The time came. It had been three weeks, and was now in the summer holidays. My parents had gone somewhere on business and were gone for a long weekend. I had gone to Ragi’s on the pretence of staying with girlfriends for a sleepover. This was nearly true. I didn’t mention that I’d be staying with a boy, however. After I arrived and put my things in a room, I was called to a large room, comparable to a hall. As I stepped into the room, followed by HaKura, I noticed that there were six people already in there, lined up. I recognised Sinstra, Samuel, Ragi and Tsu... but they looked different someow. Since when did Sinistra and Samuel have red eyes and nearly white hair? Ragi’s lost his curves? Tsu had a haircut? However, there were two more women who I didn’t know. And, they were all in funny black outfits... HaKura walked ahead of me and stood in-between me and them. She beckoned me forward into the middle of a black circle on the floor.
“We are the seven keepers of ETHA.” HaKura smiled. “You are to use the Mod Units in front of us.” She suddenly looked sad. “I’m sorry...” She closed her eyes, and Ragi looked away... Five tendrils extended from the circle. They wrapped around me, lifting me from the floor. I struggled against them to no avail. I felt a series of needles go deep into me – one in each thigh, one in each arm and the most painful one in the back of my neck. I screamed, screwing my face up – I’d never been in so much pain before. Everything went black as the tendrils covered my whole body. Pain spread through my body from the initial points... it felt like a poison was spreading through me, changing things as it went. After about five minutes, the pain subsided and I was able to open my eyes. The tendrils had now let me down and were moving over my body... my... No. This wasn’t my body. This wasn’t me! No! I am not this pretty! I’m not like this! The tendrils formed into a tight, revealing scaled bodice, half leggings with diamonds cut out and a very short, skimpy skirt. All black. My now floor length hair blew around me.
“What’s happened to me?” I shivered. “What’s going on?” Everything felt funny. Everything looked more defined... All I wanted to do was shut it all out... I sat on the floor and curled up, head on my knees, arms over my head. My hair... now surrounded me as I was curled up. I heard one footstep towards me. The hint of colour I could sense before was now dominating my senses... Like looking at them through clear glass rather than frosted. It was very... weird. I’m not believing this. Yeah, dream. I just haven’t woken up from that big pain. Yeah...
“Mirari!” Ragi. Full of concern...
“Alex, stay where you are.” HaKura’s voice, hard and steely.
“I said stay there.” I suddenly had the urge to go – to vanish. And then I knew was falling... I uncurled to find myself falling. Everything seemed to be going in slow motion around me – I was falling in the middle of a nightclub, everyone dancing around my fall. The music was loud and bassy. Very modern and very... club-like. I gracefully landed, silently. No one appeared to have noticed. And as I looked older now, no one cared. Everyone seemed to be slow, the music louder and I was more aware. I wondered how things tasted, but knew that I had no money. I decided to run through the crowd – I seemed to be moving faster than people could see. I stopped in the ladies toilets, surprising a blond girl as I ‘appeared’ behind her. Alice Black. She looked like she would wet herself as she ran into a cubicle. It was then I looked at my reflection – had she recognised me? No. In the large restroom mirror, there was a goddess staring me in the face. A flawless face framed by long, dark brown hair. Intense brown eyes framed by long and perfectly curled lashes. A tall, slim, well endowed person in an outfit that showed this off to the best. I realised that this was the same outfit from the first login, just made real. The form was also the same... Alice dared to peek from her cubicle a minute later. I was standing on the ceiling above her, holding my hair around me. I could do anything I pleased, it seemed. Like a goddess. Reish’s usual groupies entered the toilets. They saw Alice and started on a drunken rant. They started, and then left again. Alice also left the restrooms, as did I. I listened to the music at the side, some sort of electric-rock thing.
