Chapter 6 - Space Pirate's plan
(Music playing- Sky High - Grand Nuage / Megaman Z X
*The next day, John, Vent, Aile, Kaolla, and Giro were grouped together at the Tardis. Giro
was ready to do some more express shifts while John stayed with Prairie and discussed other
Giro= John, me Vent, and Aile are going out to patrol the city for awhile. Be sure to behave
yourself and take care while im gone. You too Kaolla.
John= Ill be careful. You be careful too, and you lot as well.
Vent= Don't worry about me. Im fine.
Aile= Here we go with that attitude again.
Kaolla= The model couple! *laughs*
Model S=Even they are bother and sister they act like there almost married or....
John= Will you shut it! Don't get them started.
*Giro, Vent, and Aile walk to the elevator and head for the transporter room. John and
Kaolla go straight to Prairie.*
John= Morning Prairie.
Prairie= Morning John. Since your new here, I want to scan Area A a bit, since were flying
over it. I may have a mission for you. Kaolla, I want you to stay with us for awhile and
show us these other biometals to Fleueve and see if you 2 can work together to fix them.
Kaolla= Sure thing.
Prairie= John, why not go on and introduce yourself to the crew while we work in the lab.
Kaolla tells me you have no talent for machinery and electronic repair.
John= I know. Kaolla has abilities I don't have. Ok, Ill go check out the crew.
Prairie= Be sure to come back and see me when your done.
*John walks off to the other hallway. He meets a tall reploid mechanic and says hello.*
John= Hi. Just introducing myself to the crew.
Anguille= Oh, yeah, your that legendary hero of Abagale. I read all about you. Im Anguille.
Pleased to meet you hero!
John= Oh yeah, now I am starting to find out how Harry Potter feels.
Anguille= Harry who?
John= Ehhh, never mind.
Anguille= Well, if there's anything you need or if I need anything I will find you ok?
John= Thanks.
Silure= Well well well, who do we have here Anguille?
Anguille= It's John the savior of Abagale, just like in the legend.
Silure= Oh, pleased to meet you John. Prairie has told us about you. Even young Rose
couldn't stop talking about you.
John= Rose? *looking dazed and confused*
Silure= The assistant nurse. Im Silure, the chief mechanic. If I have any ideas for your
biometals, I will sure be of assistance.
John= Thanks guys.
Model S=John, I believe these guys will be of excellent help. Let's keep in touch with
these guys ok?
John= Excuse her. That's my biometal Model S. She's very eccentric.
Silure= I seen Model X and Model Z but I never seen a biometal with that much social
activity before.
John= There's always a new surprise in the world. Nothing new to me though.
*Anguille and Silure laughs and waves bye at John while he goes to the elevator, and heads
outside on the deck.*
John= Whoa, it's quite windy out here. *Grabs a hold of his nappy fly-away hair.*
Thon= HEYYYYYY!! Look who came to visit the deck. Prairie was talking about you last night.
John= Oh... Hello.
*John visited the deck and sees the large muscle built reploid man*
Thon= Im Thon by the way. I heard you can do magic. We reploids find magic too much for us
to handle. But we can handle other things in a different nature.
John= I see what you mean. Thanks for showing me around.
Thon= Pleasures all mine little legend.
*John and Thon laughed as John ran back to the elevator and head to the nurses station. When
he arrived he met a guy with long blonde hair.*
Hareg= Hey there legend. Met any good girls lately.
John= Only girls I met so far is...
Hareg= Im Hareg by the way. And I look for really good looking girls. Ce'dre told me about
you, I even heard you talked last night. Lucky dog!
John= *chuckles*
Hareg= I even see that cute gangoroo girl you hang out with. Who is she?
John= Kaolla. I travel with her.
Hareg= Not married aren't you?
John= Of'course not. *blushes in embarrassment*
Model S= I find this guy rather funny!
John= Here we go again.
Hareg= I never seen that biometal in the legend records.
John= That's because she's new.
Hareg= Well, sorry to keep you hanging, you go on and meet the rest of the crew ok?
John= I sure will.
*John walks to the nurses station and meets a girl with long purple hair and bangs that
covered half her face.*
John= Hi.
