"Please? Please can I go, Ron will be there, and so will Tommie, and Michelle, and Sara, even Jake's gonna be there, please?", I slid under my mothers arms,"Please?", her face tensed, like she was disgusted I would even ask her,"For the last time Sally, no.", she spat the words at me, they hurt, like little invisble daggers piercing my skin. She broke my grip and left the room.'b***h, why can't I go? Because you didn't get to go to parties when you were little? Well, news flash momma, I'm not that little anymore. Besides, it's not like I'm gonna drink and change in front of everybody, I'm not that stupid.' I called Michelle to let her know I wouldn't be there, she's the only one who knows and that's because I trust her, and if that little p***y ever told, oh would there be trouble. "Michi?... Yea, hey listen about that party....... No, my b***h-whore of a mother won't let me go........... She thinks I'm gonna get drunk and -.......... Well, if you would let me finish......... Yea, anyways she thinks I'm eiether gonna change and end up killing someone or I'm gonna mate with a meat-boy......... I know.......Ok I guess I'll see you at school tomorrow." I slammed the phone down on the receiver, 'Damn, why the hell can't I go? I don't see any reason as to why not, I mean, I cleaned my room, did the dishes for the past week including today, I've taken care of my hamster, and I've been a perfect angel. Why won't the damn b***h let me go?', Oh,that's right the rest of the pack is coming to visit this weekend, 'Damn, why do all my horny cousins and their wolf-friends have to come down this weekend? All of the damn uncles and aunts that smother the hell outta me are comin' too.' s**t, this was not gonna be a fun weekend. "Sal!!!", Michi came trotting over with her perfect hair bouncing this way and that. I slammed my locker door and glared at her. "I'm really sorry you can't come, if it makes you feel better, Jake cancelled last night.", I glared at her harder, "That doesn't make me feel better, it makes me feel worse!", I could hear his footsteps walking toward my locker, "Well, I'll see you next period, we'll talk then.", she scrambled off, 'Why must you leave me with him?', he approached, "Hey, heard you couldn'tgo to the party, huh?", I let out an exasperated sigh, "Yea, I can't go, so what? I'll tell you what, leave me alone Jake, I tired of you chasing after me, I'll pick when the time comes.", I walked away, not caring to look back at him. I heard him laugh, which made me angier, 'Why doesn't he take me seriously? I'm just as much of a threat as he is, aren't I? Great now he's got me second-guessing myself, just what I need.', I hurried to my first period and tired to focus on civics, when that didn't work I started to doodle in my notebook. Eventually the bell rang, making me practically jump out of my seat, and scurried to my locker, Michi was already there waiting for me. I waved, then saw him, 'Damn it!Why the hell is he following me?', then I realized he wasn't waiting for me, he was flirting with Michi.'WHAT THE ********?!?!?!?' ,I walked over, he smiled at me and left. "Michi, what was that about?", she shrugged, "He just came over here and started talking to me, what was I supposed to do? Ignore him? You know that's not me Sal.", she smiled, "Besides, he's cute.", she giggled. 'Good, he's found someone else to mate.', but I couldn't help but feel a twang of jealousy, why did he stop persuing me? Did I do something wrong? I decided not to think about it, I mean, I should be happy, 'Yea, I should be happy, that a*****e has finally decided to leave me alone. I should be estatic.' Michi would not stop talking about her goddamn party during second period, I was starting to think she was rubbing it in my face that I couldn't go, but before she could finish telling me that she was going to spike everyone's drink except for hers, the bell rang. 'Thank you Moon. Thank you for making her stop babbling.',and I walked to my next class. He was waiting at my locker, 'Great now he's gonna rub it in my face that he wasn't chasing after me, just using me to get close to Michi.' But instead he looked at me and said, "You need some help?", I was struggling to carry my books and try to grab my favorite pen at the same time, which was in the front pocket of my purse, and I was sure that it looked a little akward, but he knew I could handle it. 