u have entered a store of candies and lolli pops. Streamy Sugar was a cozy looking place, and so u entered. but on the inside, there is only a merchant in the corner, blocked off by a hoard of wolfs in a pit. you turn around, pushing the door, trying to get out of this horrible place. but the door wouldnt budge. on the door was a little haiku
the door will not budge?
the nice merchant has a key.
but what of those wolves?
knowing you have a common knowledge of haiku rules, this wasn't a proper one. haiku's are meant to make the reader want to know more. you did not want to know more. you wanted out. you turned around, and stared at the merchant. he looked like he was half african american, half........ something else. one eye was covered by an eye patch. you wondered, not if he actually had an eye, but what was behind that eye patch oh his.
you took a step forward. the merchant smiled. then he opened a hatch on his desk and took out a deck of cards and set up a game of solitaire. you walked forward to the pit untill you could see the red in there eyes. there was a dead wolf in one corner, two wolves chowing down on the intestines. in the other corner there was a dead..........
the hair on the back of your neck stood up, and when you heard a female voice, you screamed and nearly fell into the pit, the hounds raked your pants leg. you turned your head slowly, and saw a girl, about 2 years older than you. she had huge tits, one hung out of a gape her clawed shirt. she looked horrible. she had dried blood all over her arms and legs. she didn't have a thumb, just a stump in its place. she was missing a huge part of the back of her leg. "dont" she said again, shaking. "you wont make it. he'll tear you apart"
you felt horrible for the girl. you wanted to ask who 'he' was, but instead you uttered "Max." and held out your hand
she stood up, and shook your hand "I don't remember my name" she said, a bit upset. "Don't go in there" she repeated. "sit down. wait for him to come". she motioned you to the corner she was sitting in. you wanted to sit down, but her bra was lying in the only other seat available. you picked it up, and then she snatched it away. "don't! im saving it as a gift for him." and her eye twitched. clearly she was insane.
you started crying. you didn't want to go insane! then you got up. it wasn't as if you wanted to, but as if you were were controlled to. you walked over to the edge of the pit. then, one leg at a time, you jumped in. the wolves gathered around, snapping there jaws together. the last thing you saw was the girl with her huge breasts stairing over the edge at you, a big grin on her face.

- Title: trapped with a lolli pop store
- Artist: lippser
- Description: she dies in a lolli pop and candy store. the end.
- Date: 01/18/2009
- Tags: trapped with lolli store
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