Rose= You must me John! Im Rose the nurse assistant to Muguet. I read your book 100 times
and I plan on reading it again this evening when I have no work to do. Prairie was talking
to you last night and... oh I can't stop!!
*Rose walks to John and grabs ahold of him and begins to hug him as John blushes...*
John= Whoa!! Uh... nice to meet you too. uhh..*sneezes*
Rose= Are you ok? I heard you sneeze.
John= It's nothing really, I just do that sometimes when....
Muguet= Well well looky here. Rose are you flirting with that young man ... well ain't it
John the hero. Nice to meet you. If you need any check up's and injuries and colds. Ok hun?
John= Ok. Thanks.
Model S= I say we keep in touch with this group as well. I need you in tip top shape.
John= Here we go again.
Rose= A biometal, and it's social too.
Muguet= Isn't that a cute biometal you have there.
John= She's quite a talker. Ill see you later ok?
Muguet= I heard from prairie you met Ce'dre last night. Be sure to meet everyone ok?
*John waves bye at the girls and John goes to the same floor where he has his Tardis.*
John= Hello there.
Triute= Oh, I wanted to get to meet you and apologies about our last meeting. Im so sorry to
have my gun pointing at you.
John= It's alright. You were only defending the ship.
Triute= Im glad to meet you. Im Triute by the way. *shakes hands*
John= And who's this guy over...
Congre= Eahhh! Oh, It's you, that legend guy. I.... I read your books and novels... im so
Triute= That's Congre by the way. He startles easily.
Scomberesoce= Yo' John! Glad to meet you at last. Im Scombrescoce. Pleased to meet you.
John= Sorry to hold you up. Pleased to meet you all.
*Then John walked through the hallways and met more guards and they apologized about the
time they held John at gunpoint. Then John met a small reploid child who stopped on a dime
when he spotted him.*
Sardine= It's you!! Your that biometal guy aren't you? I read your comic books! I also wana
play with you too!
John= Im afraid Prairie needs me soon. Sorry.
Sardine= It's ok. Be sure to come back to see me.
Model S=We definitely need to come back to see this boy. He can be lot's of fun. Fun and
Exorcize opportunity to shake off those unwanted inches.
John= *sighs* Yeah, thanks for reminding me. =-
*John's com-link began to activate*
Prairie (radio)= John, im ready for you now. Be sure to see me in the lab ok?
John= I copy that. Sorry bud. Ill see you later.
*John headed up on the elevator and headed to the lab.*
Fleueve= Nice timing. It is going to take some time to fix up those old broken biometals.
They seemed to be in really bad shape.
John= I know.
Fleueve= What's worse, there this Model N that took allot of damage. Looks severe but
fixable. I analyzed it and it seems to have allot of firepower. Quite unusual for a biometal
to have that much power. Reminds me of another legendary hero back 200 years ago.
John= I know. The Arcane legacy.
Prairie= John, remember the cliff you were when you were attacked? I want you to scout that
area and report any clues to the alien attacks.
John= Sure will.
Prairie= Oh, and I want you to take a different route this time. Cut through Area A because
that road you and Giro took is now being watched so it would blow your cover. Kaolla, help
out Fleueve ok?
Kaolla= Gotcha!
*Prairie and John walked to the teleporter room*
(Music changes to- En-Trace code/ Megaman Z X
John= Well, I wanted to check out that Area A so...
Prairie= Don't go past the area point to explore, go straight through the path provided ok?
John= Ok Prairie.
Prairie= Oh, here. I want you to have something just incase. *She hands John a sub-tank*
John= Thanks.
Prairie= It's already full. Now be careful.
*John teleported out from the ship and into a chamber with another teleporter identical to
the one on the ship, but it had 2 doors in each direction.*
John= I better do what Prairie says.
*John goes through the door and found himself in Area A filled with trees and stuff.*
(Music changes to- Green Grass Gradation/ Megaman Z X
John= Well, this is the same place Vent and Aile were. I might as well get started.
*John walked out a few feet, but....*
Model S= JOHN! Wait up, don't forget to equip me! You can't do anything without me.
