I woke up to the sound of a kettle boiling again. I was lying face down on the sofa with my head on a cushion. Someone came and sat down beside my legs.
“Are you alright?” I sat up.
“I think so. It was just... I still can’t believe Ren’s a...” He put one finger to my lips.
“I wasn’t talking about that.” He put his hand to my forehead. “You forgot your medicine. Your hay fever’s acting up, isn’t it?”
“A little.”
“Heh. I’m sorry, I added something to your tea so I could examine you. And you fell asleep. Therefore... I deduce it is your Hayfever.” I blushed as he handed me a cup of clear yellow liquid. “I thought so. Drink.” I hesitated. He blinked and started to laugh. “No drugs, I promise. Ambrosia free, too.” I giggled after I took a sip. Yep. Honey Tea.
“No, no. It looked like someone had already passed it through...” He giggled.
“Oh, and you think I’d give you...” He poked me. “Ha. I suppose the Ambrosia incident would set you on edge a bit more.” I nodded. He smiled. “Anyway, you’ve been working too hard.” He stroked my cheek gently. “... Mi-chan, you need to rest. And remember your medicine.” I laughed.
“You’re telling me to relax?” I smiled and then sighed. “I worry about everyone too much, I will admit that.” I gulped the rest of the drink down. It was a little hot for my liking, but I finished it anyway. He patted me on the head as he took my cup.
“Good girl. If you’re well behaved... dessert comes early.” He chuckled as he took the cup into the kitchen. I smirked. It’s hard to think of an innocent answer when he puts in that tone.
“Chocolate sauce or cream?” I purred. At times like this, I think it’s more fun to play his game even though I know I’ll lose this...
“You mean you’re not having both?” I could hear him tutting. “Deary me, you’re ill.” I sighed.
“You’d better check yourself, then.” He giggled as he re-entered the room.
“My next line’s so tempting...” He sat down next to me, taking my hand carefully and pulling me to him. “Well, why don’t you check me over yourself?” He kissed my forehead.
“Ah... I should have seen that one...” He murmured an agreement as Libra entered the room again. “Master Libra?” She smiled at us.
“Mirari-chama, you’re on mission tonight...” Yeah, the usual silence-the-hacker. It seems as if our systems are being targeted by people looking for ‘The Black Rose’ – a legendary super hacker who sees all and knows all. Naturally when they find the most heavily protected computer, they try and hack it. Several breached the first barrier of twenty-eight, and the ones that breach the third must be... silenced. Although the barriers get exponentially harder, if they breach the third, they are capable of hacking military. Which is why the government funds ETHAware – so we can protect queen and country. Yeah. The Government’s involved. As usual...
“Where is it?”
“Well, when we reach Debrief I can show you. By the way...” She smiled at me. “...Light and her platoon will be on backup. Raphael Senran poses a large risk and we can’t afford losses.” I shrugged.
“If you think it’s needed, Master.” Libra nodded. I sighed. “Well, Raphael is dangerous.” Ri-chan put his arms around me. It was so obvious that he was a little irritated about who was backing us up.
“But Light...” He hissed. Libra sighed.
“Alex, it’ll be dangerous without backup. I don’t want to lose-”
“But Master...”
“I don’t care what your personal grievances are, Alex. Besides, your superior isn’t complaining.” Libra shook her head. “My goodness. Log in. You have half hour.” She walked away as I poked Ri-chan in the ribs.
“You need to forget about it. For our-” He put his hand over my mouth. He looked so serious.
“But, Mi-chan... I can’t forgive her for that.” I licked his hand and the tense look on his face faded to slight amusement. “Look you, licking my hand isn’t going to-” I had by this time moved one of his fingers into my mouth, and was gently kissing and sucking it. He flushed and giggled. “That sort of thing might.”
“Ri-chan, it’ll be alright in the end. If it’s not ok, then clearly it isn’t the end.”
“That’s quite wise. But-”
“But nothing.” I held his face in my hands. “Besides... Ri-chan, we need to log in.” He sighed and took my hands from his face, leading me into the ETHAwared room in his house. EA connects to Ri-chan’s house because of the Mod Units and the Mithrim. Both needed to be accessible in both places and is achieved by a long but thin connecting pipe. Well, since Mithrim is intelligent, it carries the Mod Units with it as it goes to the correct place. Ri-chan kissed my forehead as we reached the room. After logging in, we sat there just enjoying each other’s presence. This was because we both had a funny gut feeling that wouldn’t go away. Libra and everyone else entered on time. Um... by this time he was kissing me senseless, and his hands were wandering. I blushed and we separated. Libra gently coughed.
“Right.” A screen came out of the ceiling, showing a map. Heavily residential and it looks as if one of the two hits of the evening was in flats, the other in a house nearby. “Local hacker rings. One of these dots has three in one. The other has five.” She laughed. “Stupid. They’re working together to take down our firewalls in half hour. They won’t get the time, yeah?”
“Yes Master.” Our chorus.