'Maybe he wasn't using me, maybe he was using Michi to make me jealous. But why?' "No, I've got it, thanks though.", wait why the hell was I thanking him? I hoped I was just being polite. I opened my locker shoved my Science notebook in and grabbed my Math one, maybe this could just take my mind of the whole thing. But, with the way he was acting it wouldn't. I could feel him stare at me his warm ember eyes following my curves, fantisizing about what could happen between us, I shivered, he sprung at the opportunity, "Are you cold?", he was already taking his jacket off, "Not really, just thinking about my cousins.", that was a lie but it seemed to work. Not for long, "Take it anyways, I don't need it.", he draped it around my shoulders and walked away before I could give it back. 'Damn, why does this s**t happen to me?', "EEEEEKKKK!!!", I whipped around to see Michi, she was jumping up and down like she was on a trampoline. "What the hell is your problem?", she continued to jump and talk at the same time, "I KNEW IT!!!!! I KNEW IT, I KNEW IT, I KNEW IT!!!!!!!", now she was causing a scene. I grabbed her shoulder, at least that made her stop jumping, "Shut up, your making fools out of both of us, and he's NOT my mate, if thats what you think.", she squealed again, "OMG!!!! HE LIKES YOU, THIS IS GREAT SAL!!!", I shoved her, "No it's not, now shut the hell up.", she looked like I just told that shoes weren't on sale anymore, and they would never be again, "Why not? He DOES like you, right?", I sighed, "Yea, that's kinda the problem.", she looked at me like I just commited the worst sin imaginable, "Why the H-E-DOUBLE HOCKEY STICKS is that a problem? He's cuter than some of the guys here, especially when you consider the possiblities.....", my eyes popped open, "What are you saying?", she shrugged, "I'm just saying...... if given the chance, especially in your postion, I would, oh, I don't know, let him tap me.", I almost puked, "You're digusting.", she shrugged, "I'm just sayin'.", she smiled, "You don't know him like I do, if you did, you probally never wanna see his damn face again, especially after last summer......", I shivered again, I didn't even want to think about that s**t. "What happened?", she's so stupid. "I don't like to talk about it, sorry.", I clutched my books to my chest and scurried to my Math class. 'Please let him skip class today.', I could only hope that mother-banging son of a b***h wasn't here. But that's beside the point, I needed to talk to Mr. A. "Mr. A?", I entered the classroom and sat my books down, "Hmm?", he looked up from his folder. "Ummm, I was wondering if I could have some extra work for this weekend, could I?", I put my papers on my desk, "Why? You've got an A+ in my class Sally, why do you need more work?", I sighed, "Because my cousins are coming down this weekend and I plan to lock myself in my room and this way I could have something to do while I'm in there.", he closed his folder and laughed. "Sorry, as much as I would like to see you improve your grade, it can't go any higher. I'm not gonna give you stuff that won't help you, so tough luck." 'Damn, now I have to spend time with those horny dickheads.', I sat and everyone else in my class piled in, Missi, Shelly, Sammi, Tommie, Eddie, and Quince. Missi, Sammi, and Shelly were all happily gossiping, it never ceases to amaze me how some girls can just sit and come up with stuff about their "friends" and completely ruin someones reputation. Tommie and Eddie where playfully punching each other, but stopped when they saw me. They were both strong members of the pack, both still looking for a mate conviently, and both sitting remotely close to me. 'Great, now I have to deal with them. As if Jake wasn't enough.' Quince was slient, as usual, and sat next to me. 'At least someone in this class is normal.', my pen rolled off my desk, Tommie and Eddie both scrambled to grab it, but Quince already had it in his hand. "Here, this fell off your desk.", he handed it to me, I took it, "Thank you.", he nodded, "You're welcome.", he winked and I could feel my face get hot. 'Why am I blushing? He's a meat-boy for christ sake, this stuff shouldn't happen.', he was cute though, his chin-length blonde hair perfectly matching his sky blue eyes, his muscles bulging with every move he makes, 'Well at least he's cute.', I pulled my jacket over my shoulder, 'Oh god, if Tommie and Eddie smell me with Jake's jacket on they'll tell him that I was flirting with a meat-boy in class. Jake'll tell mom, mom will tell grandma, and grandma'll kill my a**. s**t, there's no way around it though, I'll tell 'em he was flirting with me, and that I just responded to the behavior. Yea, that's what I'll tell 'em.', I looked at my paper, 'Maybe I'll write him a note. Yea, a note saying I can't date, mom won't let me, sorry.', I looked at my paper again, 'No, I won't do that, I don't know what I'll do.......', why was a meat-boy making so nervous? I felt something land in Jake's jacket, I pulled it out, it was a note, Hey, I don't really know you so I was wondering if you'd like to get to know me better., I felt a smile creep across my face, Yea, I'd like that, when's your free period?, I tossed it back, it landed in his lap. 