Megaman Heroes 2 - chapter 4
Chapter 4 - A familiar face
*Inside the Tardis*
John= Man, I need to check up on Giro and the others. I need to let them know...
Kaolla= It's ok Johnny! Im taking you to see that girl that Giro mensoned before.
John= Kaolla baby, do you think we need to make some sort of invitation first before we go teleporting...
Kaolla= JOHNNY!! I got you!
John= Oh alright. Sheesh.
*There was a pink ship that was flying over the city and as soon as Kaolla spotted it, she hit the switch that activated the teleportation mechanism on the Tardis and it teleported.*
(Music playing- Phalanx/ Megaman Z X )Download
*Inside the ship, there was a cargo hold and when the Tardis began to materialize, the guardian grunt got startled and began to panic.*
Guardian 1= We got breach! I repeat, we got breach!!
Guardian 2= There's a teleporting phone box with a light on top!!
*Suddenly the ship was on red alert and there were many guardians with guns aimed at the Tardis. John opened the door and with a surprise, he saw the guardians pointing guns at him. Kaolla too stepped out and smiled care-free.*
Guardian 1= Halt!!
Guardian 2= This is a restricted vessel, you have no business here!
John= It wasn't my idea. I can explain.
Guardian 3= Save it mister!
Guardian 4= How do we know if your not a spy or agent for Slither inc.?
John= ME! A spy!? Don't be ridiculous. I was attacked by them awhile ago.
Guardian 1= And who is this young lady?
Kaolla= Helooooo!
John= Back down Kaolla! They have guns at us.
Girl's voice= STOP!!!
(Music stops)
*A girl in pink stepped in the cargo chamber and the guardian solders cleared a path for her. It was none other than Prairie the leader of the guardians.*
Guardian 1= Miss Prairie! We caught some suspicious couple with this...
Prairie= Release them at once!!
Guardian 2= Yes Miss Prairie.
Prairie= ......, John. ........, It.... it is you! I....
*she began to cry a little and she ran towards John and hugged him right where he was standing*
John= Woah!...
*John Suddenly saw the white cat doll she carried and for a shock it was a dead giveaway for John that he knew this girl.*
John=....... Alo? .......... Alouette...... It can't be.
*The both stared eye contact with one another and froze for a minute.*
(Music playing- Memories/ Xenosaga original soundtrack)Download
*********************John and Allouette's flashback*****************
*It was the cliff in the park of Abagale right where the cliff which was surrounded by trees and the thicket with the scenic view of the residential area. Where Ciel, and Lan's party was all together falling in despair thinking that John had died....*
Ciel= I failed him.... I failed Zero just as I did with my stupid intensions!
Lan= That's not true.
Mayl= You cared about John and helped him to the end.
Yai= He saved us all but not himself. We can't just keep crying about it. *sniffle*
Lan= *sniffling* But I can't believe John and the 4 guardians are actually dead now.
Mayl= *sniffle* I know Lan. Perhaps John couldn't best Weil all the way like he did with Dr. Wily and Dalton when Weil betrayed them.
Ciel= Me and my sorry self.... I even made a reincarnation of X he too turned against me.
Lan= Oh Ciel. I know you were doing us a favor. You were doing good. And I know John would understand that too.
*Suddenly the spotters car drove to the spot of the road with Roll and Allouette along with Cerveau stepping out of the car.*
Roll= Oh there you are Ciel. I was wondering where you been?
Ciel= Roll...... I ... failed them all.
Roll= Oh Ciel.
Cerveau= Im sure John and Zero would've not want us to grieve for them forever.
Allouette= I sure miss John already, but I will never forget him.
*Suddenly.... there was a loud bizarre whooshing sound and a sight of a blue box materializing right beside the trees near the cliff.*
Roll= What the heck!?
Ciel= It....can't be...?
*It was none other than the Tardis and the door opened and John stepped out all shaken from the battle he had and to the group, a new face merged from the Tardis.*
Ciel= JOHN!!
Allouette= JOHN!!! I knew you escape the fray!
Cerveau= I don't believe my eyes im seeing this, John you cleaver dog you!
John= Im surprised myself!
Ciel= John.... *Ciel ran to John and gave him a big hug so tight John was thinking Ciel may squeeze the air out of him*
John= Yeooooowww! Ciel baby! ohhhhh!
Allouette= You had us scared there!
Cerveau= I thought you were dead!
John= PTH! Me, die so soon before I get to see more than the world? No freaken way man!
Ciel= Who's this girl with you?
John= Remember when we first met? I told you there was a few travel companions I had to find? This is one of them. Everyone, I like for all of you to meet Kaolla.
Kaolla= Hello everyone.