“You wanna take a bite? Come wet my appetite.” I decided to step onto the dance-floor. “Come plug me in, do your thing, make my head spin!” Everyone was gawking at me, so I decided to start dancing like everyone else. Several boys started to get close. “So come and take me away, you better take me away.” I started to flirt with the gathered boys, dancing close to them. “You better hit the spot and if you want I can make you pop! So let go, electro, take it nice and slow! Come on boy, come on boy, come on boy!” Everyone seemed spellbound, and after flirting with boys (and the odd girl) during that short section of song, I was now more curious than ever. I knew this was unmoral, but I stole some money from a drunken person. I wanted to try something. I walked up to the bar. The bartender walked up to my end of the bar.
“Did it hurt when you fell from heaven?” He laughed. “What can I get ya, sweetheart?” I used a cute smile – he looked like he was having a spontaneous moment of pleasure, going by the hard wet patch on his trousers. Wait... how did I know what that was? I’ve never... Things are coming to me that I’ve never known before...
“I’ll have a Sex on the Beach, please.” I gave a small smile. “But not on the rocks.” Ah, a cliché line from a movie... He gave a small moan, seemingly in pleasure. He went away, whispering to another bartender. He came up to me. A young, attractive man with long black hair and blue-grey eyes. He had pale skin and beautiful angled features. He couldn’t have been any older than eighteen.
“I hear you’re after Sex on the Beach.” I flashed a small smile at him. He smiled back. “Coming right up.” I watched him mix it up in front of me. My eyes lit up, and I used the cute smile and winked. He gasped in pleasure – a trouser tent confirmed this. The other bartender appeared and looked down at his crotch.
“I win the bet.” I blinked twice. The black haired guy flushed as a wet patch started to appear across his groin. “Nice try, Rafi, but she got you.” Rafi turned to me.
“Have that one on the house.” He winked. “It’s not everyday that a girl causes two wet tents!” He laughed. “I’m serious. I think we’d have a job for you here...” I smiled at him again.
“Haha. No, I think my current job pays well enough.”
“Oh? What do you work as?” I sipped my drink.
“Computer programmer. So well paying, it hurts.” I drank some more. Damn that’s good drink. I can taste everything, every subtle flavour...
“Well, brains and beauty. I’ll be damned.” I sipped some more. Reish’s groupies approached the bar. “Watch out. Those girls are drunk... They’re insulting every hot girl here.” And, right on cue, they came to me. “They are probably underage... can’t be older than fourteen...” I knew that last part wasn’t intended for me to hear...
“Aaaaaand wha’re yu? The nin-ninja queen?”
“Yeah, are yu the queen of the damnemned?” Their insults continued and I turned back to Rafi and continued with my drink.
“You’re not going to listen to them?” I shook my head.
“Why should I? They seem to be spurting nonsense.” It was then that one of them tried to hit me. I grabbed their fist and threw it to one side gently. “You’ll get nowhere with violence.” They all ganged up on me, and I sidestepped all of them without spilling a drop of my drink – which I’d never put down. Rafi laughed.
“What are you, an angel?” I laughed and finished my drink.
“If I was an angel, I wouldn’t be wearing black.” I put the money down on the bar, winking at Rafi. “Thanks for the drink, Rafi.” And I walked out of the bar, leaving a mesmerised Rafi and a scene of astonishment behind me. I walked out of the club. The Swanky Suit. Ah, I hadn’t gone far. I walked down the street and, when I was sure no one was watching, I jumped onto a nearby roof and sat down on the corner of it, looking down. It suddenly hit me again. “What. Have. I. Done?” I curled up on the corner, looking more like a gargoyle. What had I done? What does all this mean?
I was suddenly aware of the CCTV cameras, and decided to try and remove my presence from them – if I was a goddess... Just have to modify the pictures and set the time... it was like child’s play – all done in a few seconds. There was a small gust of wind from behind me, and I felt the presence of three people there. I stood up and bolted in shock, jumping across roofs and over roads away from them. Everything felt so... different... I was capable of... everything. It hit me like a brick wall. I was now afraid, running to escape this dream...
