Kingdom heart: lost hearts
Sora, Donald and Goofy where walking in Radiant Garden when they
seen the heartless chasing a person so they went after the heartless. but they lost them, then.........
Donald: where did they go
Goofy: gosh.. I don't
Sora: huh. whats that
????: hey watch out kid. aaaaaah, ouch that hurt you know.
Sora: sorry but you ran into me
???? surprised h, so sorry here I'm blaming you for running in to me and it's my fault
* starts crying*
Sora:its ok no need to cry about it
*puts hand on her shoulder*
????: *sniff*sniff* *smiles*
Donald: what were the heartless chasing you for....
Goofy:gosh.... that mush have been scary
????: *wipe eyes* they......they..... ummmmmm
Donald: just tell us already
????: *looks back and forth*
Sora: hey don't make her cry again. so you where saying
????: *trying to stop crying* they want something I have but *looks down and stops talking*
Sora:what do they want. do they want your heart?
Donald:ya what would they want with your heart anyway?
????: *starts to cry again*
Goofy: gash donald why did you say that
Sora: that's not nice, She up set enough
????:*whispers* my name is rose
Sora: huh, did you say something
Rose: I said my name is Rose
Goofy: that's a pretty name
Donald: I'm sorry that I was rude to you
Rose: *sniff*sniff* it's ok, I should really be leaving before the heartless come back
Sora: but you can't fight them on your own let us help you
Rose:please don't,I don't want you all to get hurt
Donald&goofy: but we want to help you
Sora: ........
Rose: thank you for...... sora watch out *pulls out a keyblade*
Sora is almosted attacked by a heartless but rose gets in the way of the heartless and she was hit by the heartless and starts to bleed but as soon as that happends more heartless showed up. she fell to one knee and held her armand and in her other hand her keyblade, at the handle it looked like a heart and the other end a key for the blade. She stands up then lookeds down to the side and said..................
Rose:* run............ please........... you don't have to stay....... please I don't want you to get hurt please *looks away and starts to cry*
All 3 of them: well we are not leaving you here
Rose: 0_0*looks at them her eyes are shimmering from crying*
Sora: ok Donald, Goofy
Donald: ok
Goofy: yep
Sora: lets get rid of the heartless
Rose: sora behinde............. aaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh.that really hurt, ok thats it, onshno....... shoden. the key of soul,the key to hearts help me fight
Donald: what is she doing?
Goofy: i don't know
Sora ....... I think she is going to use a spell or new keyblades
So rose calls for her two keyblades and killed all of the heartless in one final hit and then her keyblade went away and she fell to her knees and was coughing up blood, and then sora,donald and goofy ran to her side
Sora: rose are you ok rose
Rose: ya I'm ok, I'm ok, It just hurt a little
Rose: ........ * starts to fall over*
Sora: hey don't move you're hurt, if you do it will get worse
Donald:ya listen to sora
Goofy: ya let us help you
Rose's eyes closed and she fell over and sora catches her and then sora donald and goofy started to talk to each other on what they were going to do when sora said.............................................
Sora: lets take her on the gummyship
Donald: no no no
Goofy: why not
Donald: because.............ummmmmmmmmmmmmmm
Sora: then it's settled we're going to bring her on the ship then
Donald: hey I didn't
Goofy: lets go
Sora: ya come on donald
Donald: hey wait up
so they get on the ship with rose which was still passed out from loss of blood. Sora was sitting in his chair on the ship and rose was sitting up against the wall when........
Rose: * eyes slowly open and puts her hand on her head* what happend, oh right I passed out..........
Rose: SORA are you ok..............
Sora: ya I'm ok but what about you rose, your bleeding pretty bad. we should find someone that can heal your cuts ok rose
Rose: .......................* she is not listening to him*
Donald: hey are you even listening to sora
Goofy: gosh
Sora: rose............rose can you hear me,Rose....
*she hear's a voice that she remembers from when she was little*
????: my dear sister I will save you. I will, I can't let them take you way from me again
Rose: * she talk to this voice in her head quietly* who are you
????: you don't rememder me my dear sister
Rose:B......B...BROTHER where are you please tell me *starts to cry*
????: I'm not here right now but I will come for you my little sister..................... got it memrized
Rose: oh my brother* she stops crying*
Sora: are you ok
Rose: ya I'm fine
Sora: ok.......... come look out the window Rose
*trys to stand*
Rose: ouch it hurt to move, sora can you help me get up
Sora: sure I can
Sora helps rose up by geading her belt and puts her arm over his sholders and walked her over to the window
Rose: wow it's so nice, so meny sinning stars *looks down and wispers* thank you sora
Sora: why
Rose: for not leaving me back there when I told you to leave
*looks at sora*
Sora: your welcome rose* smiles*
Donald: ok we can go to Agraba and see if jasmine can help us
Sora: ya lets go
Rose: ............... *looks down at the ground*
Goofy: full theuster to Agraba
they fly for about a hour or two untill the see Agrada out the ships window, rose was lining agensted the wall and sora saids..............................................
Sora: hey look theres agraba
Donald: ok lets go down to Agraba every one
Goofy: alright
Sora: hold on rose* puts rose's arm around his sholder and grabs her belt and pulls her up on to her feet*
Rose: .................... * look at sora and blushes*
Sora: whats wrong do you have a fever
Rose: *looks away* no I'm ok
Donald: ok get ready
Goofy: A-hyuck
so they go down to agraba to see if jasmine can help rose with her wounds.
