"Who is this?"
"Open your eyes and you'll see."
Opening up her eyes, she was looking into the face of an angel with long wings of pearl white. She was wearing a silk dress and her face was pale but beautiful. She looked strangely familiar.
"Abby dear. How could you not recognize your own mother?"
"Mom! I knew i would see you again some day."
The angels golden hair flew down her shoulders like a cascading waterfall and a soft smell of cinnamon wafted around Abby. Her mother smiled down at her daughters face.
"Go back to sleep dear."
With that the angel began to sing a lullaby. It was Abby's favorite lullaby. her mother used to sing it all the time when she was younger. Her mothers feathery wings wrapped around her, pulling her into a hug. Abby began to fall asleep in her mothers arms. But soon the song changed to a loud screech and the room became darker than it was. the candle on Abby's bedside went out. The room was filled with a strange sense of censorship which immediatly sent chills up abby's spine. Her mother began to pull away.
"Stay in bed. Dont make a sound."
Abby did as she was told and pulled the covers up so they covered her mouth. In the corner, a black mist swirled around and a noise as loud as thunder filled the room. In the corner, a tall skinny angel with tattered black wings with spikes around them appeared. Her hair was long and black and covered half of her face. The other half was as pale as the moon and had black tattoos covering most if it. She was wearing a blck cloak with the hood down. Her fingers poked out of the long sleeves, revealing alos her long black fingernails. Her eyes, cold and black scoped out Abby's room.
"Leave. This is no place for you." Abby's mother said
"But it is indeed. I come to claim your daughter. i come to kill her." Hissed the dark angel.
"Over my dead body, Alkalis!" Screamed Abby's mother.
Alkalis smiled an evil and wicked smiled than pulled a dagger out of her pocket. But then Abby fainted and all went black......
Abby awoke in her bed. No sign of Alkalis or her mother. it was morning. The smell of eggs and toast filled her lungs.
"It was all just a strange and twisted nightmare." Abby said to herself.
But as she left her room, Dark mist began to form in the corner.
Nightmares and Angels
*read and you'll find out what its about*
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