Demons Have Beautiful Eyes
Demons Have Beautiful Eyes 1-10-08
The thought of being given a life that has no meaning is hard to believe. There must be a reason for every person. To imagine what it would be like if there was nothing in existence. All of the world is a mystery, and the ideas that come into your head about things that you might not understand, or manage to comprehend on a certain level, seem to scare the human race. But what if you were not human? Would you still have thoughts that are linked to human curiosities despite your differences? And would you feel comfortable with the world around you? Questions upon questions appear within the shallow yet endless mind that is my own. The desire to be knowledgeable is not within my goals, but I will still ask myself a question or two about the things I have yet to comprehend. I believe that I ask myself questions because I was so normal and plain as a child. My hair was always dark chocolate brown. Almost black, a bit like a midnight forest. It was always so long and healthy. My skin was always as white as ivory. You would think I’d never seen the sun before. And my personality was consistent, loud and obnoxious. And last but not least, my name never changed from Alice Fair. I was a normal little girl. But change was inevitable.
Chapter 1 ~ It was all so easy
School -as torturing as it was to endure- was something I needed to attend. I did like going to school for all of my friends, but the only subject I enjoyed was Japanese. But, now that I look back on my school years, I guess it was the best part of my life, and it wasn't all that bad. This story takes place back many years ago.
I was in year 10 -my first term to be exact- and I was not expecting to do all that well. My math’s was average –always C’s and B+’s if I was lucky. My English was okay, but I only ever out did myself if I was doing some story writing thing. And for my electives, I got B+’s, nothing higher. I was not the best student –as you can see- but I did have two subjects that brought my marks up. First off was my Japanese. My favorite, and best subject. I am excelling in Japanese more than I ever thought possible. My dream is to go to Japan and learn about the interesting culture they have. My next best subject is multimedia. I have a knack for computers –that was one of my few talents- and I was also a reasonably good drawer. Illustrations were something I really enjoyed. Now that I was in year 10, I was really going to have to pick up the pace and get good marks on a regular basis.
Many people thought me to be a bit unusual. Not because I liked certain music, or because I dressed differently, but because I stayed true to one man for longer than a year. I was not the type of person to change relationships on a daily basis. Eternal love from one man was good enough for me. Family and friends would ask if I was still dating him as though they were waiting for us to break up. But, I have never once told anyone different; I always replied with my usual “No, we are still together!” I had been with Dimitri for 14 months. The time spent with him was truly beautiful. His hair, long and dark Brown. His skin, slightly tanned. His smooth, blushing lips. His ever so gentle soul, and his forgiving and tender loving heart. Everything about Dimitri was heavenly. He was created to perfection. And best of all, he loved me. He was sincere with his feelings, and he never kept things from me. And I’m not surprised that a few of his female classmates have asked him to consider them instead. And even though they are more beautiful –and a little taller- Dimitri would tell them straight out that he would only love me. I am eternally grateful for his existence. He might be too perfect for me, but he doesn’t seem to think so. I won't argue with fate.
Exams and projects were being handed out on a daily basis. I was sleep deprived. I became so stressed with work and obsessed with how my grades resulted. No one I knew had ever taken grades as seriously as I did. But, I think that it’s because I’ve recently shut myself off from the world. Talking to anyone other than Dimitri was a waste of time. Other students were nice, but they were to straight forward. They all liked to be normal; some even liked to be exactly the same as one another. No individuality. English was my first class for this unkind Monday morning. 9:15am and the day was already dull. My teacher, Ms. Carmine, was very nice –Compared to some of the others- and she tried to make the work load a little easier. But overall, English and Mathematics was excruciating. With my face buried in a manga at the back of the classroom, I began to daydream as I always did in English. My mind wandered through the hallways of my unconscious dreams and desires. Life was too bland. Everyone wakes up in the morning, eats at some time of the day, socializes with some form of life and ends the day with sleep or a party. Everything in between is trivial as well. Students go to school. Mums and dads work or look after our next generation, Elderly are doing the last few things that they will ever do, children run around like idiots and babies sleep. What else is there for a normal person? And unfortunately, I am human like every other ignorant human on this pathetic earth. Why must I be normal? All I want is to become a warrior to fight for freedom. Or a mythological creature that is threatened to extinction. I would even be happy if I was human on a quest for the supernatural. Perhaps a wanderer even; searching for answers about her past life, never in one place for too long. Anything out of the ordinary would make me happy. But my greatest desires were too far fetched.