John= Ok. Megamerge time.
*John megamerged with Model S and traveled further to a spot full of skid marks and trees
and boulders and ruins of a Giga Aspis, a giant snake robot Vent and Aile destroyed, ....
but out of nowhere....*
(Music stops)
Model S= John! Im picking up a mechanloid reading. It's another Giga Aspis just like the
one here destroyed. WATCH OUT!!
*The Giga Aspis appeared hissing and roaring and John duel merged with Model Pr*
(Music playing- Newgrounds Rumble BGM5/ by
*The Giga Aspis began to move around and fire projectiles that rained at John but John
blocked it with his protoshield and fired back at the Aspis. The body seemed to be immune to
the shots but John set his gun on auto-charge. Then John waited until the Giga Aspis
slithered out from the trees and boulders to get into range. John opened fire and hit it's
face. It took damage but wasn't enough to finish it. The beast fired more projectiles and
threw some rocks at him. John dodged out of the way. John casted (Thunder 2) and struck the
Giga Aspis and damaged it severely but wasn't out yet. It slithered faster than before. This
time throwing more rocks and pieces of the old destroyed Giga Aspis. John pulled out the
protosaber and sliced at it's head thus finishing it off. As the body began to explode, a
grey Cyber soul appeared and landed into John's possession.*
(Music goes back to Area A )
John= That was close... What's this?
Model S=That is another grey cyber soul. You can use these without equipping them. This
one allows you to use the foliage and objects of nature as a camouflage while in tree/plant
infested areas, like this one. But only in places like this so you cant use it in the
John= Thanks. Now let's go/ We need to check out that place where we fell.
*John traveled through the small cliffs where a bunch of saw blade shaped robots were
hanging and guarding the sector. They were none other than a bunch of Whirling 44's. John
shot them destroying them in his path and he got another cyber soul, an
orange one.*
Model S=This one's handy! Equip this now. You can use your jumps as an attack with this.
But it will not work on every enemy so be careful. And it will definitely not work on those
Whirling 44's.
John= Thanks. Now let's head forth.
*John continued through the forest and fired at more enemies. Then he ran into a path of a
Cutting Gyro, and fired at the canon and destroyed it and dodged the propeller, then a
blue cyber soul fell into John's possession.*
Model S=This one is a guardian type. This one is a hover ability which allows you to
hover and move up and down without moving forward or backwards. You can still shoot enemies
John= Let's hold on to that one till we need it ok?
*John moved forward and through the place that had a door, but Model S detected something
above him, so John turned around using the double jump to reach the cliff and jumped from
tree limb to another, there he found a small cave where a hidden sub tank was laid.*
Model S=Forget what Prairie said about exploring the pathways, we need to find as much
resources as possible
John= For once I agree with you.
*John continued to the next door, and found more galleon hunters. John already had cyber
souls of them so John shot them in his path and suddenly his com link activated.*
Prairie (radio)=John. Im detecting a path to the carnival zone above you. Just reminding you
to keep going further ok?
John= I copy.
Prairie (radio)= We have no information about it yet so it's wise to stay away from there.
Take care of yourself. Over and out.
John= Let's keep going.
*John dashed to more small cliffs and more forests then he saw an object floating down. It
was orange with a funny shaped eye. And it was firing ring shaped beams at him. John fired
back and shot it down. Then another cyber soul appeared this time a red one.*
Model S=This is a red one. You know what that means? This is a bullet type soul. This
allows you to fire ring shaped beams like that Eyebaloon shot at you. Great for hitting
evasive enemies.
John= Cool. Let's equip it now.
*John traveled further and found more Eyebaloons coming his way. John tried to shoot them
with his blaster but they were easy to defeat. John traveled further until he reached some
places with a bunch of cliffs. There was a grasshopper shaped robot called a Crickaleap.
John used the ring beam from the Eyebaloon and shot it and another cyber soul appeared. This
time a blue one.*
Model S= This is a guardian type soul, this one let's you create a familiar of that enemy
you shot. Great for those that hide.
John= Sweet. Let's hold on to it till we need it.