“No... Nooooooo!” I wasn’t exactly looking where I was going, and before long I found myself in the end of an alleyway. ...But I was running across rooftops a second ago? A wall formed behind me, trapping me in this space, which was getting smaller. I started to hyperventilate. Although I’m not afraid of enclosed spaces, this was making me uncomfortable. I put my hands over my ears, and could hear whispering from the walls. “No!” The walls shattered and I was on a rooftop again. In front of me was a red-eyed woman that sort of looked like Sinistra. She also looked like a vampire in the darkness. I ran straight past her, my speed no match for hers. I danced out of her arms as she tried to catch me, and eventually she stopped trying. She scowled.
“Shell...” I continued to run, and was tackled as I landed on a roof. This short redhead had just taken me out... She tried to hit me, but I dodged every hit and sent her flying at a flick of my leg.
“s**t!” She hit a wall, smashing it. She stood up, one arm clearly dislocated and her ankle looking funny. She slumped. Crap... what have I done?
“No... No!” What have I become? I’m a monster, surely... I ran away, desperate to run away from what I’m convinced I’ve become. I ran away at top speed – perhaps I’d have a horrible accident... I shut my eyes as I ran, increasing the chances of said accident. I ran into something hard after around ten minutes. It was warm and gave way as I tried to run more.
“Woah, woah... where are you going?” Ragi put his arms around me, holding me to him with a firm grip. I couldn’t move – he was stopping me from running and struggling against him. I tried so hard to break free of him, but I couldn’t. The more I struggled, the tighter he held me. “Calm down...”
“Ngh.” I kept squirming and he pushed me to the floor, holding me down firmly. No matter what I did, I couldn’t move him – he was holding me with far more force than I thought possible. His hands held my wrists down, and he was kneeling on my legs. “You need...” He brushed his nose against mine. “To get away... from me.” His skin felt so soft and I could smell every little tone in his smell.
“No.” I could feel his whisper against my face – I could almost imagine every molecule in his breath hitting my skin. “I can’t do that.” He kissed my cheek slowly and softly.
“I... I... I am a damn monster...” I balled my fists, but he paid no attention.
“No, you’re an angel...” He kissed my lips carefully. “You’re scared, aren’t you?” He paused. “You don’t believe this is real, do you?” He stroked my wrist gently with a thumb. “Mirari... This is real, this is you, this is us.” He looked pained. “You... I did a lot worse...” He smiled at me with a look of relief as I stopped struggling against him. I shook my head. I couldn’t look into his eyes anymore.
“I don’t...” I shut my eyes. “... believe you this time.” I disappeared from under him, reappearing about two hundred meters behind him. “Ragi... I can’t believe that about you, I just can’t.” I didn’t want him to come near me – what if I hurt him like that redhead? No. I wouldn’t forgive myself... He stood up and turned to face me.
“Please don’t try to...”
“Ragi!” I put a firm look on my face, shaking my head. “No.” He stepped towards me, I stepped away from him. “No. Ragi... I don’t want to... If you were... I’m too dangerous...” I teleported further away from him, beginning to will that I disappear completely.
“Mirari! Please don’t go!”
“I can’t risk hurting you, Ragi... I can’t...”
“But you’re hurting me now...” I paused. He’s right – and it’s killing me too. I need him at the moment... but... “Mirari...”
“Ragi...” He began to run towards me. I began to run away, Ragi behind me. His speed was no match for mine and I soon escaped him. I curled up in a small ball in-between some buildings on a rooftop. I must have been there a while before I could feel someone’s presence. I suddenly had the urge to attack whoever it was.
“Mirari. I found you.” Ragi hadn’t given up.
“Leave me alone.” He came closer. “I mean it.” I hissed at him. He kept coming closer, my anger building for no reason... When he was close, I lashed out without looking and made contact with flesh. My hand felt wet and warm. Crap. I froze. What have I done? WHAT HAVE I DONE? Ragi... No... I started sobbing into my knees before I felt a soothing touch on my arm.