Sora: ok if we are here the pales musted be........oh there it is
Donald: it's kind of hard not to miss sora
Rose: hehehe
Goofy: this place has not change a bit
Rose: wow what a nice pales
Sora: wait till you me jasmine and aladen
Donald: ya there really nice
Goofy ya there ower friends
Rose: * smiles*
so they walk in and all of a sudden geeny poped up and aladen and jasmine walked up but even thow rose was vary badly hurt she hide behind sora trying to not fall overfrom the pain of her wounds and geeny said............................
Geeny: hey look it sora donlad and goofy
Aladen: hey you there what are you doing here
Sora: we'er here to connected the worlds together
Donlad: ya it to help owr friend how protects all the worlds
Goofy: yepers
Jasmine: where is this friend you are talking about
Sora: rose you don't need to hide
Geeny: ya come on and give a big hi to every one
Rose: *pushes up closer to sora back*
Donlad: come on rose, move away from sora's back
Goofy: come on pleace
Sora: *takes rose's hand* it's ok there ower friends there not going to hurt you
Aladen: sora looks like you have your self a vary pritty girlfriend
Sora: *moves away for rose and shacks his head* no it's not like that
Rose: ah *starts to fall to her knees*
Jasmine: oh dear your hurt
*Aladen is getting on sora nerves*
Sora: thats the other reson why we came, she need medicle attenchen right away
Jasmine: then come with me
Rose: sora * her eye where shining*
Sora: it's ok
Jasmien: his way, oh careful
as soon as the girl left............................
Aladen: ok sora tell the truth she your girlfriend
Geeny: come on sora tell
Goof and Donlad: ya we want to know to. she always listens to you
Sora: I told you it's not like that we'er just friends
Aladen: ya and I'm a great prince, come on tell us the truth
Sora: I'm telling the truth
*Jasmien and Rose walk back in and rose has bandais around her like it was a shirt and she was carrying her real shirt and jacket*
Rose: umm * blushes*
Sora: ummm auu *blush and look away*
Donlad: do you feel any better rose
Goofy: ya are you any better
Rose: it still hurt's really badly and it is still hard to move but I can make it
Sora: well thank you jasmine, aladen and geeny
Rose:*hears the voice again* huh
Donlad: what's wrong rose
out of know where heartless attacks and someone with a black hood saves rose from getting hurt by picking her up and killing the heartless but he is part of the organization and he's killing the heartless this made sora and the other's confused
Sora: hey what are you do let rose go
Donlad: ya let her go
Goofy: gose
????: so I finaly found you
Sora: what do you want with rose leave her alone
????: I finaly found you, I've been looking for so long for you
every one: how are you
????: why it's me Axel
Sora:what but I though you died
Axel: nobody's can't die we fade away but she broght me back
Sora: huh rose did, why
Axel: when I feet her presents I came back like I promesed her i would find her
Sora: I don't understand
Donlad; same here
Goofy: ah so confused
Rose:but................ but why * starts to cry*
Donlad: he justed said why
Axel: oh my dear don't start crying now you look cuter when your happy like when your with sora
*sora and rose blush*
Rose: ...............
Axel: *walk over to sora* sora talk good care of her pleace
*put's her down and puts her and sora's hands together*
Axel: I'm counting on you to take good care of her make sure you protect her, go it memarizzed
Sora surprised k I understand axel
axel walks to the dark portel in the growned when
Rose: brother pleace.................. don't leave you said when you finaly where ready to come back you would not leave again i don't want to lose you to the darkness again
Soar: he's your brother
Donlad: wow
Goofy:aw a family reunion
Axel: my little sister I promes you I will come back but not right now I still have thing i have to settle thing out
Rose: but Axey
*sora grads rose's arm and said*
Sora: it's ok he promesed you
Rose walk over to axel and give's him a hug and says..............
Rose: good bye for now Axey, it good to see you again
Axel: *wipes her teirs away* Good bye sis I will see you again, got it memarizzed
the portel started to close around him when a heartless attacked roes but this time her bother couldn't save her, he put his arm out and said............
Axel: no I want to go back to help pleace "nooooooooo"
After that happend sora had saved rose this time but she was hurt anyways
Rose: ahhhhhhh, ok that hurt more
Sora: rose are you ok
Donlad: thunder"
Goofy: wahooooo
Aladen: come on lets get it
Geeny: around a round we go
Rose: *thinking* there putting there live's on the line for me, I can't let this happen to them * try to get to her feet and start to walk to help them*
Jasmien:*grads her arm* rose what are you doing
Rose: *starts crying* I just can't stand here and let them give there live's for me
Jasmine: rose
Rose: I'm the protect of the worlds and I can't go even that right *looks down*
Jasmine: sora
Sora: huh, rose oh no
Roes:*angery look but still crying* that's it heartless die
Rose's keyblade show up and she kill it in one hit and then fell to her knee again and holds her side breathing vary hevaly. Sora,Donlad,Goofy,Aladen,Jasmine and Geeny all ran to her side and asked if she was ok
Sora: that was pritty bad rose are you ok
Rose:........................*still looking down*
Jasmine: rose your vary brave to not want..............
Rose: *crying and yelling* stop it. I had it. * breathing starts to slow down and her voice becomes quiet* stop it pleace......*goes quiet and eyes close*
Sora: Rose........ rose wake up
Jasmine: it ok sora she is just asleep, that must have took a lot out of her
Donlad: i think Jasmine's right because when this happend the frist time she fell asleep too
Goofy: ya so let her sleep
Sora: * looks at her with a sad face* rose
Aladen: hey why not stay here untill she is awake
Sora: sure
Donlad: ok
Goofy: ya
Aladen: then it is settled then while sora's girlfriend sleeps you will stay untill she wakes up
Sora: whao...what * yells and runs after aladen* she's not my girlfriend
Jasmien: *wispers to rose* your lucky to have them
Rose:..... *smiles in her sleep*
so rose slepted, sora was being tesed by aladen,donlad,goofy and geeny and jasmine watched, then rose woke up from her sleep to find that there was no one around so she went looking for everyone as she walk out on to where they had fought the heartless there was every one,she smiled and tryed to stay up on her feet. sora was running after aladen when he cought a glims of rose in the corner of his eye and stopped and said...............................
