The Elf & The Vampire ch 3
Chapter Three
It was early in the morning when I finally went to sleep. I had been up all night putting together Mayu's present for her. I was bursting with so much anticipation I wanted to run into the living room right then and wake her but I was too tired to do it. And Mayu might think something was wrong with me if I suddenly wake her up.
"Carlos....Carlos....wake up you sleepy head breakfast is ready. I slowly opened my eyes and looked at the clock. It was 8 am, several hours earlier then I'm use to getting up but I could hold off sleep for a little while I gave Mayu her surprise.
I got up and looked a Mayu. She was sitting on my bed cross legged looking like a little lost puppy, innocent and adorable as could be. I sat up and stretched trying to get the sleep out of my eye's. Mayu put her arms around my neck and kissed my cheek.
"Morning sleepy head." She said teasing me. I smirked at her.
"Morning beautiful how did you sleep?" She smiled at me.
"Great! I can't remember the last time I slept so well in warm cozy home like this." I was glad she was at least sleeping well.
I got up pulling Mayu with me and grabbed a key off my night stand. I handed her the key and she starred for a moment before she asked me.
"What's the key for Carlos." I smiled at her trying to contain my excitement.
"It's a surprise for you. Now close your eyes and I'll guide you to it." She closed her eyes and I pulled her out of the room into the hallway guiding her all the way to a room and stopped outside the door. I took her hand putting up to the keyhole and sliding the key in and turned the knob.
"Now keep your eyes closed now I know your going to love it." She started to laugh
"Alright Carlos I will. I'm not going to ruin the surprise for myself now.” I guided her into the room stopping just inside the doorway.
"Okay...now open them." She opened her eyes and she gasped
looking shocked and surprised. I stood next to her and wrapped my
hands around her waist resting my head on her shoulder.
"Welcome home Mayu." I whispered into her ear. I made the room look like a forest so she would feel right at home. At one end of the room was a queen size bed with a golden-brass frame and railing. On the other side of the room was a large wooden dresser with a mirror attached to the back with vines draping the border of the it. And in the closet to the left was filled to the brim with cloths for her. She walked into the center of the room still quiet as a church mouse taking in her new room. I stood there silent as well waiting for her to speak. When she didn't I did.
“So...what do you think? Before I could get an answer she fell to the floor
crying. I rushed over to her and put my arms around her.
“Mayu what's wrong?” I felt bad maybe there was something that reminded
her of a painful memory. She looked at me with tears in her eyes and smiled.
“Nothings wrong Carlos...I'm...I'm just so happy. Oh thank you Carlos!” She reached up and kissed me and put her arms around me. I felt as if my heart was going to explode inside my chest. My hold around her waist became tighter, I never wanted this moment to end.
When she finally pulled away she buried her head into my chest. I placed my face on top of her golden hair and inhaled deeply, The scent of strawberries and roses were strong. I felt as If I could lose myself completely in this moment.
“How about we go to Keystone today? I'm sure your dieing to go look for some interesting thing for your new room.”
“Really? Oh that would be great Carlos there's so many thing I could get while were there for my room...” She kept rambling on with ideas for the day so I let her. I guided her to the living room and sat down. I just sat back and listened to her ideas as she poured them onto me. I looked at the clock, It was eleven twenty-five when I finally spoke.
“Well Mayu if we are going to go I suggest we go before the day grows even later.” She looked a the clock and sprang up from her chair.
“Well what are we waiting for let's go!” I chuckled.
“Go get dressed, I'll wait til you get done." She nodded and ran to her room while I waited until she was dressed so I could. When she came out I when in and got my
pajamas off. I put on one of my favorite wool sweatshirts with a hood and griffin
symbol on it I put on a pair of old blue jeans with blue studs in it and my favorite
boots. When I came out she was waiting by the door. I sat down and put my boots on.
“Come on slow poke. We'll never get there in time if you don't hurry.” I chuckled.
