She walked down the narrow path to the old church. It was missing a few windows; some of the others that still managed to stay put were shattered. Shutters hung on angles and the white paint was filled with burnt marks. Moonlight seaped through the holes in the roof and the front steps curved in the center, making them seem unstable. When she opened the front door she jumped back frightened as the door fell right off the hinges. She continued inside and walked past the rows of burnt pews. She went to the church quite often. To her it was a safe haven, a place where she could completly let down her gaurd and be the scared inocent fifteen year old she was.
No one ever went to the church anymore. Atleast not after the fire that had killed five people. Townsfolk now just looked at it as a place of great mourning and sorrow. In fact, after the incident they built a bigger church closer to town.
She loved the church because of that very reason. No body was there to bug her. A lot of the times when she would go there she'd take a journal and write in it. She wrote all sorts of things such as poetry, short stories, and her feelings. She had quite a talent for writing.
Although tonight she just wanted to think. Not about anything inparticular, just about anything and everything that came to her mind. She walked up to the old confession booth on the far side of the church. With her long slender fingers she grabbed hold of the knob and opened the door.
A mouse scurried out but that didn't bother her at all. In fact she bent down and picked it up. Rubbing the mouse's head she said "Oh Fredrick. Didn't I tell you to stay clear of my thinking place? Silly boy." She bent back down and released the mouse and watched him scurry away back to his hole.
When she finally was inside the booth she closed the door and lowered herself down to the ground.She then brushed a few strands of her long, golden hair out of her vision. Her green eyes quickly adjusted to the darkness. She just sat there not saying a word, staring at her converse. It was as if she were in a trance to just sit there the way she did.
Moonlight seaped through the cracks of the booth revealing her light skin in the dark. Her legs appeared smooth and slender. Her whole body was as perfect as any models the only thing that killed her look was her sharp fangs. They were pointy enough to peirce through any humans skin.
She closed her eyes and remembered that morning when she went for a walk in the park. She zeroed in on the moment she saw her mysterious dream guy. How the sun highlighted his angelic features and how she could almost trace every bead of sweat on his forehead as he jogged. She also remembered how he looked at her seeing her teeth. His eyes widened in horror as he quickly went from a delicate jog to a fear filled run. Why did I have to speak after picking up his Ipod? Stupid Mina. Stupid! She thought about his reaction a few more times and then she just went blank...............
She awoke to the sound of Fredrick sneaking around looking for something in her pockets to eat. She stared at him for a few minutes covered in grogginess. Mina raised her wrist and looked at her digital watch. Realizing it was just past midnight she tilted her head back hitting it purposly on the wall.
"s**t. Late again. This time Tiff is going to literally eat me alive." she said trying to stand up.
As Fredrick fled from fright she noticed that her legs were completely stiff from being scrunched up in the tiny booth. She stood a few minutes bending and straightening her legs trying to loosen them up. Finally, she was able to walk out of the booth with no problems except a slight limp. She considered staying there at the church because of the long walk home. That, and the many dangers that came with being alone at night. Who knew what creepo was out roaming the night doing as he or she pleased?
But Mina decided to chance the walk home on a count of she didn't feel like having cops looking all over the place for her. She also didn't want them to find her secret place with the chance of condemming the building.
The moon drew a weird era outside. The trees were free of leaves except for the occasional straggler that had not yet fallen off. An owl hooted from a branch close by and bats flew through the sky looking for their prey.
Mina knew she should feed before heading back home. She couldn't go one more night without quenching her thirst. Besides that's exactly what she needed. The town going baserk over some mysterious murderer. Or as she thought a teenage vampire that was too thirsty to care she was taking a human life.
She stopped for a brief second and lowered her left ear to the ground and just listened. She waited a few minutes until she heard the soft hoove steps of a deer not too far from where she was. Quickly she ran through the woods dodging trees and fallen logs. She suddenly stopped as she neared her prey. There it was. The dow was drinking water from a small creek. She perched herself attop a rock near by and waited for the perfect moment to pounce.