*John found more Crickaleaps and Eyebaloons and shot them down and collected energy pellets
to fill up the new sub tank. When he ran into the dead end cliff, he approached a place and
suddenly, a Babaloo appeared. Then more appeared as he came close. John shot them with ease
since they couldn't do anything else. Then a red Cyber soul appeared and
flew into John's possession.*
Model S= This is another bullet type but odd one though. You can create Bambaloss of your
own as a trap for ground foes.
John= Cool. Now... this looks like the place. Let's wall kick climb our way up.
*John wall kicked his way all the way up till he reached the same cliff he and Giro were.*
(Music stops)
John= Look. There's the pit. Time to go for another dip.
Model S= Here we go again.
*John jumped down the crater and into the same foliage where he landed before when he and
Giro got separated. This time no enemies so this looked like it was going to be an easy
trip. John walked the path of the ramping platforms like he did before and followed the same
path he did before. Then he walked through the chamber where he fought the Orichi arm. Then
he found the opening exit where he chased that Slither grunt. He found himself in the
deserted town again, but with no threatening enemies around.*
(Music playing- Track 7/ MDK 2)Download
John= This place looks more trashed than before when we were last here.
Model S= I have a plan. Let's check for space pirate footprints and follow the ones that
lead out.
John= Good idea.
*John looked around and then Model S scanned an area and had John to follow the direction as
commanded. They cut through alleyways and broken cars and traffic lamps and condemned
buildings. Then he found the grass foliaged area where he tried to run from a Golem robot
and space pirates before.*
John= I know this place. Not really but I recognize this area.
Model S= The signal is getting stronger. Keep going Johnny!
*John cut through the sharp rocky and grass covered areas and found more grass/rock tunnels
and Model S scanned more space pirate tracks. It was almost 10:30 AM so John kept on going
cause he too was anxious about the tracks.*
John= Man, how much trouble are these space pirates going through for this?
Model S= Let's keep going Johnny boi. I think there up to something big, and I know it
ain't gonna be pretty.
*John found the end of the grass/rock tunnel and found a place full of grass and vines. John
cut through with the protosaber and proceeded through. Then he found an old mining shaft.
John looked around and found a rail track and it was seemed to been used recently. Then John
found a camouflaged chamber and found another teleporter, only this was a beat up
transporter modified and covered in spare alloy casings made by space pirates and modified
for there use.*
John= A teleporter. Looks like the ones we use but this one is...
Model S= It's been out of service for a long time and been modified. This must be it
John= Your starting to sound like Kaolla now. Quit calling me Johnny. Now, let's see where
it leads to.
(Music dies down slowly)
*John stepped in the teleporter and activated the transporter and John was teleported to
another area not marked in the map and with a flash, he was in another mine. But as soon as
he stepped out, he was in a dark dank swampy area. The place had land and full of trees and
bushes and massive pollutions in the water and smoggier skies.*
(Music playing- Flea pit/ Plok)Download
Model S= The readings are getting stronger....but this place is... sooooooo
John= Let's not go Congre in here ok? We need to find out about those damn pirates.
*John kept walking through the barely lit twilight lit wooded area and followed the tracks
of the space pirates. John then jumped from one swamp hut to another reaching the other side
of the area.*
John= Man, Isn't Prairie gonna flip when I tell her this. Are we supposed to keep her
Model S= Just relax. Im keeping a record log of everything were going through. I even
recorded a map through the same place we been through. But I can't pin-point where we are in
*Suddenly, John spotted lights from afar and peeked through the bushes and saw a base made
from scrap debris from the frigate of there station, and spotted space pirates patrolling
the base. John spotted there were holding cells for reploids. John's heart went into a
slight shock.*
John= s**t! I recognize one of those reploids. They were from the raid. Before we met Vent
and Aile.
Model S= We need to contact Prairie as soon as we can.
John= Let's take a breather first. *whew* im a bit tired. I am still anxious about the
place. Those poor people. We can't just leave them there. Who knows what those Space Pirates
are doing to them?
Model S= I am detecting foreign technology not in related connection with the space
pirates. It is resources from another dimension.
John= I got to sneak in there. I say let's head in the back. I bet there's something behind
the building.
