**** (Shades of Black)
“Dark... There’s been another killing, two minutes ago. Log in and Phase to this location.” She showed a map on the screen as me and Ri-chan logged in. My transformation is almost instant now – at first, it was so slow it hurt. Literally. I glanced at Dextera, on my left, who nodded. We phased there instantly. It was dark, but we could see the evidence of the kill – mess everywhere. Libra sent her orders by thought. The killer is still in the area. Find. Eliminate.
Dextera – search to the North. Sword – to the south. I’ll clean up here, then head East. There was so much to do – remove the body, remove the blood. As Dexie hurried away, Sword lingered. He was hesitant to leave me. Go on, Sword. I’ll be fine here.
If you’re entirely sure, Dark. Why the formalities, you ask? Serious mission. I need to concentrate. I concentrated a thin blade of air to scrape everything off the walls and put the body back together. What a mess! Bits and pieces everywhere. I gathered the bits and blood, and put it all back together... I became aware of a presence behind me... not Ri-chan or Dexie, and simply curious... I finished working and spun around. There was a figure in a grey cloak there. The killer, I presume. I couldn’t see the face yet – it was in shadow.
“Such a beautiful girl... you must be an angel to do this...” The figure withdrew a blade from the cloak. “But I am afraid I’ll have to ruin your handiwork. And you.” The dream...?
“You did this?” I formed a blade from my Mithrim. “Why?” He laughed.
“That was in league with scum that abused your kind...”
“Wait... you say that scum abused my kind, but you want to ruin me?”
“I want you for myself...I’ll make you fall.” I shuddered.
“Why?” I was suddenly aware – I couldn’t move. The killer had me in his gaze, ready to do something to me... and I couldn’t move...Crap.
“I’ll protect you from the scum...” He stepped towards me. My legs refused to move. “Come with me... Be with me...” I phased the body to EA’s morgue. Well, may as well do part of the mission... I suddenly had a flash of inspiration.
“Get away from me!” The wind blew hard – the earth rose between him – vines grew to restrain him – fires started to burn around him. This didn’t stop him. The vines and the fire removed his cloak and he moved closer. My legs finally responded and I leaped back and up a nearby wall. He looked at me. It was Raphael. He was in funny armour, but it was him. He wasn’t being burnt or hurt at all by my elemental attacks. That means.... I’d have to attack with a blade... but the armour... I narrowed my eyes as I concentrated on raising rock shards with air. I fired them at him, but he seemed to be shielded by something I couldn’t see...
“Your attacks can’t harm me... Just surrender now.” I decided to use my blade. My phasing is good short distance. I phased behind him, blade withdrawn. The blade just hit his neck, drawing a drop of blood. He grabbed my wrist and threw me to the floor, my blade landing. “Ha!” I landed awkwardly away from him. He seemed amused at my little effort, and paused to wipe the drop of blood from his skin. He laughed. “You should be proud. No one has drawn blood from me in a long while...” He stepped towards me. I couldn’t move again. At this point I was actually terrified – nothing I could do would have an effect... I was still, waiting for the inevitable. “Good girl... You see sense.” He approached me and put his arms around me, holding me tightly to him. I tensed up and he pushed my face up so I could see eye-to-eye with him. He leaned in and kissed me – his tongue investigating my mouth and teeth...
“Mmmf!” I pushed him away, if only breaking the kiss. “What are yo-” He put one finger to my lips before pushing me down onto the floor more by laying on top of me. His hands began to wander to intimate places and, although I tried to resist, he overpowered me... the combination of his seductive power, the aid of his armour and physical strength wasn’t good. Before long, he had somehow chained me to the pavement. “Wha- Let me go, Raphael!” He looked really surprised.
“How did you know my name?”
“You’re Raphael Senran... aren’t you?” He put his hands on my face, gently stroking my cheeks.
“I am...” He looked happy, for some odd reason... “...You are really a Goddess... Miscenco...”
“Wha-?” He put his fingers to my lips again.
“My angel turned out to be a Goddess...” He giggled, using his other hand to investigate parts of me... Since he was lying on me, I could feel every move... I certainly felt something in a private place... And, then... Nothing. He suddenly wasn’t there.
“Dark...” I could see familiar hair enter my field of vision, followed by emerald eyes.
“Are you alright?”
“I’m a little... stuck.” He nodded, kissing my forehead quickly.
“I’ll get him.” And then he was gone from my field of view. I strained my neck to get a better view, but the neck restraint did its job. I could hear the scuffle going on... oh, Ri-chan! I could hear him groan in pain. And then Raphael...
“Alex Caragiri... You are pathetic.”
“You are no better, Raphael Senran.” More sparring, a bit more complaining.
“Bloody Rapist!”
“******** Whore!” More fighting...
“I am not a whore.”
“And I’m not a rapist.” I pulled at the chains.