John= Oh, and to let you know, I meant to save the guardians, but someone else beat me to it. Another traveling group saved them.
Ciel= Oh, so the guardians are not dead?
John= Neither is Dr.Wily and Dalton. They escaped the floating island before Weil did away with it.
Cerveau= Sweet margarita! Dr. Wily and Dalton escaped!?
Mayl= John.... uhhhhh. *She begins to hug John and she reached up and kissed him* I want you to have this.
*Mayl hands a photo with John himself with the kids and Ciel and Roll.*
John= Oh thank you so much.
Kaolla= Hey John! If you want to find Shinobu and Nyamo and catch up to that Wily and Dalton, we better get going.
John= Ciel...
Ciel= ....yes?
John= I have to go now and leave this word and catch the bad guy's ok. Promise me to take care of things from here ok? Oh, Mayl, Lan, the rest of you. Be sure to look after Ciel ok?
Roll= John?.....
John= Roll.....I want you to stay with them too ok? I don't know when I will be back, be sure to look after them ok? Alo!
Allouette= Yes John?
John= Be sure to help out the good group ok? The guardians will be with another dimension traveler and he's a friend of mine. If he ever get's here before me, be sure to thank him ok? *John kisses Allouette*
Ciel= I will never forget you! Good bye.
*****************************Flashback ends******************
Prairie= JOHN!!
John= Alo?.... Alouette?
Guardian 1= Allouette?
Prairie= This man is not our enemy! Lower your weapons IMMEDIATELY! Oh, John.... im so sorry. You need to come with me.
John= Kaolla. Im going with her for now. Stay here and stay out of trouble.
Kaolla= Ok honey. *giggle*
(Music dies down slowly)
*John and Prairie walked to the elevator and went up on the bridge floor and walked into the bridge's hallway bumping into a short little old man.*
Fleueve= Miss Prairie... I ...
Prairie= It's ok. I need to be alone for a moment, please.
Fleueve= If you insist.
(Music playing- Faraway promise/ Xenosaga "Xenogears" soundtrack)Download
*John and Prairie walked into the bridge and made a right turn to a door and as soon as John walked in it, it was decorated with stuffed animals and dolls that referred to cyber elves John seen before, and even a picture frame collection with photos of Allouette and Ciel and Roll and even John himself.*
Prairie= Please sit. "on the bed".
John= Alouette?
Prairie= John. I know you are traveling in a time warping ship and all, but things here have change through these 100 years. I know cause I do know you. You helped me and Ciel so much. And even Ciel gave me a body upgrade. John, people here call me, Prairie. I know what your thinking. You prefer to call me Alouette, don't you? Im not Alouette anymore.
John= It's ok. I met that guy they call Giro and he said he would introduce me to a friend of his...
Prairie= It's no coincidence. I AM the one Giro intendedd for you to meet. I met Vent and Aile moments before they left to do some of their missions to help clear up the mavericks and those horrible aliens.
John= *shrugs* Space pirates. Those black icky aliens. Those are space pirates. There from another dimension. I have no idea what there doing here..
Prairie= I don't mean to interrupt you but...... I wanted you to have this. Ciel and Roll left it for me to give only to you. She found it in your Tardis when she was with you that faithful day when you and her traveled to the snowy parts to the abandon ship. It sort of did nothing but I believe that Tardis can create biometals.
John= You know what? Model C..... it.... risked herself to save me and all my other biometals got burnt out by that Weil when I was fighting him on Rangaroc 2. I thought I was going to die then.
Prairie= Here John. Ciel and Roll want me to give you this.
*Prairie holds out an old looking box in the shape of a treasure chest and it was as large as a small fax machine. When Prairie opened it, it was filled with ribbons and coushins for jewelry and John spotted a biometal inside, resembled Model C except for it's red and black crossovers.*
John= NO WAY!!
Prairie= Ciel also wanted you to have a certain package. It's in Fleueve's lab. Come with me.
John= Ok. But this.... biometal. It's not ..... moving or functioning isn't ot?
Prairie= It never did. Perhaps it needs more time to stay with it's proper bearer until it's own time for it to be active. Who knows?
(Music dies down slowly)
*John and Prairie walked out of the room and to the door that led back out to the hallway of the ship and approached the door where the 2 bumped into the little old man.*
Prairie= Fleueve. It's time to show him the package.
Fleueve= Huh? Who's this guy?
Prairie= He is John. The hero who saved Abagale 100 years ago. He is our friend. He's the chosen one. It's time to take out sisters package for him.
Fleueve= Ok, here we go.