“Dark – take charge of the operation. Light – guard her. And the rest fall into place.” Libra smiled. “I’ll remain here. After all, someone’s got to keep the walls up. Off you go!” Everyone looked at me, and I teleported us to the roof of the flats. Unfortunately, it was a rough landing, and we landed in a heap. After dusting ourselves off, we began. I sent Ri-chan and Dextera off to the heavily populated spot and Sinistra and Tsu-chan to the one with less. Light sat down next to me as I watched both groups approach their targets. I scanned the areas carefully as I guided them.
“Sinistra, Shield... they gather in the second room on the right. Watch that PC. One has gone to the bathroom, be careful.” Light tapped her fingers on the tile next to me. “Sword, Dextera... they’re above you. Scan their PC when you’re done.”
“Dark...” I didn’t turn to face her, but continued watching everyone as I made a sound of acknowledgement. “Dark, I... I’m sorry. I really am.” I smiled at her, turning to look at her.
“It’s okay, Light. I forgive you.”
“But Dark...”
“It’s fine, Light, believe me.” Things began to hurt. My heart began to hurt. I shut my eyes. “s**t. Sword, Dextera. Respond. Energy spike at your... Shield, Sinistra – check other site.”
“Yes Dark.” Shield and Sinistra must’ve finished... but the silence was eerie...
“Dar...k... Dark...” Ri-chan’s pained voice.
“ Sword! Respond! Res-”
“Sen...ran...... your....”
“s**t!” I turned to Light. “Light. Senran approach-”
“********.” Light readied a blade and pointed it behind me. I knew what it meant. “******** it.” There was a sudden movement and I blocked the blow from my left. Senran. I threw him away and moved to stand by Light.
“I repeat that sentiment, Light.” Rapael laughed. He was in his armour and held a long blade similar to the one that went through us before.
“Oh, what a joy. I eliminate the Caragiri leader and get my angel.” His eyes gleamed in pleasure. “I had pleasure ripping his guts out... I’ll pleasure you.” His movements were fast and unpredictable – I was barely able to dodge and Light made only one hit in fifty. I tried elemental attacks, as did Light... to no effect. He simply laughed. “You cannot defeat me.”
“Wanna bet?” And I smashed him in the face with my Mithrim. He staggered away, blood spilling down his face from the part of his crushed skull. Yeah. Heavy blow – no-one hurts Ri-chan and gets away with it. “Light. Check the others.” She nodded and sped off, leaving me there with him. s**t, bad move. His skin started to squirm and he began to heal quickly. I shot bits of the rooftop gravel at his head, but nothing hurt him. I set fireballs onto him, but nothing. Damn.
“My angel... resistance is useless...”
“Oh shut it.” I plunged my hands into his skull, breaking it and squeezing his brain. It wasn’t stopping him. “Ah, megami-sama...” And it hit me. He was using my healing ability to heal himself as I touched him. s**t. I leapt back from him, using him to launch from. Something held me in place as I landed. I looked down. Ren. One Ren on each leg, two on each arm and one holding my waist. And they all had pure black hair... I couldn’t move. s**t. Help... Help me! Someone...
“You are mine, dear angel.” He glanced at the Rens. I used that opportunity to phase down into an alleyway below. The Rens had been scattered all around me, and were not moving. I stopped. This... the dream... I tried to sense everyone... In the darkness, everyone was a tiny spot of light... I cringed as each light began to fade... I began to run, but stopped when I heard mad laughter from above. I stopped and I made the mistake of looking to the source of the laughter. s**t. Raphael, with his cloak billowing and bloody sword withdrawn... I couldn’t move again.
“No...” There was a blur, and I then felt warm stuff trickling down my legs as I felt Raphael’s cold hand on my neck... “No... Ri-chan...” Where is he? Ri-chan... No, please... Be alright... Everything went black...
“s**t.” Libra hit the desk. “s**t!”
“I’ll get them.”
“They are all nearly dead. I can help.”
“I will heal them, too.” The voice laughed. “I am as good as Dark, yea?”
“What. Do. You. Mean. She’s. Gone?” Sword, trying hard not to scream, get more violent, hyperventilate or cry was holding Light up by the throat. It had been three days since Dark had been taken, and three hours since Sword had woken up. Two hours of which had been spent in the Infirmary being prodded by Sinistra to check the extent of his healing, and almost one hour spent frantically searching for his Dark. Then, Shield had reminded him that Light had been guarding her. Shield didn’t know that Dark was gone, so thought Dark and Light were speaking. Then, Sword had run to Light, who told him Dark had been taken. And he grabbed her by the throat and held her against the wall.
“She... was taken by... a group of identical... black-haired... girls...” Sword slammed her against the wall again. “The Senran...” Sword tightened his grip on her neck, and then dropped her, walking away.
“I hold you responsible.”
“I know. So do I.” Sword started cussing in many languages as he tried to restrain himself. He disappeared from Light’s point of view swearing in English then Japanese and finally his native tongue. Light sighed and slumped. Yeah, she already knew it was her fault – telling her so was useless. She remained there until Libra came to check on her. Libra was the one that picked Light up when she fell, and was always there for her. This time, Libra carried Light to her room, placing her on the bed. “Thank you.”