“I beg to differ!” I had to have my say... Raphael suddenly was standing by my side, wielding his sword. He had a few cuts, and one large gash on his forehead. And then, he was gone... Ri-chan had tackled him, and the sword flew up into the air... I watched it tumble in the air. There were blurs of motion over me where the two men passed over me... I watched the sword fall... I realised, with horror where the blade would land... “Oh! Um, guys...” Everything blurred from then... the realisation by Ri-chan and Raphael of the blade landing... the sparring of the two as they tried to stop it... it landed as I predicted.
“Dark!” The blade penetrated my chest, above my Mithrim... and, unexpectedly, cut Raphael’s arm and chest open... his blood spilt out... I wasn’t really in much of a state to care – I couldn’t breathe, and I thought... I thought my heart had stopped... Raphael bolted, the chains dissolving.
Go on, after him! I’ll... I’ll be fine... He sighed.
“Fine.” I smiled, calling Dextera... things began to fade in and out of blackness... It seemed like a hour or so had passed...
“The blood trail vanishes after a mile or two. I’m sorry, Dark. I lost him.” Ri-chan’s soft voice. Things were finally staying somewhat clear. There was a pause. “Dextera... how is she?”
“She’s still with us. Luckily the blade missed her heart – but her lung collapsed. Hmm... She’s healing herself, but it’s not as fast as usual.” He chuckled quietly. “I think asking you if you’re alright isn’t necessary, don’t you?”
You’re telling me.
“Oh, onto sarcasm now? EHT?”
Give me half hour or so and I’ll be fine... I can’t use something big like Phasing yet, give that a few minutes... Ri-chan came over and kneeled by my side.
“I’m assuming you were fighting him.” He put his hand on mine. “What happened?”
“Yes, I think we need to know...” I sighed inside.
Well. I started on the body. I’d healed it all when I noticed a presence. The killer. I tried elemental attacks on him – nothing! I tried to get him with a blade and nothing but a pinprick! Anyway, I he got me in his arms in the end. ...And then... Well, Ri-chan, you know the rest.
“The blade’s here. I’ll take it back for analysis.” There was a pause.
Ready. I phased us back to EA. Sinistra rushed to us, Shield and Libra holding back. I was still face down, but Ri-chan and Dextera were holding me still.
“Master Dark, don’t move. The scanners recognise a poison on that blade. I’m going to have to detoxify the wound. Stop healing for a sec...” I stopped healing for a second, only for Sinistra to dab something into the cut. I whimpered... damn that stung! I could hear it fizzing inside me. I kept still as much as I could... the occasional squirm held by Dexie and Ri-chan... It stopped eventually, and Sinistra patted my back. “That should be it.” She giggled. “I’ve never seen someone hold still so well. Okay, carry on!” I smiled, and accelerated my healing again. It was faster than before – I suppose the toxin was what was slowing it down... Within a few minutes I was sitting up, then able to stand. I sauntered over to Libra after thanking Sinistra.
“Master Libra... Do you want the report?” Libra giggled. Apparently I was wobbly.
“Yes. Nothing too detailed.”
“Alright. I found the body with the usual disfiguration. I gathered it up and healed it. When I had finished, I felt a presence behind me. The killer. He threatened to do more to the body, so I phased it to the morgue.” I paused for breath. “Anyway, I tried to attack with all four elements. No effect on him – he seemed to be protected by something I couldn’t see. I drew one speck of blood before he grabbed me and... well... kissed me.” I blushed slightly. “Whilst he kissed me, Sword came and fought... After a scuffle, his sword was tossed up and landed... yeah and in his arm. Sword followed the blood trail he made, but the trail led to a dead end.” I sighed, and bowed. “I am sorry, Master Libra... he escaped. But... I know who he is...” I paused. “It is Raphael Senran.” Libra giggled.
“The mission wasn’t a failure, then.” She sighed. “You did well to harm him considering no elemental attacks worked. Well done, Dark. You can go home, now. Dismissed!” She smiled as I stood up again. She walked back into debrief, followed by Sinistra and Tsu-chan. Hmm, I wonder what happened to Light? I sighed as I turned to face Dexie and Ri-chan, who were still sat on the floor. Dexie smiled, but my thoughts had gone elsewhere...
“You can’t succeed every time, Dark.” I walked over and slumped on the floor near them.
“No... it’s not that... It’s Ren...” Ri-chan’s eyes widened and he moved over to throw his arms around me. “Ren’s involved... Ren’s a friend...” Ri-chan gave me a squeeze.
“You don’t know that. He is her stepbrother...” I shook my head.
“No. Ren could be a killer too... Ren may be... Oh!” I started sobbing... Ri-chan moved so I could bury my head in his chest. I kept sobbing. Before he said any more, I told him of the dream in Chemistry, and of the connections I’d made. “Ren... Ren’s involved... Ren has abilities... Raphael... It’s no coincidence...” Dexie sighed.
“This is complicated... What’s going on?” Ri-chan held my head to him as he explained.
“Mi-chan here... one of her friends at college has Raphael Senran as a stepbrother. Mi-chan had a prophetic dream of the conversation between Ren and Raphael. Involvement.” All Dexie said was ‘oh’. He seemed relieved, somehow. Not sure why – we’d just found that I was in close contact of a potential killer. Wonderful. I stopped sobbing and just gripped Ri-chan’s Mithrim. It flexed under my touch, acting like fabric would.