“Mirari.” I looked up. Crap... My hand was through his torso... I wanted to... I had been right. “Mirari...” I removed my hand and put my arms around him... sobbing the whole way.
“Ragi... I’m... I’m so sor-sor-sorry!” He put his arms around me. “Ragi... Crap... We have to get you...” He put one finger to my lips before kissing them.
“I’ll be fine.” He let go of me and pointed to the hole I had made.
“No way...” The hole was closing up and healing...
“See?” After a few seconds, it was gone.
“No way...”
“Yes way.” He sighed. “Angel of mine... Let us go back...”
“But... the damage...” He laughed as he wiped away my tears. “And I...Oh!”
“You didn’t do much to anyone. Believe me, the two Sams will have Shell – that redhead – back up by the time we get back. And Sinistra wasn’t hurt at all.” He giggled. “Well, nothing but her pride.” He kissed my forehead, and I teleported us back to his home.
An hour or two passed. So far, I’d given an incredibly detailed account of what happened. I was still trying to get it into my head that it wasn’t a dream. How else would you have explained what happened? No, I couldn’t find another way...
“It’s real.” Ragi’s monotone voice. Yes, he knew that I was still having problems coping with this new information. He also knows that being this blunt does help me cope in the end. “It’s real and you did all of that.” All eight of us were gathered again in that room. I again was in the middle of the circle – the only difference was that they were all sitting on the edge around me. Yeah, pretty intimidating considering I didn’t know two people and one of them seemed annoyed at me – considering I dislocated her arm and ankle, I wasn’t surprised. Everyone was scrutinising my every action and word.
“So... does that mean we have a new admin?” One of the women I didn’t know. She was handsome, with very dark, curly hair and coal black eyes and an olive skintone. “I... mean, she has the potential and the current ability. And the proposition for the shake-up of the hierarchy...” HaKura smiled at the woman.
“Yes. It seemed to have worked out, didn’t it?” There was a pause – HaKura looked like he was thinking heavily. “Yes... Shall we start it now?” Everyone but me looked surprised. I had no idea what they were talking about, that’s why.
“Now?” HaKura nodded. “Are you going to place everyone?” HaKura nodded again.
“Yes, and we’ll also have new titles.” At this point, everyone stood up. I followed suit. HaKura then started pointing at people, saying words – titles, I assume – and directing them to stand in different places. Ragi became Sword, Tsu became Shield, Sinistra was Sinistra, Samuel became Dextera, the handsome dark woman was Libra and the remaining skinny little redhead was Light. I was the last to be given a title – Dark. I was directed to stand next to Light and behind Dextera and Sword. Libra was behind me. HaKura eventually stood behind Libra. “Right. Let me explain the new system. Those of you closer to me are higher up in the ranking. I am above all of you. Libra is above all but me. Light and Dark are in charge of two people each. In Dark’s case, she is superior to Sword and Dextera. Light is superior to Sinstra and Shield.” She paused, eyeing the look on Light’s face. “Well, Light’s branch deals with defending ETHER. Dark’s branch attacks threats to ETHER. I think you should find the respective skills useful...” She looked at me and smiled. “...although you may not see why at this stage in time.” She paused. “Right. That’s it.” Libra smiled.
“So... now what?”
“Simple. We show Dark EA, show her the ropes, show her around... Hmm, maybe work on that Login...” She giggled. “She doesn’t need to learn how to do as she wishes – we just need to get the link set up.” She turned to me. “Dark. Can you come here?” I came and stood in front of her, blushing. She grabbed my face with both hands, thumbs on my temples and long fingers resting on my jawbone. I was flushed as she put her forehead to mine. Can you hear me?
I... I can... b-b-b-but you’re not spe- And I’m doing whatever-
I know. It’s telepathy. You are now linked to Libra, too. No worries, you’ll get used to it. It’ll be subconscious, and activate when needed. Don’t panic. She let go of me and winked. See?