*John snook in the bushes and headed down the hill and found a drain pipe and crawled
inside. Then he was inside the space pirate base. John equipped the Shadow pirate's cyber
soul and cloaked to become invisible and snuck through there security while crawling on the
ground with the sounds of thumps and metal rattling by the space pirates footsteps on the
catwalks and caged surfaces. John found a shoot he was able to crawl out and he was inside
the base. It was empty but John looked around and saw some familiar items and displays in
the casings.*
John= These are really old looking. Definitely not space pirate design.
Model S= I was correct. Hey.. looky! Over there.
*John spotted a few arms and pieces of robots that looked familiar but couldn't remember
exactly where they were from. Then John turned around and saw the security hanger with
people and reploids behind the force field barrier. It was the victims behind it. John
wanted to rescue them so badly.*
Old reploid= Who's there?
Little boy= Hey, that's no alien... that's that guy I saw turn into that poshy thing before
I was captured.
Little girl= That's this Megaman Plum Slither inc. has been talking about on tv. I heard it
from the tv those aliens were watching.
John= You guys are captives? I got to get you people out somehow.
Reploid man= Excuse me..... are you a ma...
John= Im a guy. Trust me this is a biometal.
Model S= And you think you know your stuff mister? We are here to investigate the space
pirate attack issue. I am trying to do the best I can.
Reploid man= Whoa! The biometal talks, and sounds like a child.
Little girl= *giggle*
John= Let's see, I want to get you guys out but I don't want to trip any alarms or get
caught. Oh by the way, these aliens are called space pirates and there from another world.
Do you know why they captured you?
Reploid man= Well, they taken quite many of us, but the Slither solders both reploid and
human were taken to some room where I heard terrible screaming of them. Those aliens said
something about some kind of foreign development. Some kind of human-like robot...
John= Wait a minute? Did you say... human like robot?
Little boy= Hey mister poshy?
John= I prefer you call me John. It's my name.
Little boy= See that display case over there...I saw one of those aliens bring it over here
talking about turning the humans into these.
*John turned around and saw the display case and saw the white head with tube like bars.
John knew what it was.*
John= Oh no. No. They can't be. The space pirates are making .... Cybermen! Look. Do you
guys know what there doing to the reploids?
Old Reploid= I heard they were picking out old robot parts and I ... I don't know son.
John= It's alright. Im gonna get you all out of here ok? Model S, can you pin-point the
security on this prison hold?
Model S= Im right on it.
*Model S began to scan the prison hold and the security link of the hold was disabled.*
John= Great. Now all I need to do is.....
*John pulls out a silver pen shaped device with a blue probe light on the end and pointed it
to the panel of the prison hold and it lowered the shield and the people held in there were
Little boy= Wow! That was cool. What is that thing?
John= Sonic screwdriver. Now I need to contact Kaolla from HQ.
*John pulls out a cell phone device and calls a channel on it.*
Kaolla (phone)= Hello Johnny.
John= Hi Kaolla. It's me. I need you to bring the Tardis to this point in .... uhhh. I don't
know where I am?
Kaolla (phone)= Im sorry Johnny. I can't ....wait. I cant track you down but there's a
foreign ship I scanned and spotted somewhere over Area C yesterday.
(Music dies down slowly)
John= Wait... Kaolla, can you give me the quartets to that ship?
Kaolla (phone)= Sure thing Johnny. Ok your connected.
Phil (phone)= Huh? A hailing frequency? Someone's contacting me. Is it you Mag?
John= Phil!? Is that you!?
Phil (phone)= John!? Is that you mate? I been looking all over for you! Where the bloody
hell are you!?
John= Im in some alien facility. There's space pirates here. There capturing the people from
town and turning them into Cybermen. The space pirates are making cybermen out of the
captured people. Can you track down my signal?
Phil (phone)= Im at another continent though but....wait.... Your not far from here. Your in
some kind of boggy territory. Some kind of restricted area. Hey.. Im picking up space pirate
readings... oh yes. I found you. Im on your way.
John= Good. Now listen. I found some missing people and there here with me now. The space
pirates haven't caught me yet.