It was then I began to wonder what Mithrim really was. All I knew of it was that it can take many forms and many textures... it was intelligent. It was... sentient? I had just sensed a waveform from it! It... has a mind... I tried to communicate with Ri-chan’s Mithrim using waveforms and it removed itself from him and wrapped around me like a snake! He yelped in surprise, let go of me and jumped back slightly. He was in the nude – to which I laughed. His Mithrim then decided to shift shape again into a funny fish thing with arms, wrapping its long thin tail around my waist and snuggling up to me. I was surprised to see it had lovely green eyes and a pink tongue, which it proceeded to lick me with. I mean, Mithrim are completely black normally. Dexie laughed very loudly, attracting attention from Debrief. Libra stepped out, followed by Sinistra and eventually Tsu-chan. Everyone started laughing as Ri-chan covered himself and went crimson. I started giggling, too. Sinistra stepped forward and bent slightly.
“Hmm... I’m liking this... Well done, Mi-chan!” Ri-chan was scowling.
“This isn’t funny!” I grinned.
“Yes it is...” His Mithrim nodded, too. “See, even Noir agrees.” To this, his Mithrim (Noir) started rubbing against me, and quietly purring.
“Yes, Noir.” I moved some of my hair to cover things as I stood up. “Go on then, Niger.” My Mithrim removed itself, taking a form similar to Noir. Niger had large golden eyes and a salmon-pink tongue, which it decided to lick me with before leaping off to play with Noir. “They get on well.” Ri-chan smiled through his redness and ran over to hold me, pressing my head to his smooth chest and trying to use my long hair to cover us both. I admit he wasn’t doing the best of jobs and I eventually took over. The fun over, Libra, Sinistra, Tsu-chan and Dexie left us alone.
“Did you do that on purpose?” He purred.
“That depends on what ‘that’ is.” He sighed.
“Removing my Mithrim.”
“Nope. Although I do say that the results were very pleasing.” He let go of my hair, looking down at my body.
“I’ll say...” He pulled me close again. I could feel something against me getting harder. “Mi-chan... can you do that to other Mithrim?” He paused, seemingly checking the time. “It’s twelve past four. Fancy causing mischief before you go?” I smiled a bit and turned my head so that I buried my face in his chest. He decided to tangle his hand in my hair.
“Ah, why not...” I spun around, my long hair still covering everything. “Nero, Burako, Kuroi, Schwarz, Negro...” Startled yells came from Debrief, and I turned back around. I yawned. “That... made me sleepy.” I looked to the side to see all seven Mithrim playing together before putting my face back into Ri-chan’s chest. I was a little too sleepy to care what happened after that.
“... I used to be my own protection, but not now... ‘Cause my path has lost direction, somehow... A black wind took you away, from sight.... And held the darkness over day, that night... And the clouds above move closer, looking so dissatisfied... and the ground below grew colder, as they put you down inside... But the heartless wind kept blowing, blowing...” Huh. My alarm. I must have been tired – I’ve missed the first bit... I opened my eyes and blinked twice. This song never ceases to bore me. It’s usually so relevant. I felt warm, which was unusual for this time of year and my room (the latter being most influential). I looked down at my stomach in my nightgown. One hand – wiggled it. Two hand – wiggled that. Three hand – that wiggled. Right. One hand, two hand, three hand. All responding normally. Something’s not right...I lay there for a minute before I understood.
“Morning, Ri-chan.” He kissed my cheek from behind.
“Good Morning, Sunshine!” He began stroking my side with the ‘third hand’. “Aah, I just love your morning state of stupor.” And yes, I had logged out. I suppose that’s why he was here still. I rolled to face him. He had also logged out – his casual trousers and vest neat compared to his hair, which looked like it had been under a great ordeal. He kissed me on the forehead before moving down to taste my lips.
“Wha- What happened at EA after I fell asleep?” He giggled.
“You should’ve stayed awake for it. Ah, the sight of everyone skyclad whilst the Mithrim played. Libra fainted, Sinistra kept laughing and Kat glomped you. You were sleeping on your feet very well despite the glomp.” He rubbed his hair, seemingly smoothing it out. “Yea... Kat took me out with the second...” He kissed my lips again, his soft tongue opening my lips and letting itself in. He tasted so much better than Raphael... His hands moved to pull me to him, caressing my very squishy body as he went... Our tongues tangled, almost wrestling before we had to part lips so we could catch our breath. “Well, it was more of a tackle...” He kissed my forehead again. “Another ETHER night tonight.” He got out of bed, pulling me with him. His face wore a mask of near sadness as he kissed my forehead. It was if he wasn’t going to see me for a long time...
“It’s like you’re not going to see me for a while, Ri-chan...” He sighed and put his hands on my shoulders, holding them tightly but carefully.
