Surrounded by a ring of fire DragonFly was trapped no where to go. Scared for her life she desperately tried to cast a water spell but failed. The fire was slowly creeping in. Soon she would be swallowed by fire….
“GASP!!” DragonFly woke up still a little shaken from her dream. She looked around wondering were she was, she saw glistening flowers of all shape size and color. “Ugh. How’d I get to Glistening Meadow?” “RAWR!!!” “EYIEEE!!! DARNNIT, MARSHMELLOW, NEVER SNEAK UP ON ME LIKE THAT!!! My reflexes are harsh.” replied the extremely agitated DragonFly. “S-sorry” Marshmellow managed to get out before she burst out laughing. “Ok well I came here to ask you if you like to go to see the elders. Want to come? Nah I know you do! Come on.” “But Marshmellow” DragonFly started “that’s a dangerous journey.” “What you scared?” Marshmellow asked in a childish tone “come on no one has to know.”
The elders were the rulers of there land, they had a very important job, they were very important people, thus meaning they must be hidden and protected from the humans. They could use magic but there would be nothing to support it and the guards have to save there magic if they do get attacked. Usually the other villagers send gift baskets and other stuff to the Elders every month. A guard comes to the village to collect them. They say that you must cross the Erie Swamp, through the Haunted Dead Wood, and climb the Red Mountain to get there, people wondered why not just fly, well unless you wanted to be swallowed by birds you could fly over.
“And for what reason do you suppose we go? We have no business there.” DragonFly stated. “To show were the toughest fairies of all the other villagers. To show we can. And to show you’re not as bad at magic as you or every one around you thinks you are.” Marshmellow replied. “Thanks I feel a whole lot better.” said the sarcastic DragonFly. “Come on let’s go pack!” Marshmellow made a hand gesture coaxing DragonFly to come. “I still don’t know about this…” DragonFly mumbled under her breath.
“Now even though we’re taking a quick journey: Go there, talk about how brave and strong we are, yadayadayada, and come home. When we come home we will be greeted by our parents, they’ll say how much they missed us etcetera, we’ll tell them that we were just fine and we kicked butt and got to the Elders. The last scenario I’m not so sure of we might get praised or tested on are strength provided that we get there and back alive.” Marshmellow stated. “But you just said we’d make it back alive!” DragonFly yelled. “Hey, I haven’t worked out all the bugs, ok?” DragonFly just gave Marshmellow a dirty look. “Anyways…” Marshmellow started, “We need safety stuff we need to think of any and everything that may or may not happen. We need candles, and BEFORE you say anything about magic we HAVE to save that for battles, attacks, ambushes, all that stuff. We need two or three first aid kits, clothes for any kind of weather, water, lots of water. Food unless you want to hunt which is fine by me cause it sounds kind of fun.” Creek… “Well what do we have here packing for something are we…”
“Hmm oh a picnic or are you two going to have a little camping trip” the person said teasingly. “Camping trip paleez! Not in your life time! Were taking a trip to the Elders!” Marshmellow spoke soon realizing her mistake. “Idiot!” DragonFly mumbled. “What do you want Midnight?” DragonFly demanded. Midnight was Dragonfly’s older brother very sarcastic and annoying but most of the time he was pretty cool. “Nothing but for you to let me come.” “Not gonna happen!” Fine I’ll tell.” “You are so childish!” “But you know I’ll do it!” “UGK FINE!” Midnight smirked and left the room most likely to pack. DragonFly turned around to see Marshmellow. “Why are you blushing?” DragonFly questioned. “Umm no reason.” Marshmellow quickly replied. “Well let’s finish packing before Night Boy gets on our case.”
“Alright we go to school and act like normal children” Marshmellow said. “Normal? From what parallel universe are you from? You think WE are normal, wow if you think we’re normal, what are the other kids?” DragonFly mocked. “Shut up.” is all that Marshmellow said. “Just watch out for Dusk an-““Hello losers” a voice called. “Dawn.” DragonFly finished her sentence. Dusk and Dawn were brother and sister. Dusk was the mean brother and Dawn the mean sister. DragonFly could take insults from anyone and it wouldn’t hurt her. When Marshmellow started noticing that the siblings could hurt DragonFly she got suspicious. DragonFly just told her that the siblings were special but the truth was DragonFly has a crush on Dusk. “Go away ying and yang. Oh wait never mind that would imply that theirs a good one.” Marshmellow shot out the cold words. Dusk and Dawn snarled and walked away. “Ouch I could feel the ice in that one! The ice actually tried to slip out your mouth that time!” DragonFly stated. “Yeah I really need to control my magic.” Marshmellow replied. “Uh that was a complement. “Oh.”