“That’s alright.” Libra kissed Light on the forehead. “Sleep, young one.” Light smirked.
“You sound so old, saying that.” Libra raised one eyebrow in surprise.
“I’m old enough to be your Mother, y’know. And I can’t help but act mother hen to people, especially to those less than half my age.” Libra paused. “Everyone falls into that category around here.” Libra stood up, smiling uneasily. She giggled. “Well, gotta make sure Alex hasn’t destroyed anything...” She sighed as she walked out. “He gets so irritable without Mirari-chama...” Light murmured an agreement and tried hard to sleep. Libra smiled. It’s not often Light gets placid like that.
I was wet. That was the first thing I felt. The second was of slight warmth and a horrid smell of blood. Then I could feel hard metal shackles on my wrists and ankles, and multiple chains binding me to something. I couldn’t move, and even my neck had a chain around it. But, thankfully, I was the right way up, and my hair was out of the way. How it was out of the way (and not sticking to my wet self) I have no idea. Speaking of my wet self... I wasn’t just wearing Mithrim. No... It felt as if I was wearing something long and silky. And probably ruined by all this dampness.
“Are you alright?” A muffled, distant voice. I tried to open my eyes. It was hard, and when I did... I was right about the wet thing – if I was anymore wet, I’d be the liquid I am currently suspended in. Speaking of which... I have no air mask or anything. I’m breathing liquid and I’m not drowning. What the hell? I then looked through the pale blue liquid to the source of the voice. The familiar black and blonde Ren I thought I knew was working on some panels attached to the tube.
“Where...” My voice still works. I can speak although I’m in fluid. The liquid rushed into my mouth – it tasted foul, like stagnant blood. “...am I?”
“You are in our home.”
“You are in our home. You are our captive.”
“You are the Earthly vessel for Miscenco.” Raphael approached from behind Ren, stepping from the shadows to stand before me in the dim light from my very large test-tube.
“My goddess...” He bowed down. “You are being kept here for duration of the preparations.”
“What preparations? And why are you calling me a goddess? More to the point, who is Miscenco?” He laughed.
“You hold Miscenco, the very goddess that created this world... we wish to free her from your care...” He stood up and came closer to the glass. “We are preparing the ceremony...” He put his hands onto the glass, stroking it carefully.
“Let me go.”
“We will... in a few days, Goddess.”
“Let me out of here, then.” He smirked and leapt up. I couldn’t move my head to see him, but I knew I wouldn’t have to wait long. In a second or so, he was in the tube with me, holding close to my body, taking every opportunity to rub against me sensually. Occasionally he would kiss my skin as he released the shackles one by one. Yeah, I knew what he wanted, and that Ri-chan was my one and only (and would always be)... but at the moment, playing along meant I could escape. Even if... I have to play dirty and act like a slut. After he had released the last shackle, it reformed around my neck. I see. If I try to escape, he’ll know or it automatically restrains me. He kissed my cheek, lips lingering there before moving to my lips, parting them carefully. I wonder – can he not taste the fluid? His tongue wandered around, tasting me. His hands began to wander, coming to rest around my waist. I was then aware of movement and then... I was dry. I broke away from the kiss to look at us in astonishment. We were dry – well, he had sat on the edge of the tube and sat me on his lap. Our legs were still in the liquid, and still wet. He giggled.
“Aah, the liquid fascinates you, my pretty?” I nodded. In for the penny...
“It either evaporates quickly or... just doesn’t stick.” He laughed as I had to cough up some liquid to speak properly.
“Yeah, something like that. And I suppose you noticed the direct oxygenation?”
“Yes... that certainly interests me.” I sighed. “But it tastes truly foul...” He blinked twice.
“I don’t understand...” I put a concerned, upset face on things. Play the sympathy card.
“You can’t taste it? It tastes and smells of stagnant blood...” He shook his head and then put a finger under my chin.
“Ah... Then I won’t leave you with the fluid again.” He kissed my forehead. It was a poor substitute for Ri-chan. “Now, shall we get you to your chambers?” I nodded.
“Yes, please...”
“Please don’t use them as an escape from me.” Damn, still got to find some form of escape from this whole place... After leaping down from the tube and exiting the room, Raphael began to show me around the house. I have no idea where the large house is. I stopped by a window as he talked. The gardens were ruined, and the house was large. He came up behind me, and put a hand on my shoulder.
“Yes, I admit the garden is a state. But the lakes are well maintained, thankfully.”
“Lakes?” May as well gather information. If I can contact ETHER, I will.
“Yes.” He giggled. Not exactly reassuring me. “We have three. You can’t see them from the back of the house, but they are beautiful.”
“I’d like to see them in the moonlight.”
“Nice try. I’m not letting you out until after the ceremony.”
Thump. Thump. Thump. Shield continued to hit the door, even though it was pointless. Sword wasn’t going to open the door, no matter how many times she hit the door. And she didn’t want to force him – no, he’d burst another few stitches.