Sora: rose *run over to her*
Rose: sora, donlad, goofy, aladen,geeny are all of you ok
*they all smiled at her*
Sora: yes we are fine
Rose: thats good becaus I found the door to connect the world to mine
Donlad: whhhhhao
Goofy: where
Rose: it's this way but i will need someone's help to walk there
Sora: oh sure *walks over to her and grads her belt and puts her arm around his sholder*
Rose: thanks sora
Sora: your welcome
then as they are walking rose's keyblade pop's up in her hand that is hung around sora back
Rose: this is it
Jasmine: i always wounder why this door would never open
Rose walks way from sora but falls to her knee.then sora walks up to her and stands her on her feet and holds her up
Rose: *blushes* sora thanks
Sora: your welcome
Donlad: so what do you have to do to connected agraba
Goofy: ya
Jasmine,Aladen &Geeny: we would like to know
Sora: rose can you tell us
Rose: frist thing is that I'm happy that I found sora when I did, because this take two keyblads
Sora:*blushes* cool, so do i stand beside you
Rose: no, you stay right there sora ok
Sora: ok so what do I do
Rose: it a little same as open the worlds but a little different at the same time
Donlad: how
Rose: how about I just show you ok *smiles*
Everyone: OK
Rose:* puts her keyblad up* ok sora put your's beside mine and then with your free hand go to my hand that is holding my keyblad and I will do that same with my free hand ok
Sora: ok got it* puts hand on her's
Rose: close your eye and consentrat on the ends of the two keyblads ok, and the rested is up to me. ok you ready
Sora: yes
Rose: let's start..... you are now open agrada, connected your self through the keyblad-master and the keyblad-maker and be one with the worlds.ok connect agrada
*bright light*
Rose: it done* falls to the ground*
Sora: hey *grads her*
Rose:*looks up at him* thank you sora
Donlad: you where right that is different, much different
Sora: we should move on to the nexted world now
Donlad: ya
Goofy: aw i was just getting relxed
Donlad: come on goofy
Goofy: ok
Sora: bye
Jasmine,aladen&geeny: good bye
so they all went back on to the gummyship and headed to the nexted world. sora was sitting in he's chair donlad in his and goofy in his,rose walked up and sat on the arm of sora's chair and said................
Rose: it is vary nice
Sora: huh........ rose um ya it is
Rose: *strech*
Sora: *Looks at her and blushes* so axels your brother
Rose:*stop in mid strech* was *sad*
Sora: what do you mean was
Rose: the darkness took the axel i knew and loved
Sora: oh I'm sorry I broght that up
Rose:*smile* it's ok
Sora: *rud head and blushes* um
Rose: what is it sora
Sora: axel's right you are cuteter when your happy
Rose:*blush*thank you sora
Donlad&goofy: hahahahaha
Sora: *face turns red* hey you to stop that I was just um
Rose:hehe*starts to fall asleep*
so rose fell asleep and sora continued yelling that it's not like that and goofy and donlad just snickered at him. so she sleped for the hole time till sora said.....................................
Sora: hey rose wake up where here
Rose: *rud eyes* huh *sits * wow it's so nice
Sora: *face turns red again* that the pride lands
Donlad ok lets go
Goofy: telaporting now
*so they get to the ground and........................
Rose: ahh what happend to me I'm a. what i'm I sora ?_?
Sora: your a lioness
Rose: *smile* wow I only read about this place befor
Sora: *looks at her and smile*
So they all start off to pried rock. it was taking a long time to get there and rose said...................
Rose: * big smile on her face* this is so much fun
Donlad: ok we'er here
Goofy: ya pried rock
Sora: lets go see if simba and nala are up there* start running
Rose: hey wait up *just walks slowly*
sora, donlad and goofy are running up to the top of pried rock where Simba and Nala live and rose just walked up vary slowly she was afrad again that someone was going to pop up out of nowhere again so she had her ears back and her tail was down, sora,donlad and goofy had got to the top and rose was there but not all the way,when out came running Simba and taked sora and said.........................
Simba: hey what are you guys doing here, is soming wrong
Sora: no not that we'er helping..
Kiara: dad dad play with me
Simba: sora, donlad and goofy this is my doughter kiara
Sora: hi kiara
Donlad: hi
Goofy: hey there
Simba: ok you where saying *look at sora*
Sora: we'er helping someone re-connected the world together, she's around here somewhere she's was traped in her world so long she is kind of afrad right now
Simba: we should look for her
Rose: aaaahhh sora *runs under his legs and hides*
Simba: looks like kiara found her hahaha
Sora: Rose it ok *moves* they are ower friends
Kiara: Daddy she is vary pritty
Nala: yes kiara she is, it's ok we will not hurt you little lioness
Rose: *open eye and look up*
Donlad: ya don't be such a scaredy cat rose
Goofy: donlad thats not nice
Sora: this is rose she the one we are helping
Simba: well looks like sora finaly got a girlfriend huh Nala
Nala: looks like it
Sora: whaaa what no it's not like that * blush*
Rose: hehe
Kiara: hey rose want to play
Rose: *smile* sure, i'll play with you
Kiara: yaaaaaaaaaay you to sora play with us
Sora: no thats ok you and the others go play I will come later ok kiara
Kiara: ok sora
Rose: come on kiara
Kiara: wait up rose
so they all run off to play on the tip of pride rock to play a game of tag and sora stayed with simba and Nala and talked about what they where going to do to find the door to connected the world to rose's and simba said......................
