As I stood upon the castle roof I realized that I was in a most dangerous situation. Hordes of angry goblins and orcs, an assortment of all things evil. These vile creatures staring at me, waiting for orders to storm the castle and take me prisoner. Well I guess as someone coming to my story late, you should know why they are going to take me prisoner. You see I am a mixture of fey (in case you are confused that means a fairy) and elf, strong and agile I have powers that no one has ever been able to attain. You say you want know what the powers are? Hard to describe but I will try, I control water and all that pertains to it and also I control light and can make it into a sword powerful and great. You ask what I look like? You really jump from question to question...I have long braided hair the color of a spring leaf, eyes the color of a midnight sky ,graceful and willowy is how my grandmother described me in stature. Any other questions before I continue? Oh you ask my name? How absent of me not to tell you who I am. My name dear one is Luna, I do believe that in your world it means moon...But moving on to begin my story.... the start of an adventure I will begin at the very start of my life dear one. It all began in the land of mithralia; this kingdom has always been seen as an ethereal place among the lands of this terrestrial ball. On the day of my birth there was a strange event that happened in mithralia. All of the rivers and streams shined with a light as bright as the sun, my father had been out on a walk and as he turned toward the river he saw at the edge a blade. The blade was engraved with ivy and a single star that shone so bright. My father picked up the blade and was about to walk further away from the castle when a servant ran up to him and said that I had been born just a few moments ago. Before my father returned to the castle he looked for the owner of the blade but could find no one, so he brought it home as a gift for my mother. Oh you ask why he would give a blade to my mother? It is a tradition in mithralia to give a mother a blade as she would be protective of her child and also most of the women in the land also protect it along side of the men. Do you now see the double usage of the blade dear one? Oh very good. Now back to the tale of my life that I had begun to weave for you...The blade as I said had a star on it that shone so very bright, when my father entered the castle the star stopped shining. Now my father has always been one to ponder things such as this but as soon as he entered the room where I was all of his pondering came to a very abrupt end. Dear one when he entered he saw there was a bright shining star on my cheek right at the edge of my right eye. No one knew what the connection was and it would not become obvious till later in my story. Do not ask me to speed the tale dear one, things like a story that is weaved takes time. Soon after this event occurred my dearest mother was stricken with a fever and one night she left the castle and has not been seen since but I still hold on to hope that she is alive. My father was grief stricken but he has always been happy that I have been there for him; he has never married again in hopes that my mother is still alive. Sorry I must have become caught up in my musings...back to weaving this life story, as I grew I became what my grandmother called the star song, a warrior who controls the elements of light and water. My powers grew continually, eventually becoming what they are today. Many called me a friend but never truly knew me I had only two very dear friends back then, we are still the best of friends even today. Their names are dahlia and Xavier, they could control sky and earth respectively, they always tried to make sure that I wouldn't fight but one day I happened to break free of their grasp...... that was the moment I met my dearest friend Eadoin, a true fire starter in the most literal meaning. He controls the element of fire and he has the temper and stubbornness of it too. You want to know what they look like as well? You and your thousands of questions...to answer your question (after which you must stop with the questions for awhile) dahlia is tall and has hair that is bright like no other, her hair in your world would be fuchsia!!! Xavier the one that dahlia loves so much is 6'4 well built and very strong, he has hair the color of the dawn... Eadoin has hair that is as dark as the shadows with only a slight streak of red in the front of his hair which falls straight like a waterfall to his shoulders, it is never any longer than that length which I am grateful for... anyway the moment I met him was when me and my dear friends were in a marketplace, we were looking among the wares when a man tried (unsuccessfully I might add) to steal the blade that once belonged to my mother. As I went running after him someone tripped the robber and he went flying into the air and landed on the ground which thanks to Xavier was harder than usual. Then all of the sudden out appeared the man that tripped the robber, at first I couldn't really see him because of the veil I have to wear but soon I saw what he truly looked like and Xavier was bowing as if he was royalty! when I came forward to ask his name, he looked at me then bowed and asked if I was princess luna,and since I had to be proper I answered that indeed I was. Before he could say anything else I thanked him for helping us and asked his name, never have I seen green eyes go that dark indeed you would