“You can’t hide in there forever, ‘Lex!”
“Wanna bet?” His voice was barely heard over the running water. That was bad... wet stitches equal weak stitches. And the only reason he had the stitches was because he didn’t want to heal. Sinistra and Dextera had to hold him down to force him to have them because Master Libra ordered it so he could heal. “I can stay in here as much as I like.”
“But your stitches...”
“I don’t need them.” Thwack. Shield hit the door harder. Nope, she couldn’t break it down, even at full power. God-proof doors. Shield heard footsteps behind her, and a large hand held her fist gently as she went to hit the door again.
“If the idiot wants to bust his stitches, Kat, then that’s his choice.” Shield started sobbing.
“But Dexie.... Dexie he’ll-” Dextera pulled her to him, putting one arm around her. Tenderness he rarely shows camped across his face. Shield sobbed into him for a while as he put both arms around her.
“It’s alright... I’ll try and talk him out of it. Go. Give us five minutes, then get Master Libra.” Shield looked up at him. “Are you sure you’re up to it?” She nodded and he let her go. She wandered off and Dextera turned his attention to the door. Yeah, Sword was in the shower. Probably just sitting in the corner...
“******** off, Dexie. Get out of my head.” Dextera was a little surprised. Sword normally couldn’t sense him probing his mind... Either that or he couldn’t and was just trying to defend himself.
“I’m not going to do anything, idiot.” Dexie looked at the lock of the door. Easy to pick. “Look you... t**t... You’re hurting your own sister, doing this to yourself.” This made Sword start cussing in various languages. Dextera let him continue whilst he picked the lock. Sword had obviously tampered with it to make it harder. Sword was still cussing. Something about the lack of trail and how rude people can’t let him do as he wished. Dextera pried open the door after picking the lock, entering and closing the door again. He heard a small whimper to his left – Dextera looked down to see the fish-like form of Sword’s Mithrim sulking. Noir leaped onto Dextera and wouldn’t let go. “Alex... I don’t see what my Mother has to do with this. I was raised well, so don’t change the subject.” Dexera looked into the shower. Sword was curled up in the corner of the shower, just letting the water run over his skin. Dextera sighed when he saw blood running down Sword’s side. That meant more stitches have burst, and that he wasn’t healing up. Dextera sighed again. Getting Sword up meant playing dirty. “...I’m surprised Mirari-chama loves such a stubborn, pig-headed b*****d who seems to enjoy pain and suffering. She is morally opposed to such a thing...”
“I said... ******** off.”
“Make me.” Dextera leaned against the shower wall, manipulating the water so he didn’t get wet. “Aww, little baby hates the truth. Grow up, Alex. She won’t just walk in the door, all smiling and happy. Even if she did... would she really come running to your side? Or do you think she’ll run away from your shame?” Nothing. “Would she hear you, if you called? Would she hold you, if she knew your shame?” Dextera pulled a camera from his pocket, and took a picture or two. He yelped as it was shattered by an ice shard. The memory card was unharmed, so Dextera pocketed that.
“Give me the memory card, Dextera.”
“As I said, Make Me.” More cussing from Sword. “You’re Pathetic, Alex. You’re coping so well. Get up off your sorry a** and help us find her!”
“I repeat that sentiment, Dextera.” Dextera turned around. Libra was standing there. “But I have the sheer power to make him.”
“B-but Master...” Libra gave a look of curiosity to Dextera before looking at the curled up Sword sternly. He still had his head between his knees.
“Get up, Alex.”
“Stand up and face me, Alex.” Her voice was smooth, seductive and threatening. “You know as ETHER’s top admin, it is in my power to force you to do as I say.”
“And I can resi-” Libra’s eyes had narrowed. Sword began to uncurl, if unwillingly. He wasn’t able to speak, because Libra didn’t want him to. Her power over her underlings truly was vast.
“You can’t resist, Alex. That’s part of my leader-” Sword shook himself free of her powers, and curled back up. Apparently, his power was bigger.
“I can resist because my loyalty is elsewhere. It lies with Mi-chan... and the Blood Pact makes us both immune to your Right of Control.” Libra sighed.
“You’re right, but...” She shut her eyes and Sword stood up. “That was not my full power, Alex. It is true that Mirari-chama is immune, but the Blood Pact only makes you resistant. I can overpower that tiny resistance.” Sword looked angry. He couldn’t say anything.
“Master Libra... Alex’s stiches...” Libra laughed uneasily.
“Let his insides drop out. He won’t be able to move to do anything about it!” She paused. “Get the needle and twine, then.” Dextera walked out of the room, shocked by Libra’s actions.
“Yes, Master.” Libra turned her attention back to Sword.
“Alex. You say there is no trail. Find One. You say there is no hope. Find Some. You say you can’t sense her. Travel until you do. You say you need her. FIND HER!” Libra paused. “What would she say? How would she feel if she knew you weren’t trying to find her? She’d probably just give herself up to Raphael Senran... she’d let his powers of seduction wash over her...”
