Eventually after much persuading he turned round and looked me straight in the eyes. He had lost that certain gleam in his eyes that made me feel safe.
“You have done nothing, that’s the problem, after all the times I have warned you, you just haven’t listened! Do you really want to know what happened that night when you were ‘trapped in a burning building’?” he asked with such a force that I nearly burst into tears. He had lost the angelic voice that he used with me and it was replaced with a horrible gruff voice that I didn’t like one bit.
I think he realised this as he switched back to his angelic voice immediately.
“I’m sorry, I’m just so angry at myself for not leaving sooner, if I had done none of this would’ve happened,” he said but that didn’t seem to comfort me either.
“I don’t know what you mean,” I said in the quietest of voices but yet James seemed to hear it as if that my voice was the loudest in the world and everyone else’s voice was a just an annoying buzzing sound in his ear.
“It doesn’t matter now, you’ve found me and now there is no way of escape for me,” he said with a chuckle. I didn’t know whether he was laughing at his words or the fact that I was confused.
He took my hand and we walked back to the hotel. It was awkward. I didn’t say anything as I was trying to work out what he meant. He had used those words when he first met me. I didn’t know what he meant then either. I thought I had learnt about him and the way his mind worked. Obviously I hadn’t learnt that much.
He held my hand as we walked back to the hotel.
“Come on and sit down, your lasagne will get cold,” he insisted in his gorgeous voice but he said it with force as if it was a command.
I hadn’t realised that we were actually inside the hotel or that I was standing up at my table as if in a trance and would only do as I was told when said. I obediently sat and started to eat my lasagne. I hadn’t realised how hungry I was up until now. Within minutes I was finished. James still hadn’t finished his glass of water. He ordered for me again.
“Can I have two apple pies please, you like apple pies right?” he asked.
“Yeah,” was all I could manage.
We got the apple pies and he shoved both of them towards me.
“Are you going to eat anything?” I asked with a curious tone to my voice.
“I’m not hungry,” he replied.
“So why did you order two?” I inquired.
“They‘re both for you, and don’t say you’re not hungry, you ate that lasagne fast enough didn’t you?” he said. I knew it was a rhetorical question so I didn’t bother answering back. I was just grateful that he was paying for all of this.
A while later we made our way up to the hotel room. He came in and sat on my bed in the corner of the room. I came and sat beside him and as I did so he put his arm around me. I never wanted it to end, but I knew it would.
“So,” I said,” Are you going to tell me what really happened that night?”
this came to mii in a dream...
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