- The beat of it all was indulging. The voices that sung out from the beautiful instroment. Her sealed eyes make it easyer for her to consentrate on her new master piece. The sounds, vibrated and eckoed through the large forest, for know one could here her crys of hoplessness. She took long, majestic, strokes on her weapon of music. Stroking the metalic strings with her horse stringed bow. The sound was high and beautiful. She leaned on a pine tree, playing her song from her soul. Her clothes, fancy like a maid's uniform. Her notes, fell deep into her soul as the forest fell silent. Her hands quivered, but she kept her melody. This song shall not be letten go. Her thoughts screamed in her mind, yet on the outside, tears came up. Thoses tears slid down her rosey cold cheeks and ono this extrodanary tool for music. For every strook she took, The tears would fly off the strings and create a feild of glissiming shareds off tears. The Violin couldn't take much more of her sadness. It was over before she even arrived there. Why? she thought. Why can't i make it?
- by B i o N i g h t |
- Fiction
- | Submitted on 02/28/2009 |
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- Title: Kiromi's Rythem
- Artist: B i o N i g h t
- Description: 2nd Kiromi sequal.
- Date: 02/28/2009
- Tags: kiromis rythem
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Comments (2 Comments)
- B i o N i g h t - 03/06/2009
- Thank you for you comment. Please leave comments and tell me if I need to fix anything! ^^ Thank you.
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- o_OWhatYouDontKnowO_o - 03/01/2009
love love love it!!!!!!!!!!!! *5/5*
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