Phil (phone)= Oh s**t!
John= What?
Phil (phone)= The space pirate radar just caught my signal. John hang in there, there's
going to be trouble so keep those people protected, Ill try to get close enough to use my
transporter so I can get you and those guys out of there.
John= I need to destroy this facility so they can't make anymore cybermen. I haven't
encountered them yet but... Hold on..Oh crap. Something's coming! Phil hurry!
(Music playing- Samus vs. Space pirates/ Metroid
*Suddenly the horrible sight of a space pirate walked in the room and called it's other kin
and with roars and snarls they grouped in the holding room and drawn there ugly weapons and
charged John's path.*
John= Get down everyone!!
*John duel-merged with Model Pr and used the protoshield to block the space pirates galvanic
blasters. John fired back and hit the space pirate crowd.*
John= Phil! Im caught! HELP!!
*John hangs up the cellphone and continued shooting at the space pirates. One drawn close
and John pulled out the saber and slashed at him and with a jumping spiral attack, he sent
the horrible pirate flying.*
*Suddenly there was a huge ship hovering over the space pirate facility and it was Phil's
ship. The people were all beamed aboard the vessel and John charged and finished off the
remaining space pirates.*
(Music dies down slowly)
John= *using his com-link* Thanks Phil. I need to check this place for more survivors.
Phil (radio)= My scanners don't show anymore human/reploid readings.
John= I wanna check out there computer systems before we blow it up. I need to know why
there here?
Phil (radio)= Im setting the ship on hover and auto defense mode. Im coming down buddy.
*The com-link turned off and with the same speckled light as of the teleportation system
that beamed the people on board the Pillar of Autumn "Phi's ship" , one human figure clothed
in black and blue with a katana called "the Togau" and equipped with twin handguns named
"Cerberus". It was none other than Phil who saved Kaolla and the 4 guardians back from
Rangarok 2 when John was confronting Dr. Weil.*
John= Phil. Im so glad to see you!
Phil= John! Good to see you. What's this biometal?
Model S= Excuse me sir. Were you referring to me? I am Model S, registered to John.
Pleased to meet you.
Phil= *snicker* Well that biometal looks rather cute...
John= Phil. >=-( Look, my other biometals got fried by Weil... Ill explain later. Let's get
some data and blow this joint.
Phil= Gotcha mate.
*John and Phil headed to the next room and there were terminals of space pirate design.
Model S began to scan the 1st terminal. Phil scanned the 2nd and 3rd terminals. John had
Model S to download a few of the space pirates data servers. John gave his data to Phil and
John transferred it all in the superphone.*
Phil= Alright, now let's go find there power station before those space pirates call for
John= Cool. Let's go find it and get out.
*The power station was just ahead. John and Phil entered the room and as soon as they did,
the doors shut behind them and a bunch of sentry drones showed up out of nowhere.*
(Music playing- Mini boss/ Metroid
Phil= s**t! Sentry drones! John look out.
John= Phil, you go set the bomb, ill take care of these guys!
*Phil ran to the central power server and he cut down the few sentry drones in his path but
they were quite fast. John equipped with Model S and Model Pr, John covered Phil by blocking
the shots and swiping them with his saber. Then a blue cyber soul popped out from the drone
and flew to John*
Model S= This is a blue ... well, you know by now. This gives you a
Sentry drone familiar. You can summon your own sentry drone.
John= Thanks.
*John equipped the cyber soul and a funny colored Sentry drone appeared shooting the other
sentry drones while John fired at the drones while strafing to guard Phil as he set up the
self destruct device.*
Phil= There. I set it up. Let's get the bloody hell outa here!
*John and Phil teleported as soon as the space pirates opened the door, but was too late to
stop the self destruct device as it was set for 1 minute. Phillip's ship already took off in
full speed and the space pirate fortress bursted into flames*
(Music stops)
John= Whew. Made it.
Phil= Glad to see those space pirates become history.
John= I wouldn't count on it. Space pirates do intend to have more than just 1 HQ. They may
be more. Just because we blew up one, they can always make more.
Phil= Oh, which reminds me. Me and Mag are working with Kay trying to predict the next Dalek
John= What!?