have thought they were black. I wondered what could make him angry by simply asking his name but it became obvious when for properness sake he had to answer, he told me that he was prince Eadoin of luminaria, a kingdom that was not the most respected because vampires and other dark creatures lived there. He said he was sorry for "intruding” on my time and was about to walk away when I grabbed his wrist and being the type to tell the truth said that I didn't care where he was from, that I was thankful for his assistance and he was not "intruding" on my time. When I said that he immediately began to blush I didn't realize why until I looked down and was still holding his wrist, I let go and then said if he would like he could join us for a meal before he continued his journey. He accepted but said he was not very well prepared at the moment to eat at a palace but I told Xavier(who still is annoyed with me for this)to help him by letting him have some clean clothes and use of his room. So we all journeyed back to the castle. When we arrived my father had already received word of all that I had done. needless to say he was furious with me for chasing a robber, inviting a stranger to his table, and letting said stranger use the belongings of one of my gaurds.when I tried to calm him down, he told me he knew where "my guest" was from and would never let him into the castle much less to his table (unknown to my father he was already in the castle).soon after I had escaped the tirade I ended up helping Eadoin flee for his very life. At that moment I realized that I too needed to flee not for fear of my father’s anger but for the independence that I had never known, the pull of it was strong and it called out to me like a song on the wind. My friends dahlia and Xavier came as well for their positions were as my guards and they had to flee the questions likely to come. So we ran as swiftly as our feet could take us, far from the castle that sheltered me in my youth with the realization that we needed to be free and so my adventure had begun....
we soon reached the land called stellaron the place of rangers and men (not to be confused with your realm).we began our search for positions after some explaining by Eadoin, it turns out he had been running from the king of luminaria (his father) because the king had wanted to attack some of the kingdoms near luminaria. We were most definitely surprised by this development but we had to continue our search for some ranger positions. We found our positions after awhile but had to take a positioning test, so one by one starting with dahlia we took our tests. Dahlia became a part of the wind saber squad, Xavier the quake storm squad, Eadoin the shadow fire squad, and my squad was the river storm squad. for the first time I was separated from my friends, the very people that had protected and cared for me since childhood and the newest one that had shown me a chance at freedom that had never come before. I finally realized that I needed to stop relying on my dear friends, to take a chance that will never be regretted. I met my squad mates once, and then we were all sent on different assignments in different lands, I was sent to luminaria as a guardian of ambassadors. my first task was the protection of a noblemen of importance from azure (yes I know that is a color of blue in your world).it was an odd first assignment because the moment the noblemen saw my blade he looked as if he was about to have a heart attack, when I asked if he was well he just kept asking where I found my blade. When I had him sit down I told him my father found the blade when he was walking moments before a servant found him to announce my birth and about the star that glowed on the blade and on my face. He looked at me and asked for me to lift my veil so he could see the star, since I was to do what he said I complied lifting the veil and the star was shining on my cheek and the blade, he told me to sit down that he had a story to tell about the star. As I sat on the floor (the furniture in the ambassadors housing was sparse) he wove a tale that had me entranced that i will recount for you though not in detail. It was about a young princess that had given her life for her people’s freedom in mithralia long ago; this was a tale I had never heard before, most likely because of her name. The name of the princess was Luna and she had the very same powers and she fought a long and hard battle to save all in her kingdom but sadly lost her life in the process. The noblemen said that in his kingdom it is believed she put her power in a blade with ivy engraved upon it and that when she did a single star appeared on it shining brighter then the very sun. He said she a star on her cheek as I do, that was the moment I asked if he knew the princess he simply said that he met her but once and that she never wore a veil at that point. Sadly our discussion was interrupted by something or someone banging through the door, I unsheathed my blade and waited for it to break through while simultaneously telling the noblemen to hide somewhere safe. At that exact moment it broke through, green eyes staring at me, I realized that it was my dear Eadoin!!! He told me to get down because something was attacking the town so I did as commanded (I was in his kingdom after all). I found a place that I could keep watch and then we waited for them to attack. whispering in the dark of night so they couldn't find us we told of our first assignments and I told the story of