Dimitri wrapped his arms around my awkwardly placed body. It was recess -finally- and I had taken my place on the steps outside the year 10 building. My English day dream became drowned when the bell rang at the beginning of our break. Once I had placed my exhausted body on the top step, I lay my head in my lap and allowed my arms to swing free at my side. I really needed a hug from Dimitri. My lover's warm arms and tender kiss always lifted my spirits. Even though I was a miserable human, I shared a bond with the most incredible soul on this planet. I thank the heavens and gods everyday for sending me such a beautiful angel. I really was lucky, but there was too much simplicity. It was all so easy.
Chapter 2~ Blood is thicker than water
Rain poured down from the heavens whilst I lay upon my bed. The beautiful Grey skies traveled for miles around. It was a fantastic sight to see. Upon closing my eyes, I drifted into a world of adventure that matched the scene outside. I was wandering the streets of an empty city. It was well developed, but not a soul was in sight. I glanced down at my clothes, and found that they were not my own. A long black coat draped over my well covered body. A dark Grey skivvy with white bands around the chest. And to cover my legs and feet, loose fitting, baggy, black pants with zips and buckles and pockets lay low on my waist, and tight fitting, slick black, knee-high heels on my feet. I was wearing some really interesting stuff, but I began to stress once I saw thick stains of blood streak across my clothes. A shattered mirror lay on the ground in the middle of an empty street where I stood. Curiosity got the better of me, and I glanced into the unknown figure reflecting in the mess. Short, blood soaked hair and blushing pale face glared in wonder. Glistening Silver eyes shot back, and I awoke from my dream. Or nightmare?
Lightning and thunder danced and sung on the night sky. Stars were hidden and the moon behind the clouds made a glorious silver. Like my dream eyes. Dinner was waiting for me down stairs and the smells of spicy curry swirled around my head and hypnotized my senses. I loved curry. Curry was the only thing I could make without burning or cooking wrong. I would even put in the exact amount of each ingredient -which was very unusual for me. With one deep breath, I had to taste that curry; so I flew down the stairs and skidded along the polished wooden floor to take my seat in front of the biggest bowl of spicy curry with extra potatoes I had ever seen in my whole life! What a treat! After eating around about half of my meal, a memory flashed across my mind and I no longer had an appetite.
"Silver eyes..." seeped out of my lips. It was quiet, so there was no suspicion from my mum, dad or my little brother, Ray. The eyes were not my own, it was as though I was a soul visiting another body. But whose body was it? Who would be soaked in that much blood? And the city; where was it? The dream was just that, a dream. But a little part of me felt as much at home in the city, as in my room. I unconsciously knew the place. I unconsciously knew who that was. I unconsciously liked the thick stains of blood. Why, and how?
At 4:00am Tuesday morning, my legs slid out of bed and I sat up slowly and sleepily on the edge. If I got up this early, I was certain to get a shower and a good helping of cereal. The water launched out of the shower head two seconds after I turned the unpolished hot water tap. Steam filled the room and fogged the mirror. The heat in the room was amazing on my cool skin. A towel lay in a heap on the floor and I was set. Under the rushing water, my thoughts disappeared and left me carefree. A sigh of relief escaped my lips, and my face flooded with the soothing liquid running through the pipes and out the shower head. A loud thud came from downstairs at the front door. It was not normal, so I grasped the taps and shut off the water. Drip, drip, drip. Total silence left an eerie feeling right down to my bones. Thud! A second alarming sound rung through the house. I slid into my pearl white, satin dressing gown and placed one foot in front of the other as silently as possible. Thud, CRASH! I froze. It was still dark outside, why would someone be at our house so early? They had to be up to no good. A window downstairs was being opened. I heard no crowbar being driven with force into the frame. I only heard the gentle lift. A few steps echoed around the still house. Panic was making itself acquainted with me. I was halfway down the hallway and I could see the staircase just around the corner. It might be dangerous to want to explore the mysterious noises, but something out of the ordinary was now happening. I needed to know what would happen next.