“Today we are going to learn a simple fire spell. You snap and create a small fire. You clap and send a wave of fire across the room. You breathe and create fire.” Ms. Redwind said demonstrating as she was talking. “DragonFly you’re first.” DragonFly concentrated on fire, how it breathes, how it danced and how it glistened and how it glowed. Fizzle…spat. Barely even a spark. “Ha I told you she couldn’t do it.” Shouted a familiar voice from the back of the room, DragonFly turned around it was Dawn. Dusk gave DragonFly a smirk but Dawn was mocking DragonFly. DragonFly felt fury grow over her. Her hands were trembling wildly, heat was growing over them. Her hands were glowing but her eyes were too clouded with fury. A sudden flash of fire blew across the room. People in the path of the fire moved quickly out of the way hoping not to get scorched. DragonFly collapsed to the floor.
No one moved for a second, it was extremely quiet. Then they could here the sound of someone in a desk pushing there chair back. Dusk got up and calmly walked toward DragonFly. He kneeled down to check DragonFly’s pulse, while his sister and every one else stare in shock. “She’s alive” he mumbled and slowly made his way back to his seat.
DragonFly woke up with an extreme headache. “Hey you’re awake!” Marshmellow was sitting beside DragonFly’s bed. “So you won’t believe what happened. Ok so you freaked out and shot off this really cool and extremely powerful magic. You collapsed right and everyone was quiet and a little shaken. Guess who got up to check on you. Now I know what you’re thinking, that it was me, but it wasn’t. Yeah I’m a horrible friend I know I know. Anyways, Dusk got up to check on you everyone one was in shock because he was acting really REALLY calm or they know you and him and his sister are total enemies. Sti—“Marshmellow was cut off with a hand gesture from DragonFly. “Please stop talking!” DragonFly said and fell back asleep.
When DragonFly woke up for the second time she saw Marshmellow staring endlessly at the wall while twiddling her thumbs. “So Dusk got up to check on me…” Marshmellow jumped a little. “Oh you’re awake.” Marshmellow said. “Wow it’s amazing that you actually listen to me when I talk because if I were you I’d totally tune myself out. I mean I’d totally tune you out. You know with you being me and I being you.
“Marshmellow you talk too much” DragonFly said as she sat herself up straight and got out of bed to go make sure they had enough for the trip trying to forget about school “Can we see her Midnight?” “Sure just go down the hall and make a left. Her door is the only one there.” “Who would ask my brother if they could see me?” “Maybe it is someone from school.” DrangonFly froze holding a few things over the suitcase that had all the clothes in it. Suddenly, there was a knock on the door and marshmellow opened it. It was Dusk and Dawn. “Oh DrangonFly, you need to rest after that embarrassing moment at scho- where are you going?” Dawn said staring at the suitcase full of clothes. “None of your business Dawn, if you’re here to make fun of me go ahead. I’m through with your childish insults, leave if you really don’t want to be here. No ones making you stay.” DragonFly snapped and started to put the clothes away again marshmellow looked at her surprised. She never acted like this especially when Dusk and Dawn were together.
Dawn looked embarrassed “Dusk is making me stay” marshmellow and DragonFly looked at Dusk “i'm coming with you” Dusk said with a smirk. DragonFly froze again what will she do now if she said no he or his evil sister might tell on us but if she says yes that just puts more people in danger and lessens her chances to become better and how did he know about the trip DragonFly turned around thinking of an answer. Dusk looked at her his face seriously “let me come with you I can help I wont get in the way of you getting better don’t worry” he grabbed DragonFly’s shoulders “I cant believe i’m saying this but I want to go against the eld-” Dawn looked at him probably because he never got close to saying this much before and also because this was the closest he ever got to DragonFly. He let go of her shoulders gently and moved towards the door to leave marshmellow looked at DragonFly. DragonFly looked at him as he started for the door “Dusk, you can...come” “thank you, dawn you will come also correct?” Dusk said turning to look at his sister “well duh I cant wait to see DragonFly need my help” Dawn snickered Dusk slapped her in the back of the head “Ow!” “Bye DragonFly were going to go pack” Dusk said “bye” DragonFly and mashmellow said together. Dusk and Dawn left, and DragonFly stared at Marshmellow “how did he know about the trip I didn’t tell him and, how did he know that on this trip i’m going to try to get better what did you tell him Marshmellow” “nothing I promise at school I was near you the whole time and after your accident I was here the whole time” Marshmellow looked at her innocently “and Midnight did not tell them either or we would have heard it”. “Lets just finish packing were leaving early in the morning because we won’t get there till night”
So everyone was there DragonFly, Marshmellow, Midnight, Dusk, and Dawn. All sitting around the fire that Midnight prepared for the cold night. DragonFly stood up “Dusk I need to talk to you privately. Midnight, take them to that little place we used to play at when I was 6.” “Yes ma’am” he said sarcastically while saluting, Marshmellow burst out laughing. He told Dawn and Marshmellow to follow him and they did what told. “What do you want to talk about?” he said “how did you know about the trip?” “Well you had a suit case full of clothes” “no, I mean how did you know we were going to the elders?” “well that’s sort of all you had on your mind, and some other stuff to” he said and DragonFly looked at him bewildered “wait what do you mean that was all I had on my mind and what else was I thinking of except the elders”.
