the brown depths of her eyes. She’s right, and she knows it. She flushed, too. Gushy is not her usual thing.
***(The Usual)
I’ve been a part of ETHA for a long while now. Besides from a rough start, it’s been wonderful. I heard a gentle knocking on my window, the familiar sound I was waiting for. It’s nearly midnight, and my parents are asleep. I opened the curtain to see a warm face looking in on me, his hands beckoning me to join him. I smile. Another ETHER night...
- by Holy Bacon of Holy |
- Fiction
- | Submitted on 03/01/2009 |
- Skip

- Title: Calling The Dark - Part 3
- Artist: Holy Bacon of Holy
The third and final part of the prelogue, Calling The Dark!
Next part - The ETHER Project: Legacy - Date: 03/01/2009
- Tags: calling dark part ethawared
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