Footsteps were pacing on the carpet in the lounge for around fifteen minutes, before another pair of feet landed softly on the floor.
"Upstairs is where she is hiding. It won't take too long." a deep masculine voice reassured the second unknown person. The second person said nothing and then the two trailed along the wooden floor of the kitchen and up the stairs. I shot my head back around the corner for a moment and realized it was a bad idea. My breathing became labored and scratchy in my throat. Two huge men in red and jackets caught a glimpse of me. Huge grins became plastered onto their faces. 'Run' was all I could think. My bare feet ran as fast as they could across the carpet to another set of stairs tucked away in the corner of the hallway. The two men had a knife each. They were unusually shaped, and dangling from the hilts of each was a feather and an amethyst stone suspended by a silver chain. They were not your normal kitchen knife. The taller man was walking at a very slow pace behind the slightly shorter man. The shorter man was charging at me with great speed. His long black hair was trailing behind him and his jacket was parting down the middle to reveal the rest of his attire. I did not wait to look. The stairs were just in front of me. After running up each step and opening the door at the top, I spun on my heels and slammed the door shut. 'Lock it!' my mind was screaming at me. I was in too much shock to move my hand from the handle to the latch. Too late. The handle twitched a little and then the door was flung open in a quick moment. My hand...and my head. Where in the attic was I? What just Happened? I was hurt and I couldn't move.
“Just stay still and it will be all over soon. I just need a little of your blood." The shorter man was talking to me; his voice was overpowering and unkind. Why would he need my blood? The taller man came through the door, knife in hand.
"Wait! Don't!" I tried to scream, but a small cry was all I could achieve. The two large men grasped my shoulders and wrists. I struggled in their grip and became exhausted from fighting back.
"One shorter second and then you won't see us again." They were reassuring me? Can't they just leave me? My hand was raised into the air by their grip, and one large knife was pressed to my palm.
"Ahhhh! Leave me be!" Screaming out was not going to stop them, but I could try. I hoped to call my parents from downstairs. No reply. That’s right! My parents are on their morning walk, and today Ray had gone with them too. Blood seeped out of my freshly cut wound and dripped down my arm. The deep red plummeted onto my satin attire. I looked like a horror film –in inappropriate clothes and having two men pin me down. Pain was shooting up my arm, needles pounding into my pale flesh. I did not handle the blood too well. I began to feel dizzy. I glanced up to the shorter man and, to my surprise; he was cutting his own palm and pressing down on his wound. I finally looked at my attackers face. His skin was pale and his face was long. His cheek bones stuck out a little and his hair fell around his kind face. The most amazing thing about him though, was his eyes. I gasped upon realization. His large beautiful eyes were silver. The same glittering silver as in my dream. While I was lost, he placed his wound on top of mine. He mixed our blood together and lifted his wounded hand away. The blood from both of us smeared all over my palm, and his. What if his blood type wasn’t the same, our bodies will react badly to the blood.
"I am done. Good luck, Alice." his voice was heavenly. And he seemed kind, not criminal. He turned to face me and smiled, his wound being wiped across his jacket. How did he know my name?
"Enjoy your new life. And don't blame us. It was not our choice." He leaped out the attic window and was followed shortly after by the taller man. Mum and dad had returned home from their walk, and my attackers were gone.
“Mum!”I called down to make sure it was definitely her.