Mina woke the next morning in her own bed. She shook off the last bit of dizziness that still lingered amongst her. Lifting the sheets off of her she saw that she hadn't found the time to change her blood drenched clothes the night before.
Flashbacks filled her mind of last nights feast which made her shiver. The thought of how her animal instincts took over her, making her become the beast she was born to be was just terrifying. Mina grew up in a world not known by normal humans. She knew the dangers of being found out for what she truly was. She also knew scince the begining that if she were to live in the modern world with these people she would need to go on a very strict diet. Mina didn't mind not having the complete strength other vampires did.
Mina looked around her room. Every wall was covered by posters of bands, writings, and some drawings. She got up from her wrought iron bed and headed over to her closet. She opened the door and stepped inside preparing her outfit for the day. Mina pulled out a ratty pair of denim jeans that were torn at the knees. She also grabbed her purple "L♥VE" shirt and a new pair of purple converse.
Slipping out of her outfit from the night before she put on her new one then headed for her bedroom door. When she went to open it, she saw a note taped to the door and that it was locked. She snatched the piece of paper and began to read it......
Dear Mina,
How dare you stay out past midnight!!! And on a school night! This is the tenth night in a row. What are you thinking? You know what could happen to you out there all by yourself. I can't risk letting it happen to you. Don't bother trying to open the door it's locked and I also bolted it shut. If you thought I wasn't going to punish you, well then your just plain out stupid. I'm your older sister, practically your mother on a count of I've raised you since you were five. You are on lockdown for a week and for the week you will be cleaning that disqusting room of yours. Once the week is up don't think your off the hook because I've got some other stuff for you to do.
Love Tiffany.
p.s. I called the school and told them you have the flu. That, and I also stripped all your electronics out of your room. Don't expect to be seeing them for a while.
"Great I'm on sister lockdown!" Mina said enthusiasticly.
She realized that there was no reason of arguing with her older sister because that would just make matters worse. On the bright side Mina was glad she got to miss school but a little bummed she wouldn't be able to chat with her friends. She took a quick gander around her room and saw that the only thing Tiffany forgot to take was her portable radio. She figured Tiff thought that if she atleast left something her sister could listen to she'd get the job done quicker. Or she just forgot to take it out of the room.
Mina turned it on to her favorite radio station and began to work. She sang outloud to the song "You Found Me" by The Fray. Mina gathered all her clothes off the floor, dirty and clean, and shoved them into her hamper until it was exploding with clothes. Next she picked up all the paper off the floor and threw most of it away in one of the garbage bags that Tiffany left in her room. Tiffany also left a vacume cleaner in the corner next to Mina's desk. After she was done picking up all the papers and other crap that could have been thrown away she started vacuming the carpet. It took her a whole hour but her room was starting to look nice and neat again. She pulled back the curtains from the window to let some light into her pink room. After that she went over to her bookcase grabbed her fravorite book Evernight and plopped down on her couch to begin reading.
Mina loved the love story between a half vampire half human girl and her human boyfriend. She always cried at the end though, because of how their love was almost impossible. It was before four that afternoon that she heard her sister's honda pull into the long driveway. Mina and Tiffany lived in town but their house was set back in the woods. Their house was an old victorian that they refurbished over the years. They moved there after their parents were murdered by others of their kind.
Mina could barely talk back then so she pretty much didn't know what happened except for what her sister managed to tell her. She figured out that her parents were part of some cult that was going to expose themselves as what they were to the human race. They thought that by doing so in a calm matter infront of billions of people including their friends then humans and vampires could live in a world without any secrets. When others outside of the cult got word of what was going to take place they felt betrayed and backstabbed. They knew that if the humans were to find out then the humans would end up killing the vampires off and they'd have to go into hiding. Scince they didn't want that they set off to seek out the cult and destroy them before any damage could be done.
Mina heard a knock on the door and as she peard over the side of the couch she saw an envelope slide under the door. She got up and went over to the door. She bent down to find the envelope had "missed work" enscribed in cursive on the front. She took the envelope and tore it open revealing the assignments from earlier today. Scince she'd already finished the book and it looked like she had nothing else to do she took the assignments over to her desk and started with her english paper on the play Hamlet.