“It’s... just that... I’m worried about you... What if Raphael or... someone does something to you at college?” He leant so that he could kiss the veins in my neck. “I worry so much when you’re out of EA... I... I always think of what you’re doing, if someone’s hurt you or if...” He chuckled lightly. “...Or if you’ve blown the lab up in Chemistry...” I smiled, leaning forward slightly so I could take in his scent at his veins, where it’s strongest. His musky, oriental, rose-laden scent that always calmed me.
“Surely I’m not that bad?” There was a pause, then he made a sound of agreement as he sensually licked and kissed the length of my neck. I wondered what he was up to – although I was enjoying this – I inhaled sharply as he gently sucked at the base of my neck, nipping it playfully after a while. He chuckled as he withdrew, kissing my cheek again.
“I’m sure that’ll keep the gossips quiet.” I blushed.
“Yes, but I’ve got to hide it from...” He leaned in again to kiss where he’d been sucking.
“You smelt so good, I couldn’t resist.” He put his arms around me, giving me a tight squeeze.
“What are you, a vampire or something?” I kissed his neck where I could reach as he chuckled.
“I’ll see you at midnight, Mi-chan...” With this, he completely let go of me and bounded to the window. He paused to look back at me with a concerned look on his face before winking and vanishing out the window. I stood there for a second before quickly getting changed and sorting out the mess I was. I covered the, er, ‘love bite’ with a large necklace. Concealer did <i>nothing</i> to help. That little n** was hard enough to leave a bruise. I noted the large workload Mum was undertaking today – packing, reorganising the food and sorting out Dad’s work. I sighed, taking my bags and set off to college. I was a little late, and just reached Form in time for the bell. Immediately I noticed that Ren was here, although she looked like she was going to cry. I threw my arms around her before asking what was wrong. Although I thought I knew already.
“Rafi’s in hospital... he’s been stabbed...” She sobbed. This cast gloom over the whole day. Nothing happened to lift the mood – Me, Ivy and Alice were excused from our lessons because Ren was on tear point or crying the whole day... A serious thing for Ren. Ha, my EA acceptance means I now get away with more things, more like a ‘Popular’ person. The day passed with little or no event, my guilt building...
I walked into college the next day, feeling slightly down. My guilt was steadily rising. Ren didn’t appear. Not surprising, really. Her brother was lying in hospital with a large hole in his chest that could have been my fault. Form time was just depressing. The mood didn’t really brighten as I walked to Biology, nor when our teacher wasn’t there. Yeah, I was late because I was walking really slowly, and everyone had signed the register. No Reish, but I had a feeling that he was watching me from behind – afraid to speak. I lifted my head a bit and raised my voice.
“Reish, I won’t bite.” He let out a quick ‘eep’ before approaching me from behind, coming to my side cautiously. “Well, unless provoked. Cover work is to do questions-“
“We need to talk.”
“We are. 1 to 3 on page 69.” He grabbed my shoulders. “Reish...”
“Please...” I smiled at him.
“We are talking, Reish. What...”
“I’m so sorry... Please... Please forgive me.” I put my hands on his, smiling up at him. I have a slight soft-spot for boys that look like Ri-chan...
“It’s okay. No harm done.” He began to back me towards the wall. “Reish...”
“No... it’s not.” My back hit the wall. “Scream at me, slap me back, or throw a hissy fit... just...” He leaned in towards me. “... Something – punish me...”
“Reish, I can’t.” He continued to move closer, his grip tightening. He was pushing me against the wall, his face inches from mine. The air seemed to heat up with a new smell... was this an ability of his? “Matthew!” I tried to push him away, but there wasn’t enough room to move my arms... He entwined his hands with mine and held them to the wall, pressing me against the wall with his body. I couldn’t move. “Get of-” He locked his lips to mine, stifling my voice. His tongue forcefully invaded my mouth, tickling the roof of my mouth. It was a long time before he withdrew, loosening his grip on my hands. The smell faded as he backed away, blushing slightly. When there was enough room, I shoved him away. “What was that for? Okay, you wanted punishment... you des-” I slapped him pretty hard across the face, and he turned away briefly before turning back to me. “-erve far more than I’ll give.” Half of his face was red from the slap.
“I... I...” He was going redder before my eyes. I was probably flushed, too. “I... th-th-th-think w-w-we should g-g-get-”
“But what would our girlfriends say to that?”
“Yeah. Your groupies, my Alex.” He laughed uneasily.
“Groupies? Ah...” He sighed, coming back towards me. “I’m serious, you know. Perhaps...”
“Maybe one day, Reish. But now, I am taken. And you with your fan following. That’s it, I am so calling you Shi-chan!” He sighed again. I think he was expecting that.
“One day, then. One day...” He smiled and walked out of the room. Wonderful. Three boys intent on getting into my underwear. Damn. Now I just feel even guiltier...
“Argh! Why didn’t I resist!” I think the voice in the back of my head tutted at me, I couldn’t quite be sure.
Oh, shush.