Simba: so sora we should help you and your friend find this door
Nala: yes let us help, you can get it done faster with ower help sora
Sora says nothing at frist then he hears his name being call and so was simbas and nalas. to there sapries Rose and Kiara where at the end of pride rock they counld move they where traped by heartless, sora and simda ran over will donlad and goofy stay and protected nala. Simda let out a great rower and some of the heartless turned there attenchen to simba and sora but rose and Kiara where still traped then sora said..............
Sora: just holed on you two will get you to safety
Kiara: Daddy help,aaaaahhhhhhhhhh
Simba: Kiara holed on I'm coming
Rose: ............ don't worry Kiara there'll save us I know they will *heart rushing*
Sora: we have to get them Simba
Simba: ya lets hurrry
Sora: ok*talk to him self* hold on, pleace just hold on
As Sora and Simba fight the heartless they don't see what is happening to poor rose and kiara.
Rose: sora............
Kiara: rose I'm sacered whats sould we do
Rose: I....I......I... Don't know
Sora: rose,rose
Rose: huh *look up*
the rock that rose and kiara are standing on gives way but rose uses her keyblade and drived it in to the side of the cliff and they just hung there.
Sora: ROSE NO * runs over to the edgs where it brock*
Sora: Rose you two ok
Rose: I'm okI think, how about you kiara
Kiara: ya I'm ok
Simba surprised k then will going to get you stay there
Rose: we can't go anywhere hahaha
Kiara: hahahahahaha thats funny
Sora: ok come on
Kiara: I'm to sacered
Rose: it's ok I'm right here sora won't drop you kiara
Kiara: ok I'm coming Daddy
kiara climed up the cliff to simba and then it was rose's turn..............
Sora: ok rose your turn
Rose: ok
* crack*
Rose: HUH *look at keybalde then sora*
Sora: no rooooossssseeeee
Rose: aaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhh
rose's keyblade had sliped out of place and know she was falling to the grouned, sora went after her, simba said...................
Simba: sora what are you doing
Sora: saving her*jumps*
Simba: sora
Sora: *says to him self* I'm coming rose
Sora: got ya
Rose:*opens eyes* huh sora
Sora: I won't let you die *hugs her*
Rose: thank you sora*smiles*
Rose's body started to glow and sora,donlad and goofy turned back into them selfs and rose was back to normel to and they where back on pried rock with the others
Sora: what happend
Rose:*looking down and was shaking and her heart was racing* .........
Simba:*runs over to them* sora,rose. you two ok
Sora: I'm ok but a little confused rose you ok
Kiara: rose *yells* Daddy,daddy. she's bleeding
Sora: rose are you hurt what happend tell me
Rose: *slipping in and out* I'm ok *puts hand to head*
Simba:rose that was really wounderful
Sora: simba what are you talking about
Simba: sora didn't you see, you where right there
Sora: what what
Simba: rose save her's and your's life, she had wings
Sora:*look's at rose and saids to himself* she always seems to amazw me every time *smiles*
Rose:*looks around* every thing is spining *starts to fall over*
Sora: got ya *smiles at here*
Donlad: so we should find the worlds door now
Goofy: ya let go you two
Nala: donlad,goofy just give them a little longer
Sora: ok lets go
so they set of to find the door the pride lands they looked in the elephent graveyard they look all around pride rock and the one places they did look was the jungel where sora found simba after he ran way so they went to the jungel to look and there it was behind the waterfall. so rose and sora started to connected the world...................
Rose:* puts her keyblad up* ok sora put your's beside mine and then with your free hand go to my hand that is holding my keyblad and I will do that same with my free hand ok
Sora: ok got it* puts hand on her's
Rose: close your eye and consentrat on the ends of the two keyblads ok, and the rested is up to me. ok you ready
Sora: yes
Rose: let's start..... you are now open pride lands, canected your self thow the keyblad-master and the keyblad-maker and be one with the world of light .ok connect pride landed
*bright light*
Rose: it done* falls to the ground*
Sora: wow thats still cool
Rose: *blush* thanks
Donlad: ok we should go
Goofy: aaawww
Sora: ya we should go
Kiara: bu...but
Simba: kiara they have to leave
Kiara: *starts to cry* but I want to play with rose longer
Simba: I'm sorry but they have to leave
Kiara: *cry* nooo
Nala: pleace kiara
Sora,Donlad&Goofy: it's ok
Rose:............. *walks over to kiara and yells* STOP CRYING
Kiara:..........*looks at rose* rose your crying
Sora: rose
Rose: * beneds down* pleace stop crying kiara and I will to
Kiara surprised k but i want to play
Rose:*puts hand under her hair* this is for you kiara it's a part of one of my three neclises and a door that is conneted so you can play with me at any time kiara so can I leave
Kiara: *wapes teirs way* ok you can leave
Sora: *smiles at rose* ok lets go
Rose: i will see you again kiara thats a promes
so they when back to the gummyship and ploted there nexted cours to the nexted world. will donlad and goofy where ploting soar talked to rose.rose was sitting on sora's chair's arm
Sora: that was vary nice what you did for kiara
Rose: ya I know
Sora: it's musted be hard for you rose.......rose........hey
then sora felt something fall on his lap, he thought rose had droped something but.......................