After a good hour of writing a two page essay. She dropped the pencil on the desk and took the two pages and stappled them together. After placing them neatly in a folder she labeled "Homework" she grabbed the next assignment which was a math worksheet on the Pathagrean Theorem. Luckily Mina was an "A" student in all of her classes. She spead through the rest of her assignments in no time. Neatly she put them all in the folder and slid it under the door for her sister to take in tomorrow.
At ten Mina was completly exhausted from all the work that was thrown at her. She went to her closet and pulled out a pair of pajamas then headed towards her bathroom. The bathroom was joined which led over to her sister's room. Out of curiousity Mina went over to the other door and tried to open it. Figures she'd lock this one too. She'll probably use the guest bathroom down the hall. Stupid punishment! Mina thought to herself.
Mina slipped out of her clothes threw them to the ground then quickly threw on her underwear and her pj's. Then just like any normal teen she brushed her teeth and pulled her hair back in a high pony tail. Just then she heard a knock on her bedroom door. She went to it and answered "Sorry Mina can't make it to the door right now she's dying of social abandonment."
Tiffany suddenly poked her head into her room smiling and replied, "That's your own fault kiddo. Um let's see your room looks nice. hey! I thought I forgot something." She went over to the radio after shutting the door.
"Tiffany I know your not in here for the radio so what is it you want? Also what happened to the bolting of the door? huh?" Mina asked irritatedly.
"Well if you must know I need your dirty laundry. And I thought we could have a heart to heart," she said sitting down on the edge of Mina's bed the radio in her grasp. "Would you like to talk about what been on your mind? And don't dare say that there's nothing on your mind because there has got to be. I mean why on earth would you be doing what you are if something wasn't wrong?"
Even though Tiffany was strict she deffinatly cared a lot about her younger sister. She sat there looking at Mina with concerned eyes just like any mother worried about their child. Mina sat down next to Tiffany in which Tiffany hugged Mina and asked once more what was bothering her.
"Mina don't be afraid to be open with me. I can probably help you out and I promise I wont get mad at you. No matter how deep of a puddle your in."
Mina finally sighed and began, "I don't know what's wrong with me Tiffany. I...I... Well I've been wondering why? Why do I have to be such a freak? I mean people aren't stupid Tiffany. They know that there's something different about us. They just haven't figured out what it is yet. And I mean it's so freaking obvious because of our teeth. Every time we get too hungry or can't get a hold of ourselves, our fangs show."
Tiffany wiped the tears away from Mina's eyes and gently pulled her sister closer.
"Oh Mina we're not freaks! I mean sure we're different. We have a lighter skin color and we're two sisters living without any parents or relatives. We also drink animal's blood not humans. But you know what? That's okay because we're not the bad guys. We really aren't and besides so what if everyone in this town suspect something's up about us, because in a few more year's we'll have to move again. I mean before long the people aren't going to believe me when I tell them I'm twenty six."
"But your not Tiff. Your only eighteen and what if I don't want to move? What if I want to stay here?" Mina pressed on a subject she already knew the answer to.
"We can't stay babe. You know that. That's one of the rules. If a vampire..." but Tiffany was cut off
"Yeah, Yeah, yeah. If a vampire wants to live in the world of humans then he or she must stay only for a short period of time. I know the goddamn rules Tiff. I've only read the book of rules a hundred times! I can recite it any time I want, if I'm bored enough."
"Hey! Watch your mouth young lady!" Tiffany scolded.
"Tiff you know your not my mother right? I mean Mom and Dad are dead, yeah, but still your not her."
"Excuse me! But I made a promise to Mom that if anything ever happened to her or Dad that I'd watch over and raise you. Besides you have a few more years before you stop growing." she said.
"Yeah I know." Mina sighed.
Mina was a vampire but she wasn't completly a pure blood sucker until her eighteenth birthday.
