Narrator: London, England April 17, 1823
It is a peaceful night at Kalimoor Park now that the guests have gone to village festival. The sky shows it is twilight, with its salmon pink and purplish hue, defiantly the most beautiful time of day. Lord Kalimoor has decided to go for a quick walk through the maze his god awful mother thought would be good fun. The grass makes no sound as Alex makes quick strides so as not to be out to late to greet his guests when they return. His guests gave him no peace all day; complaining about the rain. There was a silent light breeze that silently rustled the leaves of the hedges and trees oh so faintly. As Alexander, Lord Kalimoor, made a stiff sharp turn to his left he hears a gunshot so silent Alex quickly considers it must be someone hunting in the distance beyond his land. Though that thought came to mind he carefully tries to find his way back in case he was wrong. When suddenly he realizes all is pitch black and he has no clue how to get back to the manor. He quickly searches his memory to find his way back, when he feels a sudden sharp pain in his right forearm. He turns around at a rustle so fast, too fast, that he loses his balance from the dizziness of the poison dart. As he tries to hurriedly gather his senses he sees a silhouette that looked stout but broad in muscle.
Alexander: “You!” Alex says with as much strength as he could gather.
Narrator: He suddenly realizes that his worst nightmare has come true. Though Alex is only in his mid-thirties and quite muscular he faints from losing so much blood. As Alex faints he sees the bright shining face of his dead younger sister Penelope. Then all fades into darkness and he feels nothing but the scorching hell pulling him down into its pits of devastation. Alexander lay sprawled on the wet grass under the diamond like shining stars and blackened moon. The dark figure walks over him as if he were a log lying on the ground. He slowly and very carefully takes the knife that destroyed his father’s existence out of his coat pocket and unwraps the blood stained knife. Then with amazing speed, he stabs Alex with so much force it would likely kill a horse with one blow. As the mysterious man loses his breath and slows he hears the pleased voices of the house guests.
Narrator: Soon he thought they will not be so pleased and soon they will find out the truth about their famous host. As that last thought passed, he ran quickly through the maze he earlier memorized and headed towards the forest. As he entered the darkened, morbid forest he heard the most blood curdling scream, which sent chills down his spine. With that scream he thought, laughing I shall live in peace knowing my father was avenged. He was wrong though. About the peace in his short future, and among other things so shocking, it would terrify a person’s very soul.
Narrator: As Alex entered the maze Eloise followed Alex, who had become her father four years ago, when she was ten. She started thinking what if the child was his? What if he didn’t care for her existence anymore? What if he caught her here? Would he be angry, disappointed, sorry, or solemn? While Eloise pondered she lost track of Alex. All of the sudden she heard a silent gunshot. She started running, running to save her father. Suddenly she froze, for she had heard Alex say something in a muffled voice. After that muffled sound she heard nothing, but a thud and footsteps running. She was now a good twenty feet away from the body, when she saw a knife so long and thick it could penetrate a wall. She carefully made soft steps over to the body so no one could think she was there, in case it turned to the worst. As Eloise got closer she saw the grass gleam a dark shade of red from the blood spilled by the dead body sprawled on the ground. She was so close to the body now that she almost threw up her supper from the horrible stench that reeked of brandy and blood. It was so dark out now she had to kneel and bring her face close to the body, close to the stench, so as to get a good view of the man. Though the face was distorted she could see by the dress attire it was her father. She slowly got up as she heard the guests returning, she braced herself, and realizes she has to run. As she runs away, she hears a rustling and screams at the top of her lungs and sprints as far away as she can from her now old home.
Narrator: Two days later Cecile Forrester decided this case could wait no matter how enticing it was. Though for now she would hold onto the evidence, so as not to have trouble in the future. As she was getting up she saw something white in the victims coat pocket that looked like a note or letter. She bent down once again and retrieved the note. As she read the letter, there was a spark of interest in her eyes. The letter read:
Dear Alex
Meet me at the end of your maze.
We must talk, the child is yours.
Cecile: So someone lured the victim here, Cecile thought. Well, she thought, this case seems a shame to wait. With that she walked off to wait for another time to open the case again
Narrator: Westshire, England May 13, 1825
Cecile: “Now where is that file on the case about the mysterious death in a maze.”
Narrator: Cecile Forrester said talking to herself as she was looking through her files from two years ago. Cecile Forrester was a well known aristocrat’s daughter who forced Oxford to allow her in and took college for four years, studying chemistry, English, mathematics, and the anatomy of man. She then followed her dream and became a private investigator. Just as she was about to scream her head off because of frustration, she found the file with the evidence and what the witnesses reported.
Cecile: Well let’s see who I have to ask what happened.
Narrator: While going down the list, there was knock on the door so light it was close to a tap. Cecile was not expecting any company until supper time. So she was very curious as to who could be up at the break of dawn on a Sunday.