'Damn, why'd it have to land right there?', I looked up then over toward his direction, he was smiling. He tossed it back, 4th, yours?, well that's conveinent, we both had fourth period free. Same here., I tossed back again, he smirked at me, 'Don't think dirty quite yet, meat-boy. I don't know you that well.', I smirked back. The bell rang, breaking us both out of each others spell. I rose and quickly exited the room, I didn't wanna deal with Tommie or Eddie, and rushed to my locker. Michi was waiting, "Hey.", she smiled, "Hey.', I smiled back, "Why are you so happy?", my smile widened, "Nunya." "SALLY!!!", Tommie and Eddie scrambled down the hallway, "Oh god.", I rolled my eyes. "Is that why?", Michi gave me a sideways look, "HELL NO!" They ran toward me, "HAHAHAHA!!! You just wait until Jake hears about this, he'll break ya in two!!", Tommie laughed, "Look I'm not dealing with your s**t, so why don't you go off and ******** each other, hmmm?", I stuffed my Math notebook in my locker and grabbed my special one, the one I write in. "Oh, you got served, by a girl!", Eddie giggled, "She served both of us you idiot.", Tommie spat at him, he dodged and threw a punch, "Damn it Eddie! Why the hell do gotta throw punches?!", Tommie ducked, "'Cuz you spat at me!", I walked away, "Hey you!! Wait up!!", I whipped around, it was Quince. "Hurry up!", I cried teasingly, he did though, practically knocking down everyone in his path. I tapped my foot when he was close enough to hear, "Took you long enough.", he laughed. "OOOHH! That's why!!", I glared at her, "Well I gotta go.....umm......talk to Patsy, yea, Patsy, I'll see you later.", she rushed off. "So where we sittin'?", he said, "Sally? Who's this?", Jake approached, his eyebrows furrowed. "Oh, Jake this is Quince, Quince is this Jake.", Jake glared at him and looked at me, "And why are you with him?", I looked away. 'Damn, why must you be my stalker?', "Oh, I'm sorry are you two..... togther?", my eyes rushed to his, "Oh no,no,no,no,no! We are NOT togther.", he looked suspicous, "He's like my brother, he doesn't like anyone to mess with me, ya know? He gets very protective of me.", he sighed, "Are you sure?", I looked at Jake, hurt filled his ember eyes, but that was soon replaced by hatred. "Yea, her brother.", he shrugged and slumped off. "I'm not too sure, maybe we can do this some other time?", he looked like he wanted to go, "Yea, some other time.", I made no effort to show my pain as I walked off. 'Guess I better find Jake and apologize.', I walked to our usual spot, the empty corner, and found him there lost in thought. "Hey.", I said weakly and sat next to him. He looked in my direction then focused on whatever he was thinking of. "Aww, c'mon Jake. Please don't be that way.", he turned away from me. I could feel tears coming, 'Don't you dare cry in front of him, no weaknesses, remember?' I leaned on his back, "Look I really am sorry, I....... I just don't know anymore, I don't know who I am or why the hell I'm here, but why do you wanna hear any of this s**t? I should stop, I really am sorry.", I felt a tear run down my cheek. "I guess I'll see you tommorow.....", I glanced over my shoulder, he was still lost in his thought, but I swear I saw a tear glisten in the sun. 'I'm sorry Jake, I let you down, I'm so sorry.', Jake was my only comfort, the only one I could run to when things went wrong, and now I'd lost that. 