
I'm finally in grade 11, awaiting grade 12. I can't wait to get out of highschool even though I know it's probably the best time I'll ever have in my life with friends and teachers. So why not mention the good times I've had?
~ a "big" girl that sits two rows in front of me is actually bald. She shaved her head and to cover it up (which she doesn't do very well) she wears a wig/weave. Today, her wig was looking like it wanted to escape her head. It was slanted, falling to the side, and did I forget to mention.. it's a mushroom cut wig. gonk
~ in grade 9 religion, I remember me and my friend reaching for the thing that hangs over the chalkboard that you display notes on? ( i can't remember the name.. crap ) .. anyways, as I went to pull it down, doesn't it snap off the chalkboard and hit me and my friend in the face? We collapsed, the whole class was watching... and all I could do was laugh. sweatdrop
~ in grade 9 tech, I remember my teacher calling me a midget on my birthday. I snapped on him. (hes one of those messed up teachers) I told him to f**k off and that what he said was unnecessary. So, I left for the office on my own let the principal know what he said and now he works as a supply teacher (for some odd reason...) i wonder why? 3nodding
I can't remember any other moments at the moment, but there are ALOT. I'll post em up soon whenever I can