“Stop it.”
“No. You just need to see the truth, Alex! If you can’t find the need and the will to get your sorry arse off the floor, then you may as well have given Mirari-chama to him and killed her yourself. Because that’s what he’ll do, Alex. He’ll torture her for information, he’ll kill her. And she’ll survive. She’ll continue to live, for you. For you, Alex. Raphael will kill her again and again to get what he needs, Alex. She will be loyal to you... but how long will that loyalty last when she finally realises that you aren’t coming? Even if her powers are suppressed, she can still know. Alex... if you give up on her... her heart will break. I don’t want to see that... and neither do you.” There was a heavy pause. Libra was going to give up on Sword. She suddenly released him from her hold, and he fell backwards, slumping against the shower wall.
“You’re right.” Libra smiled. “I’ve been such a fool...” Sword cleared some of his hair from his face and put his hand to his forehead. “Mi-chan would’ve been so hard on me for that... harder than you, Master... I... I apologise for being out of order...” Libra smiled evilly.
“Right. But Dexie still isn’t using any anaesthetic.” Sword gulped as Dextera walked in the room, brandishing a needle and thread.
“What the-!”
And so, the stitches were redone. Sword now had new determination to find Dark, Libra’s authority was restored... and Dextera had a laugh. ETHER was stronger thanks to the reinforcements...
It was black. The last thing I remember was being shown this flashy room with a large bed and being told to rest up. Raphael had kissed me before letting me sleep. Yeah. I was still tired after being unconscious for so long... But now... I know I’m asleep, but... I am somewhere. I was sure I was sitting down on something hard, feet dangling. I was logged out and in a simple dress. I looked forward to see a familiar back walking away, in his favourite jeans and vest.
“Stop! Ri-chan,..” I got up and ran after him. He showed no signs of slowing. No matter how fast I ran, he was always further away... I stopped running after I knew it was worthless.
“He can’t hear you, Mi-chan.” I spun around. My logged in form was standing there, hair billowing in a breeze I couldn’t feel. “He can’t hear you because he is not asleep.” I narrowed my eyes in sadness and curiosity.
“Who... why... how?”
“I have been with you all along, Mi-chan. I know this because I know all.” She giggled. “You know me, and I know you.”
“Patience, Mi-chan. Soon, Alex will sleep, and you can talk.” She closed what little gap was between us and grabbed my hands.
“Mi-chan. I need you to know that Raphael cannot complete the ceremony... It will hurt, and you need to be strong...” She kept getting closer and closer, her face nearly touching mine. “Mi-chan... You need to know that although you are my vessel, you are different.” She kissed me once on the lips, and vanished into the darkness. I spun around, her voice still echoing. “You are linked to, but are not me!” And then it was pure silence in the dark. I could still see Ri-chan in the distance, but he was getting no nearer. I turned away. It hurt, being so close yet so far.
“Mi-chan? Mi-chaaaaan!” I am I hearing things? I heard footsteps from behind me, running my way. I turned around. Ri-chan was running towards me. I smiled and ran his way. After what seemed hours, we crashed into each other. The sound echoed around, and so did the sound of someone’s sobbing. It took me a second to realise we were both sobbing and I threw my arms around him, squeezing him tightly.
“Ri-chan...” I pushed my head into his chest. He froze, then put his arms around me, too. The familiar touch sent shivers of pleasure down both of our backs.
“Aw, ******** it. I don’t care if it’s a dream...”
“Neither do I.” He squeezed me tighter, kissing the top of my head. “But, Ri-chan, this is no dream...” I looked up at his face. He still had tears in his eyes, but was looking down at me with one of those ‘I don’t understand you’ looks. “Ri-chan... this is no ordinary dream, please, trust me...” His eyes lit up with understanding. He smiled in an almost sad way.
“Mi-chan... where are you?”
“I am being held by the Senran... although you probably knew that.” His hands moved from where they were to hold my face. “Ri-chan, I can’t escape them... They plan to release Miscenco from me, but... Oh, Ri-chan, it won’t work!” He began to stroke my cheeks with his thumbs gently.
“Why won’t... how did you...”
“Miscenco told me... Ri-chan...” I began to sob into his chest. “It’s going to hurt... an-an-and I-I-I-I’m so scared... And... I... I...” I swallowed hard. “...I kissed...” He began to whisper words of comfort as I began to cry harder. Yeah, there was little confidence in his voice, but... they helped.
