One rainy day three young children were walking around the large forest surronding Pway resort academy. Swords drawen they procedded further from their academy. They wore all black and were as silent as silent could be, for these young children are spies of the Pway resort. The top of the class and the brightest young pupils of the academy. They were sent on a long mission to dispose of enemy spies along the border of the Pway village and the Smark village.
The youngest of the group is a blond haired boy named Randy, at the age of fourteen he was the wisest of the group. The middle aged spy was a black haired boy by the name of Nikki, Nikki being sixteen was the strongest of the group. Finially the oldest of the group was Jacoby, at the age of seventeen he was the sneakest.
They procedded intill Randy stopped the group.
"Up ahead, an enemy," he said as they as they ran behind trees.
" Do you think he's from Smark?" asked Jacoby. Nikki and Randy looked back and nodded. Using only hand singnals Randy directed the group. Jacoby was to sneak around. the back of the enemy spy while Nikki snuck up from the front and Randy climbed from tree to tree with a bow out. Jacoby snuck around the side slowly while Nikki worked up ahead and Randy hopped to a tree from where he was. As they all got into position they waited for Randy's signal. Jacoby jumped out from behind and grabbed him while Nikki took out the rope and bound his hands.
"Who are you?" Randy yelled waiting for an answer from the person they caught.
"Very good Randy, Nikki, Jacoby. you pass," the man said. At that instant the ropes snapped and the three children's sensei took off his mask. "What this doesn't make sense," remarked Randy.
"Very well I shall explain. You three are at the top of the class and were to show how a real mission was to be approached at," he said and pointed to a camra. "You did very well there is no such thing as a Smark. We are the only village for miles and miles and are so heavly gaurded there is no chance another village could get threw."
Nikki shook his head and they headed back to the academy. Randy looked around at the woods and couldn't belive he missed the signs.
"Looks like we have more training to do." he said looking that the things that surronded the village.
The spies of Resort Pway
Motley Freakin Crue
This is about a young group of spies for the spy school of Resort Pway. They are sent on a daring mission where many new experiances await them.
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