"Alright well it's late kiddo so I'm just going to steal your laundry and let you get some sleep. I love you Mina. Please come to me when something's bothering you. I hate feeling as if your too afraid to tell me because your scared of me." Tiffany got up, radio still in hand, went over to Mina's hamper, made a comment on how lazy Mina was, and then left, locking the door before making her way to the laundry room.
Mina fell back onto her bed and closed her eyes. She eventually drifted off into a deep sleep........
Mina woke up the next morning to see a delicious breakfast waiting for her on her bed. She threw the sheets off of her, got up, and headed over and sat down at her desk. She looked down at the plate which contained a blueberry pancake, scrambled eggs, toast with jelly, and two orange slices. Mina wasted no time to dig into the scrumptious meal and then downed her freshly squezzed orange juice. Mina's sister made sure she fed Mina nothing but healthy s**t all the time. That meant most of the stuff that Mina ate was always made from scratch. Rarely was there ever a meal that Tiffany had just popped in the microwave.
Even though Tiffany was a vampire, she still enjoyed the pleasures of cooking for humans. That was why Tiffany was head chef at "Carols Family Restauraunt and Bar". It was a really good job and the fact that it payed the bills was even better.
After Mina finished her breakfast she decided to finish her cleaning. She went over to her bed and knelt down on the floor. She then lowered herself on all fours and peeked under the bed to discover dust bunnies and old magazines. She stood up, the magazines in her hand and went over to the foot of her bed. She then set the magazines on the edge of her desk and started to move the bed so she could vacume up all the lint and dust bunnies. Die you flipping dust bunnies DIE!!!!!
"Wow. I really need to keep a hold on my self. I just might die of friggin boredom." Mina said to herself.
Mina stopped for a break after she moved her bed back to it's original spot. She went over to her window and just stared outside watching people have fun while she was stuck in her room with nothing to do. She saw a little girl learning how to ride a bike for the first time, a man and what must have been his wife make out on their porch hammock, she also saw Old Mrs. Potters out in her garden.
Mina sat there infront of the window for about an hour not caring until the sun blocked her vision. Mina laughed at the fact of her, almost a pure vampire sitting in the sun. Most people tend to think that the sun kills vampires but the truth was that all of the old myths were lies. Vampires always went out in the sun, if they lived in the human world. Mina always ran into a few every now and then.
She thought back to all the different times she ran into a vampire and where. She remembered seeing a family in church, one owned a clothing store, she also ran into one on a date with a human girl. Every where she went there was one near by. It was kind of cool to her as to see people of her own kind.
Coming back to reality she realized that her stomach was beckoning her to the kitchen. As she opened the fridge she pulled out the lasagna her sister made the night before.She cut herself a small portion and put it on a plate. She then placed it in the microwave and waited for it to heat up.
The day flew by and before Mina knew it she was getting ready for bed. She came out of the bathroom in her favorite pair of pajama's and layed down on her bed. She grabbed her writing journal out from under her bed and opened it up to where she last wrote. She reread the page to try to get some inspiration and then let her mind wander into the world of art. Her pen glided across the paper like an ice skating figure on ice.
Mina wrote about why she had to be born into such a certain life. How sometimes being abnormal really sucked. She mentioned all the upsand downs of it and what she would change about herself. But mainly she talked about how she'd ever find true love in the world of humans.
Mina had always been weird around guys. The truth was that she was afraid to let them in. She didn't know how she'd be able to handle falling in love with someone who would keep on aging throughout their life. She hated that about her. She would remain elegant and beautiful and he would turn into a wrinkly old man. Sometimes Mina wished that she was born into a human family.
At twelve Mina put down her pencil and placed her journal back under her bed. She then shut off the lamp and slid under the covers. She wasn't tired at all but she didn't need her sister waking up to go to the bathroom and notice that Mina was still awake. So Mina layed there in bed wondering about the perfect guy for her. She imagined a guy that was tall. He had wavy brown hair and ice blue eyes. His smile was perfect with white teeth. His features were angelic and he was very masculine. Before she knew it Mina had drifted off to sleep.
"Mina....." a voice called.
Mina turned around but no one was there.
"Mina" the voice was behind her again.