*Fleueve opened a huge freight box which emerged a capsule and the top piece levitated and raised to a point to where it stood over 7 feet tall. Then a hologram of Ciel activated and it began to talk.*
(Music playing- Zero & Ciel dialogue/ Megaman Zero "original" )Download
Ciel's hologram= John, if you are hearing this message, you may have returned to our world but I can no longer accompany you in person and my lifetime may be used up in this world. But do not grieve for me. Im sure you were concerned about me, you have your own destiny and I know I want to help you as much as possible. I left a hidden biometal from your Tardis and knew it would be of use to you. I left it with the people I trust the most far from my researches. I knew someday I would have more enemies to reap the fruits of my research. I copied a few more of your files from the box Dr. Light gave you. I created another helper to aid you in helping the good people of this world and to restore piece when it is threatened. Receive this now.
*Suddenly a reploid in a form of a red armored dog emerged from the capsule and it looked like it was asleep. It was the reincarnation of Rush the robot dog.*
Ciel's hologram= I know, this dog served and aided X in his first era till the end and I took the liberty to create a new version of him to help you. Please take care of him. And take care of yourself. There will be more capsules I scattered around the world to aid you further. When this capsule deactivates, it will no longer be functional. Good Luck.
*The capsule deactivates*
(Music dies down slowly)
John= Ciel.......... *looks sad*
Prairie= Ciel.... at least she had something for you.
*Suddenly the robot dog activated and stood up and began to run around and barked franticly in a robot-dog like sound. John wasn't to crazy about dogs but he definitely was tickled to death with this one.*
John= She made me a .... dog?
Prairie= And im glad to finally see the day you got it too.
Fleueve= It looks like Vent, Aile and Giro made it back. There on board captain.
Prairie= You stay here Fleueve, we will go see them.
John= Im coming with you.
*Inside the teleporter room*
(Music playing- En-trance Code/ Megaman Z X )Download
*Giro emerged first from the teleporter and was surprised to see John standing next to Prairie*
Giro= JOHN!! Man I thought I lost you! It was a ruckus what me and the kids went through. Remember that package I needed delivering? It was a biometal. Model X I believe?
John= I once had.... oh wait. I got one too! SEE!
*John megamerged with the new X biometal and shifted into the same one Vent and Aile has*
Giro= NO WAY! You got one too.
John= I had this one actually, but it got fixed and remodeled. Not like it was but I still lovin it.
Prairie= Giro, he IS the chosen one. The traveling megaman who has come to save this world. I gave him the package that my sister left for me to give him.
Giro= ......., I see. So John, you ARE definitely the one huh?
*Vent and Aile emerged from the teleporter*
Vent= JOHN!!
Aile= JOHN!!
John= Glad to see me!?
Vent= Prairie.... we passed the test.
Aile= We did it Prairie, were part of the group now.
Giro= Have you forgotten your manners already!? Why not say her name properly? sheesh,.. KIDS!
John= Oh, Prairie can I show Giro...
Giro= JOHN!! Not you too? Act your age. Your jittering like a kid.
John= It doesn't matter anyway. Im glad your all safe. I heard from Kaolla.
Giro= Yep, As soon as Vent and Aile found me, Kaolla appeared from the city and we told her you were still missing.
John= What happened all this time.
Giro= I will talk about it. All right you 2, you can go play for awhile, and don't start up trouble. I will be with Miss. Prairie and Mr. John.
John= I hate all that Mister and miss stuff, im fine by being called "John", oh, Vent, Aile, why not say hello to my new friend. Here Rush!!
*Rush came charging through the door and stopped at John's sight. *
John= You say hello to Vent and Aile and be good to each other ok?
Vent= Cool!! A robot dog!
Aile= Alright!
John= You gotta think like they do in order to get them straight ok, just blend in with there interests.
Giro= Very well, let's save the lecture in somewhere private.
(Music changes to- Sky High - Grand Nuage/ Megaman Z X )Download
*John, Prairie, and Giro headed to Fleueve's lab while Vent and Aile were running through the hall with Rush and met up with Kaolla along the way and started to run around playing.*
Giro= You wanted to know what happened to us while you were gone? I want you to tell me what you saw down there?
John= More baddies like the ones you faced. And I even ran into an Orochimi arm down there too. And some guy in a Slither inc. uniform were barking orders at it too.
Giro= You did beat it did you?
John= I lacked some major weaponry but I used magic. Like this.
*John casted a healing aura on Giro (Cure 1 ) Prairie, Fleueve, and Giro flinched in shock at this.*
Prairie= Amazing!
Fleueve= Incredible! This young man can do magic. Something we reploids could never do.
Giro= So that's your secret.
John= Not really. I can do wizard stuff too. Charm work, Jinxes, and other stuff too. Im still having trouble casting a patronus charm though, I can't think up of any happy memories of my own and im quite forgetful at times.
Giro= I have no idea what your talking about.
John= So, what happened to you on your little journey?
