the day the came part two
After she was finished getind ready she went outside to catch the bus. It was warm but there was an over cast and some fog left by last night.'Another first day of school.'This was her 3rd year at Hayward High. When the bus came she said goodmorring the the driver and took one of the sets in the middle. 'Just one more year,' she thought,'and you wont have to ride the bus anymore Robyn, then you con ride around in the car moms geting ya.' as she thought this she looked out the window. When they started to pull up to the front of the school she couldn't wate to get off. Hayward High is like everyother high school wth kids hanging out by the water fountan, senors teaseing freshmen,teachers telling students to stay off the grass. The only diffrnce is that you ether have to be rich or have a scholarship to go there. Robyn has the later of the two. When the bus stoped se looked out the window one last time and then she seen someone who didn't look ike he beloged. Gray eyes as hard as granite, rough square jaw,jet black hair that was shilder length, his nose was broken once but that didn't affect the way he looked, he had a lean figure, one of a athlete.Broad sholders, tamperd waste, and long legs. She quickly looked away and as soon as the bus doors were opened she went strate for the gym. When she was inside she started looking for her friend Kristal. As soon as she found her she asked,"Do you know if we have a new kid in our grade?" Krisal was on the welcomming commity and if they did have a new kid she will know."Yep! his name is Jacob Griffen, hes from the Ukraine. Why do you ask?" Robyn knew that look when she flahed that smile of hers."No kris I don't like him I just seen him and was woundering if he was new or not. Hey iam going to go see wat classes I have this year so se you at lunch!" Turing to leave, she froze, she seen the figures again,just a glance before they disapered in the crowd. She closed her mouth and took a deep breath. This is going to be a long day.....
the day the came part two
hheres the other one! enjoy!
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