Play Writes
Written By;
Chapter Three
The opening night for the play left a lump in my throat about the size of a quarter. There were so many people out in the crowd. Some I knew and some I didn’t.
I watched closely as Kire did his first scene alone. That brought me to my next problem; I had avoided every kiss with Kire up until now.
I blinked and took a long breath as I dropped the curtain, the dressing room felt hot all of a sudden.
“Wow, you look amazing!” Sarai said as she handed me a bouquet of flowers. “I know you will do amazingly.” She said picking p the lipstick on the little dressing table.
I looked up at her as she painted my lips with the red color. “Thanks.” I whispered.
She looked and me and smiled. “Break a leg.” She said placing the lipstick tube back on the table. “Well not literally.” She said with a grin.
‘Oh god I hope I do.’ I whispered to myself as I looked at the reflection in the mirror. ‘Then I won’t have to deal with him anymore.’ I smiled at the thought,
“Miss Osaki it’s time.” The stage manager said with a smiled on his face. “Good luck.” He whispered.
I nodded. “Thank you.”
I straightened out my white dress and took a long deep breath; the walk out onto stage felt like it took forever. But, when I looked up I knew I could do this.
“Damion,” I said in a painted voice. “How did you manage such a party?” I whispered as I grasped his outstretched hand. “My father has forbid it.”
“Mon chéri,” He whispered in his ‘oh so charming’ voice. “Not even a pack of wild horses could keep me away from you.” He said softly pulling me into the embrace of his arms.
My mind raced and my heart thudded loudly against the front of my chest. I knew he could here it. I looked up into his eyes forcing out fake tears to finish my last line. “Mon amour, au revoir,” I spoke the words as if I had spoken French my whole life. I turned in his arms as if to leave, I knew he wouldn’t let me go but I prayed to the gods that he dropped me and that I would get out what had to come next. But, he tightened his grasp as if he knew what I was thinking..
He spun me back around and placed his white gloved hand under my chin.
My breathing became uneven as I stared up at his impossibly blue eyes. He smiled softly and moved in fro the kiss, when he touched his lips to mine it was slow at first then he pushed them into mine as if he were breathing life into me.
I felt my legs go out from under me, but the way that he was holding me I doubt any of the audience knew. The curtain finally closed and Kire released me. “I plan on doing that a lot more.” He whispered against my ear as the curtain pulled up. “Mon Amour,” He said with a sly grin.
The summer came like the hot, sweatiness that summer usually comes with. I sat by the ocean on one of my lawn chairs and tanned. “I can’t believe that summer is almost over.” I smiled with a long sigh.
Sarai smiled. “Yeah, it was a weird year was it not?” she asked as she handed me a glass of lemonade.
“So,” I said as I sat up. “I am thinking about switching schools.”
Sarai shot a sharp look at me then shook her head. “It’s been a month, I don’t think that he remembers what he said.”
I looked at her and sipped at my drink. “That’s only because he is on tour with his band.” I replied.
Sarai smiled and shook her head again. “Then he probably found a girl on the road, and forgot all about you.”
I looked over at the families playing by the water and nodded. “Hopefully,” I whispered. I turned on the radio to stop my self from thinking about him.
“Hey there listeners we are here with the singer and bassist to the hit band Lucifest.” There was a pause and he kept going. “You’re called Kire at school are you not?” the interviewer asked.
My heart skipped a beat as I waited for the answer. “Yes.” He answered in his angelic voice.
I growled and went to turn it off when Sarai touched my hand.
“Do you have a girl at home?” the radio host went on. “I heard that before you went on tour you had a hot a heavy romance?”
“I don’t have anyone at the moment, but when I go home I plan on fulfilling a certain promise that I made to a princess.” He said with a chuckle.
I growled again. “Can I turn it off now?”
Sarai shook her head.
The radio host paused then kept going. “You can have any girl in the world and you choose to stay truthful to one?” He asked with a chuckle.
Kire took in a deep breath as if the radio host stuck a nerve. “That’s right, and I get to see her tomorrow, and fulfill my promise.”
Sarai squealed. “Did you hear that? I wonder who it is.” She pondered. “I would be ecstatic if it was me,” she said clapping her hands.
I shook my head. “I will avoid him like the ninth plague of death.” I hissed lowly.
“One more question.” The radio host asked.
“What’s that?” Kire answered.
“Fans want to know if your hit song ‘Mon Amour, Au Revoir’ is about the girl that you made a promise too.”
There was a pause then a laugh. “Yeah, I guess it was.”
I jumped up and screamed at the top of my lungs. “No! That playboy is going to get me killed!”
