Walking along a stone speckled path I came across a clearing. The tall majestic trees seem to part as I near a quiet, clear blue river, obviously a drinking hole for the inhabitants of this ever growing forest. Looking ahead I notice a deer lean its head to the water for a refreshing drink. Birds twitter overhead singing a sweet morning tune.
Gracefully the wind picks up causing the grass to wave, almost seeming to dance to the rhythm of the birds’ peaceful beat. I smiled happily to myself and made way to a massive tree in the near distance to sit and absorb my current surroundings. Almost in time with me taking a seat, a family of rabbits emerged from the brush on my right heading for the lake. Momentarily the deer perks its head and ears to see what is approaching. The animals share an understanding glance before both parties take in the lake’s sweet nectar.
As I sat wistfully watching the scene before me I pondered what had lead me here in the first place. My vision shifted and I started to remember driving up the road on the way back from work when I was overcome by the desire to pull over and explore the forest. Something I do not frequently or really ever have the chance to do even when it is so close.
As I stepped from the car my feet seemed to take control and lead me deeper into the tree bound forest. Something new had been born in me the minute I took a step past that first tree. Following a beaten path, I had almost mechanically made my way to the center of the aging wood to sit where I am now. Again I scanned the area taking time to observe the wildlife manifesting in the clearing.
Now it was time for the light to peak its head over the treetops. Even though the trees seemed to cover almost every spot of ground ahead it was apparent that the light forced its way past the many leaves and branches to light the way ahead. Almost pleading with me to wander more freely through the labyrinth of growth lining what may at one point have been a path, but long since forgotten.
Pools of gleaming luminescence overwhelmed the earthy floor. Shadows too found ways to cloak the area helping to hide things that wished not to be seen for reasons alike and far between. Some of the more skittish light dwellers poked their heads out to examine the safety of the area before continuing on their way.
I could no longer deny the urgency of exploration. The forest willingly outstretched its arms to me and so I took its invitation in the same respect. Approaching the area I had spied from my place under the tree I soon discovered it was not just one path but many different paths promising a new adventure all their own. I knew I did not possess the time or even the right amount of patients to explore them, as I would have liked. Instead I made my way off the many trails and decided to make my own. Moss speckled the walkway proving there were many little ponds providing the moisture lining the way to the river I had left only moments ago.
Lazily I meandered through the wood amazed by this hidden beauty I had come upon. Before I had much of a chance to further examine all which surrounded me something caught my eye. Some of the sneaking light had ricochet off a small object just ahead. Quickly I moved to that of which had captured my attentions.
To my surprise a handcrafted key with a golden glaze lay before me. With closer inspection I noticed the intricate design carved into its handle and knew someone would most definitely be missing it, in its own way unlocking another adventure for the taking. Being as I had found the small key I took it upon myself to seek out the owner. No reason not to share the beauty of the woods even if for a short while. Grabbing it up my quest began.
Since it had been facing in the direction I had previously been headed I assumed it a good enough bet that the owner wasn’t far ahead of me. Though I had willing placed myself on a mission I did not change my meandering pace. Slowing I found myself approaching another clearing and just ahead a man sat. Without even a second thought my mind instantly knew I held his key in my earth stained hands.
Standing at a reasonable distance I watched the person. Taking notice to the cup of paint stained water and a matching saucer being used as a pallet. Many colors splayed on its surface used to detail his translation of the landscape before him on a canvas. His obvious artistic ability only reassured my senses that the key belonged to him. My body automatically began a cautious motion towards the enthralled master painter. As I drew closer I poked my head over to get a better glimpse at what was being painted.
Unfortunately, as I neared I miss stepped making a deafening noise compared to the blissful silence. The sound had startled the artist and with cat like agility he turned abruptly knocking over his water-filled cup, spilling onto the mixed colors causing them to combine and dilute into a deep brown. For those first few seconds all we did was star wide-eyed at one another not sure who should make a move.
With swift hands he scooped up the mess I had indirectly made and moved calmly to a nearby pond to clean the ruined pallet. Warily I edged towards him as he diligently cleaned the small disaster. “Sorry” was all I could bring myself to say. His eyes turned towards me and I instinctively held out the key I had been found. “I wanted to return this…” I blurted and trailed uneasily. Immediately I felt stupid for not knowing it to really be his in the first place.
His eyes moved slowly to fall onto the key. A moment passed, he just stared almost confused at the object in my hand. Finally he reached out and removed it gracefully from my grasp. “Thank you” was all he said before sliding it absently into his pocket and returning to his previous attentions.
I stared at him a moment longer and then tore my eyes away looking up unsure where to put my gaze. As my eyes searched for a place to settle they momentarily caught sight of something. I let them move back to their previous place seeing a lakeside cabin. I stole a glance at the man and knew it had to be his. The cabin was a fair size with a wrap-around porch and a swing included.
The front door was wide open and inside I could see more paintings and other art works lining the walls. One such work seemed to pull at my attentions. It was done like all the others only it was not a landscape, but a female figure lounging under a tree. He had captured the nature around the silhouetted figure as if it slept as she examined it. Before I got too absorbed in looking at his home I diverted my eyes again taking one last memorable look at the two-story cabin looming ahead of me.
Turning my gaze once more I settle on the gentleman and spoke. “It was good meeting you…” I hadn’t thoroughly planned what I had wanted to say and faltered slightly. “Um… yeah… I guess I’ll be going…” I said backing up uneasily providing a slight ‘goodbye’ wave.
He looked at me a moment having finished the clean up. “I’d like to draw you if that would be alright.” He said his expression not changing though it had been an odd conversation starter.