Giro= Are you trying to change the subject here? What's with that red armored reploid dog?
John= That's Rush. Prairie had a package left by Ciel.
Giro= Ciel?
Prairie= He knew my sister.
Giro= Ok, John listen up, when we invited you to help us deliver a package and once you fell in that hole, I was ambushed and I had to fight my way back to the city, I wanted to check up on Vent and Aile but they seemed to handle the situation fine. Now let's examine that pink and lavender biometal.
John= Could you hold on a sec? *John hits a button on his com-link calling Kaolla* Kaolla! Are you there?
Kaolla (radio)= Yeah!?
John= Could you bring Model S up here please?
Kaolla (radio)= Sure!!
Model S (background)= I will go up there myself, you have fun Kaolla. And you too cuties!
*Transmission ends*
Prairie= What.... was that other person?
John= That would be Model S? A very odd biometal really, acts like it's almost human in a way.
*Model S appeared out of nowhere*
Model S= You rang John!
John= There's people I want you to meet, and they would like to examine you...
Model S= Some fun for me at last!! Your gonna like this!!
*Model S automatically megamerged with John*
John= NO WAIT!! *guhhh!* See what I mean by..... odd?
Fleueve= A biometal with personality? I examined Model X and even tidied Model Z a bit but this one is quite frisky. And if I may say so looks kind of... *snicker*
Model S= Can it old man! Johnny doesn't like sleazy...
John= MODEL S!! I agree with you but that was quite rude...
Giro= JOHN!!
Prairie= John! If you please show us this biometal's abilities?
John= Well, ok, when I killed one of those Space pirates...
Model S= I absorbed a special type of energy whenever I encounter and attack any offensive foe and absorb it's power. This is called "Cyber soul" absorbing. I can use the powers and abilities depending on the DNA or cellular make up of the attacking enemy. There are 5 types.
Red for Projectile
Blue for Guardian
Orange for Enchantment
Grey for Ability
Yellow for special which can be equipped with each of the 3 slots for additional power depending on which slot it's equipped in. There's also a white one, but that's not a cyber soul, I use that to copy off a specific weapon for John. I absorbed the galvanic scythe buster from one of the space pirates.
John= Informative isn't she?
Fleueve= Amazing!
John= Oh, your name is Fleueve right?
Fleueve= That's correct.
John= There's other biometals Kaolla and I have in our Tardis. They were burnt out by a battle I had against a terrible man who tried to destroy the world. His name was Alfred Weil.
*John began to explain the story about his times in Abagale....*
(Music dies down slowly)
*Meanwhile............somewhere else in Area C (the city)......The ship Phil flies the "Pillar of Autumn" the very same ship which dropped off the 4 guardians off in Hyrule. Slowly lowered down to the cities residential area and hovered and landed on the solid ground and Phil walked out of the ship and walked to a building.*
(Music playing- Demon guest house/ Castleveinia Dawn of sorrow)Download
Phil= This must be the place. I better find Maggie.
*Phil walked inside.*
Manager= Hello young sir, may I help you?
Phil= Yes, does a girl named Maggie live here?
Manager= Oh yes, I heard of that name before. She and her father are upstairs on the 3rd floor. Room 102 if I may recall.
Phil= Thanks mate.
*Later, he finally found the door to the room. Phil knocked on the door and a man answered.*
Man= Oh, it's you Mr. McDonald.
Phil= Oh, hi. Is your daughter Mag around?
Man= Oh yes. Maggie! You have a visitor.
*Later on*
Maggie= Oh I see. Kay told you to contact me direct didn't she?
Phil= Her scouts didn't pick up anything on Dr. Wily or Dalton's whereabouts, but she sure was considered about a possible Dalek threat. She said it may pass over, but she's still checking it out.
Maggie= Have you heard about the city raids?
Phil= Oh,...no. Why?
Maggie= It's terrible. Aliens were attacking people in Area C and abducting people. Those missing people haven't been found and it's been going on for almost a whole week. The townsfolk are beginning to worry.
Phil= *sighs* Terrible. We need to get to the bottom of this. Kay told me to give you this data disc. You stay here and keep safe. Ill go on out and see if I can find John. I need to share this with him.
Maggie= Be careful. It's going to be dangerous with those alien attacks going around. Im sure John can explain it better than I.
Phil= Thanks Mag. You take care of yourself too.
Man= Oh I sure will. *chuckles*
(music dies down)
*Phil leaves the building and goes back in his ship and takes off hoping he will find John and help him as much as possible. Find out next time.*
Megaman Heroes 2 - chapter 4
Tanooki John
Submitted to sheezyart Aug 18th 2007
Second sequal of my megaman fanfiction/crossover
All characters (c) respected owners
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