Sora: huh , what was that *look down*
It was rose she had fallen asleep on the chair arm and then fell onto sora lap
Rose: *talking just as she falls asleep* I'm sorry sora,that I can't do any thing right, I'm sorry *snugels closer to sora and falls completly asleep*
Sora: *his face turns evern reder and say quietly* you don't have to be sorry rose you can do anything you put your mind to it *puts his hand on her head and strocks her hair*
so she sleped on sora's lap for the hole time till he said as they where heading to the buteay and the beasted castle but every one was tired so they made it and then went to sleep. rose still sleeping on sora's lap,sora in his chair,donlad and goofy fell asleep right where they where standing then the 3 woke up and then sora said in roses ear............
Sora: *look at her and smile* rose wake up
Rose: *streches* mmmmhhh huh oh my I'm so sorry sora*she was blushing*
Sora: it's ok rose
Donlod: come on you two
Goofy: ya we can't wait for ever
Rose: *rubs her head* sorry
Sora: lets go
So they go down to the castle and walk in, there was bell standing talking with beased, they look over at sora,donlad, goofy and rose was behind sora again hiding, looking out from behind him.
Bell: sora,donlad,goofy it's nice to see you again and how is this
Sora: this ower friend rose
Rose: *move closer to sora trying to hide* ...........
Beatsed: why is she hiding
Donlad: she's a big scaeredy cat, she usless, she can't do anything right
Rose:*what donlad said kepted rapeting in her mined* usless
Goofy: donlad thats not nice
Rose:can't do anything right *a teir starts down her face*
Bell: thats right goofy you shouldn't talk about people like that
Beasted: bell is right
Rose:nothing right*hearts raceing*
Sora: donlad why did you say that
Rose: usless,nothing right*looks down*
Donlad: I don't really know why it just came out
Rose: *heart raceing faster* usless.........usless.........usless
Sora: rose whats wrong
Rose: *sliped in to a trans* I'm usless
Sora: rose your not usless
Donlad: I'm sorry for calling you usless
Rose:*starts run away from them* I'm giving up
Sora: rose what are you talking about
Rose:*starts running away from them* leave me. I give up, I can't do anything right,I'm usless
Bell: no one is usless
Sora: rose stop running
Rose: *crying* go way, leave me alone, stop following me
Sora: rose whats wrong
Beased:: listen to sora
Goofy: rose
they run after her onto the brigh and sora grabed her arm and they fell, sora was on top of rose holding her down and she was saying..........
Rose: let me go,let me go,let me go
Sora: it's me rose........ rose look at me
Axel: she can't hear you
Sora: axel...... why
Axel: your losing her to the darkness, even light has darkness
Soar: but how
Axel: when donlad said the she's usless and can't do anything right, it set her into a tranes
Sora: but rose looked so happy
Axel: but she's not inside,she trying to fight the darkness
Goofy: axel how can we help her
Donlad: ya we want to help
Axel: you can't, only sora can help her
Bell: how can he
Sora: but I don't know what to do
Axel: you have the key to rose's light just have to do is unlock her door and let the light in to the darkness
Sora: I still don't know what to do
Axel:*put hand to his head* sora I don't know what she see's in you
Sora: what did you just say*mad*
Axel: *yell* kiss her
Sora: *face turns red* whaaooo
Axel: do I have to make you
Rose: get off *eyes close* me*she goes quite*
Sora: but
Axel:*getting annyoued* sora if you don't she will be losed in darkness forever and all the worlds will be losed as well
Donlad: come on sora
Goofy: ya sora you can do it
Bell:sora you can't let her be alone
Beasted: yes sora they are right
Axel: so what will it be save her from darkness or let her and the all of the world lie in darkness that mean distany island will be gone as well sora
Sora: ok I made my mind up I think
Axel: so what is it sora
sora goes to do it then stop and all of a suden
Axel: ok you take to long *push*
Donlad: hey why did you push him
Axel: he took to long
as donlad was fighting with axel about who was right sora was kissing rose but he was in a trans to every thing was so dark but only two lights one was him and the other he thoght might be rose so he started to run to the light calling................
Sora: *yelling* ROSE.................ROSE...................ARE YOU OK ROSE*stop running* rose
there was rose sitting on the ground with her eyes closed. sora ran over to her and said................................
Sora:*starting to cry* rose wake up pleace wake up
Rose: mhh*her head moves and her eyes slowly open* huh sora *hug* I afraed, so afraed.
Sora: it's ok, just open your eyes from the darkness rose come back to me*sora was fading away* whoaaa whats happening
Rose: sora don't go
Sora: rememder what i said ,just open your eyes rose
Rose surprised k
sora wake up from the trans and stops kissing rose and then donlad and axel stop fighting and axel says.................
Axel: so how was your fristed kiss sora
Sora: *look at axel with a mad look the looks at rose* come on wake up, pleace wake up
Rose:*eyes start to open*
Axel: thats my que to leave
Sora: why
Axel: because a being of darkness can not see the prinsses of light awake its to much for me
Sora: prinsses of light
Axel: yep you thought kairi was the only person that was a prinsses did you
Sora........... 0.0
Donlad: ...........O_O
Goofy: zzzzzz
Bell: wunderful
Beacsted: huh
Sora: no
Axel: from the expresion on your face you didn't know,that my little sis is a prinsses the 9th one to be exzackted
Rose: mhhhhhhh*ruds her eyes*
Axel: oops looks like I'm over staying my welcome *disaper*
Rose: *wakes up in shoce* whats happening
Sora: rose you're awake
Rose: *hugs sora* thanks for saving me
Sora: *face turns red* your welcome
sora stop and look away from her and they all laphgh at sora and sora was still blushing
*everyone was laphghing at sora but rose,she said quitely*
Rose: thank sora, thank you
Sora:*says quitely* your welcome
Donlad:well we should look for the door
Goofy:ya we should start
Sora:*rud his head* um ya we should split up
Donlad: me and goofy will look in the west wing
Bell: me and Beacsted will look in the east wing, that leaves rose and sora to look in the ballroom
Beacsted:yes lets go
so they all started to look for the door sora and rose where alone in the ballroom and rose said to sora
Rose: *look around* this place is so wonderful it makes me wont to dance*starts to dance by herself*sora join me
Sora: we have to look for that door*look under ruge*
Rose:*goes and grads sora hand and starts to dances* hahaa
Sora: rose what are you doing*looking back and forth*
Rose: dancing
Sora: but........but we........