I was taken aback and before I could find a way to respond a little girl emerged from the house. ‘Wow, he has a family.’ I thought. “Big brother!” she squealed practically taking him out with her running-jump hug.
He laughed throatily, “Okay Becca, get down. We have a guest.”
Instantly large blue eyes were upon me. “Really?” She beamed. Getting up she moved to me. “Come on inside.” She giggled pulling at my left hand.
I was in the cabin a short lived amount of time as the young girl dragged me out to her back porch to look at the wondrous lake in their back yard. “Isn’t it gorgeous?” She glowed.
All I could do was nod. The water was a clear blue that transcended into a dark sapphire where the lake gradually became deeper. The water seemed to sparkle under the suns bright gaze.
Seeing the excitement in my eyes she said, “Want to go for a swim?” Her smile stretched from ear to ear when I nodded in response. “I’ll go get you some clothes real quick.”
Almost as quickly as she left she appeared again. Only this time she held a bundle of clothes in her small arms and wore a faded bathing suit. “Sorry that we don’t have something to better fit you, but here are some of my brother’s clothes you can use.” She held out the bundle revealing a pair of shorts and a baggy t-shirt. I smiled down at her and took them. “Is there a place I could change into this?”
”The bathroom is this way.” A male voice sounded behind us. Looking back I saw the artist I had kind of met leaning lazily against the door frame. I nodded and followed as he pushed away from the door jam with his shoulder and lead the way.
”Sorry about this. I can leave.” I said feeling as if I was in the way of things.
”Nonsense. Becca needs to get a glimpse of a woman once in awhile.” Stopping he pushed open the door to a small bathroom. “My name’s Adrian by the way.”
Scooting past I nodded my thanks and returned the favor sharing my name, “Echo” and then closed the door easily behind me changing as quickly as possible to avoid making Becca wait too long. Neatly I folded my clothes and held them in a bundle imitating Becca earlier with her brother’s clothes.
When I exited the suffocating bathroom Adrian wasn’t waiting so I trusted myself to find my way back. Down the hall more paintings coated the walls. I didn’t spend much time looking at them, but they all seemed to be of the same car along the main road I used to drive to and from work. As I reached the porch I set my things down.
Before I had stood back up Becca squealed, “Come on Echo! Get in!” I smiled at her and leaped from the porch making my way to the lake to join her swim. I was halfway there when Adrian appeared behind me and made a race out of it. He won, but it was still fun while it had lasted.
Happily we splashed about when a bear appeared. I froze and Adrian followed my gaze. Suddenly he laughed. “That’s Teddy. You have nothing to worry about.” Becca reassured me.
”Nothing to worry about!?” I said exasperatedly. “That’s a freakin’ bear! There’s plenty to worry about.”
Adrian just shook his head and got out approaching ‘Teddy.’
“He’s still only a cub. We found him after his mom died and so we’ve raised him since. He really is a nice little guy.” Adrian explained as he affectionately petted the thick gray-black fur.
”Little?! He’s far from it!” I didn’t know what to think. He was PETTING a BEAR!
Adrian laughed again. “Come see for yourself.” Adrian led the bear to the edge of the water and waited.
I looked over at Becca and she just smiled. “Go on” she urged.
I sighed and made my way over. Crawling out I reached a slightly shaky hand out and held it in front of the bear. Without warning ‘Teddy’ pushed his large head under the palm of my hand for me to pet him. My eyes widened and then I continued to pet the large animal. Adrian smiled at me and I returned it.
After my experience with the unexpected animal it became apparent that it was quickly getting late. Adrian saw this and led the bear back to his wooded area and called for Becca to come inside. He let me go to the bathroom to dry off and change back into my own cloths. I rang out his clothes and hung them from the curtain rod to dry as well. When I came from the bathroom Adrian and Becca were waiting dry and clothed as well. “If you’re ready to go we’ll walk you.”
I agreed and we began our walk back though the forest. As we walked we talked about art and the forest around them. Part of me wanted to ask about their past, but I choose against it and continued our happy trudge. Moments later we came across a wall. It seemed to continue forever in both directions and it was too tall to jump over. “Where did this come from?”
Adrian sighed shaking his head. “I’m afraid we’ve taken a wrong turn.”
Becca tugged at my shirt. “Let’s just go back.”
”What?” I questioned, “Back where?”
Adrian looked at me, “It’s starting to get really late. My sister needs to be in bed, and the forest is no place to be at night, especially near this wall. You can stay at the cabin for the night and we’ll get to your car in the morning.”
At that time it didn’t strike me as something odd, but as I lay in the guest bed I found myself thinking about it. How did he know where my car was or that I even drove one? And what was with that wall and where were their parents. What happened? Slowly his art seemed the only thing that was normal.
Curiosity got the better of me and I slipped from my bed and out the door. My feet took me back to the wall. And then… nothing… I was falling… falling…
I jerked… cold sweat covered my body. I had had the dream again. Rubbing my face I stretched and sat up. Once my eyes cleared I quickly realizing I wasn’t in my house. I was still in the cabin…
- by Zoe_Tellerman |
- Fiction
- | Submitted on 01/23/2009 |
- Skip

- Title: Walk Through the Forest
- Artist: Zoe_Tellerman
- Description: Was an assignment for Prep for Life my Senior year of High School. You were given a series of questions and your answers made up kind of a story to go with it and then our teacher explained how what we wrote actually held a truth to the things going on in our lives. Kinda cool actually. I don't remember what mine really meant anymore, but yeah I just thought it was awesome and wanted to share it with others...
- Date: 01/23/2009
- Tags: walk through forest
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