“That’s so cool!” I smiled at her. She laughed.
“That’s so like you to say that, Mirari.” She turned to everyone else. “Right. Everyone dismissed! Go take a break – be back at 5!” Everyone began to filter out of the room as Ragi glomped me, sending us flying to the ground.
“Ow. Ow... Ragi...” I looked at him – he was smiling at me.
“Wow... you’re an admin!” I blinked at him twice. “You are a... a person using Mod Units to... enhance your powers...” Nope. Not getting it. We stood up, brushing ourselves off. Actually, what I’m wearing seems to be of good quality... not dirty or anything... as I started to ponder this, he surprised me. He took my hand and we ran through the corridors of his home faster than I’d ever been before. We eventually ended up on the roof – in the centre of the roof, hidden by peaks was a little patio. It was furnished with wrought iron chairs and a table. It looked... romantic in the soft light cast by the moon.
“Aaaah! This is...” He giggled.
“It’s beautiful, isn’t it?” He released my hand and we sat at the table. The iron was very cold against my skin and I shivered as more flesh hit metal. “This is... well, a little retreat of mine. Somewhere when I’m using Mod Units and not on a mission.”
“Does that happen a lot?” He shook his head.
“It’s very rare, but hey... it’s worth a try, right?” I made some sort of agreement noise and he smiled. “It’s taken me a year and a half to get this to how it is now.” He reached out across the table and touched my arm which was resting on the table. My forearm had a sort of scaled glove over it which matched the bodice, so it wasn’t too cold. Ragi’s warmth was soothing and calming – even in the middle of the night on a cold patio, he was warm. I, on the other hand, was colder. My clothing didn’t help. “You’re so cold! Mirari...” He stood up and was by my side almost instantly. He put his arms around me and squashed me to his warm chest, pulling me up onto my feet. We were like that a while – we talked about many things, but mainly our latest reading lists. He laughed when I mentioned graphic novels – more specifically Manga... it seemed that he’d been reading the same ones. He kissed my forehead where he could reach it and laughed. “Mi-chan... Aah, that sounds cuter, don’t you think?” I looked up at him and smiled.
“Yes.” There was a pause. “Ri-chan...” He giggled and squeezed me closer.
“That’s settled, then. Mi-chan.” I wriggled my arms out of his hold to put them around his waist as I pushed my face back into his chest, surprising him a little. He then buried his face in my hair as slid his hands down my back, gently rubbing the lowest part of my back that was revealed. I flinched slightly and he paused, unsure if she should continue. I sighed and he continued. I started blushing – he’d never tried anything like this before, and was nervous. Then again, I’d never been in a situation like this... His hand snaked back up to my neck, where he began massaging carefully around its base. He sighed as I gently started massaging his back where I could reach. He eventually returned to putting his arms around my neck and holding me there. I poked my head out from his arms to look up into his emerald eyes. Deep, green, sparkly most of the time and very precious. Now was no exception. He sighed. “Mi-chan...”
“Yeah, company.” There was a pause. “Hallo!” It was Light.
“Alex... So...” There was a tone of sadness in her voice.
“No.” He covered my ears and I couldn’t hear their conversation. And since I can’t lip-read, their conversation remained private. And with good reason – it seemed Light was upset at Ri-chan for something – was it sensitive? Yes... I feel Light’s rejection. Ri-chan suddenly pulled my head into his chest, still covering my ears. Can’t see, can’t hear. A long time passed before he released me. He seemed slightly red, and not from embarrassment. Yes... he had been angry. And Light wasn’t there anymore. He sighed. “I’m sorry about that, Mi-chan.”
“What happen?” He furrowed his brows.
“You don’t need to know that.” Woah. Definite firmness. Not something to be discussed.
“Ah, well. Ri-chan...” I smiled at him. “Someone has some explaining to do.” He raised his eyebrows in surprise.
“About what?”
