There are people in this big world like orphans, many of them hoping someone will pick them to be their loving parents the one's who will actually care about them and LOVE them. They are all woundering why their parants did not care they only had one wish, for a home. Like many of the lonley orphans in the world I was one of them. No one did care did they? I thought. BEEP There was the buzzer we had to go to tha main room to see our main leader. I feel like she wants to just wave a magic wand and zap us LONG GONE.
I wanted to run away and find the one who will make me believe that I am strong but, in this little shell I feel like i'll never ever be loved EVER. cry As it was Ms. Rodella our leader just said the usuall, Girls and boys someone have been GETTING D's! Ms. Rodella Practicly yelled. That night I gathered all of my friends which I had two, Jenna and Heather. I said I'm planning to run away wanna come? I asked. WHAT ARE YOU THINKING!!!!! They yelled. Quiet down.. I whisperd. Ok. They said. Can you please not tell because running is for my own good and maybe yours too. I said. Are you sure? Heather asked. Yea? Mimicked Jenna. Yes I am positive I feel it in my heart. I said. well I'm not sure... said heather. I'M NOT GOING I DON'T CARE!!!!! Yelled Jenna and went to change and go to sleep. ...... I'm so sorry but I just.. J..u.s....t Can't. I'm so sorry. Said heather and did the same. I felt sad but I knew I could do it. I gathered my things and went out the door carfully without anyone seeing me.
It was now getting bright outside I've be walking for hours. I never watched T.V. but I heard of Terry Fox but if this was how it almost felt like being him I was now really glad I was doing this He's doing it for a good cause and I'm doing it for my own good of being scusessful in life. I was really tired and hungrey but i knew i didn't have any food every so often I saw a river and knew that the goddess would give me clean healthy water and every so often I took a rest. I knew to live I would need to eat so I was threatened by my life I knew if I kept this up I would die I would need to do something and FAST!!!!
I was walking in a forest I knew somehow it was hunting season and saw a man. I walked up to him and said hi! He turned around and saw me and said ssssshhhhhhh! you'll scare the animals away! then I said But! I need food! I haven't eaten scien 10 days! Finally he paused. and said You poor little girlI'll take you to the cottage and eat if you try to help me deal? I'll be glad too! I said and took a gun.
When we were done he took me to the cootage and we ate. While we ate he aske me if I was a lost child trying to find my mommy and daddy? I said kinda. I'm an orphan I'm running away. I said. WHAT! I think I know were ye talkin bout are they bad to ya? he asked me. well yes and no I'm running away trying to find a goddess.... I couldn't finish. You mean Faith? he inturrupted. Who's that? I asked him. She's the goddess at the glittery pond in Salerage, Tinose her name is Faith because she brings faith to people and makes them realise how strong and brave they are. he said. WOW!! I never even knew that. I said amazed. I never even knew that and here I am running away for Faith! I thought. I realized My next destination Is FAITH!!!! Well I better be on my way thx tho. I said to him as I walked to the woodedn door of the cootage. WAIT!!! He yelled. So I stopped. Yes? I asked him. Can I come to Salerage isn't far from here I have a car! He yelled. So how could I say no. Yes you can come! I said.In no time the car had a full stop. Are we here? I asked him. Yes he said. It looks pretty old. I said. Of coarse it is it's 492 years old. he replied. Then, We hopped out of the car and I went to the pond and sat on the musty old stones. Here the man said. He handed me a stone. Through it in. he told me. As I threw the stone in the pond I said what's your name by the way? Charles he said. Look! isn't she beutiful! he cried out. Hello I'm Faith I will make you brave a strong and help you become scessuful. Faif told me. I am a lonley.... Sad orphan. she inturupped. How'd you do that?! I asked. I know everything And you would like to have a loving family the perfect one for that is Charles Grand and Emily Grand. WHAT!!! I yelled Charles! Yes It's Charles You trused him in the woods for some reason Right? asked Faith. I Guess.. I said. sweatdrop Charles came and sat beside me on the stones and felt happy I knew it was him. As I said thank you to Faith Charles and I hopped into the car and went to my new home. I met Emily. Later in the day we went to the orpanage and got me and filled the forms I FINALLY had the perfect family!!!

- Title: Running with Destination FAITH
- Artist: glowy5152
The story is about a tween girl running away from her orpanage.
Does she find hope? WILL SHE? - Date: 10/09/2008
- Tags: running with destination faith
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