While they were talking Midnight, Marshmellow, and Dawn were already at the old fountain “so this is where yall used to play” Marshmellow said “it looked better when I was 7 it was more green the fountain’s water was crystal blue” he said looking at the chipped stone of the fountain. “What was DragonFly like when she was born?” Marshmellow asked Midnight and Dawn went next to them to hear. “I don’t know what she was like do yall want to know the truth but please don’t tell DragonFly because she will get angry and go after the elders herself” he looked at them pleadingly. “We won’t tell her, but why would she go against the elders alone?” Dawn asked “ok, well do yall remember that bright red flash a few years back yall should have been 4 then” “yeah why?” “Well do you remember the lost city of Javonnali?” “yep we studied it in magic history there was a great battle that happened with the city and the elders about 155 years ago but it said none of the Javonnali’s survived” Marshmellow said “well DragonFly is the last one. Her mother, the queen, somehow transported herself in to our time and into our house and there was a bright red flash. She came up to my mother and said ‘please take care of my child she is the last of our kind’ all my mom did was ask why her and the queen said ‘I am dying and you can take care of her. She will be happier with you than mourning for me and then put to death’. My mother took DragonFly, and the queen disappeared” Midnight looked at both of the girls waiting for a response “but midnight, why would she go against the elders by herself when we can help?” Marshmellow asked. “Well lets see here Marshmellow if you found out you were adopted after so many years and that the ‘protectors’ killed your family, friends, and lets say the whole city and made it so no one would ever find what’s left of the city, of your home, would you wait for your friends to come or would you rush there to try to kill them yourself?” Dawn asked sarcastically “oh yeah, good point.” ” all three of them gazed at the path that headed towards the camp.
Speaking of the camp Dusk and DragonFly were still talking DragonFly was starting to get mad at him though because he wouldn’t tell her anything. “I swear Dusk if you don’t tell me I’ll... I’ll” dragonfly started turning a light red “you wont do anything you cant even use your powers correctly you cant do anyt...hing.” he looked at her and could see tears starting to come up no matter how hard she tried to hold them back. “You know what Dusk leave me the heck alone I never want to speak to you again” She turned away and ran towards where her brother and the others were “DragonFly!!!!! Wait!!!” he chased after her but she was to fast “I... I’m sorry I didn’t mean to say that to you” Dusk went back over to the camp and sat close to the fire. It was burning bright like, someone made the fire stronger. “DragonFly”, he whispered to himself.
DragonFly ran all the way to the fountain when she got to her brother she couldn’t hold it back anymore. All the tears just pored out. Midnight looked at her surprised “DragonFly what’s wrong, what happened?” Marshmellow went over to check on her. “Come on lets go back to camp it’s getting cold.” DragonFly looked at her, tears still in her eyes. “I’m never going back there.” Dawn spoke, “DragonFly, my brother said something didn’t he. He actually said something to make you cry.” DragonFly looked at her, still through tearful eyes, yet you could see she wanted to say shut up. “Listen if you go back to the camp I bet he will make it all better trust me.”
On the way to camp DragonFly said she was going to stay a little longer to make a wish in the dried up fountain like she and her brother used to do when they were young. While she wished she heard a noise on the path and she walked that way “Midnight is that you?” No answer. “Marshmellow?” She walked closer to the path. She went deeper and deeper into the path until she was far enough that she couldn’t see behind or in front of her. “Hello, is any one there?” DragonFly looked around a little spooked. “Hello”, a little voice said “can you help me I’m stuck?” DragonFly looked around. “Where are you, I can’t see you.” “I’m at the big tree. I’m stuck in the roots. There’s a rock nearby, please break the roots with it.” DragonFly felt her way through to the biggest tree trunk she could find. She felt for a root, and then the rock. She picked up the rock and started to hit the root.
