The Diary Of Lucy C.K Lemony 3
It's Granny. She's in hospital. I don't know what to feel. I suppose I should be sad - but my main feeling is relief. Relief that she can't boss me or Mum around anymore. I must admit, I was shocked whe Mum said. The phone rang at breakfast. Mum went to answer it. She came back into the kitchen wiping her red-rimmed shiny eyes, her expression unreadable. "Mum?" I ask worriedly. I rush over and put my arm round her. "What's up?"
"It's Granny," Mum replies quietly. "That was the hospital. She's had a stroke." She broke down in tears. I slipped silently from the room as Rosie began screaming, Mum sobbed wildly and Callum tried to calm them both down. I went up to my room and flung myself on the bed. "What has God got against me at the moment??" I yelled. I buried my face in my pillow. I kinda lost track of time. I finally sat up - albeit very slowly - and glanced at my clock. I yelled a swear word. I was practically half an hour late for school. I gave my hair a quick tug with my brush, slung my bag over my shoulder and legged it, shouting hasty goodbyes as I left. I arrived halfway through Maths. Just my luck. My Maths teacher, Mrs Halloway, is an ultra-strict, old-fashioned old bag. She gave me a ten minute lecture on timekeeping and the importance of manners before finally letting me sit down. She pointed out my seat for me. Next to snooty rich girl Louisa Watson, nonetheless. She stuck her nose in the air and shuffled her chair right to the other side of the table. I sighed and glanced back, rolling my eyes at Casey. She grinned sympathetically. "I feel sorry for you babe," she mouthed. I smiled gratefully at her and turned to my exercise book. At break we joined up. "How's the situation at home? Decided what to do about Adrian's letter yet?" What did she have to bring that up for? "No," I muttered. I had this weird sick feeling in my stomach for the rest of the day. When I got home, I found Mum crying manically on the sofa, far worse than this morning. Callum looked tearful too. I sat down next to them and shot them a sympathetic look. "It's your gran," he said in a voice that was barely a whisper, " We went to see her at lunch. She passed away after we left." I try to cry. I really do. But I can't make the tears come to my eyes. All I can do is let out a little moan. I decide to go for walk. I don't want to be in the house anymore. The cold air batters my face. I breathe deeply and huddle tighter into my coat. I don't really watch where I'm going. "Hey!" yells a boy as I nearly walk into him. I stare after him as he stalks off. He's the most beautiful boy I've ever seen. Floppy, sandy brown hair, huge brown eyes, toned physique. It's love at first sight. I don't even know him, but I can't help myself. Oh well, I think as I walk on, whistling. It'll give me something positive to concentrate on for once. Now, what to do about Adrian's letter.....
The Diary Of Lucy C.K Lemony 3
Cola Faerie
This story will be in parts. This is part three. Thankyou for your support with the previous parts! Please keep reading!
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