Luna. then he slowly moved to where I was and told me that all four of us had a tale that was woven into our names but before he ever continued he faded away into the night to resume his watch (he had taken a break from his regular watch to warn me). I found the ambassador and told him all was ok, he asked who the young man was that warned me I told him that he was a friend but apparently it was obvious in my eyes that I cared for him as more than a friend and Alexander (the noblemen) told me that he could see otherwise and that I shouldn't be afraid to tell someone who I care about (after proving trustworthy of course). The wise old man that he was I trusted him but was still not convinced. it turns out that my dear friends were all on short assignments to luminaria and soon had to leave but all was well because I too had to leave considering my assignment was to protect Alexander and he was to return to azure soon. we left the morning that was my 18th birthday and began our journey, we traveled through many lands till we finally arrived in azure a beautiful place that is even more peaceful in the villages that are up in the trees’ was treated less like a guard there and more like a princess, when I awoke in the mornings the light that came over the tops of the trees was ethereal and serene, it was then that I began to miss my friends and mithralia so much more. Alexander started to see I was wasting away and dismissed me from his service; it was the best thing in that situation for me. I soon began my journey back to mithralia and arrived on my father’s birthday, as I walked into the castle my father came crying and scooped me up into his arms repeatedly saying you are finally home my child. Yet I didn't feel like I was home, I had come to love running on the hills and in the valleys, protecting people and caring for them. My father had changed as well saying that he would welcome any of my dear friends if they came to the castle. He told me that Eadoin had come to the castle while on an assignment and told him where I was and that Eadoin had said that he would protect me to his dying breath. Before I could answer there was a terrible crash and all of the sudden a squad of orcs came bursting through a hole in the wall (that was the cannonball crashing into the castle) and they pulled their swords. My father tried in vain to fight but soon fell to their blades, I grabbed my injured father and carried him (with a servants help) to a safe place. Then I ran to the castle roof to determine the situation and soon found myself in the predicament that you dear one found me in... What is a girl to do? So you see the situation I was stuck in? I drew my blade and proceeded to slowly make my way through the castle and found myself in the armory and found all that I needed to protect myself (a dagger or two, throwing stars and a couple of throwing blades).as I came out of the armory I was ambushed by goblins but all of the sudden, dear one, I realized I had to fight for my freedom, father and home as I fought my way through the forces throughout the castle and around it. when the battle was finally over I faded into the darkness(in other words I fainted).as I came back to the light I found myself in my old room with my friends and the servants staring at me. I asked what was wrong and the only one to answer me was dahlia, she said that they were all wondering how long I had left my veil off’s told her that I had left it off since leaving luminaria, it was at that moment my father walked into the room with the help of my dear maid nalima.he came over and hugged me and kissed my forehead and said that he was so relieved to find me alive and then he started to weep, we all knew his thoughts at that moment. that if I had died he would be left with no one, through the tears he saw that the star on my cheek was glowing and he slowly reached to touch my cheek but I grabbed his hand before he could looked up and saw Eadoin in the sun on the balcony, and I asked that everyone leave the room so I could rest. after all had left I walked to the balcony and Eadoin looked at me with tears in his eyes and said he was glad that I had been found alive because taking on that many orcs and goblins was a fool’s errand. I told him that I had a kingdom to protect and the forces I could have called for would not have made it in time and we would have been dead. those green eyes looked into my eyes and he simply just opened his arms and I walked into them, freely giving him my heart, he said he could not have lived without me and then a single tear went down his cheek and landed on my star (I’m shorter than him). All of a sudden everything around us became bright as the sun and my star lit up and a burst of energy sent us both flying, him across the room and me off the balcony. he got up and ran to the balcony and jumped to reach me, when he did he reached for a tree branch(there was a tree right off the balcony)and caught it slowly jumping from branch to branch with me in his arms (once again I had fainted).when he got back in the room he screamed for someone to come and help him, everyone coming rushing into the room including my father, dear one, who saw me in his arms and started to ask what was going on. When they had gotten me back into bed Eadoin looked at my father and said that he had come when he heard I had been attacked and wanted to check on me. He told my father that I had walked onto the balcony and talked to him when a tear had slid down his cheek and landed on my