Rose: just stop talking sora and just enjoy it*liens head agensed sora sholder*
Sora: rose*looks at her and smiles* ok
*muscie started to play*
Rose: *her eyes where closed* sora I know where the door is
Sora: what, where is it
Rose: *points over to the belcony doors* it's right there
Sora: so thats why you chose to look in here
Rose:*eyes still closed and then her keyblade poped up in her hand* it time
Sora: ok
so sora and rose conected the two worlds together as they did befor and then continued dancing, rose was having so much fun with sora, then sora said..........
Sora: um rose*blushing* why do you love to dances
Rose:*eyes still closed* I don't know it's just like with you a don't care whats going on, I just want to stay like this
Sora: *his face was bright red and he was spechless for a second*rose
the others walk in and seen them dancing
Donlad: sora,rose we are look in for the door and here you two are dancing around and not bothering to look or help, I know I was right when I said that that girl was usless
Rose stoped dancing and stude there with a blank look on her face
Rose:* her heart pounded * usless........
Sora: donlad not again
Donlad: i'm sorry,I'm sorry
Rose: *eyes beging to close* usless
Sora:*holding her sholders* rose, rose your not usless
Rose:*eyes open* s...sora*a tris start to come in her eye and she says* I don't want to go back
Sora:*holds her close to his self* don't worry you wont,I wont let you leave again,I wont let go away again, no matter what I will always be there for you,rose do you here me I'm right here, pleasce open your eyes
Donlad: I'm sorry, I'm sorrY<I didn't mean it
Goofy: he's vary sorrry rose pleace come back
Bell: oh dear
Beasted: this is not going very good
Sora: *starts to cry* rose, pleace wake up, don't leave again,stay here with us, stay here with me
Rose:*studers* s....s....sora *hug*
Bell: thank goodness she ok
Beasted: wow kid we thoght you where gone for good
Donlad: I'm sorry for what I said rose
Goofy: and I'm sorry for what he did
Rose: thank you all of you
Donlad: you all of us it was sora that wouldn't stop saying your name
Rose:*looks at sora* really
Goofy: yep*moves haed up and down*
Rose*gets up* sora
Sora: yes rose
Rose: thank you so much*kisses him*
Bell:aw how sweet
Goofy: wahho
Donlad: wow
Beasted: * justs smiles*
Sora:*his face turned red* rose
Rose: I mean it thank you
Sora: yo...your w...welcome*puts hand on his check where rose kissed him*
Rose and Bell talked about something sora and the others where thinking where to go nexted. sora wanted to go oylimpes but donlad wanted to go to the caslte to coneted the kings world with rose's but goofy wanted to go to holloween town to go see jack skcelenten, none of them could make a there mineds up to where they want to go nexted. some of the worlds rose had all ready been to but sora didn't know that, rose was talking to bell and telling her where she had gone all ready and bell said..........
Bell: hey sora
Sora: yes bell
Bell: you should let rose pick
The 3: what do you mean
Bell: well rose told me where shehad been before she ran in to you. she said she went to the caslte,to holloween town, to oylimpes,to holowbaston ,to the jungel,to wounderland,to port royal,to neverland and she did this in two days
Sora: wow that doesn't leave much worlds to go to is it
Rose: haha yep
Donlad: lets go see cinderella
Goofy: ya
Sora: ok we will go to cinderella's caslte
Rose: *Hug's bell* bye
Bell: have a safe trip
Rose: we will
so off they went to see a nother friend that they made, rose is back and safe from the darkness for know, sora still confused about what axel said and donlad and goofy still fighting over nothing. rose was sitting bye the window and singing to herself.....
Rose: you're giving me too many things.lately you're all I need.you smiled at me and said, Don't get me wrong I love you but does that mean I have to meet your father?when we are older you'll understand, what I meat when I said "No, I don't think life is quite that simple"when you walk away, you don't hear me say, please oh baby,don't go,Simple and clean is the way that you're making me feel tonight it's hard to let it go the daily things that keep us all busy are confuing me, that's when you came and said, wish I could prove I love you,but does that mean I have to walk on water? when we are older you'll understand it's enough when I say so and maybe some things are that simple, when you walk away you don't hear me say please oh baby don't go simple and clean is the way that you're making me fell tonight it's hard to let it go, hold me what ever lies beyond this morning is a little later on regardles of warnings the futurer doesn't scare me at all nothing's like before, when you walk way you don't hear me say please oh baby don't go simple and clean is the way you're making me feel tonight it's hard to let it go hold me whatever lies beyond this morning is a little later on regardless of warning the future doesn't scare me at all nothing life before
Sora: wow that was wounderful
Rose: oh sorry did I distracted you all
Donlad: no that was a wunderful song
Goofy:that was pritty
Sora: where did you hear that from
Rose: my brother always sang it to me,he said it's a part of my destany that I have to do.I never know what that really meant but I now know what is means so I'm ready for it when it comes
Sora: what
Rose: *rubs her head* haha never mined
Goofy: where here,cinderella's castle
Donlad: it's been along time sighs we've come here
Sora: lets go
so they head down to the world to conected it with rose's, when they got there something happend to rose that was strang to her..................