"Alice! What's the matter?" My Mum yelled through the door. She ran through the house and leaped up the stairs. Mum approached me cautiously and waited for an answer.
"I was att....." I trailed off for a moment.
"You were what?" I thought about what I'd say, and then replied with;
"I was coming out of the bathroom and I tripped and fell onto the floor. I cut my hand a little, but I'm fine." Mum gave me a stern look and then shrugged without arguing with my story.
"Let me have a look." I held my hand out in front of me, palm up.
"It's fine! See! It's a clean cut and it barely hurts."
"It's a large cut, and what are you doing in the attic?" I had to be careful about how I answered.
"I couldn't find the large Band-Aids, so I came up here to find some. Okay, now you can go and I will get ready for school." Mum took one last look at my hand and walked quietly down the stairs. A sigh of relief echoed around the attic once mum was out of sight. It was all over. Or was it? Why did he mix my blood with his? And why did he mention a new life?
My uniform was on and my cut was cleaned and covered. My cereal was finished and I was ready to go to school. I would have begun my long walk, but my hand felt very peculiar. A tingling sensation rang through my wound and I decided to take a look under the bandage. When an unusual pattern like a tattoo appeared where my wound used to be, I knew something wasn't right.
Chapter 3~ knowing your friends and enemies
Where was my wound? I pulled the entire bandage off my hand and stared at the tattoo right down the center on my left hand. It was black. My life line crease had become a black line. Around the black line, many wavy and swirly lines surrounded. And at the tip of the line, closest to my wrist, was a cat's paw print. It was completely bizarre. I couldn't comprehend why it was there, but my watch was now saying I was going too late, so I left the curiosity and confusion in the back of my mind and ran for school. I could not be late.
Dimitri was waiting for me at the school gate -like usual- and smiled a glorious smile when he caught a glimpse of me in his peripheral vision. How could he be so perfect? I placed his hands in mine and I reached up to his blushing lips and brushed my lips to his.
"I am so sorry, I had an interesting morning. I'm sorry that I'm late." I had no real reason to apologize, but when I was with Dimitri, I needed to let him know every little detail. I just wanted him to have an understanding of me.
My first class was science. I didn't mind it, but I much preferred having lots of free time. The tattoo on my left hand was raising suspicion from a few students, but they were not quite sure what they saw. I was irritated very easily throughout the day. I was always in some form of pain. My hand was fine, but a pulsing sensation in my arms began around lunch. What was in my attacker’s blood? And his eyes, and my dream. They are still a mystery.
At lunch, I returned to my top step and waited for Dimitri to join me. Eric was a person I couldn't stand. He was obnoxious. He had a group of friends that followed him like a bad smell, but he was not the type of person you could consider as a friend, let alone an acquaintance. Eric liked to act tough, and he never said a single word in the context of polite to anyone. Who could possibly call such a person their son? Eric hated the sight of me. I was quiet and just all around different. His long strides directed towards the staircase on which I was placed. Why today? Why did he want to pick a fight today? I was not in the mood and I wished to have a slightly good day after this morning’s events.
"I want this seat. Move it!" His voice was shaken. He was not all that strong, that I was sure of. His friends backed off and Eric took a large step closer. I stayed where I was and didn't make a sound. Making eye contact was the last thing I would do. 'Don’t provoke him' my mind was calm, but if I could take a swing at his face I would. I was never like this. What was I thinking? I would never resort to violence at any stage before today. But at this very point in time, I had no desire to play nice.
"Move or I'll make you!" His voice was cold but not fierce.
"You just sound like a brat." What the hell was I saying? I would never provoke anyone. I was just as bad as them.
"What is on your hand?" A classmate of mine yelled from across the courtyard. My hands were face up and my marking was reviled.
"A tattoo?" Eric pulled my hand from my knee and examined it where everyone could see.
"It's a pathetic attempt at a tattoo. What's with the cat paw?" I had no control anymore. My right hand became a fist and I swung at his jaw. He jumped a little, but I was not strong at all.