“Well get there in plenty of time Mayu just stay calm She grabbed my hand
and jerked me up off the
couch and dragged us out of the house. I stopped her just outside the door .
“Wait here a moment.” I grabbed my coat and one for Mayu in case she got cold traveling through the city. I grabbed one of my Colt .45 revolvers. I didn't think I would need it but it was good to be prepared. I walked out the door and locked it.
“Let's travel my way.” I said. She looked at me puzzled.
“How are we going to do that?” She asked. I smiled at her showing
my teeth.
“I'll show you. Here put this on so you don't get cold and climb on my
back.” She put the coat and stood there for a moment. She looked nervous about
getting on at first, but after a few moments she put her arms around my
neck and I slipped my arms around her legs.
I looked back at her over my shoulder.
“You might want to close your eyes Mayu it's going to get windy.”
She nodded and tucked her head into my shoulder. I felt the power in my body
explode as I took off running, I felt the wind catch my hat. I reached up
quickly and grabbed it before it blew away. After twenty minutes we were
outside the city walls. I stopped to catch my breath,Mayu looked up and starred
in wonder.
“Wow! We got here this fast?” I chuckled at her amazement. I took her hand and guided her through the gate. The city was more like a fortress than a peaceful town. But you could find just about anything you were looking for in the market place full of merchants and traders from near and far.
“Is this your first time in the city Mayu? I asked.
She looked at me and smiled.
“No. Actually I've been in the city dozens of times. I love coming here this place never ceases to amaze me.” I smiled at her. We wandered through the crowds of people as we made our way to the market area.
“Demon!” Someone screamed from inside the crowd. Everyone
scattered and the demon appeared several yards in front of Mayu and me.
Instinct took over instantly. I grabbed Mayu and pushed her behind me. I
reached for the .45 revolver I carried. Before I could even get the pistol out
of my holster a flash of fire spewed out at the demon and devoured him
“A little slow today aren't we Carlos.” I looked to my left to see my friend Ember standing there with one hand on her hip and the other holding a sword. No matter how many times I saw her I still couldn't see how she didn't have men absolutely drooling over her. Her hair was red at the roots and yellow at the tips. A thing she called “fire kissed”. Her eyes were golden yellow and had warm glistening skin.
She put her sword away and walked closer. She brushed the sleeveless jacket she was wearing, adjusted the sunglasses so she could see better and tugged on her fox ears a bit .
“Who's the girl behind you?” She asked. I looked back and Mayu was starring over my shoulder. I pulled her around in front of me. She looked at me worried about what to say. I nodded telling her it was okay to speak.
“My name is Mayu and what's yours?” Ember smiled at her.
“It's Ember. Nice to meet you Mayu.” I remembered Jason needed me at the pub today. I had to think fast for some way to shop with Mayu and help Jason. Then an Idea popped into my head. I went over to Ember and whispered into her ear.
“Would you mind being a shopping partner for Mayu Today? I would but I just remembered that I need to help Jason down at the pub today. And I don't think I would be the right person to give advice to her on what to buy.” She giggled.
“Sure Carlos I'd be glad to be shopping partner today. Where should we go when were done?” I thought about for a moment.
“How about the pub? Jason's going to keep me busy so you girls go have fun shopping.” She tapped a lip for a moment thinking it over.
“Alright that will be perfect. How long should we be?”
“Take as long as you like until she's ready to go. And come find me when your done okay?” She winked at me and took Mayu's hand starting to lead her off.
“Where are we going?” She asked.
“Ember wants to shop with you so you can find what you want.”
I reached into my pocket and pulled out a large bag filled with gold and
silver. I handed it to Mayu. Mayu squealed with delight, she kissed me and ran along with
her to the market area. I stood there watching until they disappeared
around the corner. It was a nice little pub that made relatively good business. The owner was an old friend of mine named Jason Edwards. His dad used to run it but after he died Jason ran it like his dad did, with old family tradition. When I
got there the place was packed with people of all kinds. I walked in and
got to the front of the bar.