“Mi-chan... I’ll come. I’ll save you, I promise...” He gripped my face a little firmer. “It’s okay. Do what you need to do...” He leaned in to brush his cheek against mine. “I promise you that I’ll get you...” His lips brushed mine and he parted them with a soft breath... This act alone turned my legs to jelly. If we had been standing up, I figure that we wouldn’t be standing. “Mi-chan... I’m here for you...” Our lips met and tongues tangled. ******** me (an invitation), this kiss stole my breath and any hope of being able to cope... It seemed as if he heard my unspoken thought and his hands began to wander downwards, feeling my (very squishy) body. Almost as if he wanted to remember everything, every curve and every handful. He continued kissing me as he gingerly slid the skirt of my dress up. I began to undo his jeans, sliding them down somehow. My hands lingered at his groin, feeling along the inside of his thigh. I could feel the heat from his face as I reached something sensitive. He broke away from the kiss to gasp in some sort of joy, laughing as his hands started doing something similar to me. Yeah, he knew what he was doing after that. I gave some sort of pleasured sound as I reached into his silk boxers and continued feeling around. He mirrored my movement, drawing yet another sound from me. He smiled as he continued to go crimson under my touch.
“I’m... waiting for... two words, Ri-chan. Just two.” He laughed as he saw the joke.
“I will be your b***h, Mi-chan. Now and forever.” I chuckled.
“That makes a change for me... to say that, huh?”
“Yes.” His other hand began to pull down on my underwear. “I like it.”
“Well...” My other hand went to tug his boxers down, too. “...I will always return to you, Ri-chan. For you I would kill. For you I would return from beyond. Only for you.” He smiled.
“And I would do the same, if not more – because you make me complete. You brightened my life up when I thought all was lost... for that, I give you my whole.” He chuckled. “Enough with the gushy talk. Defile me, take me into you. ******** me, Mi-chan!” We both pulled each other’s underwear off and... I began. Yea, that made a change... really screwing with our minds. A while later, we began to slow down. We were both out of breath and now in the nude after our... tryst. We rolled apart and lay there. He gripped my hand where he could reach, hauling himself to lay on top of me. I giggled.
“This makes a change... doesn’t it?” He murmured some sort of agreement as he squeezed himself against me. “Ha. Normally I squish you.”
“I enjoy being squished by you. It means I can get into remote crevasses explored by elite explor—me. It also means that...” I wasn’t listening. It felt as if something was pulling me backwards. “...Mi-chan?”
“Ri-chan... something... pulling...Ah!” It felt as if someone had put a rope through my chest and was suddenly pulling very hard. I gently held Ri-chan’s face and he kissed my lips quickly. “Ri-chan... please... Ri-chan...” I began to be pulled into whatever we were laying on. “Ri-chan... big house, remote... large grounds and ruined garden...” I screamed. It was really hurting me, both the pulling and the separation... “Three lakes surrounding... Ri-chan... House old and large!” I was sinking further into the floor, and removed my hands from his face in favour of his hands. “Ri-chan... Ri-chan... Ri-chan... please come, please... please save me!” Everything disappeared in an explosion of darkness... I opened my eyes to see Raphael sitting on my legs and shaking my shoulders gently. The worried look on his face melted when I sat up. He sighed.
“Oh thank goodness... I thought you were getting a fever, the way you were sweating.... and your pupils dilated, your heart beat so fast...” He put a hand to my forehead. “Your temperature is a little up.” I laughed. Oh, it seems the tryst had effects in the waking world, too.
“I’m fine, but thanks for asking.” May as well be polite – it’s not as if he’s being hostile. Better to keep it sweet. Better chance of a comfortable stay. My stomach grumbled. Yeah, it’s probably been a while since I ate. Raphael laughed.
“I suppose even Goddesses need to eat?” I blushed slightly and my stomach answered him. He just kept laughing. “Aah, you are so cute! Ren?” Ren was giggling too, as she entered the room carrying a platter. Many Rens followed her, each carrying many plates of various food items.
“We didn’t know what you would like, so we brought a large variety.” At this stage, I noticed that the Rens didn’t speak, but made little ‘aah’ and giggled occasionally. They were obedient to every command and only showed slight flashes of emotion... almost soulless. Fortunately, they brought a lot of chocolate related items... which I picked up and nibbled at. I didn’t really feel like eating, but I knew my stomach wouldn’t be quiet without it. I enjoyed the range of chocolates, and even the exotic spiced hot chocolate. I ate for a while, Raphael watching in fascination. The Rens kept bringing more, and Ren sat on the edge of the bed, smiling at me. Eventually I slowed down, and the Rens stopped bringing food. Raphael giggled.
“Chocolate, food of the gods... Well, it fits.” I murmured an agreement and began to fiddle with my hair. It was pretty tangled... I suppose I was rolling about a bit, so I began to smooth it out. Ren reached for my hair and began to help. Raphael looked like he was going to snap at her for it, but I smiled at Ren and he backed away. “I’ll go and order more food, then... Any preferences?”
“Errm...” Then a flash of inspiration hit me. “...If it’s not too much trouble... There’s a University run order company... They do lovely chocolate puddings and beautiful seafood platters...” Raphael smiled.
“It’s no problem at all... How do I get in contact with them? Do they have-”
“Their number is...” I gave him the number – the number to Ri-chan’s room. Hopefully he’ll catch on... “Oh, if you mention me – HaKurama – They’ll know my usual order...” Raphael narrowed his eyes in suspicion.
