An Angel's Song Chapter 2
"The orphanage, you remember I said it was founded in memory of my lover...? It really was, and it was you."
She nodded. "I see. And the proof is...?"
"You have worked for me since the day I founded it. I have one in every town you ever lived in. And you always worked at it because you loved children. But people have gotten to be smarter about it. My institution has been standing for more than ten thousand years. People aren't stupid and they know something's going on, considering my death has never been recorded but yours has every twenty-eight years or so. People are definitly getting smarter. The proof is the photo's I keep on the walls from different times in the orphanage's history. They....were all of you. In various stages in your life."
She exhaled softly. "So...you came up here this time to stage your death, leaving all the orphanages in Master Mathias' hands...?"
"Yes, I did."
She smirked. "That was very clever."
He smiled. "And you know he will take good care of it."
"But you know, I want to go back down to earth."
Madara nodded. "I know."
"And when do you plan us doing that...?"
He closed his eyes. "I wish I could go with you and be with you like the family we used to be but...I must stay now." he told her.
"Why is that...?" she asked.
"As a mortal, I am much too old for you now."
She smirked a little. "You're not mortal here and...neither am I..."
He looked up at her, her eyes full of the emotion he had last seen so many thousands of years ago. She leaned towards him a little, barely an inch away from his face. Slowly, she leaned in closer and he pushed her away a little. She pouted. "What's wrong...?"
"I love you, I do, don't get me wrong, but...it's odd...I've seen you as a child many times over now. A young child." he said. "This is just strange, finally being able to have you after all this time..."
She smirked. "It's okay. I don't remember all of it, but...I remember parts of our past, the one you and I had. I remember waking up to you one day, your arms around me. It was so warm."
He stood up. "I'm sorry, but...I can't do this anymore." he said as he went to leave. Mitsukai stood up behind him, and wrapped her arms around his shoulders.
"I also remember the time I wasn't strong enough to carry our baby..." she whispered. He froze.
"So...you really do remember..." he said softly. "No one knew about that but you and I..." He relaxed into her arms a little.
"Up here, we have no age. Up here, we have no years to count...up here, we can be together, and we can go down there and start over..." she said. "We can start over...Please...we can be a family..."
He pushed her away. "We can't..." he started to say.
She stomped her foot on the tile and pouted angrily. "And why not?! It doesn't matter, Dara!" she cried. "It doesn't matter what people think...It doesn't matter..."
"Well...we can't go back down there like this. Not after I died. And it's not even faking my death that I did. I really did die to be able to come here for you. You've also died. This..." he said, motioning to her wings and silver halo, "is the spirit world. Down on earth, no one can see them except those with the inner eye..."
She pursed her lips and folded her arms. "So we're both dead?" she asked bluntly.
He seemed to be deep in thought as he stared absently at the ceiling for a moment. "Well, basically, yes. We are both dead." he replied, just as bluntly as she had asked.
She rolled her eyes. "Are we even able to go back?"
Madara straightened up and spun around on his heel in a child-like manor. "I guess so. They send you down everytime they murder you...Well, yeah. I know how to do it too...but..."
"But what?" Mitsukai questioned him. She sighed, there was something he was avoiding telling her. Something he didn't want her to know.
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An Angel's Song Chapter 2
Kinshou Mitsukai
The second chapter to An Angel's Song. It would be wise to read the first chapter before this though.
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