Mina turned again and then in a frightened voice she replied, "Who's there? What do you want?"
She waited a moment but only heard the wind passing through her hair. She was back at the church standing in the aisle of pews. Mina looked down and noticed that she was wearing a wedding dress. But not just any dress, it was her mothers wedding dress. The dress was satin with a lace neck line. It was absolutly stunning on Mina with her hair pulled up in a bun ontop of her head. She looked around the church and up next to the preist's stand was her dream guy. He was wearing a tux with his hand extended out for her.
Mina walked up to him smiling and trying to look as beautiful as possible. He took her hands in his and smiled back at her and whispered her name. She gazed into his perfect blue eyes and was taken away. The preist was talking away when finally he closed the bible and nodded for them to kiss. Mina leaned up as he leaned down and their lips touched. It was powerful. Mina felt as if a glow surrounded them. But when she opened her eyes there stood an old man. His skin wrinkly and decaying.
She screamed with fright as he looked at her confused. But Mina waisted no time she ran out of the old church. She ran as fast as any vampire girl could. Mina passed through the cemetary and through the woods.
Mina suddenly awoke in a cold sweat. Her breath heavy she sat up straight and uncovered herself. She got up and went into the bathroom. Turning on the fauset she splashed some cool water on her face.
The morning sun shone on her face and she awoke with the thoughts of that horrid dream still running through her mind. She knew dreams weren't real but the reality of what happened scared her to death.
Mina quickly leaped out of bed and undressed then running into the closet stark naked she grabbed fresh new undies, a T-shirt with the logo "I hear the voices too", and a pair of jeans. She then ran down stairs to quickly slip into some sneaks.
She ran a couple of blocks until she got to the park. Once inside she slowed down and silently walked. Never breaking pace she walked the same route she walked the other day when she ran into her dream boy. Mina knew it was ridiculous to think that he would be there at that exact time. Even if he was it was hard for her to believe that he'd even take any notice to her, the girl that scared him half to death. She walked along the cement staring down at the tiny pebbles she kicked along with her steady walk. The sun was bright with not a cloud in the sky to ruin it's beauty.
She walked over to the pond and headed toward the old bench that lay beneath an old willow tree. She sat down and stared out at the ducks. She wrapped her arms around her knees as she brought them up so her chest. The pond was so peacful to her. She loved watching the children try to skip pebbles along it's surface. Mina laughed every now and then as they got mad and started giving the rocks pep talks. Kids were cute, they always had been. She knew the reason she loved children so much was because she could never have any. Sure she could adopt, if the agency would let a freak like her adopt a child.
"Is this seat taken?" a voice asked out of the blue.
Mina didn't even bother looking up at the boy who asked. She just kept staring at the pond and slowly nodded scooching over to make room for him. She hadn't expected company and usually she would have been anxious but today she just wanted to relax.
"Beautiful isn't it?" he said.
"uh. huh." Mina sighed.
"Do you come here often?" he tried once more to spark conversation.
Mina reluctantly looked over at the boy who was starting to annoy her. But when she looked over she was shocked by who it was. Her mouth dropped as she traced the beautiful angelic facial structure and body structure. His blue eyes, ice cold, pierced through her heart and his smile made her knees melt. He waited for his answer but for that split second Mina forgot how to speak.
"uh.....yuh......um......" she tried to remember the correct english.
"Is that a yes?" he asumed.
Instead of talking she just nodded, luckily she remembered how to.
"I.....I'm kind of glad I saw you. I want to appologize for my behavior." he began, "When I saw you I freaked....I didn't realize you were one too."
She almost fainted when he said that but luckily she cought herself.
"Wait....." she began, her english grammer was coming back, "what do you mean by 'I didn't know you were one too'?"
He hesitated for a moment and looked as if he'd just got panted.
"I'm sorry I thought you were.............a.......well nevermind so um..." he was cut off.
"A vampire?" she asked
"Wait so you are one then?" he continued somewhat relieved. "Oh god for a second there I thought you were a human."
She giggled and then smiled revealing her teeth. Then she closed her mouth and waited for him to speak again.