“Yeah... everyone has an identification code. Mine was HaKurama.” I giggled. “It sounds cool, doesn’t it? Besides, the ‘H-a’ tells you the region – Hatfitching, the ‘K-u’ tells you that I opted for cooked items and not handicrafts... I forget what the rest means...I think it’s for individuals...” The look on his face softened.
“Okay, okay... The usual order, right?” I nodded.
“Yes. But the payment...”
“No, no, no! I must insist that I pay for it. Can I change...”
“If you insist... just this once. Just tell them so. Oh, just to warn you, my usual order is three chocolate puddings, two chocolate tortes, one sliced local surprise, one seafood platter, ten packs of their hot chocolate kit and a set of classic cheeses. It’s a little costly...” He laughed.
“That’s not a concern of mine.” He had been scribbling notes down and began to walk out of the room.
“Believe me, that’s enough. ...Oh yeah, they’re training new salespeople at the moment... And I haven’t ordered in a while.” He smiled and walked out of the room. Ren smiled at me. A smile that said ‘Stay here. He won’t let you do anything.’, a smile that sent a new but familiar feeling running down my back.
I was lying in my room. I awoke with a start after my dream. Mi-chan had given me so many clues as to her location... Does she know where she is? Probably not – she would’ve said... But she knew she did all she could to tell... The phone rang next to me. Which was odd – the only people who knew the number to my room were my sister and Mi-chan... it would be easier for Kat to walk in, and would cost less. I leaped and picked up the phone.
“Hello? How may I help?” I figure that she would’ve told her captor to ring under a guise of some sort... but what?
“Hello. I’m ringing to place an order. Customer identifier is H, a, K, u, r, a, m, a. Yeah, I’d like to place the usual order...” Ah. What kind of order? Better play like a salesperson... I began to tap on the desk, imitating a computer keyboard.
“I’m sorry sir, I’m new at this... what is your usual order?” I kept tapping away, making it sound like touch-typing...
“Oh, it’s...” And he continued with the order...
“Yes, it’s just come up on the computer...” She told him we were a food order place? Better remember this... the phone call’s being recorded, anyway. “I’m paying differently this time...” And he began on the bank details. I smiled. I really will have to thank Mi-chan for this later. He’s just given me all of his bank details. “...do they work out?”
“Yes, sir. To where would you like the delivery? The record’s not showing an address at the moment... I suppose you haven’t ordered in a while...”
“Yeah, I suppose it’s been a while. Can you deliver to...” An address! Maybe not the place, but... it’s a start.
“Yes. Address recorded. When would you like delivery?”
“Would tomorrow be alright?”
“Yes. The delivery will be between 4 and 5 in the afternoon. That’s when the van goes around that area, Sir.” Yeah, better give the chef notice if we are to make it smooth. “Thank you for your order.” And he hung the phone up. I laughed quietly after realising what had happened. Mi-chan deserved so much for that... bank details and potential locator. Dexie ran into the room to find me still giggling.
“Alex... that call...”
“Yes, I know. Recorded?” Dexie nodded.
“Yes. I’ll tell Kat that she needs to get cooking...” He smiled mischievously. “We’ll get him by hook or by crook.”
“Right. And I drain his bank account.” Dexie chuckled.
“Salespeople. Always charming information from people...”
“Is the pudding nice?” I nodded.
“Amazing. I think you’ll enjoy it, Ren.” She blushed.
“That’s good... Tell me... I don’t mean to be rude, but why do you seem... different this time?”
“This time?” I paused. No idea what she’s on about. I suppose I’d better make something up... “Oh, that. Well, I’m glad you noticed. I wanted to see the world from a slightly different view... see how other people view the world.” Her eyes narrowed and she leant towards me, almost into my lap. She put one hand over the other side of me, leaning over me slightly.
“It doesn’t explain... why I couldn’t sense you, Miscenco. I missed you.” I put my arms around her. This felt... familiar.
“I’m sorry, Ren. I wanted to see how more ordinary people did things. Before... I always had well defined and controlled powers. This time... I wanted to see if it was easier to mingle without...” Reflex words that came from the other presence... was that presence Miscenco? I hadn’t really thought about it until now... But... it fits.
“Miscenco... I wish you could stay forever.” I made an agreeing sound. “After the last time, I’ve been weakening.” She smiled. “But now you’re here, and I can touch you... I feel better.”
“I didn’t realise I was having that effect...”
“Yes. I am willing to bet that my twin had been suffering, too...” She gripped the fabric of my dress. “Poor Athe... Athe always takes the brunt of the pain and it echoes between our link... Miscenco, can you stay?”
“I don’t know, Ren.” I ruffled her hair playfully. At this stage in time, I was just watching things unfold. The presence – Miscenco – was reassuring me, controlling my body to make it seem as if everything was alright... I get the feeling that Raphael would continue the ceremony regardless of my actions. But she’s right – if it seems like it was... it may be less painful. That’s what she’s trying to convey to me, anyway. And she knows that my telepathy to ETHER is being blocked, but she can communicate with me... and the link’s getting stronger. “Ren... how long has it been?”