"Ha! Try again." His voice rang in my mind and I had no self control. I ripped my hand out of his grip and hit him down. With a single punch I had him on the ground. I never had any strength what-so-ever! I was not the same person anymore. What was in my attacker’s blood? A pain raged through my chest. My eyes were blurry. Why couldn't I see? I lost my balance and fell to my knees. Eric was yelling some random crap in the background, but I had no focus on him. People were oblivious to my pain and I had become completely invisible to the teachers.
"Help me. Please." I mumbled under my breath. My knees went limp and I lay on my stomach upon the concrete. Both of my hands clutching my chest in hope of comfort. A sharp pain hit the back of my neck and I flinched in reaction.
"You never hit me and get away with it." His feet plummeted into the small of my back. I could feel the bruises with the impact. I lay limp, accepting the consequences of my actions. But I would never hit anyone. I wouldn’t have the guts to do so. And my eyes were burning. I opened my eyes for a moment and hoped to find an answer to my pain. I heard a scream in my left ear.
“Her eyes! What’s wrong with her?” teachers ran and called orders to others around them. I heard Dimitri call out to me. His warm hand was placed over my heart and I drifted into a deep slumber.
I was back in the desolate city again. The mirror was still lying in a mess on the ground, and I was still gazing into the mysterious silver eyes. The eyes were more familiar now and more inviting. A warm feeling swarmed around these eyes. They were a window into the soul. This soul seemed mysterious, a little dangerous, misunderstood and very enticing. I wished to understand more about this person. This person was beautiful and wonderful. I just wished it really could be me. A loud crackling of thunder erupted in the distance. A blaze of blue flames was just over the horizon of this unknown world. A scream, no, a roar could be heard from all around. I turned and faced the opposite side of the city and made out the figure of a small man. His arms held a weapon and a small child. On the side of the roar, a man in a red jacket held his hands out in front of him. Behind both men, an army of people gathered. One side had weapons and children, and the other side held their hands out. The man with the weapon charged and screamed his way down to my direction. His weapon was a spear. The tip was out stretched, and it brushed against my chest. Total darkness clouded my vision and I then awoke. Another dream.
The room I awoke too was white. The windows were wide and had no curtains or shutters. I was on a bed with coffee coloured sheets, and the carpet was red. On the end of the bed was a table, and a pair of shoes, pants and a daggy t-shirt were placed neatly in the middle. A huge Television was against the wall opposite to me. The remote was placed next to my hand -as though I lived there and I fell asleep after watching a midday show. A long coffee couch was placed two meters before the television, and gold and white rug was laid out in the space between. The room was glorious and huge. I could get used to a place like this. The door was off to the left of this enormous room. When I sat up and spun my body to sit over the side, a tall beautiful woman walked through the door. She had knee long, silver hair. Her lips were a crimson red and her skin was slightly tanned. She wore a red strapless top with silver flowers along the bottom. Her long, floor length dress was black, with a long slit down the side. Her shoes were also very impressive. They were silver heels with red flowers around the ankle. And like my attacker, she had silver eyes.
"Hello. My name is Shana and I am going to be your caretaker. You seem to be going through your phasing stage. It will take approximately seventeen days to be fully transformed, and after that time is up, you can live a free life." I was completely confused to what she had just told me.
"What are you on about? I was beat up. What has that got to do with phasing?" She gave me a confused look and took a deep breath.
"You are a demon, are you not? You had a pain in your chest and eyes did you not? Your eyes are silver are they not?" What!? My eyes were brown last time I checked.
"My eyes are not silver! And I am not a demon. I am a weak and miserable human like all of the kids in my school! But, yes, I did have a pain in my chest and eyes." She held her hand up as though to say just a moment, and then left the room in a quick second. My eyes were brown. And I was certainly not a demon. I got up off the bed and walked over to the door. Before I could reach out and grasp the handle, Shana had turned it and let herself in. In one hand, she held a folder full of paperwork. In the other, she grasped onto a large flower mosaic mirror.