Artie: “Cecile open up, its Shaw.” A mans voice said in a tired tone.
Cecile: With a sigh of relief Cecile got up from being on her knees and walked over to the door with her key. After she opened the door and Artie Shaw came in she said “There are pastries on the table in the corner help yourself as you explain to me why you are here.”
Artie: “I’m here because I remembered that you said you would be investigating the case of Lord Kalimoor in two years, and that was two years earlier.” Artie said as he grabbed a cinnamon pastry from the platter. And set it on a napkin.
Cecile: “Ah, yes so you are my first suspect I must speak to. Don’t think just because we are close friends that I’ll say you didn’t do it and blame someone who really didn’t do the crime.” Cecile said in an impatient tone because she was trying to read the case and listen to Artie at the same time. “Okay let’s see, yes, alright Mr. Shaw where were you at ten o’clock on the night of April 17, 1823 when Alexander Mikhale died in his maze.”
Artie: “I was walking home after visiting my dead grandfather at the cemetery when I heard a scream on Lord Kalimoor’s estate. I thought it was Eloise so I started running towards the scream.” As Shaw was telling Cecile his alibi he barely ever looked away from Cecile and stayed extremely calm giving no indication that he was lying.
Cecile: “Do you have any witnesses prior to your being at the cemetery on that Friday night?” Cecile asked now thinking about nothing other than the case.
Artie: “No,” Artie said quite discreet that Cecile had to ask him to speak up. “No,” Artie repeated now irritated that she could not hear him.
Cecile: “Yes, that I can say is a very bad disadvantage at your sake,” she said very casual,” Would it be too much to ask if you could stay in the area until I finish the case?” Though she knew it could not be him for he was old and there was nothing that could connect him to Alex it was safer for all the suspects to stay.
Narrator: Artie made a quick small nod indicating that he understood and bade Cecile good-bye and a good day.
Narrator: Cecile was now standing in front of 243 on Third Street, home of Simon Foxmoor, cousin of Alex. Cecile suspects Simon because he was next in line to inherit the Kalimoor fortune. Though his alibi sounded solid she would like to see if the time had altered his story. As she walked up to Simon’s door she heard some yelling and banging. When suddenly a stout, robust woman bangs the door open and storms out without another word.
Simon: “Hello I’m sorry I don’t want to buy something.”
Narrator: A tall muscular man with a strong jaw line in a clean cut suit.
Cecile: “I’m sorry I’m actually investigating the death of Alexander Bennidict Simon Mikhale the former Lord of Kalimoor Park. I was wondering if it would be too much trouble for you to repeat your whereabouts and time estimate so I may continue my research.” Cecile explained to Simon in a very calm manner. That shook Simon with a sudden emotion very new to him in every way.
Simon: “Um sure please come in and have a seat in the drawing room.” Foxmoor said in a shaken voice. “So what brings you here almost two years later?”
Cecile: “I figure that if I waited the killer would realize that the case is no longer being investigated and come back to England,” Cecile said knowing that if he was the killer she blew it, “so now would you please repeat your alibi and after stay in the area.”
Simon: “Very well I was drunk and started a fight in Bill’s Bar so they kicked me out at about eleven, eleven thirty at night. Is that good enough for you,” as Cecile made a quick nod to indicate that it was he resumed speaking, “Very well would you like to speak to George the butler at the time and still butler for Kalimoor Park?”
Cecile: “Please if it would not be any trouble.”
Narrator: When she was not even finished Simon started to leave to get the butler.
George: “I was setting the table for supper so when the guests got back I could organize the servants.”
Narrator: George Rubirt told Cecile in a rather hurriedly way that caused suspicions in Cecile and Simon.
Cecile: “Very well do you have any witnesses prior to your alibi?” Cecile needed to know so as to suspect him or to put him in the back of her mind.
George: “’Fraid not miss production slows when I work with others.” He said wringing his hands with great ferocity.
Cecile: “Yes then I must ask you to please stay in the area, do not worry it is only procedure.” Cecile explained to calm him down.
Narrator: As she was finished George rushed out of the room and accidentally ran into a maid. Now sitting in the Bridgerton home Cecile is waiting for her request for a meeting with Hyacynth Bridgerton. The formal room that the older man asked her to wait in was quite small for any other estate. The room had maroon furniture that matched the cream colored walls.
Hyacynth: “Hello you must know who I am because you requested a meeting with me but I know nothing of who you are.”
Narrator: A woman’s voice came sweet and soothing.
Cecile: “Oh hello I was just admiring you taste in décor, and my name is Cecile Forrester and I’m investigating the case of the former Lord Kalimoor’s death. I understand that you were invited to his house party that took place during his killing, is this correct?” Cecile tried to stay emotionless so as not to frighten the girl.