“Well it's about bloody time your twenty minutes late! What you do walk here?” Jason yelled. He was looking very tired and it wasn't even three o'clock yet. He ran a boney hand through his short hair and served several more drinks to some customers. I smiled at him.
“Had a demon to take care of in the market area. He's dead thanks to Ember.”
“Ho you ran into Ember how is she?” Jason always had a thing for Ember. I chuckled.
“She's doing find.” He gave me a curios look.
“Are you hiding something from me?” I smiled at him.
“All in good time bro. All in good time.”
We stayed busy with customers constantly long into the day and much of the evening. The place started to wind down for happy hour when Mayu and Ember walked in with several bags in their hands. Jason looked at me with a raised eyebrow.
“Is this what you were hiding form me? Two girls shopping for me?” He gave me a look a mother would give her kid when he or she was lying. I laughed.
“No you freaking dolt. That girl you see there is living with me.”
I said pointing at Mayu. Jason's eye's widened. He stood there for a moment scratching his head then he just looked away..
“No comment.” I chuckled. Mayu tilted her head in confusedness.
“What he mean by that?” I waved it away.
“No need to worry about it. Just a little saying between us.” I eyed
the bags the girls had in their hands and couldn't resist the chance to poke
fun at them.
“What you girls do buy the whole market out?” I said with a smile
on my face.
“Oh very funny Carlos. How about a little help with theses bags their really heavy.” I went over and picked up several of the bags for them.
“We'll keep them in the back until we leave okay.” Mayu nodded and sat down at the bar next to Ember.
“Hey Carlos. How about a few drinks for the girls?” Ember said coolly. I shook my head.
“Alright you two what would you like?” I flipped open a note pad that was in my back pocket. I took the pencil out from behind my ear and licked the tip.
“I'll have a nice pint of beer Carlos and...what do you want Mayu?”
Ember turned to Mayu waiting for an answer.
“Water would be just fine Ember. I can't stand the taste of beer. Leaves a bad taste in my mouth after a while. I nodded.
“Oy! Jason. Pint and a glass of water.”
“Gotcha.” Jason pulled out a large mug and turned the knob on the beer barrel pouring it straight in. He grabbed another one and filled it with ice and poured cold water from a pitcher and slid both of them down to me.
“Here we go. Two drinks for the lovely ladies.” The girls laughed.
They thanked me and drank deeply for there glasses. I looked at the clock and saw it was eight-thirty.
“Showtime! Showtime at the Dead Parrot!” I shouted. Everyone there cheered.
“Showtime?” Mayu asked.
“Yeah. Come on you'll love it.” Ember said. She took Mayu's hand and lead her over to a table by the stage in the back corner of the bar. I got up on the stage and turned on the mic set.
“And now filling for the vacationing music group “Three Pounds Lighter”. You know him, ya love'em the incredible Jason Edwards. The crowd erupted in excitement.
Jason walked up onto stage and waved to the crowd.
“Thank you. Thank you, thank you, and screw you! There's a guy I read about the other day. He German. I don't think we should hold that against him. But. Apparently this is his life's dream.” He pulled a mug off the stool next to him.
“He wants the whole front of every mug, tanker, and glass in bars to carry a warning labels on them.” The crowd laughed.
“Yeah! He wants the whole front of the glass to carry a warning label. Like the problem is we just haven't notice yet. And drinkers all over the world are going to be like. Yeah Bob let me get you a drink. HOLY CRAP!! This stuff is bad for you. I thought it was good man. I thought it had vitamin-C in it and stuff. You freaking dolt.”
“Doesn't matter how big the warning labels are. You could have a black mug, with a skull and crossbones on it called “Cancer” and drinkers will be lined up around the pub going I wait to get my hands on this freaking drink. I bet you get cancer as soon as you drink it.” Jason pretended to drink form the mug leaving the crowd in stitches.