'At least I still have my loyal charcters. They'll never leave me, never.' _________________________________________________________________________I raced down the hallway, 'Don't stop, you can't stop, keep going, keep running, don't look back.', I could feel tears forming, blurring my vision briefly, then flowing down my cheeks and into the space behind me. I was running away from my home, my life, everything I had, everything I needed, but I was a menace to my own pack, I needed to go. , "Sally! What the hell?!?! Why are you sitting there?", Michi ran toward me, I dropped my pen and hopped from my perch to grab it. "Because I'm a disgrace.", my paper was already littered with tears and I snatched my notebook off the table before she could read it. "Why do you say that? You aren't a disgrace to me.", she patted my back, "Not to you, but I am to the only person that ever really cared.", she sat next to me, "And who would that be?", I looked away, I could feel the tears come again. "C'mon. You know you can tell me.", I sighed, 'No I can't, sorry Michi but I think it's best if you stay out of this one. I don't wanna lose you to.' "Who is it, your mom?", I shook my head, "Me? You aren't a disgrace to me.", I shook my head again, "Jake?", I nodded and the tears fell. "Sal, what'd you do this time?", I buried my face into her shoulder, "He's pissed at me because I was getting close to a human.", she rubbed my back, "Wait, Quince?", I nodded. "That's just stupid! Why? At least you were happy with him." "You don't get it, I want Jake to be happy to.", she looked at me seriously, "Happier than you?", I sat up, "I don't know anymore, maybe.", we sighed in unison, "The bell's about to ring, did you write anymore?", I handed her my notebook, "Yea, tell me what you think.", she picked up were she left off. "Sally..........", she looked at me, "You sure you're ok?", I glanced at her, "No. I'm not sure of anything anymore.", the bell rang she handed me the notebook, "I didn't finish, can I read it in seventh period?", I nodded. "Sally, you know I'm here if you need me, right?", I nodded again. 'You're always there, you don't deserve someone like me, sorry Michi, I'm gonna cut you out.', I walked away with out looking back. "Hey Sally!! Wait up!", I whipped around, "Hey Gee.", I smiled, at least I still had one friend who didn't think I was crazy. He stopped with his arm propped behind his head, "Can I walk you to class?", at least he came out with it, "Sure, thanks.", he smiled. "So, I was thinking since we're partners on the creative writing assignment that we could do something to show the vulnerability of your persona, she doesn't seem like anything can touch her, so maybe we could find a way to do that?", I nodded, "Yea, I feel like being sensitive today anyways, and something needs to happen with Sandra, we haven't used her alot.", he ran his fingers through his hair. "I agree, but what? We don't really have an opening that would make alot of sense.", I thought for a minute, 'Hmmm, she could......no that wouldn't work.........OH I know!! She could...........that wouldn't work either.', then it hit me, "We could have her run the organization!", he placed his chin on his hand, "But how would that work?" "It makes perfect sense, she's supposed to be shady, right?", he nodded, "Ok then, she could be the heir! She could kill ol' Sigfried and take over! We just have to make it so he wills her the corp. and then BOOM! She runs the place!!" He laughed, "Then what would we do with Frieda?", I frowned, "She's supposed to get the corp. remeber?", I sighed, "We could kill her too, but that would arouse suspicion- Oof!!!", I slammed into a wall, Gee died laughing. He helped me up, "You could've told me that a wall was there.", his smile widened, "You know what they say, a good friend would tell you there's a wall there, but a best friend lets you walk into it.", I rolled my eyes, "Love you too, Gee."
---------------------------------------------PART TWO COMING SOON!!----------------------------------------------
- by xXmiiwrldXx |
- Fiction
- | Submitted on 02/28/2009 |
- Skip

- Title: Desperate
- Artist: xXmiiwrldXx
- Description: I ached for his sweet blood, I wanted to taste it, just a taste wouldn't hurt, would it? Just the thought sent the first ripples of the change through my body, and I retreated outside for a quick run. The short fur on the back of my neck stood up, and I lurched over, my spine elongating into a tail, fur sprouting on my skin, and my jaw lengthening into a muzzle. ............. Will finish later.
- Date: 02/28/2009
- Tags: desperate
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Comments (3 Comments)
- xXmiiwrldXx - 03/10/2009
- ppl!!! I kno ur there!!! plz comment!!! i lyke comments........ TT.TT dramallama
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- xXmiiwrldXx - 03/01/2009
thnk u i'm gonna add more to it so com back and check it out. dramallama
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- super-smiley_112 - 03/01/2009
- this peace is great
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