Rose: huh..... what happend, where is sora and the other's
Gared 1: hey you, what are you doing here
Rose: huh what did I do
Gared 2: hey your under arested
Rose: *scared out of her mind* whao what did I do*starts to cry*
Gared 1: your going to jail for trespassing
Rose: *still crying and says* sora where are you
Cinderella:*walks up* whats going on here
Gared 2: we found this girl here, so we are going to take her to the jail sell
Cinderella: what wait did she do
Gared 1: well nothing but you can't trused a stranger
Rose:*trembling in fear and crying* sora.........sora....
Cinderella: *looks at rose* the poor thing
Gared 1: prinesses
Cinderella: let her go
Gareds: prinesses
Cinderella: I said let her go
Gaerds: yes prinesses
Cinderella:miss are you ok
Rose: *opens eyes*y...yes
Cinderella: I aploagies for the hasel
Rose: it's ok my names rose I'm a friend of sora's
Cinderella: oh sora's here
Rose: yes but when we came I was separated from him
Cinderella: oh daer them we must find him
Rose: ok
so off rose and Cinderella went to look for sora and the others,but sora was with the prinss looking for rose,so sooner or later they where going to met oneway or another. sora said to the prins...........
Sora: so you and cinderella are married
Prince Charming: yes sora, and I hope you and your love are happy together as well
Sora: what are you talking about O?O
Goofy: you know what he's saying
Sora: what I don't get it
Donlad: sora come on it's not that hard
Sora: what*shrug sholders*
~the two smack there heads~
Prince Charming: sora I am refering to the girl you seac
Sora: oh,on. it's not like that, where just friends
Prince Charming: mhhhh
Sora: really *starting to panick*
Donlad: hahahaha
Sora: stop it donlad
Donlad: you love rose,you love rose*runs around*
Sora: *runs after him* be quite and get back here
Prince Charming: are they always like this
Goofy: yep
Prince Charming: I see,hahaha it's is kind of funny
Sora: hey not you too
they keep looking for rose,but they didn't know that rose and cinderella where about to be attacked by the heartless
Cinderella: rose I hope we find sora soon
Rose:*looking around* ya
Cinderella: what is wrong
Rose:Cinderella watch out*jumps in front of her*ah
Cinderella: oh dear are you alright
Rose: yes,now run and find help
Cinderella: but I can't just leave you here
Rose: ahhhhhhhhhhhh
Cinderella: rose*walks forwred*
Rose:*yells and puts her keyblade in front of her* go, I can only hold them off for so long
Cinderella: but
Rose:*starting to cry* GO,GO NOW
Cinderella: ok I'm going*runs off*
Rose:*looks at heartless and says* ok it's just you and me this is not a far fight you may have 100 of you but all I need are my keyblades so bring it on
meanwill Cinderella had ran as fasted as she could to find help when she turned the couner she found
Cinderella: *runs in to her Prince* oh thank goodness
Prince Charming: why are you running
Cinderella: oh dear it's my new friend she's in truble she told me to run she is till back there fighting the heartless i didn't want to leave but she told me to find sora to get help*start to cry*
Prince Charming: it all right you did a good job
Sora: where is she
Cinderella: she back down the hallway that I can from then turn right
Sora: alright come one donlad,goofy lets go save ower friendfrom the heartless
Donlad and Goofy: ok
~they start running back the way cinderella came~
Sora: hold on rose I'm coming for you
will the where running they had to fight off some heratlees on the way but what was happening to poor rose,she had foght the heartless but it was getting hard to keep fighting and she was over taken by the heartless............
Rose: *on her knesk out of breath* I can't believe it all end here and this was the last world to conected, it can't end like this,it just can,ow hey watch it that hurts, ahhhhhhhhhhhh,o...on I wont let you talk it i....it's belongs to someone al....already, you can't have my heart you heartless
sora,donlad and goofy come around the corner and see rose being held up by the heartless,they where trying to talk her heart
Sora: there's rose come on lets go help her
Donlad: ok
Goofy: lets do it
so they run in to save rose from the heartless and sora says...............
Sora: hey heartless let are friend go
~heartless look at them~
Donlad: ya she ower friend
~they get ready to attack~
Goofy: let sora girlfriend go
Sora: hey
Rose: sora watch out
Sora: huh holly
Rose: not this time heartless
Sora: thnaks rose
Rose: no problem sora,now lets kick these's guys out of here
Donlad: ya lets do it
Goofy: ya lets bette some heartless
so they foght the heartless for at lested a hour and then went back to looking for the door to the world
Donald:this is taking to long, rose can't you just use some sort of tracing thing to find a this door like you did at the bestes castle
Rose: it's not tracing I can sesns where the door is that is it but I could try something
Donald: try anything as long as I don't have to walk anyfarther
Rose: ok*turns to sora*
Sora: yes
Rose: it's might be stronger if me and sora hold hands
Sora:whaooo..... what*face turns red*
Rose:*walks over to sora and takes his hands and then close's her eyes*ok I found it
Donald: where
Rose:*still holding sora's hand* this away
they run to the ballroom and then sora and donald said............
Donald: where is it
Rose: it's is right here
Sora: where
Rose: *walks over to the middel of the room and puts out her hand*rigth here
~she lights up and a door pops up in front of her~
Donlad: whaaaaaaa
Sora: how did you do that
Rose: it was just hiding, now to put you to a real door so your not in the middel of the room,this door should be good.