***(Guilt Trips)
I felt bad for Ren, I really did... but couldn’t do much to help her... The week before the holidays was filled with sadness at college. I sat alone at home for a long time after college every night, the guilt of that and Reish nibbling slowly at me. In Reish’s case... almost literally. Even after my parents had been away nearly a week, I was thinking of Ren and Raphael... What had I done? It surprised me Friday afternoon when I felt a familiar pair of arms around my waist, and a welcome set of lips on my cheek.
“It wasn’t your fault, Mi-chan.” He rested his head on my shoulder. “Sorry, I let myself in.” He smiled at me. “But it really wasn’t your fault. If Raphael decided to kill people... a stabbing is payback. Not justice, but a little payback. And for kissing you again...” He smirked. “...I’d like to meet him. No-one touches you without permission and gets away with it...” I don’t think Ri-chan needs to know about Reish... I turned to face him completely and he took my face in his hands. He moved closer. “Wiolo ono.” He kissed my lips softly before parting my lips and taking it further. He stopped when we heard a car pull up on the drive. He shot up, took one look at the car and then shot into the bathroom, swearing, picking his bag up from next to him. I looked out of the window at the car. Ren and... Raphael? They got out of the car after a pause. As they came up the path, Ri-chan appeared again in his short skirt and usual padding, sighing. “I’ll go into the kitchen and put the kettle on.” I nodded.
“Yes... we mustn’t let on...” Ri-chan kissed me on the cheek and toddled off into the kitchen. I sighed and opened the door, putting a smile on. “Ren! Raphael!” They made it up to the door and entered the house. When Raphael had sat down, Ren hugged me.
“He’s out of hospital now! Isn’t it great?” I smiled at her.
“Yeah!” I turned to Raphael. “How are you holding up?” He smiled at me.
“I’m fine. Even better now I see you.” I blushed. It was at this point that Ri-chan entered the room.
“Tea or coffee?” He said pleasantly. I’ll kill the bugger...
No, not now.
“The kettle’s on.” He smiled. “It’s good to hear you’re out of hospital so soon, Raphael.” The sooner I can put him back in there... preferably the morgue.
Ri-chaaaaaan... The air heated up again between them again. Yep, Raphael still had his abilities, and he smiled at Ri-chan.
“I’ll have Tea please, white with two sugars.” Ren smiled at Ri-chan, too.
“Can I have a black coffee with two sugars, please?” Ri-chan smiled at them.
“Okay, coming up!” He walked back into the kitchen. Mi-chan, do you have any rat poison?
Ri-chan, you are not using rat poison!
You are not contaminating my kitchen with poison. My cooking’s bad enough... Ri-chan sauntered out with the drinks and sat down next to me. Raphael seemed slightly annoyed.
“Mirari... you’re experienced with Medical care, aren’t you?” I nodded.
"Just a little..." He smiled and opened his shirt up – it was a nearly closed wound... surely it wasn’t the same - but no other signs of injury. I was shocked and my face must have given it away. A drop of yellow liquid dropped from the bottom and my nursing instincts kicked in. Ri-chan sighed as I ran to get a tissue and some disinfectant fluid before running to mop it up. Raphael smiled as I gingerly reached for his stitches, taking my hand and pushing it to his chest. He flinched slightly when the now alcohol soaked tissue reached the cut, but didn’t say anything.
“You need to keep this covered up... It’s showing signs of infection, Raphael.” He nodded.
“Yes. I’ll bear that in mind.” His hand pressed my hand down on the stitches – I worried that the pressure would break them. Then something unusual happened. My hand began glowing, I was using my healing ability... but with no Mod Units, I could feel a lot of energy seeping from me. I looked to Raphael’s face – he looked as if he was concentrating on something a little. He then noticed me looking at him and removed his hand. I immediately withdrew mine... I looked in disbelief at his chest... there was no wound, just a pink scar. The stitches were still in.
Ri-chan... Did you see that?
Yes... Raphael looked down at himself with mock wonder, and then pulled me to him.
“See? I’m much better when I see you.” I fainted on him. Nope, I usually can’t heal without Mod Units – good reason too – it takes up too much energy... It wasn’t long that I was out, just long enough for Ri-chan to get some strong perfume and try and hold it under my nose. I noted I was still in Raphael’s cold hands.
“Is she alright?” Ren was nearby. Her voice was near my head, and she began to stroke my forehead. “She looks pale still.”
“Yes, she should be alright. I think she was expecting something else.” Ri-chan’s female voice. “It’s not every day you see a complex prank like that.” Ri-chan sounded a little strained.
“That was no prank, Alex. This little one-” I could feel someone now stroke my hair. Raphael. “-has just lived up to the name Mirari. Miracle.”
“Yes... my little miracle maker...” There was a long pause.Mi-chan?
Are you alright?
Hang on...
“I think she’ll wake up soon... Can you hear me?” I opened my eyes.
“Oh, goodness...” I sat up. “Oh, goodness... Wha-what happen?”
“Nothing much. You’ve just performed a miracle, that’s all.” Ri-chan put him arms around me, taking me from Raphael. Mine.
“Really. What happen?”
“Seriously.” He stroked my hair. “You’ve just become a saint.”