"So um....do you forgive me?" he asked.
"Yeah. I don't quite understand why your so upset but yes I do forgive you." she said.
"Good because I didn't want you to think of me as some jerk. I was just.....stunned, that you were another one of us."
"I beg your pardon?" Mina hissed.
"Well your very.....pretty. I guess is what I'm trying to say. I never thought I'd have a chance with someone as beautiful." but he was cut off again.
"Oh so now us female monsters aren't GOOD ENOUGH! You don't think that they are beautiful? Well I'll tell you something." But for the first time in her life someone cut her off.
"I'm just saying that I thought you were human and I'd never have a chance to ask you on a date! I thought that I might have ended up hurting you or.......even..well..." his face turned red as to what he was thinking.
She thought about what he had just told her and couldn't help but smile. Hard as she tried she just couldn't hold it back. It was there and not going away any time soon. She sat normally and just peared over at him too stunned to say anything.
"So um......how about a cup of coffee over at the coffee house? I'm buying!" He said smiling back at her.
She couldn't find it in her to speak so she nodded. He got up and reached out his hand for her to take. She still wasn't able to talk so she wasn't able to ask for a name. When they reached the cafe he opened the door and held it for her to go in. It was a dainty but totally retro little coffee house. It was somewhere between Dunkin Donouts and Starbucks but the decorating and set up of furniture was way more modern than the other two places. They grabbed a seat over in the corner on a couch. A waitress in a perky uniform came over and wrote down their orders then returned five minutes later with the drinks.
"So..." Mina started to say, "What's your name? I don't believe we've actually had the pleasure to introduce ourselves."
"How right you are!" he said with much enthusiasm. "My name is Rick Dolan. I'm originally from Europe but I moved here last summer to start fresh."
Mina could have sworn he winked as a hint to what the true reason of coming here was.
"So how old are you?" she asked calmly.
He looked her over before answering. "I'm seventeen, I'll be turning eighteen next year. My brithday is in June."
"Oh really? I'm going to be seventeen this October." she tried not to sound too enthusiastic but he chuckled silently which was how she knew she failed.
For an hour they talked about what they liked and what they disliked. It was suprising to both of them to find out that they had a whole lot in common. They both had similar personality's as well which made their conversation go smoothly. Mina grew fond of Rick not just because he was drop dead gorgeous, but because he was also very down to earth and mellow.
The talked for hours until finally the waitress had to ask them to leave due to closing time. They both got up from the couch and walked out onto the sidewalk.
"Where do you live?" he asked.
"Not far from here. Just a few blocks away." Mina replied.
"Come on I'll give you a lift so you won't tire yourself out by walking."
He guided her to a nearby parking lot and headed towards a dodge pickup truck. Being the gentleman Rick was he opened the door for her and closed it then before she could even get her seat belt on he was getting into the driver seat. The drive home was filled with more conversation about school, and what both their plans were to do after they graduated.
He saw her to the front door and gave her a light kiss on the hand. Then after she went inside he headed back to the truck. Mina watched from the kitchen window to make sure he made it to his truck okay and that he drove away safely. Then after he was out of sight she slumped to the floor and let out a soft scream. She was still overwhelemd that the guy of her dreams was a vampire and he seemed to really like her.
Later that night she found herself writing in her journal.
My heart has almost settled down. Rick is probably the most amasing thing that's ever come into my life. I never thought it was possible for me, a freak or as I like to be called, an outsider, is to be liked by the most hottest vampire boy that I've ever met in my life. This is not just a coincidence because coincidences usually end up going bad for me. This, what happened today, is a pure act of god. He heard me cry out in pain and confusion and he answered my prayer by sending the most precious gift ever! The only thing I have to ask is why? Why would he want to help me? I'm dead for heavens sake. Well atleast I'm going to be soon. Why didn't he help some human that was more deserving? I'm not deserving of such a thing, not that I'm complaining, but what I'm getting at is that I'm a pure monster. I do no good what so ever. I kill things! What the hell am I doing that is deserving of such a precious gift?