Hyacynth: “Yes I was at my sisters home because she recently had her first child so I said sorry to Alex and went to help her with the staff if you need any witnesses you may ask my sister Daphne and her husband.” Hyacynth explained to Cecile as if knowing exactly what she was going to ask of her.
Cecile: “My, my, it seems you read my mind or you went through the very same thing not to long ago.” Cecile was surprised but quickly composed her face and went on with procedure. “So you must know that I’m going to ask you to stay in the area until the case is finished or solved.”
Hyacynth: “That’s alright I figured as much. Now will you please I have yet another meeting.”
Narrator: Though it sounded rude it was said so politely that Cecile felt she needed to go.
Cecile: “Excuse me may you please tell me were I could find Danielle Bennict?”
Narrator: Cecile asked of a woman on the street for Danielle was a prostitute.
Woman: “Sure she’s in the buildin behind ya.” The woman answered quite politely.
Cecile: “Thank you,” and Cecile walked straight into the building that was a whore house. “May I please speak to Danielle Bennict?”
Another Woman: “And you are?” The woman asked of her as she led Cecile to a room.
Cecile: “Cecile Forrester, private investigator and I would like to speak to her about Lord Kalimoor’s death.”
Woman: “Danielle,” the woman yelled into the room and a blond woman with an hourglass figure walked out.
Danielle: “Yes,” the woman asked very quietly.
Cecile: “Hi, could you please just tell me where you were at the night of Alexander’s death and if there are any witnesses prior to your alibi. Also this is procedure; please stay in the area until I’m finished with the case.”
Danielle: “Fine I was ‘with’ Simon Foxmoor and you could just ask him so yes to your last question and fine I will stay in the ‘area’.” Danielle said with much disgust for Cecile.
Narrator: Rachelle’s house of woman, Slums of London
Eloise: “Hello is your name Ben Moank?”
Narrator: A small young lady asked of Ben the very man who was hired to kill Alex.
Ben: “Yes and you may be?”
Narrator: Ben asked of the young lady who looked about sixteen or seventeen. She was wearing a beautiful rose dress with a short hem line.
Eloise: “I’m the adopted daughter of the man you killed. I ask one thing of you and that is to tell who hired you and I will make sure that you are not hanged.” She had so much emotion hanging on the very edge that she was losing control of her composure.
Ben: “Hhmmm yes I’ve actually been feeling like she deserves it because she lied to my face and said Alex killed my father.”
Eloise: “Yes that is very tragic now will you or will I have to turn you in.” Eloise asked and threatened Ben.
Ben: “No I will turn myself in just make sure they don’t hang me.”
Narrator: That was the last they both talked to each other.
Ben: “Hello Danielle I’m pretty sure you don’t want to die so listen carefully, nod if you understand.” A voice instructed Danielle.
Danielle: “Well if it isn’t Ben, I heard you went to Scotland guess that wasn’t true very well I’ll listen.”
Narrator: Danielle was scared so bad she was afraid he would kill her for lying about his father’s death, but she gave no hint of that fear.
Ben: “Always had a smart mouth. Now you will admit to hiring me to kill Alex and I won’t tell how you kill your b*****d children because you can’t find the love you wish from them.”
Danielle: “Fine I’m not in a very good mood thanks to the detective and now you. So I’ll turn myself in but so do you.”
Narrator: Danielle said truthfully giving up and deciding it would be better.
Ben: “There was a detective?” Ben asked thinking very quickly on what he should do.
Danielle: “Yes I expect she should still be nearby.”
Narrator: Danielle said now pushing Ben out the door and promising to give up the charade.
Cecile: April 22, 1825
Dear Diary I’m wish to say I solved yet another case but unfortunately the killer and acquaintance gave themselves up. Though I must admit I do not know what convinced them to reveal themselves me the first place.
Ben Moank, the killer, got convicted with forty years of prison. That I do not understand for he was the one who had killed Alex. Danielle Bennict, the acquaintance, was hung because she had killed all of her b*****d children. The knife that she used to kill her children she used to trick Ben and said that the knife was used to kill his father.
She gave him instructions on where to go after he was done and she sent Alex a note to lure him into a trap. Unfortunately she succeeded at her plan.
Though all is fine now that order is put back right and the case has been over for quite some time. I have been getting messages from Simon Foxmoor and some wild flowers. I must admit though he is very persuasive in his intentions.
The End
- by Lady Antichrist |
- Fiction
- | Submitted on 11/28/2008 |
- Skip

- Title: Shcool project
- Artist: Lady Antichrist
- Description: Hey I made this in shcool-aka school for all those nerds-as a shcool project. It's supposed to be a mystery and it's not that great because the teacher wanted it more condenced-hint more- ******** no that's not happening. So it's sort of crappy sowy.
- Date: 11/28/2008
- Tags: shcool project
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Comments (2 Comments)
- lilskiddabug - 12/14/2008
- pretty good
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- sethblake2 - 11/28/2008
- Not bad.3/5
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