***(Rabbits and Holidays)
They left after a while. Raphael was energetic, bouncing into the car after I removed the stitches. Ren had also cheered up. I mean, the tea and coffee had an effect, too. And chocolate cookies do wonders for everyone. I suppose now that he’s healed, everything’s going to heat up again. I sighed as I put their cups into the kitchen, Ri-chan not letting go of me for a second.
“Hmm... do you really think you should be that close to them?”
“Ren’s fine. And as long as Raphael doesn’t... Well, I’m sure that it’ll be okay.” I kissed his cheek. “Trust me on this.” He rubbed his cheek against mine.
“I wish I could say I had faith in your prediction, but...I don’t.” It was then he decided to check my neck where he nipped me. “Hmm. The red marks have faded, but...” He kissed that area gently. “I’m sorry, I left a bruise...”
“You n** me, leave a bruise, let yourself in the house through the door... and then apologise?”
“At least I apologised.” I put my arms around him.
“Well, it could be worse.” He smiled. There was a pause. “But...” I turned to bury my head in his chest. “You can see the future, can’t you?” He murmured an agreement. “Then, what do you see? Is it... really that bad?” He answered with a squeeze, pulling me so close he forced my breath out. I took that as a yes.
“I’m afraid, Mi-chan, I really am.”
“I... can tell...”
“Ah!” He let go of me, allowing me to breathe again. “I’m sorry...” I stroked his face.
“Geez, you keep apologising...” I poked him in the ribs once, giggling. “You’ll learn to control yourself sooner or later.”
“No I won’t.” He lifted me off the floor, wrapping my legs around his hips. “I just can’t control this... not with you so close...”
“Should I back away slowly to help you?” I kissed the end of his nose and he pushed me against the wall. He removed one of his hands from my rear end to curl my legs more around him. I could feel a tent against my crotch as he began to kiss me senseless... We had to part lips for air eventually...
“Maybe. I’d chase you faster if you were running. I’d follow you anyway...”
“Perhaps... I think I... I prefer this...”
“That’s good...” He kissed my neck and I kissed his forehead. “...cause I certainly do.” He laughed softly into my neck. “Ah, I’m dethroning a saint.”
“Yes, but I’m not a saint.”
“Angel, then.”
“Not you, too...” I could feel his eyebrows lift. “What is it with people and the religious references? Christian, too...”
“Would you rather I call you My Noodly Goodness?”
“Noodly?” He giggled and I kissed his cheek. “...Ah, The FSM.” He laughed.
“I prefer the meatballs.” I laughed.
“So do I.” We both laughed. “But... Today was the last day of college for two weeks... Shall I pack for the country or the city?” He kissed my chin.
“How about both and we do neither?” He kissed my chin again. “I do have some plans. Think rabbits... and chocolate sauce.” I tried hard to think of an innocent reply.
“Oh? You’re treating me to dinner again?” He giggled and I could feel him smirk.
“If that’s the way you want to put it, then yes.” He looked into my eyes, and then smiled at me. Oh, I know exactly what he meant... “And a heavy dessert...” Yep. I giggled. He slid a hand up my back underneath my top, undoing my bra as he reached it. I reached down his vest and did the same to his padded bra, which slid off easily. He prefers strapless because it means he doesn’t get all tangled up. How cute. He somehow slid mine off as I ran my hands slowly down his back and into his skirt – tangling my fingers in his suspender belt. “Please, get your hands stuck in...” I giggled.
“Don’t mind if I do.” As I undid his suspenders, he began to move his hands downwards and into my skirt, attempting to slide my underwear down. Haha, I wouldn’t let him until I could slide his silken boxers down. We laughed. When we had both done this... well...
“Two words, Mi-chan.”
“Fine.” There was a heavy pause. I pouted as he began to lean in to kiss my lips.
“That’s all.” He quickly withdrew.
“That’s so mean, Mi-chan.” He began to fiddle with my hair as he decided to kiss me again, gently gumming my lips before going further down with his other hand. I kissed the end of his nose before putting my arms around his neck and tightening my grip with my legs.
“You are determined, aren’t you?” I removed one of my hands from his neck and began to trace it down his chest slowly before slipping into his skirt. “Have you been on the Ambrosia?”
“You’re just teasing now...”
“Naturally...” His hand reached my bare rear end, squeezing and probing sensitive areas.
“Two can play at this game.” I laughed.
“I happily surrender. You pwn me at games. Fine. ******** me, b***h!” He raised his eyebrows.
“Happily. And yes, I will be your b***h.” He kissed my lips and began...Yeah, I think it was pretty self-explanatory as to what happened next. Let’s just say it was a new experience for me without Ambrosia. An hour and a half later we were on the couch, barely able to breathe. We were still in the nude and were just lying on each other, enjoying the peace because we both knew it wasn’t going to last. He sighed as he stroked my back. “Mi-chan...” I murmured something into his chest. “I think it’s time.”
“For what?”
“For the um-holiday.” He kissed the top of my head. “I’ll help you pack.”