“What the heck is going on with the whole ‘power’ thing? I don’t get it...”
“What do you mean?”
“You said I was using Mod Units to enhance my powers. What powers?” He laughed. I think he finally gets what I mean.
“Oh, I see.” He began to fiddle with my hair. “Well, you have psychic powers. From what I gather, you can predict the future and heal quicker than normal. I figure there’s more, but I can’t exactly see in your head, Mi-chan.” I murmured an agreement as he whispered sweet nothings about things I didn’t quite understand about ETHER....
“Come to the edge.”
“That’s too far.”
“Come to the damn edge.”
“I’ll fall, I swear!” Enough was enough. Ri-chan pulled me by the arm to the edge of the building. Four hours of continuous log in after log out had really taken it out of me. On the other hand, my log in time was down from five minutes to near instantaneous – although it was still a little sluggish – and it didn’t hurt anymore. Now, I was to practise building jumping. Yeah, building jumping when I’m very scared of heights.Wonderful thing to do...
“Surely a little fall is nothing to be afraid of?”
“It’s the sudden stop at the end of it, when I go splat and break... that frightens me.” He laughed.
“Well, that’s alright then.” He kissed my forehead as he held me in place on the edge of the building. “You did this before, no problem. Why afraid now?”
“You do realise that before I was hoping for a horrible accident, right?”
“Aww, Mi-chan... Don’t be so gloomy.” He started stroking my cheek as I edged away. “I’ll catch you if you fall.” I smiled slightly at that thought. “See? No worries. Come to the edge.” And he pushed me. I fell.
“Ri-chaaaaaaaaaaaaan!” He stood still. Oh crap. The wind was sure noisy now I’m falling. I shut my eyes, awaiting the crunch. Three minutes passed before I heard amused laughter from above me over the air rushing past me. I hadn’t hit the floor – and falling from that sort of height... I should have been mush by now.
“You can open your eyes, now!” I was being held up by a very intense wind about halfway down the building. Hence the noise but no falling... I was aware of movement as I was quite literally blown back up to the top of the building, but I knew it was my own power doing this. I flew up above Ri-chan and swooped, glomping him to the floor. He started to mess up my hair. “See? You can manipulate wind. I assume...” He kissed my forehead. “...that you can do more than that.” I suddenly had a spark or inspiration. I held my hand up, as if to catch something. I shut my eyes. My hand felt warm and I opened my eyes to see fire dancing in my palm. Watched it die away, and then kept watching as it relit itself. I felt serene. Ri-chan’s eyes widened as the flame died away again, and a stream of water took its place. I also created a fountain and then froze it in place. I smashed it, and a plant started growing. The plant flowered into a beautiful black rose. It shimmered in the dim moonlight. Ri-chan smiled and kissed my lips, parting them and tickling my tongue. I could feel his hands behind my back doing something... as we parted lips, he showed me what he’d been up to. He’d made an indescribable but beautiful flower. It was black, and had flame-like details... He laughed. “For you. Inspired by you, Mi-chan.” I blushed and dipped my head. I could feel tears welling up as I went redder. Ri-chan panicked and put his arms around me. “Wha-what’s wrong? Mi-chan?”
“I-i-i-i-i-it’s j-j-just th-th-th-that...” I lost my voice. He held me close and I started sobbing. “Too beau-ti-ful... I ca-ca-can’t b-be th-the ins-insp-inspiration... som-something so be-beautiful...” He chuckled and held my face in his hands.
“It’s true, just... trust me, Mi-chan.” He kissed me on the lips before we both blushed.
You can lead a horse....
“She should have been here by now.”
“You don’t think the idiot got lost, do you?”
“Samuel, that was very mean.”
“Mum... it’s been three and a half hours. I want to-”
“Alex, you stay here.”
“HaKura, are you sure that-”
“Samantha, she does have the potential...”
“But Mum, she doesn’t use it.”