"Please take a look at yourself, and then tell me that you are not a demon." She then held the mirror up to my level with a single hand. I took it from her so I could have a good look at myself. I couldn't look straight away, so I raised my head slowly and anticipated, but feared what I might see. When I looked at the girl in the mirror, Shana was certainly not mistaken. My eyes were a spectacular silver. They shimmered in the sunlight and mesmerized me. They were never this glorious. There was no doubt in my mind that I was a different person, but a demon?
"I have a question Shana. Actually, I have two." I waited a moment to let her understand that she needs to give me an answer. "I am curious to know... Are you a demon?" She did not change the plain but kind expression on her face. It was as though she was waiting for me to ask that particular question
"Yes. I am a demon. My whole family has demon blood. We run a care center for demons that are growing into their abilities. At the hospital, I saw you and asked for permission from your parents to look after you. The doctors were quite confused when they saw your eyes, but I showed them my eyes and they let me take you into my care. I hope that answer satisfies you. What is question number two?" I thought for a moment and asked the final question.
"Why am I a demon? My family is human. I know that there was a man who cut our hands and mixed our blood together. But just because he has the eyes, doesn't mean that I will become one of you, right?"
"So that's why your parents are normal. You had a rebirth ceremony. Who is your demon mother or father?" Rebirth ceremony? Demon mother or father? Why don't I understand anything she says?
"When our blood was mixed, was that a rebirth ceremony?"
"Yes. When a demon gives their blood to a human, they are completing a rebirth ceremony. The first part to a rebirth ceremony is when they track their human and put a tag on them. The tag is only visible to demons. It is a red aura that you give off to other demons before you complete the ceremony. This warns other demons to steer clear." So I was apart of a ceremony for those two guys, well, demons.
"My ceremony was more like an attack. They chased me up into my attic. When they cornered me, they pinned me down and forced the knife into my hand." She looked quite puzzled for a moment and then took a deep breath before talking again.
"That isn't right. Most demon mothers or fathers will tag their chosen son or daughter, and then approach them for few weeks before completing the ceremony. They will usually build a strong relationship between each other. It is usually what demons do if they can't have children of there own. Your mother, or father, is very different."
"I have a father. He had long hair and a red jacket and a knife with amethyst hanging from the hilt." Her hands raised and removed the mirror from my grip.
"Your father, I believe, is a Phoenix. They are a group of demons that believe they have a higher purpose in life. They await their destiny. They are so dependent on this so called Apocalypse. They are going to either save or destroy the world. That's what they say anyway. You have some father. Do you know his name?" I was amazed. My demon father is hoping to decide the weight of the world with his arms? I am very disappointed to find that my demon father is anticipating the Apocalypse. I have no desire to die, not whilst I'm young anyway.
"No. I don't know his name, but I know he said that we won't meet again."
"That's hard to believe. Every demon knows the Phoenix's members. I can't pin point which one is your demon father, but I will be sure to find him for you. We need some answers." Shana seemed very nice. She also seemed very important. Shana presented herself as though she was important, but she never looked down her nose at you. She addressed you as though you were very important and she gave you the highest respect. A real lady.
"I am curious to know if I can really trust you Shana. You seem very truthful, but, in this new world, I don't know anyone. I just need reassurance."
"Yes. I am your care taker and I will always make sure that you are comfortable and well. If you have any questions while you are here with me, I will also give you answers where possible." I thought about that for a moment and smiled brightly.
"Thanks, Shana. I will do my best to stay out of your way while I am here. Now, when can I eat?"
Demons Have Beautiful Eyes
Demon Geisha
This is a story I wrote about a girl called Alice. She is chosen for a Rebirth ceremony and is now facing the hidden and devistating world of the Demons. Please read with an open mind and give me plenty of constructive critisism. This way I know what to write for the next 3 chapters. Enjoy!
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