And so it continued. We’d been packing my things for a two week holiday. Yeah, most of the time I’d probably be logged in, but I still needed to pack just in case. That’s not what was continuing, though. Ri-chan was making innuendos about my meatballs. Yeah, real mature. Even worse was that we were making jokes about his noodly appendage.
“You seemed to enjoy my noodly appendage.” We were in his car at this stage, speeding towards his house. All around the back lanes...
“You certainly got into the meatballs.” He started laughing. Damn insistent horny crazy shiny top-of-the-range Lexus driver. “But enough about that. Ri-chan...”
“Ri-chan... What exactly did... what is going to happen?” He giggled.
“No idea.”
“But...” There was a pause. “Is that why you’re afraid? Because you can’t see ahead this time?” He smiled.
“You’re the only one who could tell...” He pulled the car over on the verge. He then turned to face me, taking my face in both of his hands. “Mi-chan... the darkness over these two weeks... It worries me because it’s only yours.” He looked sad, almost as if it was his fault. I reached up with one hand and stroked his cheek. It’s still wrong for someone as breathtaking as that to look this upset.
“You make it sound as if it’s your fault. And I admit sometimes you overreact to this sort of thing... As I said... It’ll be fine.” I giggled. “Damn-insistent-horny-crazy-shiny-top-of-the-range-paranoid-Lexus-driver!” He smirked.
“Damn impressive depressive hot squidgy insane classic car learner driver!” He couldn’t keep a straight face and started laughing. “There. You’re not the only one that made a long list like that...” I began laughing as he kissed my forehead. He sighed. “Yeah, I think we ought to get back. Everyone’ll think we were ambushed.” I smirked.
“No... They’ll think rabbits or ambush.” He rolled his eyes as he pulled away.
“True.” Heh. We sped to Ri-chan’s house. It’s been a while since I’ve been here and not EA, I thought as we pulled into the long drive. I looked at the house itself. The thing seems bigger and bigger every time I come, I swear. And it’s less than three minutes away from EA. So many memories... “Well, it’s been a while since you’ve been home, hasn’t it?” He pulled up in front of the front door as Tsu-chan opened it. She bounced to us, brandishing a large pair of chopsticks. I think she was eating when the car entered the drive.
“Lex! You’re late!” She leaped into him, knocking him to the floor. “Explanation?” He coughed. It seemed as if some of the gravel from the drive got into his mouth. I started giggling.
“Ack.” He spat out a few more stones. “Senran... Ra-...Packing.”
Yeah, I don’t think Tsu-chan would like to know what we were doing.
No... she’s too innocent for that. Tsu-chan stood up and turned to face me, leaving Ri-chan to get up on his own.
“Mi-chan, is this true? Senran?” I nodded.
“That’s not the worst bit, Tsu-chan.” I took a deep breath. “He activated my healing ability without Mod Units... he’s back up.”
Innocent, indeed.
That was a large bit of information, be fair.
“We need to tell... How’d you know he did it?” I pulled my phone from my pocket and Tsu-chan nodded. “I see. ETHAware...” Ri-chan, meanwhile, had pulled my bags from the car and was putting them inside.
I’ll get these inside. We’ll sort the rooms out later.
Okay. I think he also had the chopsticks.
“We need to tell Master Libra.” She nodded, looking glum. I put my arm around her and she snuggled close. “It’ll be fine, Tsu-chan. Believe me.” We began walking to the house.
“The next two weeks are grey, Mi-chan. I don’t know if you know but...” We entered the house and made our way to the living room.
“Mine is the blackest? Yeah, I figured that.” I smirked. “No worries. The sun always rises after the blackest night.”
“Hmm. Maybe you’re right.” We reached the living room, where Ri-chan had set out a tea set. He smiled as he handed me a warm cup of milky tea. “Thank you.” Ri-chan smiled at me as he handed Tsu-chan a cup of black tea. Within seconds he was opening a pack of biscuits and we were sat down eating.
“So, when will we tell Libra?”
“Tell me what?” Libra walked in the door. I’d never seen her logged out before. Her usually black hair now had blonde and red streaks, and her brown eyes were dull with experience.
“I have bad news, Master Libra...” She raised one eyebrow. “...Raphael Senran is fully recovered. And it seems he has another ability we didn’t know of.” I sighed. “He can activate other people’s hidden talents.” Libra blinked twice and then grimaced.
“I can see where this is going. Your healing powers used by him.” I nodded and she sighed.
“No worries, Master. I gathered data using Blade.” She smiled.
“That ETHAwared phone has its uses, then...” She purred. It was Libra who made Blade, my ETHAwared phone. You see, most of us have other ETHAwared devices, mainly phones. Although there are others, such as Light’s laptop and Libra’s PDA. And it’s usually Libra or Dextera that makes them. “What kind of data did you manage to get?”
“A little DNA, a little scan of his powers and some idea of strength.” I sighed again. “Can’t tell much, but I do know he’s a Triple Number with high numbers. I’ve seen that he can seduce girls and activate powers. But I know there’s more than that.” Libra smiled again as she walked over and picked up a biscuit.