star, he recounted how the energy burst had sent us flying. My father looked at me and simply said to a servant to get him when I awoke. about three hours later(that irked me to no end) I awoke and my father came into the room and before I could say anything said that I had to choose between kingdom and Eadoin, my homeland or my beloved prince, as he said that I wept and thought of what to do. after he had left the room my dear friends came and I told them my decision could not live in sadness in my homeland so I chose the one who made me feel like I belonged anywhere I went. Eadoin looked at me and simply knelt on the floor (I was sitting on my bed) and took my hand and just held it in his hands, weeping over the fact that I had to leave mithralia to be there for him. But they never realized I didn't care one wit about leaving, the hills and valley were my home now, and so my journey began again…
betrayed at the highest price.... we watched as the king and the band of rogues planned to attack stellar on while they are away on missions. I stepped out into the light and "introduced" myself as Roseanna a rogue of the south’s learned all the details plus a few more parts of Luna’s story from the lone vampire, I left without them seeing(they were so drunk they passed out)and alerted my merry little band. We stole their horses and rode to stellar on and alerted the leaders there and then warned the outer communities, the last place we had to alert was mithralia. As I rode into the land of my birth I found that I was actually awaiting the anger but I steeled myself for the reaction’s had a servant announce my arrival and I walked into the throne room alone, I told my father of the danger and before he could react I breezed out of the room and into the garden where my beloved prince was waiting. we left and went to face the band... a fight for survival.... dear one, this is nearing the end. That day we rode hard and fought like there was no tomorrow .it was at the midpoint of the battle that love won and I was finally released to be what I truly was, my star lit up and sent forth such energy burst that anyone within ten square miles was sent backwards to the ground. when I came back down to the ground (I was floating in the air) I shined like the sun and when I spoke it was like a song helped Eadoin up and he asked what happened and I said it was the star song being finally released from my blade. Even though all around us the enemies were getting up, Eadoin leaned down slightly (once again shorter) and kissed me it was amazing and then there was such a magical force that it was oppressive to anyone around us. As all on the battlefield arose from the ground, we took our blades and started to attack the rogues whose band had grown substantially stronger we fought for what seemed like days. But at last help arrived from all sides and we won the longest battle we had ever experienced. It turns out it was a week we were fighting for lives and thankfully we were not harmed. That dear one was a miracle we had been surrounded at all sides and they in turn ended up surrounded at all sides. The allies that came to our aid were astounding, fighting till the battle was won; they came from all over and they were led by our old squads. After all was over we went to azure and rested for a time, during our stay Eadoin and I wed and our dear friends were there. Right before our wedding we ended up with quite the suprise, my father arrived and asked us for our forgiveness for not only his racism but for not realizing who I truly was. We of course forgave him and he stayed for the wedding, it was truly a beautiful moment and I do say I saw Eadoin cry. We stayed in azure for one more month after our wedding and then we left for stellar on for our next mission. Little did we realize that no ranger could assign us our next mission, we found out all in one day that Eadoin was King and that we were to have a child. Eight and a half months later we welcomed our beautiful daughter Princess Myrna Anaya... this is where I must leave you now dear one my tale is now over for viewing.......
biggrin thank you for reading and have a nice day!

- Title: a star in the midnight sky
- Artist: anari lee
- Description: this a story i wrote when i was sixteen (i am now nineteen) and is currently posted on a manga site i frequent. i love writing so this is my first submission since it was my first story in my series called the next gen series. the series was about six generations of women in the same family. it is a fantasy/ scifi piece. hope you like it
- Date: 01/12/2009
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Comments (4 Comments)
- anari lee - 02/03/2009
- sorry it's long that's how it came out on my computer. it's a part of a series i wrote and it's the shortest story i have really. thanks for reading y'all!!!
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- i_lv_toby_and_shadow1 - 01/28/2009
dat waz alot i love it 5
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- Larial Istari - 01/26/2009
- It's a fair story, I must say. Perhaps you could expound on it? Show, don't tell, and all that? Show how the character feels at points in the story? I like the 'voice' of the story quite a deal.
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- maymaylove - 01/13/2009
- So far very good! I only got past the second paragraph but I have to go! surprised I will try to remember to read the rest after school!!! biggrin
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