Mina heard a soft tap on the door. She closed her journal then before answering the door she set the journal in the third drawer on her desk. She then went over to the door and opened it up to see her sister poking her head into her room.
"Hey hun. How was your day?"
"You just get in Tiff? It was fine thanks for asking. How about yours?"
"I'm sorry kido. I should have called but I couldn't! We had a last minute meeting. There was nothing I could do. Mr. Havoc wouldn't let me leave. I tried but the inspector is coming this week and he want's to make sure everything's in tip top order." Tiffany sulked.
Mr. Havoc was a greedy old man. He owned the restraunt. Mina never cared for him much, just because he seemed like one of those greeseballs that would pleasure anyone if they asked him.
"It's okay. I left you a plate it's in the microwave." Mina said.
"Thanks kido" said Tiffany who peared over at the clock.
"Mina oh my gosh it's late. You need to get to bed. What were you doing up so late anyways?" Tiffany scolded.
"Sorry I was reading. I couldn't sleep so I thought it might make me drift off." Mina hoped a little white lie would let her off the hook.
Tiffany nodded softly and then after telling her sister to get a good night's rest and giving her a kiss on the forehead she left to go relax. Tiffany was really a wonderful sister and a even more wonderful mother. Mina alway's knew that Tiffany would do well with children, that's why she kept nudging her to adopt for after she left for college. But she always told her little sister that "one is enough for me thank you."
Mina got back into her bed and decided to finally go to sleep. She wanted to wake up early in the morning. She didn't have school on a count of it was Saturday but she thought about heading over to the park for a "jog". So she turned her lamp off and rolled onto her side closing her eyes.
She woke up at seven that morning. It was bright and sunny just as she had hoped for. She ran into her closet and grabbed a pair of her favorite denim short shorts. She laughed at how people considered them short shorts scince they only were about three inches above the knees. She then grabbed her fave band shirt "The Misfits" and headed over to the bathroom. Mina got dressed in a hurry then brushed her teeth and pulled her hair up into a messy bun. Mina's friends were always amased as to how she could put her hair up into a messy bun or ponytail and it would still look gorgeous on her but not on them. She never understood her true beauty she thought of herself as just a regular teen.
In school Mina was never one to hang with the "cool" crowd. She always hung with the "skaters" or the "freaks" as people labled them. Labling people to her was just plain stupid to her they were her friends and that was all they were. She then ran down the stairs and grabbed a water bottle and an apple out of the fridge. Biting into the apple she headed over to her pair of converse and started to lace up. She ran out onto the sidewalk and down the few blocks to the park. Heading to the bench, still running, she saw him sitting there reading a book. Smiling she headed over to him and sat down on the bench.
"What're you reading?" she asked.
"Funny seeing you here," he looked up smiling. He lifted the book to show her the cover. Twilight
Mina rolled her eyes and laughed. "No offense but that book is nothing but total bullshit. Everything in there is a total lie about us."
He laughed as well and nodded. "It's not the fact that the vampires in there are completly fake, it's the love that both Edward and Bella have for one another that keeps me reading."
Mina was taken by suprise because never in her life would she have guessed that Rick was a romantic. She smiled at him, her eyes soft as cotton. He looked back at her smiling and then closed the book.
"Oh! Where are my manners? I'm sorry I disturbed your reading I'll just go." She went to get up but he pulled her back down.
"No I'm actually glad you did. I wanted to see you today actually." He hugged her slightly tight and then released.
Mina blushed and Rick giggled at her rosey cheeks.
"Has anyone ever told you that you are indeed the prettiest girl alive?" he asked, his facial expression turning searious.
"I.....Uh.....Please you don't have to try flattering me. You already have." she replied her face turning blood red.
"No..no no! I'm not trying to. I'm being dead serious. You are the prettiest girl alive." he smiled again.
She turned to face him completely and smiled gently.
"Well then thank you very much. That was really sweet of you." she said.
Rick stared at her with his icey blue eyes. Mina couldn't help but to stare back and as if in a trance they both seemed to be moving closer to one another until their lips met. Rick pulled Mina closer but Mina pushed away and looked at him her eyes filled with fear. She screamed and like a flash of lightning started running away.