"Is he always like this?" Mayu asked between laughing. I chuckled and shifted in my seat.
"You have no idea. You stick him, me, and Zero together and where unstoppable."
Suddenly the bar door busted open and several people came walking in. One in particular stood out from the rest. He was wearing a long black robe that covered his body and arms the only visible skin was his head which was liquid white and had and odd tattoo that spidered it's way all over the back of his head.
“Ester.” I growled. He was always causing trouble for everyone around town. And made everyone's lives miserable.
“Everyone having fun tonight I see.” He gave a sly grin. could tell by the way he was standing he was wasted. His eye's were completely glazed over.
Him and his gang started walking over to the bar.
“Bars closed for tonight Ester." I said coldly. He continued towards the bar without a care.
“Well then I guess we'll have to serve ourselves. One of his gang members reached across the bar to get a bottle of whiskey. I flash stepped over to the bar and held the man up by his shirt.
“ I said. The bars CLOSED!!” I let a growl rip through my throat.
I put the man down and he ran for his life. Ester looked at me with a tired face.
“It seems you scared off one of my boys.” He stepped aside for the rest of his boy to be visible. He snapped his finger and they all went for their guns. I had only a split second to react. That was all I needed. Before they could even get their guns raised they fell to the ground with kunai knifes in their backs.
“Whoops! Did I do that?” Said a voice. I looked over to the doorway and saw a young girl with silver hair and yellow eye's standing by the door.
“Hey Chacane.” She waved at me.
“Hi Carlos.” She walked in the doorway straightening her silver hair. She gave me a weary smile before she turned back to Ester and glared at him.
His eye's filled with rage.
"You never seem to miss a beat Chacane." He pulled out his sword, a large broad sword with a black metallic blade. He swung his blade at me with a flick of his wrist. I dodged the blade, spinning around while in mid-spin I pulled out my revolver and pointed it at him.
He unleashed several demons from his robes straight at me and Chacane. I fired off several shots killing two of them. With one powerful kick I sent the other one flying through one of the widows. I saw chacane kill the last two with well aimed kunai.
More demons materialized overrunning me. I suddenly felt their fangs and claws sink into my skin coming from all directions. I could hear Mayu screaming and Ester laughing. I felt the anger inside me build til it was almost uncontrollable. With a roar I slammed my fist into one of the demons sending him crashing into Ester unknowingly. With my gun hand I started spinning my revolver til it was a blur. Then one by one I shot each demon between the eyes destroying them instantly. I spun my revolver once more and holstered it. Ester got to his feet steaming mad.
“Damn you Carlos!!” He raised his hand and a black ball of fire erupted from it and flew at Chacane. A barrier appeared over her in an instant deflecting the fireball harmlessly away. I looked around for the source and saw Mayu emitting a blue light form her hand. I starred in amazement.
“An elf?!” Ester starred in shock. I grabbed him by the back of his robe and yanked him into the air.
“Now when I say the bar is closed. IT'S CLOSED!! Normally We take the trash out at the end of the night. But in your case I'm going to make and acceptation.” I moved Chacane out of the way and threw him out the door and shut it. I raised my hand and placed a invisible barrier around the pub. When I was done I looked around.
“Where is everyone?” I asked.
“Everyone left while you were taking care of Ester.” Jason said. I gave a sigh of relief.
“Well I suggest no one else leave tonight. Ester's probably still out there to attack us.” They all nodded.
“Jason I suggest you get the guest bedrooms ready.”
“Alright.” He walked up the stairs and went through the rooms getting them ready. I looked over at Mayu.
“Guess you won't get to sleep in your new bed tonight.” She smiled. "That's okay We'll try again tomorrow."
The Elf & The Vampire ch 3
shadow fire19
The continuing story of Carlos & Mayu. As Carlos and Mayu make their way through the city of Medo and meet an interesting group of people.
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