Back at camp, Dusk was sitting there holding his knees not moving an inch, when he heard something. “Where’s DragonFly at? Why isn’t she with you all in the first place anyways?” He got up and looked at them seriously. “Oh, what do you care you made her cry, any ways I followed her for a while. She heard a voice and went deeper in the woods, but I wasn’t going to follow her that deep into there anyways. That voice was small, but it freaked me out. So I ran out. Last thing I heard was her pounding something with a rock.” “So that’s what I heard.” He looked at the path nervously. “I’m going to look for her. She shouldn’t be there alone.” He ran off before anyone could say any thing to stop him.
‘Crack’ that was the rest of the root and DragonFly felt the ground shake under her suddenly she could see it. It was usually in old stories a wormlike creature with magical claws that if you got lost in a forest it would lure you to it using a quiet and helpless voice, but if you did what it asked it did something that you couldn’t imagine, it would steal your face by scraping it with its claws. Your face would be blank only hair would be left on your head. It wouldn’t kill you, but you would die anyways. No mouth to eat with no nose to breath with. There DragonFly stood, frozen in fear thinking about the last funeral she went to it was two of her friends Jamie and Nicholas they were the sweethearts in our school they came out here once because Nicholas made Jamie he said that it would be romantic if they stayed in the forest by there self for a whole night. Well when they got back it was in a limo, a funeral limo, a big one of course (Jamie’s parents were filthy rich from the fairy dust mines they had out in the country). Well when DragonFly and Marshmellow went up to the coffin to say our final goodbyes they were shocked they were blue like they had no air and they’re face was totally scraped off clean, well back to the face stealer. There it was the face stealer about a total of 4 feet (which is humongous to a fairy since the tallest they are is usually 5in.) it went and rubbed one of its claws across her face but it wasn’t scraping it, it was feeling it. Suddenly she saw them it was her friends’ faces, it was Jamie and Nicholas. Then its face was blank “little girl” it was my voice but how “little girl I have your voice now let me have that pretty face” its claws raised high in the air that’s when DragonFly Fainted. Dusk was running down the path when he heard a voice deeper in the forest, he went deeper and deeper into the forest. That’s when he saw it, it was leaning over DragonFly it claws rubbing her face like earlier. “Get away from her!!!!!” Dusk screamed and ran towards the monster. Then there was a blast of magic it was so bright Dusk couldn’t see if he hit it or not but when he could see again where the monster stood was now a pile of ash he looked at DragonFly. He checked her pulse like that day at school “she’s alive” he said with a smirk. He picked her up and carried her bridal style to camp, set her in her tent next to Marshmellow and went to find a piece of paper and a pen. He wrote a note then grabbed a handful of sand and heated it in hand so he could make a crystal heart. He put the note on her pillow the ink was still wet, and then he set the crystal next to the note.
The next morning DragonFly woke up to something hot, she picked it up it sparkled in the light she noticed the flaps were open. Marshmellow poked her head through “uh... Drag you got something on your face” Marshmellow said trying to keep from giggling. DragonFly reached for her face it was a note from Dusk it read:
Dear DragonFly,
I’m sorry for making you cry please forgive me; i'm leaving to make sure that the rode is safe for the rest of ya’ll. I’ll be gone for a while again please forgive me.
DragonFly read it over and over again then finally called through the tent “Marshmellow do you have some fairy dust in the kit?” “Yeah, do you need some?” “Yeah just a pinch” “go ahead” “thanks”. DragonFly got some and threw it on the note suddenly words popped up at the bottom it read:
So of course I bet you already figured out the heart was from me I’ll see you soon.
p.s. take care
DragonFly sat the note down grabbed the crystal and held it to her chest and closed her eyes “Dusk stay safe” then she started to tear up.
- by 1_0f_a_KiNd |
- Fiction
- | Submitted on 01/23/2009 |
- Skip

- Title: DragonFly the Phoenix Child
- Artist: 1_0f_a_KiNd
- Description: a fairy who cant control her powers goes on a journey with family and friends to face the toughest fairies in the world
- Date: 01/23/2009
- Tags: dragonfly phoenix child
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Comments (3 Comments)
- xxxpinkxxx123 - 04/03/2009
- very gd story line i like it 5 stars if u ask me
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- Kitsungurl96 - 02/06/2009
- OH MI GAWD awesome book i luvs it
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- Riku-Gato-Chan - 01/23/2009
- Ellloness
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