“Hmm. Not much, eh?” She giggled. “Well, the lab results are back on that blade.” She pulled out a piece of paper and handed it to me. On one side of the paper was a pencil sketch of a pretty girl with black hair, whom I soon recognised to be Ren. On the other side was a detailed analysis of the toxin and the blade’s composition. The toxin was a protein of sorts and the blade biological. Hence the picture of what the... No way. Ren’s a blade? Libra smiled uneasily. “You know the girl, don’t you? It’s written all over your face.” Libra’s eyes narrowed. “The DNA profile of the blade matches that of a human girl, as pictured.” She suddenly turned to Ri-chan. “You have some explaining to do to, mister.” He looked slightly glum. Yeah, he’s definitely been holding this one back a while. Libra smirked and ate the biscuit as she walked out of the room. As she reached the door, she turned to Tsu-chan. “Kat, Light’s asking for your opinion on something. Follow me.” Tsu-chan got up and sauntered after Libra, leaving me and Ri-chan alone. He shuffled over to sit next to me, putting his teacup down in favour of my hand. He sighed and I rolled my eyes.
“I hope I know everything sooner or later... There’s more, isn’t there?” He smiled uneasily and I turned in my seat to face him. I sighed as I put my head on his shoulder. Not prying. “Right. Ren’s a blade wielded by Raphael.” He sighed and pulled my body to him.
“Yes, but there’s more.” I couldn’t move. All I felt was shock. More? “Your Ren... is many hundreds of years old, and is capable of changing her physical appearance to age... She is a weapon, comparable to Mithrim. She’s also armour, like Mithrim. And so... there’s a lot of her around.” I could feel his regret seeping out.
“So the armour... Is that why none of my Elemental attacks worked?” He murmured some sort of agreement and nodded.
“Partially. He may also be resistant naturally.” He put his arms around me soothingly. “We’ll set that clone blade free, to let it go back to her main self, if that will help you feel better.” I looked up at him.
“Thank you.” And I blacked out, my head hitting his chest. Way too much for me to take, and I felt oddly sleepy...
I was dreaming that I knew.
I dreamt of HaKura, telling me that all power has a price.
I remembered my own partial paralysis, which set me thinking again.
I haven’t had any spasms for a while. Why? Is the darkness that Ri-chan mentioned... is that related to it? That’s the feeling I get.
“Don’t be afraid.” The voice that I hear... Miscenrari.
“I’ll catch you if you fall.” Ri-chan...
“Don’t be afraid... Your heart will pull you through.” That voice from back then... Is this a sign?
Does that mean that... the future is really bleak? If the gut feeling I have is right... I’m in deep. Too deep for an escape, probably...
Shield entered the room. Light was sat on the chair in the middle of the room, looking paler than usual. Her skin looked ashen and bones were more visible under the skin. Shield bowed to Light.
“You asked to see me, Master?”
“Yes...” There was a pause as Light slowly stood up. “It’s about Dark...” Shield was surprised, and her face showed this. Light laughed uneasily. “Yeah, I thought you might be surprised. I want to apologise to her... somehow.”
“Ah. Then why...”
“I need your advice on gift options and even if she’ll speak to me at all or accept gifts...” Shield laughed at her superior.
“Dark... will talk to you, no problems. It’s Alex that’ll be the problem.” Light sighed.
“I forgot about that.” She began to think hard. “Yeah, Alex will defend her and stop me from talking... perhaps even from going near her.” There was a pause. “But gifting?”
“She’ll feel guilty if you give her anything. Talking is the best bet.”
“Thank you, Katherine.” Light smiled. Shield was surprised – she had never seen her smile before. “You‘re wondering why, aren’t you?” Light laughed. “I’ve been told of the future for them, and I see why the bond’s so strong... It’s a repeating story, isn’t it?” Shield smirked.
“Yes. It’s the same damn story in essence.” There was a pause. “But, something’s different this time around.” Light smiled again.
“Yeah. I’ve seen it all.” There was an uneasy pause. “That blade... It has resonant memories of Dark. Not just today’s Dark, but the last one, too. Even though it’s one of the clones of the original, it knows something. It knows, it can see the bonds between things. And I’m afraid it can cut those bonds... Dark must be protected at all costs.” Light laughed. “Master Libra, did you hear that? Dark needs to be more protected!” Libra, who had been in the shadows, stepped into view.
“Yes...” She purred. “With the Senran active again, this is more important now.” Libra laughed darkly. “She doesn’t know how important she is, she doesn’t know her own power. She doesn’t know...”
“It’s ironic... she is full of light but kept in the dark.” Libra and Shield murmured an agreement.
“And Alex has no idea, either...”
- by Holy Bacon of Holy |
- Fiction
- | Submitted on 02/26/2009 |
- Skip

- Title: ETHAwared Humans, part 6:
- Artist: Holy Bacon of Holy
Oooh, part 6!
So, what happens when Dark meets Raphael properly?
Read on...
EHT - Estimated Healing Time
...and I should at this point say that yes, they do use a condom. - Date: 02/26/2009
- Tags: ethawared humans part
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