Sarai looked at me with a worried look. “He showed a little bit of interest in you, not like he promised you anything.” She said trying to stiff a laugh.
I took a long deep cleansing breath and sat back down relaxing once again. “Your right,” I whispered. “After all I am a little person after all.”
“Rayne Osaki, I’ll be seeing you at Sarai’s end of summer party tomorrow!” Kire said with a low irresistible chuckle.
Sarai turned off the radio before I could chuck it into the ocean.
The night of the party came quicker then I would have hoped. Sarai rushed around the patio trying to get everything together. “So you are going to stay tonight right?” she asked as she placed a bowl of chips in the middle of the table.
I looked at her as I leaned up against one of the palm trees. “It’s not like I have that big of a choice.” I whispered. “Besides even if I didn’t I am pretty sure that he knows where I live.” I whimpered.
Sarai laughed and picked up a water bottle. “Here looks like you need a drink.” She said tossing it to me.
I looked at it and smiled. “Good, I am a little parched after all.” I unscrewed the cap and winced when the strong odor hit my nose. “What the hell is it?”
Sarai grew a huge smile on her face. “Just take a drink, my father uses it to make sleeping with my mother a bit more bearable.” She said with a chuckle.
I looked at it for a moment then shrugged. “What harm could it do?” I asked myself as I chugged half the bottle and throwing the rest to Sarai. I stared at her till she drank the rest.
I starred at the roaring fire as it danced and changed colors. It distracted me from the pain that I didn’t want to feel. I looked up and saw all the people who were there and yet to my surprise I saw no Kire. I sighed happily and looked around the crowd for Sarai. My eyes found her surrounded by different guys.
I stumbled over there and squeezed my way into the group. “Hey Sarai I am going to head home okay?” I asked looking at the ground.
She sighed then finally nodded. “Alright, make sure to call me tomorrow alright.”
I nodded and grabbed my sweater from the closet from behind her. I walked into the house and started to walked towards the front door.
“Oh my God, the singer from Lucifest is here.” I heard some freshmen squeal.
I automatically turned on my heals and headed out the way I came, I could walk along the beach that was just as easy. I looked behind me to see if anyone was following me, but to my surprise nobody was. I took a deep breath and walked quickly pass the group that Sarai was entertaining.
I started to walk down the man made logs when I lost my balance and fell onto my hands an knees.
“Rayne,” I heard a voice yell. “Are you alright?” The asked as they jumped down the stairs.
I couldn’t exactly answer because the surprise from the fall made me dizzy. I felt a hand land on my shoulder and another one around my waist. “D-don’t touch me.” I said in a bit of a slur.
“Bull s**t.” He said in his oh to heavenly voice. “Have you been drinking?” He asked a little bit surprised.
“N-no,” I whispered covering my mouth. “Oh my God, I am going to be sick.” I could feel the vomit filling my throat, it burned so much that I started to grasp at my neck.
“Don’t give me that s**t.” He hissed.
It was the first time that I heard him get angry at me, but he was still beautiful.
“I have seen enough drunken girls to know when you have been drinking or not.” He said holding my hair back.
I couldn’t reply right away, after I was done dry heaving I looked up at him. His face was so beautiful, something that you could only make up in your mind. “I’m going home.” I hissed as I attempted to get up.
I about fell over again, but Kire caught me by the waist. “I am going to come with.” He said as he started to lead me.
“Why are you doing this?” I whispered as I attempted to not use his help at all. “Why do you have to pick on me?” I asked as I waddled.
“Pick on you, what are you talking about?” He asked as he lead me up the walk to my back door.
“Were so different you and I, am I the only one who can see it? Or are you just messing with me so you can have fun?” I mumbled on.
“I am not messing with you.” He said as he helped me up the last step and started to walk in front of me. “I just want to get to know you better,” He said with a smile.
I stopped and looked at him. “So you are just messing with me?” I asked.
He shook his head and turned to face me. “Don’t do this.” He whispered.
I went to move but I moved to fast and lost my balance, and started to fall backwards. Kire rushed to my side and wrapped his arm around my waist and grabbed my hand in one fast movement. It made me dizzy, I looked up at him his beautiful eyes his chin, the crook of his nose. I touched his face and smiled at him. Then I passed out.
- by CascadedRuins |
- Fiction
- | Submitted on 01/24/2009 |
- Skip

Comments (2 Comments)
- Skadi Sundermount - 02/05/2009
- the print is small and makes it a bit dificult to read
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- [~Femme Fatale~] - 01/24/2009
- Well I read the whole thing. smile A little girly for my tastes but a good read none the less. Well done.
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