| Submitted on 10/05/2008 |
It all started when Jess Tyler was out in his Dad's green-house. He was carefully watering some exotic plants when he heard something brush past a pot. It flew down with a clash and a shadow evaporated through the slightly ajar door. Jess was scared like he'd never been before. As he swept up the pots contents nervously, a creaking noise greeted him. A girl was standing in a doorway Jess had never seen before. "Come," She breathed, staring at Jess with glazed eyes. "We need you..."Suddenly Jess was in the girls trance, and found himself getting up and walking hesitantly to the door. As soon as he walked in, Jess regretted ever doing so. The dark, stone walls were only lit up by a small, flickering candle. The girl took one of these candles and lead Jess through to a Big, Hallowed Hall. She took Jess over to a wooden chair and flung him onto it. "We want answers."she snarled, looking at Jess menacingly.
"Of what?"
"Everything.Why were you in our shrine?"
"Shrine?" Jess repeated, slightly uneasy.
"That thing you call a green-house."she growled malicously.
"Oh, I was watering some exotic plants that my Dad found growing..."
"I DON'T CARE!" She screeched,clutching Jess by throat.
"Boy," Jess thought"She's quite agressive for a little girl."
The little girl flicked a switch that turned out the lights. Jess saw a blade glinting and...luckily found his own in his jean pocket. He struck the girl first and saw a splash of silver blood. It was all over his shirt. He had no time to worry though, so he ran in pitch darkness to the door and slid out. As soon as he got out, the door disapeared and one of exotic plants did too, as a punishment. Jess was just glad to be alive.
The Door
Quite a short story about a guy who gets taken away... :shock:
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