~A Kouga Love Story~ Part 2
I just want the shards so greedy humans cant get their hands on them. I have never really liked humans since what they did to my family. Anyways, I left my house and started to run towards a power I felt. I can sense the Jewel shards. I know this because I always knew where the Sacred Jewel was somehow. I ran faster to reach the location of the shard. Once I reached the jewel shard I noticed a demon had already used it. What caught my eye the most was the fact that the demon that had the jewel shard was attacking a young bear demon. I saw that she was badly injured. She was already laying on the ground bleeding. I could see that she would not survive much longer. I walked up to the demon, and I must say that he was quite ugly. I took out my sword blades, one in each hand, and jumped up slicing at his arm, which came right off, to get his attention. Of course he turned around laughed and grew his arm back. "You...Your a half demon!! Hahahaha! You think you can defeat me?" "Yes. I really do believe that. I'll let you know my name before I kill you. Its Gift." "You mean your the demon they call Shadow Striker!?!?!" "Yes. Now enough small talk. You die, right now!" I quickly run up to him and slice off his head. With my other sword I slice him in half. After I killed him I took the jewel shard out of his forehead and walked over to the bear demon lieing on the ground. She looks like a good demon. I guess I can help her. I pick her up and carry her bride style since I do not want to cause her any more pain then she probably already is in. I run to the nearest forest and lay her down gently. I then place the jewel in to her stomach. After I do that I run to the nearest village, I'm a very fast runner. I asked someone who the priestess in the village is and he told me her name was Kaede and pointed me in the right direction. I then walked in to the hut and saw an old woman wearing a kimono. "Excuse me. Are you Kaede?" I asked her. "Yes that would be me. Do ye need something?" I saw her watching my ears and tails while talking. "Actually yes. I know of a demon that is hurt. I wanted to know if you could help her. She is only alive right now due to the fact that I placed a jewel shard in her." "Of course. Ye bring her right away and I'll get my stuff ready." She said while turning around to get her stuff prepared. I ran out to the forest where I had left the demon and noticed she had not moved an inch. I gently pick her up the same way as before and run in to Kaede's hut in less then a minute. "Wow ye are very quick. I did not expect ye back so soon. The only other demon that I know as fast as you is a wolf demon named Kouga." Kaede said with a look of surprise on her face. "Interesting. Where would I be able to find this Kouga?" I asked while placing the bear demon on the cot. "Well the best chance you have of finding him would be around Kagome." She says while starting to clean off all the blood from the other demon. "Kagome? You mean the one that broke the Sacred Jewel?" "Oh, so ye have heard of her? Yes, that is the one." She started to bandage the demon up now. "Would you happen to know where she is?" "Well she travels around searching for the shards to prevent demons from getting them. As a matter of fact she should be coming back to this place in about two days." "Would you mind if I stay here? I would like to meet this Kouga. I never heard of someone who could run as fast as me." "Of course ye can. You do want to wait for your friend here too, do you not? She should be better by the time Kagome returns." She says finishing wrapping up the bear demon. "Well, she is not really...actually, yes. I do want to wait for her. Thank you for letting us stay with you." "Your welcome. You do not seem like a dangerous demon to me. Your aura is nothing like Naraku's." "I do not think I've come upon a demon named Naraku." "Please do not go looking for him! He is the most evil demon out there." "Do not worry, I wont. But if I come upon him I might just want to test his strength." "He is very strong. Be careful. Would ye look at that. Its so dark outside. It must be late." "Yes I am a bit tired. I guess we should go to sleep." "Yes we should. Goodnight..." "My name is Gift." At this I saw her eyes go wide. She must know who I am then. She relaxed again after a bit though. "Goodnight Gift." She said smiling at me. "Goodnight Kaede." I replied. How strange it felt saying goodnight to someone after so long.