“Kat, she shows all the signs of using her powers. Surely... Shell, what do you think?” There was a groan from Light, who gestured towards the door. Everyone turned to look at the blushing girl who stumbled in three and a half hours late. Yea, she had got lost. She doesn’t control her precognitive powers, unlike everyone else. She couldn’t navigate EA’s corridors as well as everyone else because of this, and thus took three and a half hours to go somewhere that everyone else travels in ten minutes max. So it was agreed that she needed an escort.
...but making it walk through the right door at the right time is impossible...
And so it came, after weeks of training. Dark’s first mission. A simple killing. Everyone was going to watch as the newest member took someone out...
Ri-chan gripped my shoulders tightly. He was so concerned.
“Are you sure you want to do this?”
“You make it sound as if I have a choice about this.” He kissed my forehead.
“Well...” He sighed and led me to the edge of the roof. HaKura put a hand on my shoulder, and began to point out the neighbouring building. Target identified... but I couldn’t pay attention to that. Something was going to happen in the alley below us, I’m sure. I tried to pay attention to HaKura, but what was happening below caught my attention more. I’m sure HaKura knows this is happening... I saw Alice Black, running down the alley in fear from a group of girls. They were apparently scrapping over some matter of looks, and all drunk again...
I sat on the edge of the roof, assessing the current situation. Below me, in the alleyway a horrible scene was unfolding. A group of pretty girls ganging up on a more beautiful one. As they began to rip her hair, tear her skin and scratch at her eyes... My rage built up higher and higher. Even if that girl was a horrible person... she didn’t deserve that treatment. I slid down and into the rabble, who ran, leaving the poor girl there...
“Ple... Please.... He... Help M-m-m-me....” The girl was reaching up to me, her skin barely attached to the flesh and sinew that was her hand. Her blond hair had mostly been ripped out and her eyes were bleeding – nearly empty sockets save a speck of colour that was her iris. The rest of her skin – if you could still call it skin – wasn’t in much better condition. Yet she lived. My emotions welled up and over a threshold I never knew I had... My hands started to glow in the dim light and I knew I had the power to help her. I reached her hand, smoothing some skin back into place, healing her as I went.
“Alice Black...” I whispered. “Though your sins have been great... I give you a second chance to live a better life...” I placed my now glowing hand over her eyes. “Alice... You may not have the same place... but you will still be accepted...” As I did this, I was calling an ambulance to our location. I knew that I shouldn’t or couldn’t heal her fully... I stroked her forehead soothingly. I touched upon other places on her body, healing some of the worse parts. As the ambulance approached, I bade her to lie down.
“Thank you, angel, for watching over me...” I leaped back up to the rooftop and watched as the ambulance crew carried her away, my thoughts only of if I had done the right thing... A hand held my shoulder gently. I sighed.
“I had to help... I couldn’t let that happen, even if she may have deserved it...”
“You did the right thing, Dark. You need not worry of consequences.” HaKura smiled down at me. “That was the actual mission, not the killing.” She laughed. “Light has done it whilst you dealt with that down there.” Ri-chan smiled and threw his arms around me. Yep. They’ve been scheming again... I sighed. This was the norm around here... HaKura talked for ages of the new staffing changes. Yeah, it was going to be enforced from now. I am... Dark.
- by Holy Bacon of Holy |
- Fiction
- | Submitted on 02/28/2009 |
- Skip

- Title: Calling The Dark - Part 2
- Artist: Holy Bacon of Holy
...part 2 of ETHERwared Humans' prelogue.
Well, it may be the prelogue, but it's supposed to be read AFTER the main ETHAwared Humans story.
Mirari finally logs in! Oooh, and what happens to her after that? - Date: 02/28/2009
- Tags: calling dark part ethawared
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Comments (2 Comments)
- Holy Bacon of Holy - 03/05/2009
- There's a whole series! =) All in the Arenas...
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- midnightrain410 - 03/03/2009
- nice story! i really luv it! good job anymore like this?
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