“It’s been just over one thousand long years, Miscenco. For us, your latest progeny...” And the poop hit the fan here. I felt a rush of emotion from Miscenco... “...it hurts.” The link between me and Miscenco intensified.
Mirari... they are not my children in the usual way... She sounded panicked.
Wh-what? Who- Why can I?
Relax, Mirari... Mi-chan. The link between us was made stronger. So you can hear me. Hello there!
“But I don’t remember giving birth...” Ren laughed.
“No. We were hewn from your last vessel’s body after... you returned. We barely survived... and we draw on your resonant spirit energy directly...”
See? I told you so, Mi-chan!
No, they are your children, you just don’t want to admit it. Miscenco laughed uneasily.
Well, yes, you’re right.
“So you retained powers... and memories.”
“I remember your last two vessels. The first is hazy... I assume because...”
“Ren! Stop pestering Miscenco!” Raphael came storming in. “You shouldn’t bug her with your-”
“It’s okay, Raphael...”
“But...” He smiled uneasily. “Well, I suppose if you say so...”
“The output from the core seems to have picked up a little.” Libra was alone, speaking to the darkness, if a little stiffly. She sipped at her coffee. She was sitting in the Core Control Room, looking at the monitors. The monitors show the status of ETHA’s core, and as ETHER’s head, one of her duties is to watch the core for a while. The only light in the room came from the screen but didn’t extend far, nor was it too bright. “I wonder... How is it different this time around? Ha! I suppose that this time, the vessel was selected differently.” She took another sip of her coffee. “No. Selection was predetermined. Athe... do you know why?”
“I do.” A quiet but strong voice echoed. “Mirari-chama is not Miscenco. Do you understand?”
“No. Damn it, Athe!” Libra slammed her fist on the desk in front of her where her coffee was. Some coffee spilt out, but Libra didn’t care. “You can’t play riddles with me like this.”
“I can, Jessica.” Libra looked to her left, to the darkness. She heard a wet footstep and the voice now seemed to come from there. “I can because it’s obvious.”
“Athe... you also know why your output’s increased, don’t you?”
“Yes.” A girl stepped out from the shadows. Libra sighed.
“Spill it, please.”
“Ren’s output has also increased.” Libra hissed.
“Your sister...”
“My twin.” Libra smiled.
“Non-identical twins, yeah, I remember. Still Ming-Li.” Athe smiled. Libra sighed. The Athe standing near her was a clone. But the features are the same as the original. If you fused Ren and Athe together, the output would be Dark. The logged-in form of Dark takes the form closest to Miscenco. The logged-out form of Dark takes the reject form – i.e. the features from the two that are not Miscenco’s. Or so the tales go. This time around it seems to be a little different...
“Ren is getting stronger in the direct presence of the vessel, yes.”
“So you get stronger. But why weren’t you two getting stronger by her mere existence?”
“I cannot get stronger from what is a mere imitation. The imitation is never as good as the original, it is never as powerful.” Athe shrugged. “It’s as expected. I knew when I held her.” Libra shot an evil glance at Athe.
“Since when did you...?”
“Many years back. Did you not wonder how HaKura found her? Did you not know?”
“No... I did not. Athe, did you have something to do with Mirari-chama being found?” Athe laughed loudly, then smiled. “Athe... you loosened the binds on her powers, didn’t you?”
“I did. She wouldn’t have been found otherwise, Jessica. She would’ve slipped right under your noses. She would’ve dated Alex and it would’ve been the same story. Except Raphael would’ve tortured her more... He still is the villain, by the way. The ceremony won’t work.”
“What ceremony?” Libra shot up as Athe giggled.
“Jessica.” Athe smiled and drew closer to Libra. Nope, she wasn’t giving that away. Libra flushed. Athe had a beautiful form, and was definitely had the body form of Miscenco. “Jessica, does my form please you?”
“I admit it is beautiful, yes.” Athe was flirting with Libra, and decided to take her chances. Athe put her arms around Libra, and began to rub herself against Libra. Libra blushed.
“Then I shall continue.” This was getting a little much for Libra, having a wet naked girl rub against her. “Jessica, you don’t need to hold yourself back. You know you want to...” Libra turned in her seat and pulled Athe closer to her.
“Damn you, Athe. Playing my weaknesses.”
“Damn me?” Athe played innocent.
“Yes, damn you.” Soon, Libra’s Mithrim was off and they were... intimate, to say the least. Sinistra, walking to the room, heard pleasured sounds. She continued to the door. She turned her head at the sounds of joy, then turned around and walked away.
News can wait, Sinistra thought, I’m not walking in on that.
- by Holy Bacon of Holy |
- Fiction
- | Submitted on 02/26/2009 |
- Skip

- Title: ETHAwared Humans, part 7:
- Artist: Holy Bacon of Holy
Part 7.
And here comes the drama! *Oooh.*
And more mature warning stuff. Yeah... there seems to be a lot of swearing this time around... ^^; - Date: 02/26/2009
- Tags: ethawared humans part seven
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