~Next Morning~
I wake up in the morning before the sun had even risen. I usually do though to watch the sun rise. It always seemed so peaceful to me since I always used to watch it with my little sister. She would usually fall back to sleep though. I sighed thinking that I should go back now. I wonder if that demon is awake yet. As I am walking back to the hut I notice that Kaede is talking to the villagers about something. Probably about me. As I enter the hut I can see that the demon has moved from where I first placed her. That is a good sign, she will most likely wake up soon. While I stand there to wait, questions start rushing to my head. Like, will Kagome really be here tomorrow? Why am I waiting for the demon? What was the real reason I helped her? Well, I guess most are easy to answer. If Kaede said she would be here, she probably will. I do not think she would lie to me. What reason would she have for that? As for me waiting for the demon? I guess I would not want her to wake up and freak out because she is in the presence of a human. Not all humans are bad I guess and I would not want her to kill the only one I have made friends with. I think I saved her because she kind of resembled my sister. As I was thinking all this I noticed that she was starting to wake up. First, she just laid there. Probably thinking about what had happened. Then she started to take in her surroundings. That was when she noticed me leaning against the wall. "Hmmm? Where am I?" "In a humans hut. Her name is Kaede. She bandaged you up." "How did I get here?" She asked. I could tell she was really confused. "I brought you here because you were dying." "How though? And if I was almost dead how would I still be alive by the time you brought me here?" Wow she just keeps throwing questions after questions at me. "I carried you here. I put a Jewel shard inside of you to keep you alive." I saw a look of panic cross her face. "I have a jewel in me?!?! When can I give it back to you? Do you want it right now? Wont demons attack me more now? Did you kill the demon that attacked me?" "Calm down and take a deep breath. Yes you do. You can keep it. Again its yours now. Yes they will attack you more. I take it that they attack you because your weak?" She slowly nodded her head at this. "Yes, I killed the demon. Can you not get your family to protect you? I can take you to them if you want." For some reason I saw tears streaming down her cheeks and she was quiet for awhile. I waited patiently for her to calm down. I did want to know what was wrong though. She acts just how my little sister Rose used to act. So seeing her like this made me feel kind of sad. "M-my family w-w-was killed by that de-demon. He had a s-spider on his back....I b-bet that you saw it! I r-r-ran away like m-my parents told me to. T-t-they said t-they would catch up. One day passed and I s-still did not see them. I was on m-my way back home to them when that demon popped out of no where and told me what he did." By this point she had stopped crying. "He said he was going to do the same thing to me too. I'm a demon that heals so I could not fight him off. He hit me in to the wall and knocked me out. Then I woke up here." I did not want to make her feel any worse so I decided to ask her something not related to what she had just told me. "What is your name demon?" "Oh! Sorry! My name is Berry! Thank you so much for helping me!" "Your welcome. You reminded me of someone. I could not leave you alone there." "Well I still owe you my life-....Oh no! I don't even know your name. Would you please tell me?" asked Berry. "My name is Gift. You might know me as The Shadow Striker. Do not worry, I wont kill you. I would like to ask you a question though. Would you like to travel with me? I would be able to protect you from demons that will surely come after you. Also you would be able to practice your healing powers more. You should be able to do more now that you have a Jewel shard." "You would actually let me go with you?!?!" She asked excited. "Why else would I ask you?" At this point I was almost starting to smile. "Oh yes, how stupid of me! I would love to go with you!" She seemed truly happy. "Get some more rest now. I will go and ask Kaede to come change your bandages." I say while walking out. As I walk outside I see Kaede walking towards me so I ran the rest of the way. "Ahhhhh! Where did ye come from?" She asked surprised. "Hehe. From your place." I say with a smirk. "Hmmmm. Ye seem different. Did something happen?" "Yeah, I feel happier today then I have felt in eighty years. Berry woke up while you were gone. That is the bear demons name. Can you go take a look at her?" "Of course I will." "Thank you. I'm going to go wash up now, call my name if you need me. I will hear you!" I say running to the lake to wash up.
~A Kouga Love Story~ Part 2
Alpha Wolfkin
This is a story about a half-demon cat who falls in love with Kouga of the wolf demon tribe. Her name is Gift and she makes a few friends on her travels. Most of the time due to her past and growing up around Sesshomaru, she acts like him.
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