Playful,happy,without care.Words that describe a young cub,words that describe a care free youth.I lay,beads of sweat rolling off my tired body,My chest rising,falling,rising,falling.He lay next to me,out cold from pure fatigued. His hand lay with mine,fingers knotted like our hair.My eyes become heavy,and I too drift into a peaceful slumber.I start to remember times,times when we were young,times of joy and pain.Me and the boy,rolling in the grass,laughing.
Running in fields,playing tag,catching frogs by the creek that ran though the woods.Memories of happy springs,hot summers,peaceful falls and winters full of coco.Memories of a boy,frightened,scared to go home.A father,strict,uncaring of emotions.I can remember how he would cry,hiding in his room for days,not even coming out for the ice cream truck.I see a face,and wake up,my sweat cold,and now breathing faster then before.I look over,the boy sleeping,our hands untied,his face in the pillow,him snoring softly.A tear slides down my cheek as I watch the tiger sleep.His stripes,never fading.

- Title: A Different Kind of Tiger
- Artist: csifool
- Description: This is about a person,and why their past gave them the name of Tiger.
- Date: 09/05/2009
- Tags: different kind tiger
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