Goofy: wow she's strong
Cinderella: indeed
Rose: ok sora lets finsh this
Sora surprised k
~so they conected the final world to rose's then~
Rose: alright where all most done
Donlad: what but you said we where done not yet, goofy talk us back to the gummyship
Goofy: all right*telaports them*
Rose: sora you don't mind if I talk the controls
Sora: ok, but why
Donlad: hey this is my ship so it not your say
Rose: place donlad
Donlad:-_- alright
Rose: ok all of you close you eyes
Sora: why
Rose: this place I'm taking you has never been see by anyone then me
Donlad: wow
Rose: so close your eyes
Goofy: ok
Donlad: alright
Sora: ok rose
Rose: ok keep your eyes closed and holed on
rose hits the ship into worp speed and haeds to a star, sora and the other had there eyes close and rose was alone again and she telaports them down and then the gummyship vanished,then she said.................
Rose: ok you can open your eyes now
Sora: oh wow, I rememder this place befor in a dream there was a litttle girl chaned to the bed, but when I walked over to her and toughted her the chans came off.wait rose that was you
Rose: *smiles* yes sora it was thanks to you I was able to go free from the chans, thanks you sora *blush*
Sora: your welcome*blush*
Donlad: ok enoff *getting mad*
Goofy: heuck
Sora:*rubs his head*oh um
Rose: *look down sadly*well this is good bye
Goofy: what
Sora: what are you talking about
Donlad: we'er not leaving
Rose: this is my fath to never see the waking world again
Sora: what are you talking about fath
Rose: *looks away from sora* I...I... have to
Sora; *yelling* what. what is it
Rose: *starting to cry*you think I'm coming back with you don't you sora
Sora: well aren't you
Rose: no I can't,I must stay here so the world can be finaly conected
Sora: but
Rose: pleas don't make this hard sora I really want to but I can't*still crying* you don't know how much I want to go back with you
Sora: then come
Rose: *breaths in then out* go leave now your worlds door wont stay open for long and your friends Riku, and Kairi and the king are waiting for you to retun, now go, and it was nice to met you sora
Sora: but
Donlad: come on sora*pushing him*
Sora: but no what I......I*goes throgh the door*
sora didn't get to say what he wanted to say, it was I love you,then they where greated back on destany Island..........
Kairi: sora you back
Sora:*says sadly* ya *looks back at the portel as it vanished then looks down*
Donald: *sighs*
Goofy: *looks at sora*
Kairi: whats wrong with you three
Goofy: we just lost
Sora: it's nothing*walks away*
Riku: who did you lose donald
Donald: we just losed a good friend,and sora's taking it kind of hard he didn't want to leave her
Kairi: oh poor sora
Goofy: ya he really like her
Riku: oh really now*runs after sora*
King mickey: at lets your back safly
Goofy: ya
as donald and goofy talked with king micky and kairi, riku was running after sora who wanted to be left alone at the moment but he still went after him
Riku: hey sora,sora wait up
Sora: I don't want to talk right now
Riku: donald told us what happend
Sora: then you know I don't want to talk about it
Riku come on, at lets tell me if she was cute
Sora:*sigh* just leave me alone*walks on to the beach and leaves riku by his self*
Riku: come on buddy* yells* you know if you don't talk about her it's going to drive me crazzy
Sora:*he just ketped walking till he got to the waters edag and just stood there*
Kairi: poor sora
Goofy: it was so sad watching them part
Donald: oh goofy can it
Riku: what ever, I'm going to go train
Donald: I'll come with you
King mickey: you think riku would be more consrned but he's not
Kairi: oh he is, this is he way of showing it he hopes sora will see him and come join him
King mickey: ah I see
as every one went about the rest of the day, rose was about to go into the sleepchamber when............
Eve: my dear you don't have to go if you don't want to
Rose: mother is that you
Eve: yes it's me
Axel: and me
Rose: big brother*hugs him*
Eve: I will take your place so you can be with the one you love, my mother did it for me so I will do it for you
Rose: oh thank you mother
Eve: your welcome my dear,oh and bring your brother with you
Rose: I will
Axel: but I don't have a heart
Eve: I will give you it back my son
Axel: really,thank you mother
Eve: now, go to him rose,this portel takes you in to sora's hide out
Rose: thanks for every thing good bye mother,come on axey
Axel: she never going to let that down is she
Eve:haha probaly not,rose you still watch over the worlds ok
Rose: yes I will
Eve: my dear you should rest for the day is ending
Rose: alright mother I will leave tomrrow*lies down and falls asleep*
so the day was almost over and sora was still in a sad mood every one tryed to make him smile but he just stood there at the edga of the water staring out at the sea as the sun went down. sora stayed in that spot all night, the next day every one got up and there sora was still in the same spot as the day before. rose's was also walking up from her nape she had and was ready to go to sora......................
Rose: come on axel wake up
Axel: just five more mintes*pushes her away*
Rose: no get up now *dumps water on his head*
Axel: ahhhhh cold
Rose: hahaha come on lets go
Axel: ok.....ok I'm coming
Rose: good bye mother*looks at the sleeping chamber*
Axel: *does the same*
Rose: ok lets go axey*smiling*
- by Contaminated Terra |
- Fiction
- | Submitted on 12/05/2008 |
- Skip

- Title: kingdom heart 2 losted heart
- Artist: Contaminated Terra
- Description: this story is about well kingdom heart and it after sora save the worlds and meets a very strange girl.
- Date: 12/05/2008
- Tags: kingdom heart losted heart
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Comments (4 Comments)
- ShiekXtheXgreatXFilipina - 09/26/2009
- its really long so i skipped most of it biggrin but it waas really good
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- soulgirl99 - 03/10/2009
- I love it but it's so long...O.O....5/5... biggrin
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- Dolly Akezai - 12/24/2008
- sooooooooooooooooooooooo long x_x!!! but worth it! its good!!
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- Chi-chan801 - 12/06/2008
- wow..like it
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