(music playing- Important news/ Metroid
Phil= It's a possible but uncertain. Kay's team needs to gather more information before we
know for certain.
John= I remember the last time I met a Dalek, and that was when I was with Ciel that time. I
had tracked down the Bonne family and I found out they stolen some of Dr. Wily's cargo and
it was a Dalek. But the Dalek absorbed my D.N.A. and didn't make contact with it's kind.
There's no way those Daleks could still be looking for there scout. Me and Ciel watched it
kill itself.
Phil= Never underestimate a Dalek.
John= Oh, which reminds me. I need to contact Prairie and tell her what went on down there.
*Suddenly an emergency call came through John's com-link*
Prairie (radio)= John! Come in!
John= Sorry. I was held up.
Prairie (radio)= Where are you now?
John= Im in the pillar of autumn with Phil.
Prairie (radio)= What?
John= A ship. It belongs to a friend of mine. He's responsible for saving me from Weil.
Prairie (radio)= What took you so long? It's past noon now and we were worried. There's also
something else. As Vent, Aile and Giro came back to us, Vent and Aile heard about the
actions Slither inc, have taken and the 2 have stormed ahead without thinking. Giro went
after them. I need your help to stop them before they do something reckless.
John= Im on it.
Phil= I heard it all Prairie. Im heading to Area D now.
Prairie (radio)= Excuse me sir, who are you?
Phil= My name's Phillip. I help John. Ill do whatever I can.
John= Ok, phil. Here's the plan. You go to area D first to drop me off so I can go ahead.
You go on without me and take these people to Area C. Drop them off to a service station not
owned by Slither inc. so they can help warn us about the space pirates.
Prairie (radio)= Sounds good John.
John= Prairie, have Kaolla to have her Tardis ready and remind her to keep Rush with her. We
may need him.
Prairie (radio)= John.... Thank you. I know you will do your best. And thank you too Mr.
Phil= You can call me phil. To Area D we go!!
(Music changes to- Dark Samus appears/ Metroid Prime 2
*The ship the Pillar of Autumn flew off like a jet back to the continent where Area's C and
D are. Meanwhile............ In the basement of Area D's Slither inc building, laid a piece
of Rangaroc 2 with rusted and bunched together pieces and a dark hole. Then an amber light
shined from it.*
Mystery voice= *chuckles* He's coming..... I can feel it in my hard drive. Those pathetic
Slither's can't keep me here forever. Soon, I will have revenge for what he did to me....
and for Lord Wiel. *hmph* Megaman Plum...... pathetic. I will show what happens to those who
cross me and my master. All I need is to get him alive and he holds a certain key only he
can use. With it I will free my master from his prison. I Know he's alive. Just ... gotta...
get outa here...at the....correct time.
Lab staff= Sir, I feel the rubble moving again.
Prometheus= Make sure whatever is inside we find out exactly what it is.
Lab staff= Yes sir.
Prometheus= John. He's coming. I can feel it. He will pay for what he did to our master.
Come Pandora, we must prepare.
Pandora= Prometheus... Our master is dead. Our... father.
Prometheus= His soul lives on through Model W which Serpent possesses. Model W will continue
to use Serpent as our puppet until we have no further use of him.
Pandora= ......., Ok.
Prometheus= We will contact Serpent and we all can pay a visit to those brats and that pest
Girouette, then we will deal with John Harris, or should I say, Megaman Plum. *chuckles*
*Things are starting to heat up now. What will happen to John next time? What will become of
Giro, Vent, and Aile? And what about the Space Pirates new ware bouts? Find out next time.*
- by Tanooki John |
- Fiction
- | Submitted on 02/26/2009 |
- Skip

- Title: Megaman Heroes 2 - chapter 6
- Artist: Tanooki John
Submitted to sheezyart Sep 7th 2007
Second sequal of my megaman fanfiction/crossover
All characters and images (c) respectable owners - Date: 02/26/2009
- Tags: megamanzx chobits doctorwho metroidprime
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Comments (1 Comments)
- Neo Arcane - 03/24/2009
- OK, I've done my part...& now, the plot thickens!
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