<Britt> After the fight with her boyfriend, Adaline walked out of the house without a word to any one. She was on an empty road just after nine o' clock at night. Her thoughts flickered from suicide to mass murder, suicide being most likely.
<Me> Luft was leaving her house and never returning. Not leaving home, that place was never a home to her. She was going to find a home. make a new life for herself. Suddenly a dark figure appeared, it was crossing the street. it appeared to be a girl. Luft backed herself into the shadows were she felt safest.
<Britt> Adaline slowed her pace as she closed in the distance to the sidewalk. THere was a short, lanky girl with red hair and white skin that seemed to glow in the reflected night lights. The girl hid in the shadows. She must be afraid, Adaline thought. She walked up to the shadow. "Don't run."
<Me> The girl approached her as she slowed her pace. She had brunette hair to her shoulders and beautifully extensive bronze eyes. Luft began to read the girls thoughts. She discovered that her name was Adaline. SHe had a boyfriend named Elliot. And she was a vampire. This was the third one she had ran into today. But this one was even more beautiful than most. Her ember eyes began to widen to an unnatural size.
<Britt> The red-hair girl looked frightened, that made Adaline happy. She closed up the space between her and the girl. The girl started trembling. Adaline ran her finger nails down the side of the small girl's face. Adaline's phone rang and she jumped to answer it, cutting open the girls face. She ran around the street corner.
<Me> The blood began to trickle down Luft's face. It started to drip on to her shirt and stain it. She grabbed a tissue from her pocket and wiped most of the crimson liquid off her face and threw the soaked tissue on the ground. She headed off in the direction where the vampire disappeared.
<Britt> "No, damnit, Elliot...Fine...No...I'll see you in a minute." Elliot. What an idiot he turned out to be. Let piss off your girlfriend the vampire, Adaline thought. She stopped. The girl was following. "You're barking up the wrong tree," Adaline called out with a chuckle. She slowly turned around and saw and smelt her wonderful blood. Adaline's eyes flashed with hunger, turning a dark crimson color.
<Me> There was many things Adaline didn't know about Luft. One was that she could read minds and secondly, that she was a a vampire junky, a human that is addicted to being bit by vampires. Luft smirked and pulled down the collar of her shirt reviling the previous biters marks and both sides. "Here, have a taste"
<Britt> Adaline laughed to herself. This "Luft" girl wants me to bite her. Adaline grabbed the girl's shoulders and leaned her head in to breath in her scent. The girl sighed. Adaline bit into her neck and then let her hit the ground, unconscious. Adaline had a date with a certain boy. She pulled hr coat closed, turned on her heal, and headed off into the darkness knowing that the girl couldn't follow.
<Me> This lust of mine feels even better than that gun i had to my head last week, Luft thought to herself. Being able to read minds was both a blessing and a curse. If you read the wrong person's mind you can find out a lot more than you want to. Last week she almost took her life because of this, and would have succeeded if the gun she grabbed, out of the many her dad owned, wasn't empty. She pushed these thoughts out of her head as her stomach growled. She walked to the nearest Mc Donald's and walked up to the counter. The casher began to stare at her new scratches on her face. "is here a problem ma'am?" "Um, no, What would you like?" "I'd like for you to stop starring at me and a large fry and shake." The woman at the counter immediately looks away and puts in the order." That will be four ninety-eight." Luft hands the lady her card. "sorry i don't have cash." "um, could i see your I.D. please?" Luft reaches in her wallet for her I.D. "Crap!"
<Britt> As Adaline walked she pulled out the stolen I.D. card. She snapped it in half and throws it backward. Adaline walked into the small apartment, still a mess from the days earlier tantrum. "Elliot?" She called out. She stepped over the flower vase and other miscellaneous items. She stopped, turn around, stuck out her hand. She caught her attacker, Elliot, by the throat. "You forget what you've been ********?" Adaline hissed through clenched teeth. She snapped his neck and drained his body of blood.
<Me> "um, never mind, i won't be having anything today." She stepped out side the establishment and searched the people surrounding her thoughts' for her voice. "You forget what you've been ********?" Ah-ha got her. She began to walk down the street following the thoughts that were getting increasingly louder. Something glistened in the moonlight that caught her eye. She knelt down to pick it up from the ground. It was half her I.D. "Great, if she wasn't so entrancing i'd probably be beating the s**t out of her right now," she said to herself. She rounded the corner and laid eyes on a little apartment complex. She found which one Adaline was in and sat in front of the door.
<Britt> Adaline wiped the blood from her mouth, only to realize that her hands were covered. She shrugged, then then walked out to the familiar scent of Luft. So she wants more? Adaline snickered.
<Me> Adaline walked out of the apartment and Luft thought her heart would leave her chest. Adaline pressed her blood covered hands to Luft's already bloody shirt. Right as She was about to bite her, Luft stepped back, having seen a old lady in a walker out or the corner of her eye. "um, maybe we should take this inside."
<Britt> Adaline grabbed Luft by the wrist, and dragged her into the apartment. She stopped by the body of Elliot. "this is what you want? The fragile red head merely nodded. "so be it" Adaline said as she placed her hands on each side of Luft's head. She drew in closer as noticed Luft's heart beating faster. She inhaled Luft's breath, then licked the near dried blood from the girl's check.
<Me> Luft's adrenaline was out the roof. She put her trembling hands on Adaline's waist and pushed her body against her. Then she began to slowly kiss Adaline's neck.<Britt> Silly, lusty, girl! Adaline thought acidly. She pulled back and looked into her deep green eyes. Luft appeared having breathing difficulties breathing. Adaline giggled. She pulled the girl in again and crushed her lips to Luft's. Adaline bit luft's lip to the point where it drew blood. She licked the crimson drops as they fell.
<me> Luft couldn't breath very well but she didn't care. Her back hit the wall as Adaline pushed her there and licked the deep red blood from her lips. it was very pleasing.
<britt> Adaline pulled back once more, keeping Luft pinned to the wall. "you're liking this too much, i may just cut you off," Adaline whispered into her ear. Adaline bit into Luft's neck once more and began to feed. it was almost sunrise, Adaline thought, I could end this sad excuse of a life. For me and her.
<Me> Luft hit the floor next to Elliot's corpse, almost unconscious. Her eyes closed. As she heard Adaline's footsteps heading for the door she snapped them open. "Don't leave me, please, don't be like the others." And then she passed out.
<Britt> Adaline stopped. She didn't turn around and she didn't move forward. Her mind was racing with every thought possible. her eyes stung with blood tears. She looked backwards over shoulder at the fair skinned, red-head she met only a few hours before. She walked over to the girl. Adaline took a piece of glass from the broken vase, she gashed at her wrist then held the bleeding arm to Luft's mouth. "Drink and be forever immortal."
Forever Immortal
A RPG me and my friend did one night... also can be found on Testriffic wit the rest of my work
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