Mina ran all the way to the church and collapsed on the steps. She never would have thought that she would have freaked out like that. When Rick went to kiss her she was fighting so much to hide the flash backs. She didn't know why but the images of the night her parent's were murdered came flying through her mind. Then after they parted and she looked at him, he was different. His eyes weren't ice blue, they were blood red. His beautiful black hair was covered by a black hood and his teeth grew into blood stained fangs. She felt as if she had no choice but to run away from him. He gave her a strange feeling that if she stuck around she would be indangered.
Mina saw a figure walking down the dirt path toward the church. Quickly and quietly she went through the door way of the church and ran to the confessional booth. Instead of going in she opened the door that was next to it and went into the old preachers quarters. She went toward the back and opened the closet door. Opening it up she heard footsteps in the other room. Mina slipped into the closet and closed the door she slid down and nestled under a few coats and boxes.
A few moments later the door opened and she could hear the man calling her.
"Mina......? Are you in here? It's me. It's Rick. Please come out." he paused hoping to get a reply. "Listen I'm sorry I never should have tried to kiss you. But I thought you wanted it as well as I did. I understand if you want to wait......."
Mina was crying by now. She sniffled softly waiting for him to leave. But instead Rick didn't leave. He walked toward the door to which she was behind. He slowly opened it up and then peared inside. He saw her cowering in the corner and squated down to her eye level.
"Please, whatever it is just talk to me about it! I want us to be honest with one another." he gave her a minute.
"When we kissed, it was magical," she started, "But I saw images, they were from the night my parents were murdered. Then after I opened my eyes I saw you. But it wasn't you. Your eyes were red like those of a killer, and you were wearing a hood covering your face. I was scared, so I bolted."
"Oh my, I'm so sorry." he said.
"No please dont be," Mina began again except this time she stood up, "I just felt scared and it's not your fault."
Rick stood up as well and grabbed Mina's hand pulling her to him. He wrapped his arms around her and stood there just holding her. Mina cried harder now, the tears were creating a wet spot on the sleeve of his shirt.
She pulled her head away from his body and looked at the stain. "Oh my Rick, I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to!"
Rick just smiled and said, "Don't worry about it! It's just a shirt."
He looked at her then releasing one arm he wipped away her tears and kissed her forehead. She then wrapped her arms around his neck and rested her head against his shoulder again. They stood there for five more minutes not talking, not moving, just holding one another.
Mina and Rick took a walk further into the woods. They thought it would be a good time to go hunting. It had been a week scince either one of them had last feasted. Rick got hold of a fox and Mina bagged herself a coyote.
Once they were finished they walked along the stream, hand in hand. Rick every now and again peered over at Mina and just watched her take in the scenery. Mina would blush everytime she caught him staring at her. She would smile to herself and then give his hand a small squeeze. They walked for a good hour before they started back to town.
It was around five and Mina knew that if she stayed out past seven, Tiffany would kill her.
"Rick I hate to do this but I have to get going." she said.
"That's alright, it is getting late anyways. Mind if I walk you home?" he asked.
She nodded and together they walked to Mina's home. When they arrived Tiffany's car was not there so Mina kissed Rick goodnight and headed inside to start dinner.
- by XxLittlexMissxRodeoxX |
- Fiction
- | Submitted on 02/02/2009 |
- Skip

- Title: Mina's World
- Artist: XxLittlexMissxRodeoxX
- Description: Mina is a teenage vampire who's going through a lot. She is very quiet and kept to herself. Her parent's were killed by other vampires and she was practically raised by her sister.
- Date: 02/02/2009
- Tags: minas world
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Comments (2 Comments)
- heyitsraye - 07/01/2009
- You've got a very interesting concept here. I've got just a few suggestions. You've got a couple of spelling errors, and the relationship between Mina and Rick seems rather...fast. Otherwise the entire story is intriguing.
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- Savior_ofunsafespirits - 03/20/2009
- Wow, this is REALLY good! Write more, please!
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